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@Bioware, there's still time to remedy Early Access...


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So I went to that link, and the third line down the page, right on top of the list of rewards is:




Followed by a list of dates and rewards.


Also, if you would follow that asterisk all the way down to the bottom of the page you would have seen this:


To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015, seven (7) days prior to live launch on October 27, 2015.


In nice, clear English.


Frankly, anyone that sees an asterisk and doesn't go looking for more information deserves whatever they get. To those who are bugged out of early access, I hope they fix it quickly, and compensate you fairly. To everyone else who wasn't subscribed on the right dates, who didn't bother to follow the asterisk, or for that matter even look at the forums and the dozens of threads of people asking if they qualify and having the T&C quoted and linked to, you don't get in. PERIOD. See you next Tuesday.


This is in page 5 and literally everyone actually IGNORED IT?


Can you people please read before you post? Seriously to me it looks like people just check the rewards and don't bother check everything else.


For example not bothering to check TERMS&CONDITIONS (Which is mostly at the end of the page). Which YOU SHOULD have read them....


If anyone is to blame that you didn't get access to Early Access is you alone(w/e is reading this) and not Biowares or anybody elses fault. If you couldn't make it in time and sub for one of the rewards I understand that, if you did qualify for all the rewards and have no Early Access the its Biowares Fault.

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I am a digital hoarder, and as such I have every email I've ever received.


No email after 8/10 mentions early access.


I'm not gonna bother running through my trash bin looking for old emails. It doesn't natter. The fact is, many paying customers are not happy. That's all that's matters. it's on BW to make them happy. I don't care what you think at all. I mean, why are you even here wasting your time defending them? You should be in-game enjoying your early rewards.


Like I've said before, before this surge of return subs this game was circling the drain. So if BW is gonna treat it's returning subs like this, then **** you and their game.


It's it entitlement? Damn right it is. Look, you've been here all along. BW doesn't give a rats *** about you. You are already an addict. They want - no - NEED new blood. And pissing a lot of the new blood off from the start ain't the way to get it. But obviously, you disagree with me. So time will tell.

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I'm not gonna bother running through my trash bin looking for old emails. It doesn't natter. The fact is, many paying customers are not happy. That's all that's matters. it's on BW to make them happy. I don't care what you think at all. I mean, why are you even here wasting your time defending them? You should be in-game enjoying your early rewards.


Like I've said before, before this surge of return subs this game was circling the drain. So if BW is gonna treat it's returning subs like this, then **** you and their game.


It's it entitlement? Damn right it is. Look, you've been here all along. BW doesn't give a rats *** about you. You are already an addict. They want - no - NEED new blood. And pissing a lot of the new blood off from the start ain't the way to get it. But obviously, you disagree with me. So time will tell.


Pretty sure the actual loss of revenue from the handfull of people complaining about not getting early access won't compare to the number of refund requests for 3 months of sub they will get if they remove that requirement from having early access. Many players would not have remained subbed if not for the early access and other sub rewards during that time period. And even if they would have, they will still request a refund.

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Pretty sure the actual loss of revenue from the handfull of people complaining about not getting early access won't compare to the number of refund requests for 3 months of sub they will get if they remove that requirement from having early access. Many players would not have remained subbed if not for the early access and other sub rewards during that time period. And even if they would have, they will still request a refund.


I"m really not on the side of the complaining on not getting early access - but anyone who would quit due to them giving the access to others, wasn't going to stick around anyways.


When others get access to content should have nothing to do with one's decision to stay subbed or not. The game, content, people you enjoy playing with are the factors that should determine that (as well as financial situation if it applies)

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Pretty sure the actual loss of revenue from the handfull of people complaining about not getting early access won't compare to the number of refund requests for 3 months of sub they will get if they remove that requirement from having early access. Many players would not have remained subbed if not for the early access and other sub rewards during that time period. And even if they would have, they will still request a refund.


Then we can stop arguing. Time will tell. Just remember, when you are whining cause the PVP queue times are too slow; or you can't find anyone to run ops with; remember this thread. And your actions which help chase people away.


I'm out.

Edited by cagthehack
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Pretty sure the actual loss of revenue from the handfull of people complaining about not getting early access won't compare to the number of refund requests for 3 months of sub they will get if they remove that requirement from having early access. Many players would not have remained subbed if not for the early access and other sub rewards during that time period. And even if they would have, they will still request a refund.


You have a very valid point here and one I admit I hadn't considered.

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Pretty sure the actual loss of revenue from the handfull of people complaining about not getting early access won't compare to the number of refund requests for 3 months of sub they will get if they remove that requirement from having early access. Many players would not have remained subbed if not for the early access and other sub rewards during that time period. And even if they would have, they will still request a refund.


LOL they're not going to give refunds to early access people in the unlikely event they cave on it. People still got their early access. Note: I'm not saying they should cave (they shouldn't), but that's the worst argument I've seen.

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Wow... just wow. Given the complete and utter lack of any empathy from this community, even if I didn't feel like EA was misleading, I wouldn't want to stick around. Apparently you're all super geniuses who read and digest every. single. bit. of. data. Yes, it was our fault for not reading everything, but it was also EA/Bioware's fault for not being up front about things and letting us think we could still Choose (a present tense verb) to get early access past August 10th (the 15th in my case).


Hell, I was even planning to play the story and see how it went before cancelling my sub, but thanks to all the haters in this thread I'm not even going that far. I'm sure you're all glad to see me go anyway... after all, can't let the scrubs play with our super elite early access having, information reading selves. Enjoy your toxic selves and your toxic EA overlords.


(Why did I bother even writing this, I don't even know myself. But to call the people trying to inform EA/Bioware of a misleading advertising campaign entitled when all most of you do is spew the most elitist, entitled drivel I've ever seen... you're worse than LoL players)

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I"m really not on the side of the complaining on not getting early access - but anyone who would quit due to them giving the access to others, wasn't going to stick around anyways.


When others get access to content should have nothing to do with one's decision to stay subbed or not. The game, content, people you enjoy playing with are the factors that should determine that (as well as financial situation if it applies)


It's not about quitting. But if you tell me that I have to pay you for 3 months in order to gain early access, then give it to people who don't pay for the three months, I'm going to ask for my 3 months of payment back. It's not logical to force someone who complied with the request to continue to meet the expectations.

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Wow... just wow. Given the complete and utter lack of any empathy from this community, even if I didn't feel like EA was misleading, I wouldn't want to stick around. Apparently you're all super geniuses who read and digest every. single. bit. of. data. Yes, it was our fault for not reading everything, but it was also EA/Bioware's fault for not being up front about things and letting us think we could still Choose (a present tense verb) to get early access past August 10th (the 15th in my case).


Hell, I was even planning to play the story and see how it went before cancelling my sub, but thanks to all the haters in this thread I'm not even going that far. I'm sure you're all glad to see me go anyway... after all, can't let the scrubs play with our super elite early access having, information reading selves. Enjoy your toxic selves and your toxic EA overlords.


(Why did I bother even writing this, I don't even know myself. But to call the people trying to inform EA/Bioware of a misleading advertising campaign entitled when all most of you do is spew the most elitist, entitled drivel I've ever seen... you're worse than LoL players)






I save my empathy for people who have suffered actual tragedies, not people crying over a week of early access that they failed to meet the requirements to get.


I didn't get EA either, but I realized I wouldn't a month ago, because *gasp* I read the promotion.

Edited by HarleysRule
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It's not about quitting. But if you tell me that I have to pay you for 3 months in order to gain early access, then give it to people who don't pay for the three months, I'm going to ask for my 3 months of payment back. It's not logical to force someone who complied with the request to continue to meet the expectations.


They said if you sub for 4 months you'd get early access. You did, and you did.


They didn't say that was the only way you could get early access. There might be others like...


If you don't utilize reading comprehension YOU GET EARLY ACCESS starting October 24th.


If you run to the forums right now and complain about not getting a cookie because someone else got one YOU GET EARLY ACCESS starting October 24th.


If you promise to shut up and stop bothering everyone with your entitlement YOU GET EARLY ACCESS starting October 24th.


See, there a bunch of different ways to purchase a hamburger, you bought yours with a credit card, maybe earned 2% cash back. Others may have used a check, or cash, or some sort of bartering system.


Point is you still got early access. Even if they let everyone else in on Friday for some weekend gaming you'd still be 4 days up on everyone.


I say, let everyone play the game this weekend with 2 caveats


1. We still get to call them entitled and mock them (it's good times)


2. They agree not to play on Harbinger server (It just can't take the strain)

Edited by JDiablos
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Wow... just wow. Given the complete and utter lack of any empathy from this community, even if I didn't feel like EA was misleading, I wouldn't want to stick around. Apparently you're all super geniuses who read and digest every. single. bit. of. data. Yes, it was our fault for not reading everything, but it was also EA/Bioware's fault for not being up front about things and letting us think we could still Choose (a present tense verb) to get early access past August 10th (the 15th in my case).


Hell, I was even planning to play the story and see how it went before cancelling my sub, but thanks to all the haters in this thread I'm not even going that far. I'm sure you're all glad to see me go anyway... after all, can't let the scrubs play with our super elite early access having, information reading selves. Enjoy your toxic selves and your toxic EA overlords.


(Why did I bother even writing this, I don't even know myself. But to call the people trying to inform EA/Bioware of a misleading advertising campaign entitled when all most of you do is spew the most elitist, entitled drivel I've ever seen... you're worse than LoL players)



Big panties on. We have a badwampa here.

Edited by PavSalco
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The first post gave me hope that this thread is onto something. But as i further read on you guys pretty much ruined the potential of the OP's request.


I would think the further you read the more you saw how wrong the OP was. Its clear anyone not already in won't be playing until Tues. Is what it is. Nothing more should be said about it. People need to learn to read everything in life not just the parts they want to apply to them.

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38 pages and counting says otherwise


Yup. That many pages of players who absolutely did not read a bloody thing and are trying to claim they did. Also, absolutely NONE of those players will click any of my links or read my quotes because they know that would prove them dead wrong that nothing was posted.


Good News! This will be fixed as of next week and access granted to all subs on Oct 27th


WOOHOO! GOOD TO HEAR!!!! Hee hee. ;)


I tried telling folks this, but they apparently don;t believe us. :D

Edited by Faelandaea
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For real. 'OMG I didn't get X! I won't X with your business anymore!'


there is just so many fanboys here it is unreal you guys realize none of us even grace the forums with our presence, but you lot are on here 24/7 even when you have early access shows how much you like the game you aren't even playin it!

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there is just so many fanboys here it is unreal you guys realize none of us even grace the forums with our presence, but you lot are on here 24/7 even when you have early access shows how much you like the game you aren't even playin it!
Quoted for truth and these fan boys made it easy for me to unsub 5 minutes ago. They are on here telling everyone how high and mighty they are and how we are idiots for not taking the time to read everything through. If they liked the game so much why are they not playing instead of been on here and been trolls. More people that pay to play is a better game for everyone. It keeps expansions coming, more people working on the game, and an over all better game, but no lets go on the forums and be a troll and piss people off.
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