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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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Then, this afternoon I was playing my Trooper in Anchorhead and I encountered the player who snagged my intended Legacy Name on my server. It's not a Star Wars name, or a name from another game, or a movie, or anything you might normally encounter. But it's one I used on my characters in KotOR I in 2004 and one I'd been planning to use now. I felt that it was probably safe to NOT rush to the end of Chapter One, that my name would *probably* still be there, that it would be okay to group with my guildies and enjoy the story as I leveled. I was wrong. I gambled and lost.


So now, the surname system that I disliked because it would only let a couple of my characters have surnames is utterly useless to me. None of my characters have last names.


Yeah, this is basically what happened to me too. And the worst thing is there's no way to guard against it.

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Can't you choose to not display the Legacy name somewhere in the options?


If it's not displayed then why would the Legacy name matter? Correct me if I'm wrong.


You can hide, or you can use it as last name or you can have it as "the [name] Legacy". The last option shows below your characters name, above possible guild name. This is how I use it and not as last name since having multiple species with same last name does not work for me.


Some just use their mains name there so everyone knows that it's that characters alt.


It's fine as it is in my opinion. People just confuse it being *only* characters last name which it is not. And maybe not even meant to be.


Of course *paid* name change would be nice to have.

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First off you didn't have to rush out and create a legacy name as soon as it was unlocked.


Secondly, amazing that there was one permanent decision left in the game after sillyness just like this got companion deaths and other viable decisions removed from the game.


Bioware please do not change this. I want to be able to identify those folks I party with that are not up to par on every character they play.


I think this is the real issue, certain people want to act a certain way on their sith character then switch to their republic character and try to be all nice to the same people. I prefer being able to see you coming on any character you role.


I for one will say I put a lot of thought into what I was doing and my surname is not only unique but will work on any toon I roll.

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Yeah, complete agreement here. Surnames should be changeable and non-unique. I love this game, but the implemenation of the Legacy system is, to be blunt, stupid. Names are important. They have meaning. Not being able to get the character name you want is one thing; that's something you know from the beginning, and can accommodate accordingly. But what do you do when you get to level 30-ish and then discover that the surname you want is taken? Well, your options are basically a) pick something else and live with it, or b) recreate the character on another server and hope that the name you want is available, and still will be when you get to the point of claiming it. That's the position I'm in now, and it's utterly maddening.


+5. Truth. All of it.

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only one of your characters can be logged into the game at once.


whichever character you are on at the time, it is the only one that exists. just don't think about the connection to the other guys.



besides, its a Role Playing Game, not a Role(s) Playing Game. Altohoism is a serious problem.


Is this some kind of a sick joke?


Bioware wants us to roll alts. Hell, that was one of the primary intents of the emphasis on story -- that we'd spend a good deal of time creating other characters.


Perhaps alt-o-haulism is an issue for powergamers and burnouts who desire to only fight alongside the best-of-the-best geared and statted characters at all time, but this isn't that kind of game, and never will be.

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I think the whole single surname idea for the Legacy system should be scrapped entirely. It doesn't make sens if you play both factions, much less different races on the same faction. Make a surname option unlockable, but limiting us to a single one is just a waste.


well it does in a way whose to say your lon glost great great grandfatehr wasy not a sith or that your aunt married someone of a different race

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You might as well just force people to use their real names for the legacy. That's about the only thing that has an actual attachment to every single one of your characters.


(Not that I want my name on there :p )


I personally plan to never fill out that popup box and to let it annoy me until my 30 days are up.

Edited by EwokLuvr
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Not that I'm arguing here cause I feel you should be able to change it, BUT the legacy system is designed so that people, no matter what toon your on, know of/about you...Whatever you want for a back story is fine...get creative with it...but I see why they did it the way they did...Its to show your "not your characters" legacy in my eyes...About the personal player..


P.S: I like it the way it is...I like the fact that I can have a evil empire character and on the other hand his goody 2 shoes republic cousin or something...but thats just me


If that was the intent, then there shouldn't be any way to hide the legacy name. The simple ability to hide the name flat out destroys your case.

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I'd love to know what was really behind this decision, as I have a hard time believing it was about just making it easy to recognize people you know playing different characters.


Four words:


Lazy, last minute programming.


That's really the only reason for it. There was a big push to get surnames implemented, Bioware caught on in the eleventh hour, and we got this botch-job of a system.

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What an annoying turn of events. We lament a change in beta, they say "we're just testing it" and then it rolls over to live for everyone to gripe about it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but the way legacy names are handled is just bone-headed.


Make them non-unique, changeable for a fee, and keep the hide/show feature.

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First off you didn't have to rush out and create a legacy name as soon as it was unlocked.


Secondly, amazing that there was one permanent decision left in the game after sillyness just like this got companion deaths and other viable decisions removed from the game.


Bioware please do not change this. I want to be able to identify those folks I party with that are not up to par on every character they play.


I think this is the real issue, certain people want to act a certain way on their sith character then switch to their republic character and try to be all nice to the same people. I prefer being able to see you coming on any character you role.


I for one will say I put a lot of thought into what I was doing and my surname is not only unique but will work on any toon I roll.


Yeah, you're right... they should definitely leave this system in the game. :rolleyes: I mean, hey, all the hardcore players are pissed about no companion death, so let's punch everyone who gives a damn about surnames right in the jaw because you're still stewing about a decision that was made over a year ago. Right? Right? That's, you know, totally logical.


Names don't affect anyone but their owner, not withstanding situations where they are offensive. My desire or ability to change my name once or a thousand times should be nobody's business but my own.


I'll also add: you have absolutely no right to know who my alts are. The minute legacy names are forced to be displayed is the minute I and thousands of other players quit the game.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I'm not going to disagree with the idea of legacy names being seperate from surnames, but... you're probably not trying hard enough at being creative if you think all the good ones are already taken. You aren't everyone else, you've encountered things that the few thousand other people on your server haven't.


"Hmmph, I didn't know Greenberg was a Jedi name..."

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Yeah, you're right... they should definitely leave this system in the game. :rolleyes: I mean, hey, all the hardcore players are pissed about no companion death, so let's punch everyone who gives a damn about surnames right in the jaw because you're still stewing about a decision that was made over a year ago. Right? Right? That's, you know, totally logical.


Names don't affect anyone but their owner, not withstanding situations where they are offensive. My desire or ability to change my name once or a thousand times should be nobody's business but my own.


I'll also add: you have absolutely no right to know who my alts are. The minute legacy names are forced to be displayed is the minute I and thousands of other players quit the game.


so by your own logic


you made a mistake it only affects you so dont blame the game and like bioware dont expect us to care

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Is this some kind of a sick joke?


Bioware wants us to roll alts. Hell, that was one of the primary intents of the emphasis on story -- that we'd spend a good deal of time creating other characters.


Perhaps alt-o-haulism is an issue for powergamers and burnouts who desire to only fight alongside the best-of-the-best geared and statted characters at all time, but this isn't that kind of game, and never will be.


thank god

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The Beauty of legacy names is, if your a jerk with 1 character, you cant hide on another.


Its a good concept. Dont like what you made of yourself? Too bad.


Can't they just select "Hide Legacy" title from the options menu?

How would you know then?

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so by your own logic


you made a mistake it only affects you so dont blame the game and like bioware dont expect us to care


I do blame the game, because:


A) Other games don't feature such an ***-backwards surname system.


B) Other games allow you to rectify minor mistakes either through free or paid services.


I don't really care if you care about my problems -- although I am clearly not the only person in this boat. I do expect Bioware to care, not only because I am paying them, but because my satisfaction represents literally hundreds of dollars of future investment over the coming years, and because I am offering to pay them even more to get this changed.


Your compassion or lack thereof? Sorry, brah, doesn't matter to me.

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Can't they just select "Hide Legacy" title from the options menu?

How would you know then?


The funny thing about logic, is that the concept only works if your own mind can appreciate it. Clearly, the fact that the 'hide legacy' button destroys their 'identification' argument is way, way over the heads of a lot of people.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I like the system it makes all the characters I play linked some way and makes me easy to recognise no mater what character or side I play.


If I changed my legacy name, it would change across all my characters.


How exactly would this affect you?


Please explain.

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I do blame the game, because:


A) Other games don't feature such an ***-backwards surname system.


B) Other games allow you to rectify minor mistakes either through free or paid services.


I don't really care if you care about my problems -- although I am clearly not the only person in this boat. I do expect Bioware to care, not only because I am paying them, but because my satisfaction represents literally hundreds of dollars of future investment over the coming years, and because I am offering to pay them even more to get this changed.


Your compassion or lack thereof? Sorry, brah, doesn't matter to me.





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Surname is a bonus, not an all encompassing feature of the game. You don't need a surname. My main character's "game name" IS her surname... the surname I chose with the Legacy system is the one I wanted for other characters. The reason this works is because my character would never be known by her first name, ever... she's too professional for that. Hell, nobody even knows her by her LAST name either, she's simply Cipher, or Agent.


I'm sorry if you're forced to choose a name either for your Sith character(s) or your Jedi character(s), but maybe its just you're too attached to the idea of a surname being a primary feature of the game.


Use my trick if it helps you. I hope it does. Example:


Your Jedi name uses your surname, so he is "Luke" "Skywalker", or with a title, "Master" "Luke" "Skywalker"


Your Sith uses his surname as his in game name, so he is "Vader", with title, "Darth" "Vader"


An alternate Sith name, "Lord" "Skywalker", first name of Anakin, but that is not shown (obvously).


You see? You don't need the surname on the second character.

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