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KOTFE Level 60 character creation is bugged


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ok, so another question:


On the first day of early access (yes I got it), I successfully made a sith assassin (sith pureblood.) Immediately, I noticed that


1. the sith pureblood species was now globally unlocked, and


2. the sith inquisitor's companion completion legacy bonus had all been activated.


so today, I bought another token on the gtn, hoping for the same thing with a miralan jedi knight. Neither happened. Which token worked as intended?

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Click, click, click, skip intro movie.

Spawn on Fleet, character is level 1.


This is terrible.... I submitted a ticket in-game as well, but will repost my questons here:


Should I keep the bugged level 1 character?

Should I erase the bugged character in preparation for a reroll?

Will you guys hand out a token for free as solution once this problem is fixed?


Basically it's been a "download the patch, log in, get busted" experience.

This is not a happy way to begin playing the game again. I've kept my sub current, and all the other in-game rewards are there, only this 60 character is a total shambles it seems.


Same here, also have not had any of my tokens restored when I deleted a toon I created with one.

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Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.




I never got the movie, just spawned my level 1 character in the fleet.

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This is quite frustrating. My friend referred me, I purchased the game, bought a 60 days game card.

Created a character and it was level 1, deleted and re-created, level 1 again.. deleted and now no token.


I have created a ticker but upon reading this thread I guess I am in for a long wait... I called the UK customer service and.. well.. to put it politely they couldn't help. Told to sit tight and wait for a fix. Was unable to tell me if my game time would be restarted from when my level 60 character is available.

The lovely ladies response was "well you can play the game cant you?!" /sigh.


I wanted to give this game another chance. This has really hurt my 2nd impression. Please just fix it asap.. I want to play with friends. The longer this take the less likely I am to re-sub again.


You can ask them to freeze your subscription time. After the patch that fixes this bug you can come back and ask them to reactivate your subscription.

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This explains why a ticket I had out on an unrelated issue just the day after main launch hasn't been answered yet. They're bogged down with people who keep mashing the button. Though in truth I really shouldn't be surprised. If I got a dollar for every person I've seen complain about this issue and the rest who ragequit because CS isn't answering fast enough I could probably buy a small country. Though the fact that there's an announcement on the launcher means they're taking it seriously. They should probably fix holo glitches while they're at it. Just saying.
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So it is intended that if you delete you character you get the token back?


Been trying to ask customer support about this through ingame tickets and they just ignore me, meaning they thank me for my suggestion and close the ticket without confirming if this is the case or not. Kinda hard to trust what people in general chat claims...and I have not seen any official information that you get the token back if you delete the character.


(I made a L60 that I needed to remake due to a mistake, and fear of losing the token make me keep her unaltered)


Customer support could use an overhaul.....

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Okay calm down people, they will fix this for all of us , give them a chance ... there are people like me who used 3 token and no issues at all... I understand your issues and Im with you but give Bio Ware a chance to fix it and stop talking all this crap and been inpatient 5 year old. Lvl 60 token is the **** :):p
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So it is intended that if you delete you character you get the token back?


Been trying to ask customer support about this through ingame tickets and they just ignore me, meaning they thank me for my suggestion and close the ticket without confirming if this is the case or not. Kinda hard to trust what people in general chat claims...and I have not seen any official information that you get the token back if you delete the character.


(I made a L60 that I needed to remake due to a mistake, and fear of losing the token make me keep her unaltered)


Customer support could use an overhaul.....


Yes it is intended that IF and only IF you do NOT lvl past 60 - ie go to 61, you can delete that character and create another without losing your token. I did this since my OCD is not letting me decide just which darned character I wanted to be lvl 60. It let me do this several times with no issue whatsoever until I finally decided to create a Jedi Shadow (since I already have a sage and wouldn't lose out on any of the story etc.), it showed me at lvl 60 in the creation screen with the legacy gear etc, but when it created my char i was a whopping lvl 1. I thought I did something wrong so I logged out, deleted that char and my token was there again. Once again created another lvl 60, logged on and it did the same thing. Wish I had seen the post about the bug before I did this because now my token is just gone :( ugh


so yes, it is intended that you can do this while you make up your mind if you like that play style etc, but I highly recommend waiting until they address everyone's lost tokens and get the bug fixed first :(

Edited by Tamaera
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So its a bug in the matrix, great. At least Bioware is attempting to right the wrong. Im sick of people bashing the devs for a bug. I get it, SWTOR has seen better days in its beginning but a loyal SWTOR player respects a devs ability to right the wrong. Im happy that they are at least admitting to and attempting to fix the situation.


Yes, I had a couple 60s bug out on me, but i was lucky enough i wasn't charged for them.

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das ist doch ein witz !?

wieso wird der token nicht ersetzt wenn der char gelöscht ist ???

im ernst hätte man riskieren sollen den char als level 1 zu behalten ?

absolute frechheit !!! 10 euro in die tonne geschmissen ! und jetzt 1 tag nachdem der 60 weg ist zu warnen ist lächerlich

ich verlange einen neuen char bzw 2000 kartellmünzen zurück !!!

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das ist doch ein witz !?

wieso wird der token nicht ersetzt wenn der char gelöscht ist ???

im ernst hätte man riskieren sollen den char als level 1 zu behalten ?

absolute frechheit !!! 10 euro in die tonne geschmissen ! und jetzt 1 tag nachdem der 60 weg ist zu warnen ist lächerlich

ich verlange einen neuen char bzw 2000 kartellmünzen zurück !!!


Schließe mich hier an!

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das ist doch ein witz !?

wieso wird der token nicht ersetzt wenn der char gelöscht ist ???

im ernst hätte man riskieren sollen den char als level 1 zu behalten ?

absolute frechheit !!! 10 euro in die tonne geschmissen ! und jetzt 1 tag nachdem der 60 weg ist zu warnen ist lächerlich

ich verlange einen neuen char bzw 2000 kartellmünzen zurück !!!


sehe ich genau so ich will endweder den token oder mein money back aber pass ma auf da kommt bald ne nachricht um sup tut uns leid da können wa nix machen

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