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Flashpoints Solo


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Solo Mode

The following flashpoints are available in Solo Mode at the indicated level. All solo mode Flashpoints can now be repeated as often as you’d like per day. The Flashpoints prior to Assault on Tython are available in solo mode for the first time!


Black Talon (Level 10)

Esseles (Level 10)

Boarding Party (Level 29)

Taral V (Level 29)

The Foundry (Level 29)

Maelstrom Prison (Level 29)

Directive 7 (Level 45)

Battle of Ilum (Level 48)

The False Emperor (Level 50)

Assault on Tython (Level 53)

Korriban Incursion (Level 53)

Manaan Research Facility (Level 53)

Legacy of the Rakata (Level 53)

Blood Hunt (Level 55)

Battle of Rishi (Level 55)

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I was going to do the same thing, do the flashpoints solo so I could get caught up on the Ilum stories and beyond, but I guess you have to do Tactical for those quests. I guess you can only solo if you have done it before or something :/




Quick explanation. If you get the [Tactical] version of a Flashpoint but you want to do it solo, follow these steps:

  • Abandon the [Tactical] version of the Mission
  • Head to the physical location where you zone into that Flashpoint
  • Next to the entrance will be an NPC which will grant you the solo version

Hope that clears things up!



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Quick explanation. If you get the [Tactical] version of a Flashpoint but you want to do it solo, follow these steps:

  • Abandon the [Tactical] version of the Mission
  • Head to the physical location where you zone into that Flashpoint
  • Next to the entrance will be an NPC which will grant you the solo version

Hope that clears things up!




I did that, but when I got the solo mission from the droid and tried to enter, it said that I already had another version of that instance or something like that, even when I dropped the Empire Divided mission and tried to just do the solo flashpoint Battle of Ilum, it still said I had a different version, so I don't know what to do about that, I figured I had to complete Empire Divided with the Tactical version of Battle of Ilum first or something...

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I did that, but when I got the solo mission from the droid and tried to enter, it said that I already had another version of that instance or something like that, even when I dropped the Empire Divided mission and tried to just do the solo flashpoint Battle of Ilum, it still said I had a different version, so I don't know what to do about that, I figured I had to complete Empire Divided with the Tactical version of Battle of Ilum first or something...


Did you rest your phase?

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Did you rest your phase?


I'm not sure what you mean, I've never done the flashpoint so what would I need to rest.....o wait, if I entered on Tactical at first and then left, does that mean I have to wait before I can do solo? Even though I just entered and immediately left when I realized it was Tactical? Also, I missed the Early Access thing, would the solo only be available for these with Early Access?

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I'm not sure what you mean, I've never done the flashpoint so what would I need to rest.....o wait, if I entered on Tactical at first and then left, does that mean I have to wait before I can do solo? Even though I just entered and immediately left when I realized it was Tactical? Also, I missed the Early Access thing, would the solo only be available for these with Early Access?


R-click on your Portrait and select Reset Active Phases

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Quick explanation. If you get the [Tactical] version of a Flashpoint but you want to do it solo, follow these steps:

  • Abandon the [Tactical] version of the Mission
  • Head to the physical location where you zone into that Flashpoint
  • Next to the entrance will be an NPC which will grant you the solo version

Hope that clears things up!




I'll try that, once I can reset my current phase.

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I'm not sure what you mean, I've never done the flashpoint so what would I need to rest.....o wait, if I entered on Tactical at first and then left, does that mean I have to wait before I can do solo? Even though I just entered and immediately left when I realized it was Tactical? Also, I missed the Early Access thing, would the solo only be available for these with Early Access?


Just right click on your portrait and select the option if it is there.

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R-click on your Portrait and select Reset Active Phases


Worked like a charm! Thank you so much everyone, I didn't even think about resetting the phase.

Also, to answer a previous question on here, yes, doing it solo does scale you down, I'm in Battle of Ilum now and it's scaled me and my companion to 50, but you do get your super robot so I don't why that should matter much.

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Quick explanation. If you get the [Tactical] version of a Flashpoint but you want to do it solo, follow these steps:

  • Abandon the [Tactical] version of the Mission
  • Head to the physical location where you zone into that Flashpoint
  • Next to the entrance will be an NPC which will grant you the solo version

Hope that clears things up!



Works! Thank you!

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Quick explanation. If you get the [Tactical] version of a Flashpoint but you want to do it solo, follow these steps:

  • Abandon the [Tactical] version of the Mission
  • Head to the physical location where you zone into that Flashpoint
  • Next to the entrance will be an NPC which will grant you the solo version

Hope that clears things up!




Nice idea - but it seems that to move forward in the story line you cannot do it solo mode without abandoning the storyline. In other words, you are forced to do the Tactical. :mad:

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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Nice idea - but it seems that to move forward in the story line you cannot do it solo mode without abandoning the storyline. In other words, you are forced to do the Tactical. :mad:

No, it works, you can abandon the tactical, pick up the fp as solo from the npc. After finishing the fp you get a new quest to talk with the moffs and dark council members again and after handling the second fp with the same procedure you get the final conversation.

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Am I misunderstanding something? Does the 'solo mode' only apply to story FPs? So in my case where I just tried to solo Mandalorian Raiders as a level 41, it will no longer be possible? I could only seem to get the "Tactical" version - no NPC in the dropship bay. I was raised to level 65, as were all the "baddies", and kept getting group 'Ganked'


Previously, on other characters, over-level certainly, I was able to do it for the experience / completion factor.


Would appreciate any clarification please.

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Am I misunderstanding something? Does the 'solo mode' only apply to story FPs? So in my case where I just tried to solo Mandalorian Raiders as a level 41, it will no longer be possible? I could only seem to get the "Tactical" version - no NPC in the dropship bay. I was raised to level 65, as were all the "baddies", and kept getting group 'Ganked'


Previously, on other characters, over-level certainly, I was able to do it for the experience / completion factor.


Would appreciate any clarification please.


There's a list of which FP's they added solo modes to in the 4.0 patch notes, I'm not sure of the exact ones that have solo mode now as I only looked for the ones I needed to progress my story to 60+, but they added a lot of them. I suggest taking a look to see if the Mando one is listed. If it is listed, then you need to go to whichever NPC you get the actual FP mission from, they usually stand near the FP entrance, abandon the tactical version and r click your portrait to rest the phase, the talk to that NPC again and choose the solo version.

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so i was waiting to get access to SoR and now that i have i went straight into directive 7, as people told me id be fine with companion. well, i was not. so now ikm trying to somehow enter that thing in solo mode, but i cant seem to do it. if i reset my phase the droid outside the FP starting point still wouldnt talk, so i abandoned the quest and hoped i could then go in and talk to the moff again, but no. the quest marker points to the moff but his phase is red and the FP phase is still accessible. even abandoning the whole 'prelude' quest and picking it back up from the droid that originally showed you the transmission didnt change that. the FP phase remains accessible (but only in normal mode) and the phase with the moff remains red and unavailable.


no idea what to do now. group finder isnt working (as always) and i cant solo the thing in normal mode. now i cant even reset my phase anymore, it keeps saying it was reset too recently oO




update: ok, it has now worked after countless attempts. after i entered the FP through group finder queue, and failing hard (because 2 of the group members were at lvl 17 and 25 respecively :D) i was then able to make the FP phase unavailable again by abandoning every SoR-related quest and picking it back up from the droid on vaiken spaceport. the phase with the moff remained unaccessible, but the droid infront of the FP finally talked and i could enter solo mode.

Edited by erbgorre
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Bioware needs to give serious consideration to a further revamp of the Flashpoints and conquest. They have taken a game that a majority enjoy and either dumbed some parts down to nothing (I am looking at you Bounty Week) or mandated group activity to make any progress (ANY non-story line FP, conquest individual goal). It is rather a dick move to make a majority of the old content require groups, while leaving the new content as solo. Furthermore, it is all well and good to remove most of the crafting aspect of conquest, but to make nearly every FP worth doing into a tactical is BS.
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