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Iresso romance not acknowledged


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Just wanted to share my hope with you: SoR Intro: No Romances Acknowledged ( Imperial Classes ONLY ) - bug fixed!!!


There was a similar bug in SOR and they fixed it. Ok, it took long, but they finally did it and that gives me hope and maybe some of you too. That doesn't mean we should stop telling them, that there is a bug, because if we stop, they will forget about it or start thinking, that it doesn't bother us anymore.

And hopefully all your descriptions in which cases it occurs and in which cases it doesn't, may help them find the cause for the bug.

So I want to thank OP and everyone else who took their time posting and will continue strongly wishing and hoping for a fix.


Yes, need to keep bumping and updating this thread. Unlike the SoR bug, there's a finite timeline for them to fix this. Once they put our romance companions into the KotFE story (could be as early as Jan.) and they greet our characters without the proper flag, it's game over.

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Yes, need to keep bumping and updating this thread. Unlike the SoR bug, there's a finite timeline for them to fix this. Once they put our romance companions into the KotFE story (could be as early as Jan.) and they greet our characters without the proper flag, it's game over.


Agreed! Here I am sitting on most of my top lvl characters for fear of messing up their stories with the game in its current state. I hope they fix it sooner rather than later.

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Just thought of a new theory----


WHEN was your romance completed in relation to- SoR/Class story/etc? I wonder if maybe not how the flag is set, or even when it was set in terms of real world time, but rather, the order?


Did you finish your class story, and then seal the romance with marriage or what not? Maybe you finished your class story, skipped Shadow of Revan to instead jump right in to KotFE?


In short-


Did you complete Class > Forged Alliances/Shadow of Revan (SoR being the most important, I think) > KotFE? Those are the only pieces of content with any romance flags, so theoretically, it would be something there.


For instance, I completed the romance with Kaliyo on my agent before I finished the agent's storyline, then skipped Makeb on him, went through the Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan, then moved on to KotFE, and there was no bug for him.


Anyone else able to respond, might be worth looking for a pattern. Also food for thought, perhaps, if it does have to do with content playthrough order, the new Conversations-progression link may jumble something.

Edited by Nathan_Cousland
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e romance with Kaliyo on my agent before I finished the agent's storyline, then skipped Makeb on him, went through the Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan, then moved on to KotFE, and there was no bug for him.


My bugged Sage partially completed Makeb, then did FA, SoR, Ziost, finished Makeb, and then went on to KotFE.

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Just thought of a new theory----


WHEN was your romance completed in relation to- SoR/Class story/etc? I wonder if maybe not how the flag is set, or even when it was set in terms of real world time, but rather, the order?


Did you finish your class story, and then seal the romance with marriage or what not? Maybe you finished your class story, skipped Shadow of Revan to instead jump right in to KotFE?


In short-


Did you complete Class > Forged Alliances/Shadow of Revan (SoR being the most important, I think) > KotFE? Those are the only pieces of content with any romance flags, so theoretically, it would be something there.


For instance, I completed the romance with Kaliyo on my agent before I finished the agent's storyline, then skipped Makeb on him, went through the Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan, then moved on to KotFE, and there was no bug for him.


Anyone else able to respond, might be worth looking for a pattern. Also food for thought, perhaps, if it does have to do with content playthrough order, the new Conversations-progression link may jumble something.


I finished my class story arc and romance with Iresso long before there was any new content. It was just the vanilla game. So since it's been years ago, I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure I finished the romance with Iresso before I finished my class story arc.


When new content came out I did it, in order and completed it all. So it would be class story>RotHC>Oricon>Forged Alliances>SoR>KotFE. (I hope I got the order right, lol).

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I wonder if it has something to do about the way we launch KotFE? Perhaps it has to do with spacebarring at the wrong time, some sort of server interruption during a crucial moment, perhaps the gear we have on at the time, or- guh, who knows... But we now know, based on your post, that it is not just old romances.


When did you create your character?


The character is fairly old. Not sure of the exact creation date, but he has a title from the Chevin event, so at least that long.


As far as the order goes, I did class story --> Makeb --> SOR --> Ziost --> finished the last two Raina conversations --> KOTFE. Haven't space barred through anything. KOTFE play-through was otherwise free of bugs.


Given that the person above me finished all romance convo's in the early game and was also still bugged, I'm not sure order has anything to do with it. :confused:


So far I can't see much common ground between anyone who's bugged, except for the possibility that older characters seem more likely to be affected. How odd.

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ALL companion romances are FUBAR'd due to the reclassification of certain companions as "followers" instead of "companions" The geniuses at Bioware only made the change to some of the game systems, hence you can't equip the Empire ship droid with a skin (they fixed R side); you can't romance your companion (try offering a courting gift to another companion, you'll see .. e.g, sith inquisitor love interest Andronikas does not respond to courting gifts but Talos Drelik does...)


Also screwed up are companions as stronghold decorations, neither ship bot nor Treek is currently available.


All because they failed to make this change all the way down the line... *sigh*

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ALL companion romances are FUBAR'd due to the reclassification of certain companions as "followers" instead of "companions" The geniuses at Bioware only made the change to some of the game systems, hence you can't equip the Empire ship droid with a skin (they fixed R side); you can't romance your companion (try offering a courting gift to another companion, you'll see .. e.g, sith inquisitor love interest Andronikas does not respond to courting gifts but Talos Drelik does...)


Also screwed up are companions as stronghold decorations, neither ship bot nor Treek is currently available.


All because they failed to make this change all the way down the line... *sigh*


That can't be the issue. It's too universal and seemingly random why some would have the bug, and others wouldn't, for it to be a straightline issue with the companions, themselves. Granted, that is just my thinking on the situation.


Still, not saying they clearly did all the research and product testing....

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Got this bug with my Sith Assassin. There were really only a couple things I did differently from the earlier 2 characters I did this with that weren't bugged. I told my companion to stay and defend Marr's ship, I knelt before Valkorion, and I actually left KOTFE and went to my Stronghold at one point. One of these is probably the trigger since everything else was identical.
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Got this bug with my Sith Assassin. There were really only a couple things I did differently from the earlier 2 characters I did this with that weren't bugged. I told my companion to stay and defend Marr's ship, I knelt before Valkorion, and I actually left KOTFE and went to my Stronghold at one point. One of these is probably the trigger since everything else was identical.


Did none of those on my sage.

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Did none of those on my sage.


Hmm, that's interesting. That seems to imply there is no choice in KOTFE that triggers it so it must be something from earlier. Except that can't be either because I know my assassin made the same choices as my marauder and my marauder's romance registered just fine. So, I guess maybe it's just random?

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Hmm, that's interesting. That seems to imply there is no choice in KOTFE that triggers it so it must be something from earlier. Except that can't be either because I know my assassin made the same choices as my marauder and my marauder's romance registered just fine. So, I guess maybe it's just random?


I cannot believe that it is just random. I feel there has to be a cause, somewhere. Or maybe it is just a multiple source type of problem, but not A and B, it causes issues, where someone can have a different combination and still have the bug.


This book is kind of like women in my experience, the only thing they have in common is that they have nothing in common.

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I cannot believe that it is just random. I feel there has to be a cause, somewhere. Or maybe it is just a multiple source type of problem, but not A and B, it causes issues, where someone can have a different combination and still have the bug.


This book is kind of like women in my experience, the only thing they have in common is that they have nothing in common.


The cause could be errors in the database that contains data on which characters have active romances. Such errors can be random.

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The cause could be errors in the database that contains data on which characters have active romances. Such errors can be random.


If you say. I'm not being argumentative or dismissive, and I don't truly know game design or computer code, but my understanding of 0s and 1s is that something has to cause the issue.

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Just thought of a new theory----


WHEN was your romance completed in relation to- SoR/Class story/etc? I wonder if maybe not how the flag is set, or even when it was set in terms of real world time, but rather, the order?


Did you finish your class story, and then seal the romance with marriage or what not? Maybe you finished your class story, skipped Shadow of Revan to instead jump right in to KotFE?


My Sentinels romance with Doc is bugged and I didn't even get to finish it. My Sentinel has not yet completed her original class story, I took a long break from the game just after the Hutt Cartel expansion released and just came back so she has not completed or even started any of the SoR or KotFE content yet. The marriage conversation which should have been available to complete is no longer available to her and Doc responds impersonally to her when I click on him while on the ship or off.


My lvl 24 smugglers interactions with Corso seem to be functioning just fine however as he currently wishes to speak with her on the ship but I don't recall if she had been flirting with him or not, most likely she has. I haven't logged into my male Consular or Trooper but neither of them has met their female companion yet so no potential romance for them so far. I'm going to put my Sentinel on hold for now and continue playing my smuggler, I'll have to wait and see if the flirt option comes up in future conversations with Corso and how he reacts to her.


I don't think it matters if you've played the new content or not. There has to be an issue somewhere that was introduced by an update that is causing this, perhaps something that caused the coding of a companion to not update properly or completely - an inconsistency between the client and servers? Maybe the companions need a hard reset to force the coding to update correctly. Is there data on the companions or characters that is stored on our side that we can delete to force the game to re-download the file and see if it fixes it? I know that, because of my download speed limits (it's just that part of my internet that sucks lol) it took me a week to update all the new files from the missed patches and expansions and at various points I had to cancel the patching and resume it later; and like 10 minutes after logging in on my Sentinel once the patch was finally complete the power got knocked out by Hurricane Patricia related weather (I'm in Louisiana), unfortunately I do not know if the Doc romance was bugged at that point, perhaps some data got saved wrong due to the sudden interruption.


I'm just kind of throwing some thoughts out there and I'm probably way off base but I'm going to keep throwing out some thoughts, I'm trying to think of any possible factor that others haven't mentioned and respond to some that have been. There's got to be a common denominator though of course if it's server side we'll not be able to determine it most likely.


I don't know if my characters server got merged with another server, I almost never look at the server selection screen and I don't recall the name of the server I was playing on but I have never transferred my characters. I did copy my Sentinel though for the test server and only my Sentinel (which so far is the only character I've identified as bugged) prior to my break from the game.


Well I was going to try the test server to see if my copied sentinel was still there but the server is unavailable.

Edited by Faylana
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My Sentinels romance with Doc is bugged and I didn't even get to finish it. My Sentinel has not yet completed her original class story, I took a long break from the game just after the Hutt Cartel expansion released and just came back so she has not completed or even started any of the SoR or KotFE content yet. The marriage conversation which should have been available to complete is no longer available to her and Doc responds impersonally to her when I click on him while on the ship or off.


My lvl 24 smugglers interactions with Corso seem to be functioning just fine however as he currently wishes to speak with her on the ship but I don't recall if she had been flirting with him or not, most likely she has. I haven't logged into my male Consular or Trooper but neither of them has met their female companion yet so no potential romance for them so far. I'm going to put my Sentinel on hold for now and continue playing my smuggler, I'll have to wait and see if the flirt option comes up in future conversations with Corso and how he reacts to her.


I don't think it matters if you've played the new content or not. There has to be an issue somewhere that was introduced by an update that is causing this, perhaps something that caused the coding of a companion to not update properly or completely - an inconsistency between the client and servers? Maybe the companions need a hard reset to force the coding to update correctly. Is there data on the companions or characters that is stored on our side that we can delete to force the game to re-download the file and see if it fixes it? I know that, because of my download speed limits (it's just that part of my internet that sucks lol) it took me a week to update all the new files from the missed patches and expansions and at various points I had to cancel the patching and resume it later; and like 10 minutes after logging in on my Sentinel once the patch was finally complete the power got knocked out by Hurricane Patricia related weather (I'm in Louisiana), unfortunately I do not know if the Doc romance was bugged at that point, perhaps some data got saved wrong due to the sudden interruption.


I'm just kind of throwing some thoughts out there and I'm probably way off base but I'm going to keep throwing out some thoughts, I'm trying to think of any possible factor that others haven't mentioned and respond to some that have been. There's got to be a common denominator though of course if it's server side we'll not be able to determine it most likely.


I don't know if my characters server got merged with another server, I almost never look at the server selection screen and I don't recall the name of the server I was playing on but I have never transferred my characters. I did copy my Sentinel though for the test server and only my Sentinel (which so far is the only character I've identified as bugged) prior to my break from the game.


Well I was going to try the test server to see if my copied sentinel was still there but the server is unavailable.


Pretty sure all decisions get flagged on their end.

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Pretty sure all decisions get flagged on their end.


They do. That's what I was saying earlier. If something screwed up their database, that could be what's causing this. In fact, it's quite probable that's the problem since the characters affected don't seem to have anything in common.

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Again, that seems to be a separate issue. Have you advanced to chapter 2 of KotFE already? If you have not, then there is no way to be sure.


No. I'm too chicken to try. "Where choices matter" Chapters, and, well, it's an MMO. I can't just do I what I do for single player games = download the, say, Morrowind Code Patch mod and the like and fix the Morrowind issues myself.


And, well, I really didn't want to, say, go through chapters 1-9... lose the gifts / romance / roleplay aspect, only to have a non-retroactive patch fix things, but not for me.


So yeah, you're right... no way to be sure...

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I swear, right here and now, that if I read in the patch notes tomorrow that they fixed this, I will buy $200 in Cartel Coins. As much as I complain, I still have faith, Bioware. Don't let us romantics down!

Same here man. IMO you're not complaining, this is a major bug :)

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