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KoTFE, What are you going to do first?


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Fiddle around with skill points, and visit the crew skills trainers.


Get my companions in order (in case their gear is stripped), and switch certain companions to different roles. I can't wait to make Andronikos a tank so I can ignore Xalek and Khem forever. :D


Otherwise, I'll just be messing around with this and that until the guinea pigs, erm, I mean, early adopters, have run through the story and posted the info so I can run through it without accidentally doing something I didn't want to. Spoilers, shmoilers; still better than making a free 60 to test drive it myself. :p

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Well, if the best is not available, we'll have to take second best. ;)


You will very likely be able to get better stuff, faster, by spending comms. But I guess there might be a market to corner selling crap on the GTN.

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At this rate - still finishing my sniper. Then i will have 5 motherf*ckers left to take trough RotH and SoR, especially for class missions. Then I will spoil the hell out of important choices in KotFE for me and take my warrior there


Oh, and datacron hunting definetely

Edited by Frenesi
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Troll Gen chat and make dank memes


How? when jedi covenant chat is dead? at least all the pugged operations on that server doesn't exist anymore since 2 weeks ago. yeah by dead i don't mean 0 but you know the empty feeling....


As far as i know most of the trolls are on the harbinger...


I wonder why is that happening, people pissed off for the new 4.0 changes and quitting or just waiting for the new expansion? Anyways if they are waiting why don't play the same content now too?

Edited by psikofunkster
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And yet you keep posting every day. Imagine that.


I paid for the time, my sub isn't up until first week of November, so I'm still playing the game while it's still in a form that's vaguely playable.


If you don't like other paying customers pointing out how much they dislike what Bioware is going, you're also free to not read the forums.

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I paid for the time, my sub isn't up until first week of November, so I'm still playing the game while it's still in a form that's vaguely playable.


If you don't like other paying customers pointing out how much they dislike what Bioware is going, you're also free to not read the forums.

Pointing out features you dislike and calling a game "trash" are two different things.

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I am going to take my main character and do all nine chapters with all chat disabled except whisper. She will live with consequences of her choices, good or bad. Its part of the fun that I might goof up.


Same here. I like choosing things and living with the consequences. I'm just going to go slow and take my time so I don't accidentally piss off my husband companions. The others? Well, I WANT them back, but I'll live without them if I have to. But not my companion husbands, I'll do whatever it takes to keep them happy. Not too worried about the new companions, except Theron, my male characters want him badly, hopefully he can be an actual companion and not a temp companion like Marr. lol


DAMN! I'm so excited for the new story!!! Screw the other crap, I'm here for story, baby! :D

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Really? unbeliveable...i wonder if this game is now targeted to persons like you leveling 100 alts.....crazy but each one of us plays or played his own game...amen.


I have 22 now on one server, you damn betcha I plan to buy 18 more slots to have 40. My characters have been quite...um...frisky with their husbands. >.> :p

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