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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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They never changed their minds, it was always july 31st OR august 10th.


They've changed their mind on it, it was July 31st, then July 31st hit they didn't get the subs they wanted so they said by Aug 10th, people complained about being a sub on the 31st and now they are locked out of it, which I assume is when they said 31st or Aug 10th. You can see the posts on their twitter if it'll let you go back that far(I don't use twitter so not sure).

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Hopefully they do what they did with the PvP rancor.


It was special for a few months ( I think it was 4-6 months) and then the CM rancors came out. Most people were happy with that decision.




They put him on the CM now at the price that is more than a month's worth of subscription/coins whatever

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Really is arguing over Nico really that important right now? As of right now you don't get him if you hadn't subscribed by a set date.


As far as what happens in the future, that is up to them and whether or not everyone agrees about it BW will do what they think is best in the future and this constant arguing isn't going to change anything.



It beats arguing about level sync or crafting changes at least lol.

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And those were fine(I missed out on Dr. Oggurubub(spelling?), but all those were purely cosmetic aside from holostatue where that does training., whereas a Companion is something you can use in combat, possibly add lore to the story and or enhance the story with witty banter/comments. It's a fully functional part of the core game, it's not something that should have been offered as a date-gate reward period.



I can't remember the spelling so I KNOW I screwed Dr whatshisname's name up royally. But people know who I'm talking about.


Thing is, no one, and I DO mean, NO ONE (aside from complete and utter new players who don't come on the scene until like 4.1) can say 'oh noes I missed Nico cause I didn't know he was only available during certain dates!'


They advertized on the forums. They sent out emails to everyone. They had it on the LAUNCHER. They told us they extended Nico to August 10th, during their boring Twitch stream at some convention they streamed live on Twitch. So no one can give the excuse 'i didn't have the time, I didn't know about it, oh I'm broke, etc.' One time sub of $15, if you truly can't afford a sub every single month, wouldn't have killed anyone. But you STILL have people who didn't sub by the 10th of August even AFTER it was extended and NOW they want him for doing absolutely nothing or not even trying to run to the store/pay a sub/get a time card if they REALLY wanted Nico.


Only people to blame are themselves.

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They've changed their mind on it, it was July 31st, then July 31st hit they didn't get the subs they wanted so they said by Aug 10th, people complained about being a sub on the 31st and now they are locked out of it, which I assume is when they said 31st or Aug 10th. You can see the posts on their twitter if it'll let you go back that far(I don't use twitter so not sure).


Extending isn't "Changing their minds", and them telling people that being subbed on july 31st got them eligibility isn't either, it's them confirming that they are indeed eligible despite the extension.

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I can't remember the spelling so I KNOW I screwed Dr whatshisname's name up royally. But people know who I'm talking about.


Thing is, no one, and I DO mean, NO ONE (aside from complete and utter new players who don't come on the scene until like 4.1) can say 'oh noes I missed Nico cause I didn't know he was only available during certain dates!'


They advertized on the forums. They sent out emails to everyone. They had it on the LAUNCHER. They told us they extended Nico to August 10th, during their boring Twitch stream at some convention they streamed live on Twitch. So no one can give the excuse 'i didn't have the time, I didn't know about it, oh I'm broke, etc.' One time sub of $15, if you truly can't afford a sub every single month, wouldn't have killed anyone. But you STILL have people who didn't sub by the 10th of August even AFTER it was extended and NOW they want him for doing absolutely nothing or not even trying to run to the store/pay a sub/get a time card if they REALLY wanted Nico.


Only people to blame are themselves.


That's true, people who did play during that time or "knew" of it, should have subbed to get it if they didn't, doesn't change the fact that it should be put on the CM at some point or tradeable, for those who didn't and the new players that may or may not come, or even returning players who heard about KoTFE through the grapevine and decided to come back. I know if I didn't sub or had to let my sub lapse for even a month because of something like doctor bills or whatever people with money troubles have, and I missed out on something that'll add to the story/lore and never got another chance at it I'd be pissed.


Someone earlier said something about toys and a toy store, Bethesda made a Pip-boy edition for Fallout 4, sold out as soon as it was announced. Bethesda has from what I understand release more copies of that CE at least 2 more times to give those who didn't get one a chance to get one, what's wrong with Bioware doing the same thing for Niko the guy who got Satele and Malcom out safe during the Retaking of Korriban?

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That's true, people who did play during that time or "knew" of it, should have subbed to get it if they didn't, doesn't change the fact that it should be put on the CM at some point or tradeable, for those who didn't and the new players that may or may not come, or even returning players who heard about KoTFE through the grapevine and decided to come back. I know if I didn't sub or had to let my sub lapse for even a month because of something like doctor bills or whatever people with money troubles have, and I missed out on something that'll add to the story/lore and never got another chance at it I'd be pissed.


Someone earlier said something about toys and a toy store, Bethesda made a Pip-boy edition for Fallout 4, sold out as soon as it was announced. Bethesda has from what I understand release more copies of that CE at least 2 more times to give those who didn't get one a chance to get one, what's wrong with Bioware doing the same thing for Niko the guy who got Satele and Malcom out safe during the Retaking of Korriban?


Bioware did 'release more' they extendd the time for all rewards each time to give people maximum opportunity. And fallout 4 has not been released yet so they can release as many pre order CEs as they like.

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They miss out on Nico, who got a Padawan named Satele Shan out during the retaking of Korriban, who later became the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. His story is just as important as Satele, Malcom, and Malgus, heck if I'm not mistaken

Malgus is back and alive somehow.

, He could possibly have some insight on that, we don't know, and if that's the case then new players miss out of some details in the story.


It's actually doubtful that he will specifically BECAUSE not everyone will have him. It's like the reason why Lord Scourge didn't have anything to say during SoR: because the JK's would have more story and the writers couldn't think of a reason why the other 39 companions would have anything important to say. The JK's would get more and people would consider that unfair (that's the reasoning they gave anyway). And while, yes, everyone could roll a JK just to have some extra lines from a companion, it shouldn't be mandatory.


FWIW: I don't care one way or the other if people get him through the cash shop or not. I'm getting Nico and I can't think of any one of my characters who would want to use him. Maybe one of my JK's? I dunno *shrug*

Edited by AngFour
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It's actually doubtful that he will specifically BECAUSE not everyone will have him. It's like the reason why Lord Scourge didn't have anything to say during SoR: because the JK's would have more story and the writers couldn't think of a reason why the other 39 companions would have anything important to say. The JK's would get more and people would consider that unfair (that's the reasoning they gave anyway). And while, yes, everyone could roll a JK just to have some extra lines from a companion, it shouldn't be mandatory.


FWIW: I don't care one way or the other if people get him through the cash shop or not. I'm getting Nico and I can't think of any one of my characters who would want to use him. Maybe one of my JK's? I dunno *shrug*



They missed such a huge chance with Scourge, both in SoR and Taral V/Maelstrom. Huge let down on that, I would have been happy if they did something like they did with HK-51 and HK-47 in False Emperor.


But as you said, I'm getting Nico, I don't care if other people get him, it's not going to hurt me one bit if they do. And with that I'm out, game on and have fun all.

Edited by Juromaro
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They missed such a huge chance with Scourge, both in SoR and Taral V/Maelstrom. Huge let down on that, I would have been happy if they did something like they did with HK-51 and HK-47 in False Emperor.


Oh, I totally agree with you. I'm just being realistic.

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What color is the sky in your world?




At best that statement is 50% correct. But with SWTOR, you subscribe to get "in game goodies" all the time - unlimited operations, war zones, and flashpoints as a few examples. But yes, one would subscribe to a game that only accepts subscriptions, which isn't SWTOR, since there's a F2P model in place.




Yet in this case, someone may have subscribed just because it's the only way to get Nico, the guns, the duster, the speeder, early access... which may be the only reason(s) someone subbed or re-subbed. Otherwise, you can play the game for no extra charge.




How is this valid again? If you're told that if you pay extra for public transportation, that "subscription" is going to come with perks. Early loading into a car, better seats on the transport, preferred exit, concierge stops closer to your destination - all of those are possible advantages to a subscriber that pays more for a service. The better seating, that you pay for three months before the seats become available, near the bus/train/subway, are available because you subscribed on the promise that you get to use those seats.


Now, if your hypothetical "people" get the same comfy seats 4 blocks away at Starbucks, I would have no problem with that. But if those people were allowed to start using the seats I paid extra for, for months, just because they wanted to use them, I would have a problem with that. Especially if the company I was paying extra money to specifically stated that the rewards were for subscribers only.


So, for you to call your statements 100% valid? Ah.... no.



Now, several people posting in here have stated that they would have no problem if Nico became available six months or a year from launch of the expansion. I respect what they are saying, and honestly, in a year if Nico pops up on the Cartel Market, I would probably shrug it off as no big deal.


But, after paying 3 months of subscriptions (no biggie, have been subbed since pre-launch) and reading a bunch of people already crying that they want Nico, want him real bad, it's IMPORTANT, he's ICONIC, was in the first mini-movie, WANT WANT WANT WHEN CAN WE GETS THE PRECIOUS!!! - I get a little ornery, considering I paid $45 or so for something that is still described as a subscriber reward.


Even if you don't get Nico, there are currently eight companions available to all players, and there are going to be even MORE companions available in Cartel Packs.


Having a whinge because Nico was and is a subscriber reward is really selfish.


Wow... a multiquote. It just got serious.

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Who cares? Put him in the cartel market for $45 or whatever the cost of the sub for the qualifying period was.


Yay, people can have their Nico and special snowflakes don't have to feel outraged.


For a mostly solo player game, people are awfully concerned about what other players have. Get over it, already. ;)

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That's true, people who did play during that time or "knew" of it, should have subbed to get it if they didn't, doesn't change the fact that it should be put on the CM at some point or tradeable, for those who didn't and the new players that may or may not come, or even returning players who heard about KoTFE through the grapevine and decided to come back. I know if I didn't sub or had to let my sub lapse for even a month because of something like doctor bills or whatever people with money troubles have, and I missed out on something that'll add to the story/lore and never got another chance at it I'd be pissed.


Someone earlier said something about toys and a toy store, Bethesda made a Pip-boy edition for Fallout 4, sold out as soon as it was announced. Bethesda has from what I understand release more copies of that CE at least 2 more times to give those who didn't get one a chance to get one, what's wrong with Bioware doing the same thing for Niko the guy who got Satele and Malcom out safe during the Retaking of Korriban?


The difference is, one is a sub game the other is not :p

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Far as I know NONE of the rewards offered to subs for being subbed on a specific date has EVER been offered to players who didn't qualify for them so I don't see how or why any of these would be handles any differently.


Yes, I think that's the way it's going to be. :(


But I'd have no trouble if Niko were the one and only exception. From the start I didn't think it was a good idea to make him a limited-time sub-only reward, especially not 3 months before new story/RPG focus launches.


I have all sub rewards (and qualify for this one, too) and I think they should remain exclusive as most of them mark special occasions and are just a design variation of something that is in other variants available to all players (except the Party Jawa, which I think was a stupid idea to bind to an achievement).


But Nico doesn't come in other versions, he's pretty unique and iconic and part of the story since launch. To claim to be returning focus on the solo RPG/story experience and then wall off a character like that from anyone who returns/joins for the new focus when the new focus takes effect doesn't send the right message IMO. They chose this reward and its conditions/timing poorly.


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So, about the "token" subs get. Can we put it on the GTN?


Interesting idea, that loses some of its appeal when I think of countless characters created and deleted just for the Nico token. But we can get him in line with the story, too, so maybe it would work if the instant-Nico token is BoP and the one you get between level 60 and 65 BoE and requiring level 60+x ? That would curb the supply a little bit and could work like an indirect cartel market item because to get a quick copy (after all the alts have been used), one would have to buy a new level 60 from the market.

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So, about the "token" subs get. Can we put it on the GTN?


I'm pretty sure the token will work like every other item/reward you get in the mail from Bioware. Otherwise you'd just beable to put up unlimited Nico tokens, and that would really ipset people who subbed for Nico.

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I'm a founder and currently 124 days of sub left, only came back on the 22nd of August and subbed immediately after seeing the bonuses for being subbed. Hadn't even received the email about KoTFE until after the 10th that's why I checked out the game again.


So I missed it by 12 days. Should I be entitled to it...? Probably not.


Do I feel hard done by? A little.


Should Niko be available to buy later? Sure why not? So should all the other goodies. Why? Because I subbed and paid for game time, plus also got a bonus for doing so, if other players are willing to just spend x amount of coins for what I got for free (or as a bonus for being subbed), then why not.


I do not see any issue with this at all.

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Well the STAP mount was an exclusive mount for a bit until they made copies on the GTN of it. So maybe Nico stays exclusive, but his brother Rico will go on sale soon...


I laughed in real life to this lol.


While I do believe these games need special items to mark when a player was there and participating, I would not worry too much. If Bee Dubya is good at anything it is trivializing everything. So expect the item on sale before long regardless of what is told. BW lies all the time and will continue to do so. I am honestly surprised I have not lost my party Jawa, Hutt holo, etc. by now. Sure I do not "lose" it, but as soon as it is sold to all mine has no meaning anymore.


There are too few things in the game now that show, without people having to take my word for it, that show I was there when and paying/participating. People always use the same old arguments for why "special" items should be given to all. On top if that they call people "entitled" and "selfish" when in reality it is they whom are being selfish and entitled.


We all agree it is just a game, but I for one am sick and tired of people wanting to trivialize me and anyone else that did as asked {or auto qualified by proxy as I did as a continuous subscriber for the past 4 years or however long it has been since EA for the game}. Imagine if they sold the "Founder" title lol. An extreme, but the same effect to a degree.


These sort of people will uses every "reason" and hard luck story they can think of with a single goal. Least of which is having the same item. More like trying to erase your history.

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A pre-order reward should stay exactly that, I have missed pre-order rewards before such as the hutt holo trainer, would I like one yes, will I ever get one no I missed the makeb expansion (I had no toons even close to doing that so I waited) but as a consequence I will never get one. Instead I had to get holotrainers for each side from Cartel maket or GTN.


So basically No! Nico Okarr should never go on the Cartel Market, if you wanted him that desperately you should have been a sub on the date(s) required to get him.

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There is a huge difference between Nico and the rest of the usual pre-order items.

Those were just armor skins, usable items and stuff. Something you do in a few hours.

Nico is a companion. Based on information given by Eric, he will have a storyline, that means voice acting. Voice acting means time and money spent on the actor (A lot if they kept John DiMaggion from "Return", you know, Bender?).

And it's story content.

I will have Nico, I was subscribed in time to have him.

And yet I think that in 3 to 4 months he should be made purchasable on the CM.

I didn't subscribe to get Nico, I subscribed to play the game. That month, the price was the same as any other months. Nico wasn't bought, it was "gifted" to subscribers. So selling him for 15/20$ wouldn't be disrepectful of those subs because not only will they have obtained Nico earlier but they also got to play the game without restrictions from July 31th to August 31th by subscribing.

So here, I don't think Nico should remain a "five weeks" time window reward. Especially if he is part of KOTFE's storyline. Anyone who couldn't sub at the time (For whatever reason) should be able to shell out cash to get him. And for Bioware it's a win-win scenario because he will sell well anyway.

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I laughed in real life to this lol.


While I do believe these games need special items to mark when a player was there and participating, I would not worry too much. If Bee Dubya is good at anything it is trivializing everything. So expect the item on sale before long regardless of what is told. BW lies all the time and will continue to do so. I am honestly surprised I have not lost my party Jawa, Hutt holo, etc. by now. Sure I do not "lose" it, but as soon as it is sold to all mine has no meaning anymore.


There are too few things in the game now that show, without people having to take my word for it, that show I was there when and paying/participating. People always use the same old arguments for why "special" items should be given to all. On top if that they call people "entitled" and "selfish" when in reality it is they whom are being selfish and entitled.


We all agree it is just a game, but I for one am sick and tired of people wanting to trivialize me and anyone else that did as asked {or auto qualified by proxy as I did as a continuous subscriber for the past 4 years or however long it has been since EA for the game}. Imagine if they sold the "Founder" title lol. An extreme, but the same effect to a degree.


These sort of people will uses every "reason" and hard luck story they can think of with a single goal. Least of which is having the same item. More like trying to erase your history.


You know, I agree with all your points on history and exclusivity and representation and what not. I, and apparently some others, too, just don't think that Nico was a good choice for such a reward.


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I really hope I can buy him when the expansion comes out or at the very least someday in the future.

If he is a skin with no interactions or story it's fine for him to be exclusive, but if he has a standard companion story and things to say I don't want to miss out.

I haven't played in like 2 years or more and I don't see why I should be left out of a piece of STORY because I heard about it too late, especially on a game like SWTOR where story is king.

I have plenty of weapons, armors, titles, achievements that people can't get anymore on WoW, and I wouldn't mind at all if people could get them again, but I was disgusted when I saw I couldn't complete the legendary story questline of the Pandaria expansion because I took a break.


Making story exclusive is never a good decision. Not everyone is going to hear about it, I didn't because I don't usually keep up news with games I'm not playing and I don't use the same e-mail anymore.

To me it feels like making exclusive 30 min of a movie to those who saw it when it was on in a movie theater.

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