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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Six days and counting! Who will be your first outlander?


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Probably my Marauder. I really enjoy his relationship with the Emperor and want to see how that goes first. Then I'll probably do the rest of the Imps in no particular order, then on pub side same thing. Knight first, then the rest.
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Honestly, I think i'll use my Merc, 10k light and dark... or their about :p


But with my main i might just level to 65 by going back to Ord Mantel and Tython and do the quests she didn't do their and work my way through all the planets like that.


It's been almost 3(?) years since she got to level 50(way back when that was the cap) and think it would be fun to have a trip down memory lane :D

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So the time is coming, and I am feeling the panic to finish up a-lot of stuff I still have yet to complete. However, a thought came to me the other night, and that was which character of mine would be the first to become out-lander and go through the story!


I mulled over it and still cannot decide, I like all of them equally. So here's my question. Which class and archetype will you become the outlander with first and why?




Not doing KotFE.


Already played ME2, don't care for yet another appearance of SWTOR's Villain Sue.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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My worst and most unloved toon with a class I'm not a fan of always playing - that will be my first kotfe playthrough.


This expansion needs to 'impress' me with my worst toon in play first - and I suspect the story will, for a time. If that happens - off to my Alt masses starting with my namesake..

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Six days to release of KOTFE.

Six days from release, you are done with your OUTLANDERtm and begin wondring what else to do in this game.

Six days from that, you are playing some new game

Six days from that, you decide to unsub

Six days from that, you kinda forget to check if and when there will be more chapters.

Six days from that, somebody at EA asks BW why they released an MMO expansion lacking any novel MMO elements.


Honestly? After Makeb, Revan prelude, Revan, Emperor...it mystifies me why people keep wanting and expecting more of this, heh. What on earth is so special in post-vanilla narrative that people feel they'd need more of it?

Edited by Stradlin
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I created my Vanguard on 12/13/2011 and always take him through content first. Story wise, I play him as if he's a much braver and better trained version of myself. If the plot is ever going to surprise me, I want to be able to react naturally, which means starting it with him.
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I Have no idea, honestly. I might end up just rolling a dice on who goes first, as I havent gotten that feeling "this toon would be perfect for this role!" feeling yet. Was thinking of just putting the fresh 60 trough it first but, it would feel a little odd going into new story with premade previous choices and no real defined characteristics to follow.
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Me ? After running this all through my head -- over and over --- I've finally decided to sit it out for awhile ---

watch some spoilers on Youtube -- read some spoilers here ( come on I WANT spoilers !) and see what I decide ---

need to know which companions are going to be back and recruitable -- that's what I'm interested in .... especially my dear Mako -- and I'm worried ... so I'll wait ......

because depending on whether or not she comes back will determine if my BH goes to the "gray" or "dark" side and takes Lana over Theron as a companion .....


First might be the smuggler or Jedi --- and leave the BH for last -- but again, will just sit back and wait and watch --

I might just run all 4 of my 60's through chapter 1 and then the JK and smuggler through the other 8 and then wait (because I have a "short list " of the companions I want for them , and most are NOT the old ones ... ) ---

just have to see on the first day I get to play what I feel like doing

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Six days to release of KOTFE.

Six days from release, you are done with your OUTLANDERtm and begin wondring what else to do in this game.

Six days from that, you are playing some new game

Six days from that, you decide to unsub

Six days from that, you kinda forget to check if and when there will be more chapters.

Six days from that, somebody at EA asks BW why they released an MMO expansion lacking any novel MMO elements.


Honestly? After Makeb, Revan prelude, Revan, Emperor...it mystifies me why people keep wanting and expecting more of this, heh. What on earth is so special in post-vanilla narrative that people feel they'd need more of it?


Please don't derail my thread into a "the sky is falling" post. I'm really interested in seeing why and who people are taking through first and their reasoning behind it. There are a multitude of other threads started by your fellow conglomerate of tears that this post of yours belongs in, you didn't even try to keep it on topic here.


On topic, i'm seeing a severe lack of smuggler's and agents piping in. Any particular reason?


The only progress I've made on choosing my first out-lander is that I will NOT be taking my bounty hunter through first. I just don't see why he would care really. My SW, Operative and Inq are all heavily loyal to the empire, so I could see how they would wake up being rather upset.

Edited by Tharenisis
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Please don't derail my thread into a "the sky is falling" post. I'm really interested in seeing why and who people are taking through first and their reasoning behind it. Their are a multitude of other threads started by your fellow conglomerate of tears that this post of yours belongs in, you didn't even try to keep it on topic here.


On topic, i'm seeing a severe lack of smuggler's and agents piping in. Any particular reason?


The only progress I've made on choosing my first out-lander is that I will NOT be taking my bounty hunter through first. I just don't see why he would care really. My SW, Operative and Inq are all heavily loyal to the empire, so I could see how they would wake up being rather upset.


You know, my Agent was going to be my first character to run through this, but I feel like it'd be disrespectful to pass by my Warrior, my first love. But second will definitely be my Agent.

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My first Outlander will be an Agent named Lex-Talionis. And if you look up what that means, you will understand her intentions perfectly. And she will be an instant 60.


I'm choosing to go this route because she will be the test bed for my decision making. I like the idea of just making decisions and living with the consequences, but I also know quite well that for my main toons I want their story play out in a very particular way, if I can. And I want certain companions to survive and be on my side. So, Lex will go first.


I'm choosing an Agent, a concealment operative, specifically because I love leveling them. Stealth comes in very handy and because of the dots and spike damage I can handle just about anything thrown at me. Also, the Agent story is my favorite of them all so continuing that story even as an instant 60 will be great.


After that, the rest will fall into place. I'm really looking forward to it!

Edited by Rafaman
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First through it for me will be my lvl 60 imperial agent, I always do him first take him out for a spin before shelving him until the next expansion...or chapter released. After that its a bot dicey.


I have 11 lvl 60 snipers and I want to make sire my main toon has story elements I'm happy with, so he'll likely be the 4th to be leveled. 2nd will be my first ever toon..sniper of course 3rd being the story clone of my main toon. After Es'carli is maxed out then I'll do one of my non snipers bit haven't got as far as which one yet.

Edited by Zoidrinali
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My very first Imperial Agent/Operative. I hold tons of love for my healer and I shall not leave em behind. Besides with the comp changes I feel like leveling could be a lot easier for me as a healer. That and her outfit rocks all dem socks.
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