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@Bioware, there's still time to remedy Early Access...


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curious to know what I have to do to attain said quest? although, I have him sitting in every character's mailbox atm, and the ingame email he comes with said there's a quest to attain him, i've yet to find this. I have a 65 sitting on Odessan who's run all 9 chapters but I can't find the quest


Okay so I missed a page somewhere so I assume this is about Niko:




You can get Nico Okarr instantly in the mail by using the Encrypted Holocommunicator but this is something you do not want to do as doing so prevent you from getting a hidden achievement. If you don’t care about this achievement or already gotten it on another character than you can just use it instantly without having to do the steps below.


If you want the steps, follow the link. I hope this helps. i was confused as all hell on the Niko bit until i read this on Dulfy. Again - Dulfy to the rescue. I love that site.


I JUST got the achievement tonight that he is referring to, and it is apparently account wide so I don't have to worry about that any more :)

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I don't get it, you want them to screw over the people who paid actual money to secure early access for the people who for whatever reason didn't meet the requirements. If they suddenly give everybody access will they also refund the people who subscribed on the dates required purely to secure early access?


Don't get me wrong, I think the whole early access thing is shady, and just causes unnecessary conflict, and I especially feel for those who got screwed over due to a minor oversight or payment issue etc, but they did choose to run the promotion, so while people who didn't meet the requirements are upset now any attempt to 'fix' it now will only upset those people who did meet the requirements and paid the money, and subsequently find people who didn't pay the money are given access anyway.


How about all the other people they screwed over the ones that have been subbed for 3 months only to miss early access by a hair. You know the ones that also bought revan are they going to refund us?? Cause right now we're the ones that paid for no *********** reason and are still subbed to a game we can't play.

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#facepalm you admit you didn't read it, and then turn around and try to blame them for YOUR mistake.


True I'm using the expression wrong. It's not there fault. Don't worry BioWare doesn't need you to defend them from me. My little 15 bucks isn't worth much to them, I'm not going to insult the developers via twitter or any such nonsense.

Edited by Raynezazki
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Yeah I didn't get early access either and I rushed. I didn't read and I got burned. Fool me once and all that *shrug*


There's nothing to get angry about however I misread, learned a lesson and will not repeat this mistake.


I admit I'm disappointed because I believed it worked like the other expacs I purchased but it didn't so c'est la vie.


Thankfully Fallout 4 is coming out so by the time the next chapter comes out I will have no reason whatsoever to care about any early access. So live and learn.



Ya but where did your 15 bucks go? To content for other players that's where

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If this happened I would quit... why? because I took the time to READ and understand the terms, I earned early access, others didn't and don't deserve a hand out for incompetence.


I've read some extremely silly stuff here on the forums over the years, including some spectacular sweep-it-under-the-rug dismissals of legitimate concerns and compains by those who think EAware can do no wrong but you sir, with the claim that early access was something that you earned is.. just.. :eek:

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Happy to see that Bioware has not given in to those who feel entitled.


There were multiple threads, streams, and swtor sources, clarifying the qualifications for early access. If the whiners had even bothered to read or watch any of these sources, we would not be having this discussion. Most of you have no one to blame but yourselves. And no, as Brandy would say, "almost doesn't count".


Instead of asking for a handout, wait your five days and reap whatever rewards you did qualify for and enjoy the new expansion.

Edited by Ascensionthree
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Happy to see that Bioware has not given in to those who feel entitled.


There were multiple threads, streams, and swtor sources, clarifying the qualifications for early access. If the whiners had even bothered to read or watch any of these sources, we would not be having this discussion. Most of you have no one to blame but yourselves. And no, as Brandy would say, "almost doesn't count".


Instead of asking for a handout, wait your five days and reap whatever rewards you did qualify for and enjoy the new expansion.


This forum needs a like system like the official Bio forums. Well said.

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Happy to see that Bioware has not given in to those who feel entitled.


There were multiple threads, streams, and swtor sources, clarifying the qualifications for early access. If the whiners had even bothered to read or watch any of these sources, we would not be having this discussion. Most of you have no one to blame but yourselves. And no, as Brandy would say, "almost doesn't count".


Instead of asking for a handout, wait your five days and reap whatever rewards you did qualify for and enjoy the new expansion.


This has nothing to do with entitlement or whining for a handout. I was always happy to subscribe when I played SWTOR in the past. I came back because of the promo for KOtFE and because I somehow understood that I will get early access and get to test the new game for a couple of days before my 3 weeks long business trip on the 24th. So no, waiting those 5 extra days now gives me no joy, especially since I have been playing for hours the last 3 weeks trying to catch up with the content after a long brake. Am I to blame? Of course!


On the other hand it is also clear that mine is not an isolated case, hundreds if not thousands of people made the same assumption. That indicates that despite the fact that all the correct info about early access rules was out there it wasn't as transparent or unequivocal as one may think. I am not going into a whole semantic argument why using the word "choose" matters or why advertising something after it is no longer available can be confusing. There are plenty of threads out there that deal with this issues. The bottom line is this:


Most of us today process tons of data on the daily basis, as a result a lot of decisions are made quickly and are based on associations rather then on careful analyses of said data. In this case since so many made the same mistake simple logic indicates that their choices were based on past experiences ( with similar offers), and a degree of common sense. Unfortunately buyer beware and common sense are often at odds with each other.


Conclusion: Are we to blame? Absolutely. Not reading the fine print and simply assuming early access was still available is a symptom of a player plague I often call: The mindless locust consumer mentality.

Does it mean that BW has no blame at all? Absolutely not. Whether by design or by mistake BW has crafted an advertising campaign that mislead a lot of people. If we don't fight this plague it will only spread as developers will get away with stunts which give them easy cash injections so they can justify their balance books in front of their shareholders.


I don't want a hand out, I have already subscribed. But the simple truth for me and many others I suspect is this:

I am simply too old to waste my time and money on games developers who do not see the long term value of unambiguous communication and the difference between clear promotional statement and blurred hype inducing advertisement. I will cancel my automatic subscription renewal - the only communication BW will understand, in the long run...


And those of you, silly trolls, who jump up and down in glee at all the tears and whining wishing us farewell... Think again, because if enough people leave, ( especially people like myself who always play subscribed, - @Bioware feel free to verify that ) what do you think is going to happen with this game for the rest of you?

Edited by crowncrow
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I received early access probably around 5 hours after the servers opened up however my ticket was only replied to today:




Thank you for contacting Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human Cyborg Relations.


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had difficulties gaining early access to our latest expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire or might be missing rewards associated with it. We were able to discover a billing / timing issue which was causing a small subset of users to not have Early Access, when they should have it. We have made adjustments and corrected the issue. If you feel you were supposed to have Early Access but didn't, please exit the game completely and log back in.


If you still don’t have access, please note that to qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed below reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015.


-Nico Okarr Companion: August the 10th as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT.

-Nico Okarr Blaster Set: August the 31st as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT.

-Niko Okarr Duster Coat: September the 30th as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT.

-Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ - Inspired Swoop Bike: October the 19th as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT.As long as you're subbed on the days in question and are eligible for all 4 rewards you should get in to the early access.


If you feel you qualify on all above points but still cannot join into the Early Access to Knights of the Fallen Empire or missing a reward, you can simply reply to this email or submit a new ticket in-game for us to investigate further on your issue.


Thank you for your patience and understanding while we address this, and I apologize again for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. If you need any further assistance on this or any other issue in the meantime, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid M0-T0 (aka Mark)

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Happy to see that Bioware has not given in to those who feel entitled.

Eh, they kinda did from the start. Since you are part of a group that feels just as much entitled as all of the so called "whiners" who didn't read the terms.


I have early access, I've already finished the story once and now, 2 days later and after all the fuss on the forums and social media, it would absolutely be the right and sensible thing to do to let everyone play; especially considering that there are still subscribers left who should have access but don't because Bioware f*cked up and they don't seem to be able to sort out all of those individual mishaps.

Edited by jupezz
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Eh, they kinda did from the start. Since you are part of a group that feels just as much entitled as all of the so called "whiners" who didn't read the terms.



That is true. And specifically the reason why early access in such games is not the brightest idea.

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Eh, they kinda did from the start. Since you are part of a group that feels just as much entitled as all of the so called "whiners" who didn't read the terms.


I have early access, I've already finished the story once and now, 2 days later and after all the fuss on the forums and social media, it would absolutely be the right and sensible thing to do to let everyone play; especially considering that there are still subscribers left who should have access but don't because Bioware f*cked up and they don't seem to be able to sort out all of those individual mishaps.


The ones who met the dates and don't have access are the obvious exceptions. What is so horrible about letting the rest wait their five days? I am entitled to what I payed and qualified for. I made sure I made the dates and so I've been granted a head start on KOTFE as was advertised.


The way that some of you carry on you'd think that Bioware decreed that you don't get KOTFE at all.

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People. relax. Early Acess is not all that great to argue about. You need 1 evening, 2 max to do all chapters. The story is not finished or progressed all that much - all the real work begins after 9 chapter, really. And then there is grind. First you must basically grind all that you had before that cost Ultimate/Elite/Basic comms (or dropped in raids) Then you must grind quest items and gifts for influence for MORE THEN A DOZEN companions and also grind the same items to do 6 versions of the same FP. Oh and you must do all these on old planets which thanks to level sync have mobs that you can't oneshot anymore.


Don't get me wrong. I like KOTFE. It's awesome. But one week of early acess is not all that important to argue about it.

Do you know what I did before server went down? I had to transfer 1000 comms from alt to main to buy items that you otherwise have to grind for in old heroics. Fun, right?

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As another said before me, look at the timeline, look at the rewards, now scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Explain what is ambiguous.


As I said above: mindless locust consumer mentality - many people didn't scroll.


Let me ask you a question: Since so many didn't read the text below do you think making it clearer on the top of that page that early access is no longer available would have helped_?

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People. relax. Early Acess is not all that great to argue about. You need 1 evening, 2 max to do all chapters. The story is not finished or progressed all that much - all the real work begins after 9 chapter, really. And then there is grind. First you must basically grind all that you had before that cost Ultimate/Elite/Basic comms (or dropped in raids) Then you must grind quest items and gifts for influence for MORE THEN A DOZEN companions and also grind the same items to do 6 versions of the same FP. Oh and you must do all these on old planets which thanks to level sync have mobs that you can't oneshot anymore.


Don't get me wrong. I like KOTFE. It's awesome. But one week of early acess is not all that important to argue about it.


Well i am sure if you didn't get in you would feel just as upset as we are, either way i just subscribed to final fantasy xiv and am buying assasin creed on friday, i took a week of work to play swtor this week as it was the only week i was giving the game with fallout 4 and final fantasy 3.1 coming out, oh well bioware, you do however have four more days to correct this issue, if not you will be deleted from my list of games forever!!!!!

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As I said above: mindless locust consumer mentality - many people didn't scroll.


Let me ask you a question: Since so many didn't read the text below do you think making it clearer on the top of that page that early access is no longer available would have helped_?


Everyone was directed tothe splash page be it from emails or just straight up subscribing, if it said anything like it had ended i would not have bought SOR or subscribed until Tuesday.............................................................................PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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People. relax. Early Acess is not all that great to argue about. You need 1 evening, 2 max to do all chapters. .


Its not about early access for me. As stated above, Its about trust:


I am simply too old to waste my time and money on games developers who do not see the long term value of unambiguous communication and the difference between clear promotional statement and blurred hype inducing advertisement.


Some may disagree and say it was clear etc. And we can argue back and forth till the cows come home . I think that so many people being "mindless locust" about early access rules is a clear evidence of communication problems. End of story.

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The ones who met the dates and don't have access are the obvious exceptions. What is so horrible about letting the rest wait their five days? I am entitled to what I payed and qualified for. I made sure I made the dates and so I've been granted a head start on KOTFE as was advertised.


The way that some of you carry on you'd think that Bioware decreed that you don't get KOTFE at all.

There's nothing particularly horrible about waiting five days. The thing is that some of those "exceptions" probably won't be resolved until the 27th and imo it's considerably worse to not let them access the new content, although they have every right to, than just letting everyone in - isn't the most important rule of damage control to find a solution that makes as many customers happy as possible? And by this I'm mostly referring to those who are still denied early access, despite qualifying for it.

As for those who misunderstood the requirements for getting early access: Yes, they should have read everything but at the same time it shouldn't be necessary to read everything to understand what you're going to get; at least not with something like this.


The whole concept behind the KotFE early access was a bad idea to begin with and problems were to be expected, but now that it's time to properly remedy the situation, they're going about it the wrong way.

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The whole concept behind the KotFE early access was a bad idea to begin with and problems were to be expected, but now that it's time to properly remedy the situation, they're going about it the wrong way.


This is what it's all about for me^^: You are right and yet it was clearly a good marketing idea for the company since so many subscribed during that period. So the anger and frustration has little to do with actual early access and the few hours of bug-filled content we are missing!

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As I said above: mindless locust consumer mentality - many people didn't scroll.


Let me ask you a question: Since so many didn't read the text below do you think making it clearer on the top of that page that early access is no longer available would have helped_?


It certainly would have helped. It's sad that it's going to be needed in the future; I thought most were better than this.

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