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Andronikos Revel Cannot dual wield blasters any longer?


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Andronikos Revel Cannot dual wield blasters any longer?

Also his equipped gear, did actually disappear, Not in the mail, not in inventory. Had a set of Nefarious Bandit set.

Only gear he has is mainhand blaster and chest and character customization.

Now noticed Andronikos influence is 0. I had him maxed for crafting before? :mad: that was not cheap.



I can pull new copies from the cartel collection, but this was not supposed to happen. :mad:


Maybe this is related to missing ship droid, same class.

Edited by DakotaDoc
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While I didn't have as many problems (yet) as the OP, I can confirm that I can't slot Revel's second pistol, even though he has an actual slot available to do so. I hope this is actually a bug, and he is not losing his secondary weapon slot. That goes for other companions who dual wield pistols too.
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We are currently working on getting Andronikos and Corso looked at! I don't have any ETA on a change, but it's on our radar.
Corso being unable to use Torchy is just wrong. He needs to be able to use pistols. What about Aric Jorgan? He can't use assault cannons anymore all of a sudden? Or Kira Carsen, Nadya Grell and Jaesa Wilsaam who can no longer equip regular lightsabers only dual bladed ones and also no electrostaffs for those who don't want to roleplay them as Jedi/Sith? Or Yuun who can't equip his weapon anymore? Edited by Glzmo
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Or Kira Carsen, Nadya Grell and Jaesa Wilsaam who can no longer equip regular lightsabers only dual bladed ones?


Were they ever able to in the first place? Not doubting you, but I never knew that. Would love for them to be able to go with a single lightsaber instead of a double bladed lightsaber.

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Corso being unable to use Torchy is just wrong. He needs to be able to use pistols. What about Aric Jorgan? He can't use assault cannons anymore all of a sudden? Or Kira Carsen, Nadya Grell and Jaesa Wilsaam who can no longer equip regular lightsabers only dual bladed ones? Or Yuun who can't equip his weapon anymore?


Aric Jordan change is probably intentional, since in story he is a SNIPER, now they have returned his proper weapon (that he wielded in beta) to him.

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Or Kira Carsen, Nadya Grell and Jaesa Wilsaam who can no longer equip regular lightsabers only dual bladed ones?


I had one of my Kiras wielding an electrostaff (I RP that Knight character as a non-Jedi warrior -- a Matukai -- and he doesn't use a lightsaber, either). When I logged onto that character last night, I learned that his Kira is no longer proficient in electrostaffs. It's definitely only a QoL / RP thing, but I'd love it if I can have her wield an electrostaff again.

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I had one of my Kiras wielding an electrostaff (I RP that Knight character as a non-Jedi warrior -- a Matukai -- and he doesn't use a lightsaber, either). When I logged onto that character last night, I learned that his Kira is no longer proficient in electrostaffs. It's definitely only a QoL / RP thing, but I'd love it if I can have her wield an electrostaff again.
Right, I also did do that on some characters I haven't logged in until today. It's abummer. Sure it's a QoL/RP thing, but for some of us that RP is the most important part of the game.


Were they ever able to in the first place? Not doubting you, but I never knew that. Would love for them to be able to go with a single lightsaber instead of a double bladed lightsaber.
Yes. It cost DPS, but it was possible. I was so hoping that these changes that make gear on companions cosmetic would allow to use them without penalty. One step forward, two steps back, I guess. :(


I'd much rather see them lift all weapon restrictions for companions (or rather add proficiency for all weapon types to all companions), so people have the choice how to customize them.


Aric Jordan change is probably intentional, since in story he is a SNIPER, now they have returned his proper weapon (that he wielded in beta) to him.
Probably. It still doesn't make sense that options are being taken away, especially since weapons on companions don't affect any stats anymore and all their abilities and animations are now standardized across the board. Edited by Glzmo
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Or Kira Carsen, Nadya Grell and Jaesa Wilsaam who can no longer equip regular lightsabers only dual bladed ones?
Were they ever able to in the first place? Not doubting you, but I never knew that. Would love for them to be able to go with a single lightsaber instead of a double bladed lightsaber.

Yeah, and just to add another one - Torian is no longer able to use a single Techblade, only a Techstaff. There are so few good looking Techstaves that I had him using the Gladiator's Techblade, which while not great was at least 'okay' looking. But now he can now no longer wield even that.


I really wish they would allow those Tech- users to wield Vibroswords or Electrostaves now that they're purely cosmetic.


Anyway, I am glad to hear that Andronikos and Corso are getting looked at, at least.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Aric Jordan change is probably intentional, since in story he is a SNIPER, now they have returned his proper weapon (that he wielded in beta) to him.


Yeah, story-wise he should be able to use blaster and sniper rifles. However, there's no good reason why he can't also use assault cannons IN ADDITION TO the rifles he is currently capable of using, you know, in honor of the last 4 years. They obviously have the tech to allow companions to use multiple weapon types.


Please allow Jorgan to use both rifles AND assault cannons. Let's not pretend the last 4 years didn't happen. Some of us customized his appearance to include specific cartel market or other assault cannons and are quite attached to him using an assault cannon.

Edited by LetoAtreidesII
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Corso being unable to use Torchy is just wrong. He needs to be able to use pistols. What about Aric Jorgan? He can't use assault cannons anymore all of a sudden? Or Kira Carsen, Nadya Grell and Jaesa Wilsaam who can no longer equip regular lightsabers only dual bladed ones and also no electrostaffs for those who don't want to roleplay them as Jedi/Sith? Or Yuun who can't equip his weapon anymore?




Don't really care about Andronikos and his issue, but I gotta say, it blew my mind when I saw that Corso couldn't use Torchy anymore. That pretty much sums up the height of idiocy when it comes to this whole neutering of the companions in this update.


Aric Jorgan using only Sniper Rifles now, I get. Yuun using Techblades? Okay, cool, doesn't bother me. Andronikos with only one pistol and Corso can't use Torchy? That's just wrong.


(But that's not getting into the whole thing about removing the special abilities that made every companion unique... but that's another rant for another thread)

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Were they ever able to in the first place? Not doubting you, but I never knew that. Would love for them to be able to go with a single lightsaber instead of a double bladed lightsaber.


They could indeed, I've had a single-saber Kira ever since she joined me, and it's actually pretty jarring to be forced to use a saberstaff on her now. I get that they likely just didn't consider this was an issue when they standardised all the companions, but to some of us it does matter that we have those options, especially if we've already been using them for a long time and now they're being taken away.


Frankly I don't expect them to actually fix this, too few of us care enough for it to be a priority, they'll chuck out some BS about "silhouetting" or whatever as justification, or say they'll maybe look at it sometime in the future and then just never mention it again.

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We are currently working on getting Andronikos and Corso looked at! I don't have any ETA on a change, but it's on our radar.


I really hope companions will be able to take their previous types of weapons again. A lot of my companions had CARTEL MARKET stuff that is now useless. For example, Xalek had a Cathatr Staff, but now he cannot use electro-staffs so I now have a Cartel Market item I cannot give to anyone. It is bound and I cant even give it to other character. And I dont really want to, Xalek looked super-awesome with it.


Those changes were a mistake, they dont make sence in story and the dont make sence in gameplay. I mean, types and stats of the weapons dont matter anyway in KOTFE.

Edited by Mawrak
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As I've been saying, they should give all companions the ability to use both their old weapon types and their new weapon types. They clearly have the ability to do so. Treek can use both blaster pistols and rifles. Double bladed saber comps used to be able to use both saber types. Comps that used to only be able to use sniper rifles can use both blaster rifles and sniper rifles now. Give us the freedom to choose whether to use their classic weapon type or their new weapon type. It doesn't have to be one way or the other. Let the players decide.


And yes, we all know that Jorgan is a former sniper and yes, it makes sense for him to use sniper rifles and blaster rifles (as is currently the case). That doesn't mean that story-wise, he can't use assault cannons as well.


Story-wise, it's possible that upon joining Havoc Squad, Jorgan did some additional training that included assault cannon use. Just look at the trooper player character commando advanced class. You start off only knowing how to use blaster rifles and then you learn how to use assault cannons as well (commandos are still able to use rifles). Or, he might have known how to use an assault cannon before he became a sniper. He might have originally been a heavy support gunner before he went through sniper training and joined the Deadeyes. We don't know Jorgan's full history.


So story-wise, it can make perfect sense for Jorgan to use both rifles and assault cannons. In addition to that, story isn't the only consideration here. There's also the fact that Jorgan's been using assault cannons for the past four years. In honor of that, he should be given the option to use both rifles and cannons. To many of us, because of the past four years, the assault cannon is Jorgan's iconic, classic weapon. Let's not pretend the past four years didn't happen. As I've said, just give him the ability to use both weapon types and give players the power to choose what they want.

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We are currently working on getting Andronikos and Corso looked at! I don't have any ETA on a change, but it's on our radar.


Thank you very much!

I know that mistakes happen and the more someone works, the more they happen and I don't need them to be fixed right away, but I need to know that you are aware of them and take them serious. So thank you very much for this response.

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There's only one reason I can think of for restricting weapon types on companions and that is that the animations for those weapon types don't exist. If the animations for "cookie-cutter" companions are new (i.e. all the old animations are no longer valid), then a limit to the weapon types because of a limit to the number of animations makes sense.


By the same logic, it doesn't make sense to remove pistols from T7-01 because there are no weapon specific animations for T7.


Even if my analysis is correct, I still vote to restore all the options that were removed (and keep any options that were added). Just communicate that it will take time and then get it done!


I'd also like to see the allowable weapon types for each companion be displayed as passive abilities again. If "cookie-cutter" active abilities makes this impossible, then add weapon proficiencies to their biographic descriptions.

Edited by b-morgan
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What I find really weird with the companion weapon change is characters who previously wielded pistols and now can only wield rifles still have the pistol animations in cutscenes.

I was just in a cutscene with Kaliyo and she pointed he gun at someone but seeing as she now wields rifles instead of pistols she was holding nothing in her hand. I just looked weird.

Either they need to tweak the animation or just give the people who had pistols them back.

Its not game breaking just a small niggle for me.

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Please check the other characters also. There are bugs with so many companions not being able to use their old weapons. Quinn used to have a blaster and knife and now he only has his blaster slot. Also Mako and Gault, same thing, no knife slot. Skadge has slots for his dual weapons but can no longer dual wield weapons. No offense but what happened? Why have the companions have their individuality taken from them. It is what made the game interesting was the uniqueness of different companions. Edited by FeekSands
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