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Well the good news is i don't think we should lose a lot of players to Battlefront


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It looks fun I have seen a few streams of the beta, yes there is currently only 1 map but it still looks fun I play battlefield and I also like Star Wars so I will certainly check it out when it comes out proper next month.


that's my problem there are two maps but people only ever play the one. which I fear will be a problem in live as well.

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My biggest gripe with the air combat is how you spawn - when you use the power-up to activate the x-wing/tie-fighter/etc you see the ship fly in and your then loaded into the ship, just to find that you have zero control till it finish's the spawn-in run... and this spawn-in run can be seen by everyone on the map, which enables opponent flyer's time to aim at you and fire weapons at you.


This means that if there are enemy players in the air anywhere near you when you use the power up and can act on it... you'll find yourself either nearly dead, or dead, the moment you actually gain control of the ship.


Seen it happen to many people... it's an easy exploit to take advantage of if your in the air and currently not engaged in a fight - ie if any side can get control of the air with 2+ ships, the other side is likely doomed to never have anything in the air for more than the time the 'spawn-in' run goes for.


Players should have instant control of the ships when they get into the ship screen... I really hope DICE changes the way air power-ups and spawning works.

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Why would an MMO lose a large percent of players to a FPS? Just because it says Star Wars? I don't think so. It's still play types.


Seems FPS aren't your cup of tea, all the power to you in that. BUT there are those who enjoy FPS that LOVE the game. Coming to SWTOR Forums talking about it & trashing it, doesn't even make sense.

That'd be like me coming here talking about COD: Black Ops: Zombie mode. Doesn't fit nor apply, even if it says STAR WARS.



At least you get it. lol


That is predicated upon the belief that people only ever play one genre exclusively. Believe it or not, many people play this game for the simple fact that it's star wars. PVP, PVE, and certainly the 4 year old story aren't what's keeping people here. So yes, a good portion of the subscriber base will dump this game in favor of BF. It has a lot of replay value, and the graphics aren't from the 90s. Denial won't change that. Better enjoy the minimal populations you have now, because the servers will become ghost towns within a months time.

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Guys the Walker Assault is suppose to favor the Empire, that's how it was in ESB, the Rebels were overran by the Imperial Forces. The Rebels could never win a straight up engagement against the Empire, this is actually authentic.


You can win the Walker Assault on the Rebel side if the team pays attention/know what to do, same with the Empire side.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Guys the Walker Assault is suppose to favor the Empire, that's how it was in ESB, the Rebels were overran by the Imperial Forces. The Rebels could never win a straight up engagement against the Empire, this is actually authentic.


You can win the Walker Assault on the Rebel side if the team pays attention/know what to do, same with the Empire side.


Nice sentiment but a game isn't fun when there is no balance.

And there isn't.

The Empire gets it's vehicle spawns on a golden plate. Their spawn points are not in the middle of the firing line. They get to use Rebel turrets while Rebels can't steal AT-STs (A quick Ion Shot and done). The uplinks are in hardly defensible areas.

Remember when the Snowpeeder were the first crafts used against the AT-ATs? Here they are limited to a short time window after the third bomber waves. They should be available from the beginning.

All of these would be actually authentic. Not having Rebels run in an open field to activate their own equipement, pulling out their best weapons at the latest second and all that.

Also, power-ups being totally random means that there is no way to actually prepare for the damage phase because you have no idea what you'll get (I see everywhere people saying "Use Orbital Strikes", but do they realize that maybe they get many of them but others don't?)

In summary: A game where one team can only win by sheer luck is unbalanced, period.

Edited by Leklor
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Nice sentiment but a game isn't fun when there is no balance.

And there isn't.

The Empire gets it's vehicle spawns on a golden plate. Their spawn points are not in the middle of the firing line. They get to use Rebel turrets while Rebels can't steal AT-STs (A quick Ion Shot and done). The uplinks are in hardly defensible areas.

Remember when the Snowpeeder were the first crafts used against the AT-ATs? Here they are limited to a short time window after the third bomber waves. They should be available from the beginning.

All of these would be actually authentic. Not having Rebels run in an open field to activate their own equipement, pulling out their best weapons at the latest second and all that.

Also, power-ups being totally random means that there is no way to actually prepare for the damage phase because you have no idea what you'll get (I see everywhere people saying "Use Orbital Strikes", but do they realize that maybe they get many of them but others don't?)

In summary: A game where one team can only win by sheer luck is unbalanced, period.




I have fun, makes me feel like an actual part of being in the Rebellion, being the underdogs in a hopeless situation.


Again you can win, just gotta do it right.


But they'll probably makes changes from now and release anyway.

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Always thought it was funny people were calling Battlefront a SWTOR killer. They're completely different genres. It's like saying a KFC is going to go out business because a Baskin Robbins opens next door.


Anyway, Battlefront is fine. Not the dream game I've been imagining for ten years but definitely a solid game. If you like Star Wars, FPSs, and wide scale PVP you should pick it up.

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Actually, I think the reason for a lack of a story singleplayer campaign is twofold.


Firstly, it would take too long to make so the game wouldn't be possible to release before or near the release of Episode 7.

Secondly, since anything storyrelated made from now on is considered canon, they'd have to vett any idea through the story group that now handles all the canon material, meaning it would take even longer than it normally would and be a much bigger effort.


(and no, SW:TOR doesn't count as canon, so they don't have these problems when it comes to story)


As for the lack of a campaign being a problem, I think people need to take off their rose-tinted glasses and have a look at the campaigns of the old battlefront games.


Sure, there was a bit of narration and a cutscene or two (which were pretty disconnected from you as a character), but in general, it was just a string of missions with bad AI bots running around on what felt like multiplayer maps.

It was hardly the equivalent of a decent single player game.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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As for the lack of a campaign being a problem, I think people need to take off their rose-tinted glasses and have a look at the campaigns of the old battlefront games.


Sure, there was a bit of narration and a cutscene or two (which were pretty disconnected from you as a character), but in general, it was just a string of missions with bad AI bots running around on what felt like multiplayer maps.

It was hardly the equivalent of a decent single player game.


well.. to be honest, i don't have older battlefront games in my star wars collection either. for basically this reason.


<---doesn't buy games without at least decent story that engages me, component. not even MMO's

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Nice sentiment but a game isn't fun when there is no balance.

And there isn't.

The Empire gets it's vehicle spawns on a golden plate. Their spawn points are not in the middle of the firing line. They get to use Rebel turrets while Rebels can't steal AT-STs (A quick Ion Shot and done). The uplinks are in hardly defensible areas.

Remember when the Snowpeeder were the first crafts used against the AT-ATs? Here they are limited to a short time window after the third bomber waves. They should be available from the beginning.

All of these would be actually authentic. Not having Rebels run in an open field to activate their own equipement, pulling out their best weapons at the latest second and all that.

Also, power-ups being totally random means that there is no way to actually prepare for the damage phase because you have no idea what you'll get (I see everywhere people saying "Use Orbital Strikes", but do they realize that maybe they get many of them but others don't?)

In summary: A game where one team can only win by sheer luck is unbalanced, period.


Rebels, in most games, will win if they are playing the objective. No luck about that. If the imps are just screwing around trying to get kills and ignore the uplinks, they lose.


And the Rebels do have one advantage over imps. Superior fighters. X-Wings and especially in particular A-Wings. If you control skies, there is a good chance you're going to win, because fighters eat AT-ATs and AT-STs for breakfast. And these fighters aren't random pickups, they spawn in the exact same place every-time.


Also consider, we don't have all our Star Cards. I imagine things like Ion Torpedo or a grenade launcher that were in the other modes are going to be able to eat through AT-ST and other vehicles alike.


All they need to do is fix the spawn points so you won't be vulnerable to spawn killing and maybe limit some imperial turret use and this game mode would be pretty balanced.


I would think the reason they didn't include airspeeders early is because they didn't want to give the Rebels such an overwhelming advantage early on by being able to take down 2 AT-ATs in the first phase so easily. If the rebs we're controling the skies, it would be fairly easy to perform a tow on one of them, and focus fire the other one down and win the game within the first phase.

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Now I REALLY know I'm not getting this!! IGN posted that the SW battlefront season pass is supposed to be $50!!!!! :eek:


Ok, yeah, I'll give you that one. I'd expect at least ten new maps for that price and considering their first map doesn't release until January that seems unlikely. It also implies they're thinking of charging ten plus dollars for each map and that seems a bit ludicrous.


To be fair, I'm a bit gunshy after the Evolve and Arkham Knight passes. Season passes are like preorders: they're a show of good faith by the consumer that the product they're receiving will be worthwhile. We're just not seeing that anymore. :(

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I love people who complain about games they haven't even played.

How can you even make a judgement about something like that, if you didn't try it yourself.


Videos and Livestream do NOT give you the same experience like playing the actual game yourself.


I played it, had loads of fun. I still would've loved if they had made it more like Battlefront 2.. but hey.. maybe next time.

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I love people who complain about games they haven't even played.

How can you even make a judgement about something like that, if you didn't try it yourself.


Videos and Livestream do NOT give you the same experience like playing the actual game yourself.


I played it, had loads of fun. I still would've loved if they had made it more like Battlefront 2.. but hey.. maybe next time.


Because SOME of us HAVE played it. I played in the Beta that ended on the 13th as well and based on what they gave us to play with I wasn't impressed enough to shell out $60 to $70 on top of another $50 for a season pass.

Edited by Anaesha
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that $50 season pass... that is... on top of the subscription console players are paying just to be able to play online games? and its just for a few extra maps... whereas other games half the time release new maps completely for free?


this will go over well >_>

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that $50 season pass... that is... on top of the subscription console players are paying just to be able to play online games? and its just for a few extra maps


Whilst I agree that the price for the Premium package is ridiculously high (and I'm not a console player, and was put off buying Hardline for the same reasons), DICE doesn't usually just do only maps for their DLC.

Their DLC is more akin to the expansions games used to get before the cash gouging popularity of DLC content.

Maps and weapons, and in the case of BF3 new vehicles for the new maps.


I will say this though, maps as DLC with a price tag works more to divide players than just giving them out free for people who own the game.

Weapons and cosmetic customisation stuff as paid DLC would be fine, since it is less likely to divide the playerbase as much as maps do.


I remember when COD4's newer maps were released in patches for PC players, whilst console players were getting the short end of the stick by having to pay for them, then from MW2 onwards all platforms were being screwed over by Activision's pay for maps practice, which really helped push the DLC cash cows.

The DLC practice for Black Ops 2 was more acceptable (weapon camos, reticle options etc), but still creating division with paid maps dlc.


After the 4 packs for BF4 were released, players have gotten more weapons for free, at least 1 night version of a map with a couple more in the works, an updated map from an earlier game coming and a map made with community input coming too, for free.

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Played open beta, about 1 hour Survival, 4 Drop Zone, 8 Walker Assault.


This is in no way a Battlefield reskin. The entire feel of the game is different. Visually and audibly, it felt like Star Wars to me, more than any other game. Hoth and Tatooine, especially the later, felt authentic. The weapons, like in Star Wars films, are terribly horrifically inaccurate, and reward spray and pra(e)y. The overall feel of using guns was what I'd imagined being a rebel/stormtrooper is like. The balance was good, with Rebels and Imperials winning 50/50 on walker assault on Sunday.


Luke and Vader were both difficult to control at this point, and lacked the grace I'd expect from force users. The same goes for starfighters, because they move too fast in too small an area. DICE needs to open up the airspace a lot.


There is a distinct lack of weapon variety and customization, which may (with limited maps) kill the long term success of the title.


During the beta, players were VERY quick to adapt tactics and effectively use their weapons (which surprised me). At one point I got on top of the AT-AT and killed around a dozen people with the sniper rifle before people got smart. After that, let's just say the tactic was at an end.

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The weapons, like in Star Wars films, are terribly horrifically inaccurate, and reward spray and pra(e)y.


? Uh...the weapons in SW were never inaccurate. If that were so, then no one would bother aiming at all, which there was aiming involved.


IE: Pretty much any Han instance


Obi-Wan shooting Grevious


Scout Trooper hitting the speeder bike Leia was on.


Stormtrooper blasting R2 and Leia


Padme and Panaka in Theed/Geonosis


So on, now there were just spray and prey instances sure, but there was also aiming and accurate shots made.

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I noticed most people that have posted so far are going to play it because of how it looks. I will not be playing it, because they took-out features that I enjoyed about Battlefront. There will be no conquest single-player mode nor any space combat.


Fallout 4 may lose players temporarily.

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? Uh...the weapons in SW were never inaccurate. If that were so, then no one would bother aiming at all, which there was aiming involved.


IE: Pretty much any Han instance


Obi-Wan shooting Grevious


Scout Trooper hitting the speeder bike Leia was on.


Stormtrooper blasting R2 and Leia


Padme and Panaka in Theed/Geonosis


So on, now there were just spray and prey instances sure, but there was also aiming and accurate shots made.


It was darth vaders plan. He wanted rebels to do these exact things thats why he ordered stormtroopers to ''shoot'' at them but not hit. Later on they have better aim obviously because there was no such order.

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