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Crafting Changes in Fallen Empire


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Elder Game Crafting:



  • Crafters can now make gear equivalent to Story and Hard Mode Operations gear:
    • This new gear requires a new Crafting material that can only be acquired by completing your personal Conquest goals.

Wait. WHAT?


What does crafting have to do with arbitrary weekly goals?

Isn't this like making using dyes dependant on a certain PvP ranking? Or access to HardMode content being gated by the number of Galactic Starfighter wins. Or some other such "gaming reason" nonsense?


Maybe I'm missing some subtlety to this - but it looks like either "not enough people are doing conquest stuff each week - make them!!!" or "we don't like that so many people are using alts to do crafting - let's introduce a bu***hit reason to stop that happening".


Edit: Another thought... I wonder if that new crafting material is BoE, BoP or BoL?


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Edited by Woetoo
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In Knights of the Fallen Empire, we are making quite a few adjustments to how Crafting will work.


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Most of what I've read regarding "Fallen Empire" updates seem interesting. The crafting side of things though, doesn't even make sense from a customer satisfaction standpoint. I'm sure most people picked crafting skills based on what they specifically wanted to craft(types of augs, modifiers, so on) and basically you are saying "congratulations on mastering your crafting skills, so you can craft the top quality items you wanted to craft, BUT(hehe), guess what, we are screwing it all up for you".


I can see adding to the crafting, even making common sense changes(like all crafted armor being adaptive), but changing what skill crafts what items, removing items from skill(enhancements from artifice or armorings from cybertechs), so on, is a horrible idea.


Oh, and btw________crafting in this game is already about as easy as it gets. Of course nothing you mentioned really makes crafting easier overall. It actually complicates things, especially if you've already mastered skills based on what you want to craft and reversed engineered purple items(armorings, enhancements, so on).


Anyway, whatever....

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4.0 gets worse and worse. Those better be some amazing set bonuses and the best looking gear ever. Otherwise, I'm not sure why they are even bothering updating the old ops. Just admit the raiding content is being axed and move on.


I doubt it's that all or nothing. I mean, it doesn't sound like the components for end-game gear are going to be easy or cheap to get. So, unless you dig crafting (and some of us do), the easiest way to get the gear is to raid. Just because it's not the primary focus doesn't mean it's getting "axed," and it seems like they are trying to make it so more players can do group content.

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Someone tell me I am wrong here...


when 4.0 hits I can "purchase" a free level 60 toon, have max crafting instantly, do some conquest dailies, and craft myself some BiS armor (minus set bonuses) without ever doing anything remotely challenging?


Well, at least when 4.0 drops, I'll be able to instantly change some of my surplus cybertechs to insta 500 armormechs/armstechs, and some of my newly redundant artificers to insta 500 synthweavers, by deleting toons I haven't bothered leveling quite up to 60 and immediately replacing them with the insta 60s.


What an immersion breaking farce but so much stuff is getting moved around that did not need to be.


I'm OK with most of the other changes (thank the Force I won't have to reload/rezone anymore to get the rich crafting missions anymore!). Having MK-9s and MK-10s crammed down to MK-8s is inviting mayhem with bugs not converting the stuff correctly, but if those kinds of bugs are squashed before 4.0 goes live (OK who are we kidding here?) I don't really have a problem either.


The reusables were mostly obsolete anyways. Lowbie stims going for 8 hours is welcome and might make them worth crafting--can they please also persist through death so they are useful in lowbie PVP? Losing the crafting schematic for the green grenades, however, sucks...it's the basic effect of the grenade that we want, not the extra couple percent damage for twice the mat cost of the blue ones.

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I'm sorry but does anybody see an issue with this crafting update? this will pretty much make crafting and farming a useless source of income when they are the biggest source of income. If gear is this easy all max levels will be crafting it and the competition to sell will be so high the product will be undersold so much it will be pointless. and if there are no longer levels for farming mats how is farming yavin going to work? we are already to filled with matt gathers to gain much. i dont get how anyone will make money.....


That is the point, they must be hoping that this will help bring the economy back down.

They want you out there running dailies, flashpoints and Ops.

They are focusing on story for the levelers and the new players, making the game fresh and exciting all over again for those who are coming back, but making it a grind fest for those of us who have been around for a long time.

They want the old timers the veterans, they super wealthy out of the game so they can make way for new blood they hope will come pouring in after the movie hits in December.

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This is the update I was waiting on. Thanks!


Glad you're removing so many redundant materials. Don't need to have 5 different compounds and scavenged material for each tier of scavenging.


I don't like level 10s being able to farm any tier material without having the prereq skill level. Looking forward to a bunch of RMTers camping crafting material spawns now...


New Resistive Armorings (Endurance) are now exclusive to Armormech.

New Versatile Armorings (Mastery) are now exclusive to Synthweaving.


Wait...what? So armorings only have one stat now? Or is it like, say the difference between might armorings and guardian armorings, where one has more endurance, and one has more primary stat?


Don't armormechs and synthweavers get enough with the ability to craft adaptive armors now? Why take armorings from cybertechs? Why take enhancements from artifice?


Can artificers please craft purple crystals? Any color crystal that is +41 stats at level 10...even generic red, blue, green, yellows? How about relics for leveling? Maybe I'm just unlucky, but it's rare leveling that I ever had two level appropriate relics.


I like some of these changes, but some are just head scratching.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Maybe I'm missing it, but what exactly are artificers suppose to make now, you know, since relics are apparently the only end game gear that can't be crafted and enhancements have been moved to another skill?


I'm also not entirely sure why you would gate crafting goods with conquest while simultaneously making crafting close to useless for conquest.


I am tentatively positive about a lot of the changes, but these seem...poorly thought out at best.

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Artifice got hosed. They might as well divide up the 3 items we can make to other crafters and do away with artifice all togethers at this point.

Hilts to Armstech, Crystals to SynthWeaver's and Dyes to Armormech's. Relics can no longer be crafted and they gave enhancements to Cybertechs already. I can't move a color crystal for any more than 40k these days and getting the mats is more and more expensive all the time. Everyone and their brother sells dyes and hilts don't move worth a darn now that sooooo many more folks are playing Bounty Hunters/Troopers and Snipers/slingers.


I have always crafted the dyes and I make good credits with the dyes. Of course, I have maxed reputation with the reputations like GCI, Section X, Oricion, Bounty Hunter and have all the schematics for all those dyes.

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So basically conquest/crafting is now how you get BiS gear, and the only reason to get gear from raids is the set bonus lol. (This is assuming HM is highest tier, and NiM/Featured HM only drops cosmetic not better gear)


They said Nim will not drop any higher level gear. HM is the highest. And it does seem that you won't ever have to set foot in a raid in order to get fully geared minus SB. But thats to be expected (i don't support it) due to their push for story content and the casual player. Makes them able to craft the high end gear without being a part of a raid team. Its gonna get interesting running sm ops with ppl in full BiS and not having any idea what they are doing.

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What about the gathering node decorations for the materials that are being removed/converted? Are they being converted to normal decorations without the utility, being left as is with the ability to harvest the equivalent materials, being converted entirely to the node of the equivalent material? Some of these are unique looking decorations and it would be a huge shame to lose them. (*hugs her Toxic Phosphorescent Stem tightly*)


Damn it. I didn't think of that. I had a nice jungle of Bioanalysis nodes going on in Tattooine. :(

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While I am also wanting to know what will happen to the stronghold/guildship decoration gathering nodes for materials being removed, I am a bit unclear about how the changes will affect our ability to craft the gear that will become archived. Example: My armormech wants to craft a tempered laminoid chestguard. Will I still be able to craft it? Will I simply use silica instead of laminoid, since laminoid is being removed from the game? Is the name of this item going to be changed to reflect the removal of laminoid from the game? Will the item now be adaptive instead of heavy armor?


Edit: Another question came to mind after I finished my post. If I have Advanced Commando Armoring 36, (for example), in my inventory right now, does it change to Advanced Resistive Armoring 36 when 4.0 goes live?

Edited by PiiTarr
Want to include another question
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They said Nim will not drop any higher level gear. HM is the highest. And it does seem that you won't ever have to set foot in a raid in order to get fully geared minus SB. But thats to be expected (i don't support it) due to their push for story content and the casual player. Makes them able to craft the high end gear without being a part of a raid team. Its gonna get interesting running sm ops with ppl in full BiS and not having any idea what they are doing.


Whelp at least people will have no excuse when it comes to the UL in 4.0. But yeah there is no carrot. I can see SM Gear being craftable but HM? I can make a Hilt that drops from Revan HM without doing SM Revan as long as I do my conquest daillies aka PvP or craft? GG BW. Can I get PvP gear from Ops too as well? XD

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That is the point, they must be hoping that this will help bring the economy back down.

They want you out there running dailies, flashpoints and Ops.

They are focusing on story for the levelers and the new players, making the game fresh and exciting all over again for those who are coming back, but making it a grind fest for those of us who have been around for a long time.

They want the old timers the veterans, they super wealthy out of the game so they can make way for new blood they hope will come pouring in after the movie hits in December.

that makes absoultely no sense. so if thats the case why bothe rcontinuing the crafting now? it will be useless to even bother crafting. so only way to make money is missions? LOL

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Oh boy its going to take a week to just to go through my cargo hull and all my alts inv bays to re-organize. I'm already a bit adhd.

Also it would be a great QOL to increase the stack count from 99 to something like 999...PRETTY PLEASE!!

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Well, at least when 4.0 drops, I'll be able to instantly change some of my surplus cybertechs to insta 500 armormechs/armstechs, and some of my newly redundant artificers to insta 500 synthweavers, by deleting toons I haven't bothered leveling quite up to 60 and immediately replacing them with the insta 60s.


What an immersion breaking farce but so much stuff is getting moved around that did not need to be.


I'm OK with most of the other changes (thank the Force I won't have to reload/rezone anymore to get the rich crafting missions anymore!). Having MK-9s and MK-10s crammed down to MK-8s is inviting mayhem with bugs not converting the stuff correctly, but if those kinds of bugs are squashed before 4.0 goes live (OK who are we kidding here?) I don't really have a problem either.


The reusables were mostly obsolete anyways. Lowbie stims going for 8 hours is welcome and might make them worth crafting--can they please also persist through death so they are useful in lowbie PVP? Losing the crafting schematic for the green grenades, however, sucks...it's the basic effect of the grenade that we want, not the extra couple percent damage for twice the mat cost of the blue ones.


you only get 1 insta 60. so i wouldnt be deleting anything if i were you

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Oh boy its going to take a week to just to go through my cargo hull and all my alts inv bays to re-organize. I'm already a bit adhd.

Also it would be a great QOL to increase the stack count from 99 to something like 999...PRETTY PLEASE!!


From what they said on the stream the materials they are removing they are supposed to change those materials you have to something you can use in the new expansion.

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So all that work RE'ing to blues and purple armors and enhancements flushed down the toilet. Thanks.


It wasn't flushed. You needed to do that to craft in the old system for as long as the old system lasted. This is new. It will just take adjusting, but things seem pretty evenly spread and fair in the new system. It can't all revolve around you personally.

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I'm SUPER disappointed with being able to craft SM gear right at 65, and then HM gear...

I would love to hear why you are doing this SWTOR, I started reading all of this so excited till I saw that :(

Very disappointed, everything has been so exciting for the expansion till that

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Whelp at least people will have no excuse when it comes to the UL in 4.0. But yeah there is no carrot. I can see SM Gear being craftable but HM? I can make a Hilt that drops from Revan HM without doing SM Revan as long as I do my conquest daillies aka PvP or craft? GG BW. Can I get PvP gear from Ops too as well? XD


You assume that every crafter, person will be farming the personal conquest to get the mats to make those armors. I for one won't, Lazy people won't.


I didn't see anywhere in the post that said this crafted armor was going to be BiS anyway. Another example of people jumping at shadows.


Do we even know the mats these items require? How much they would cost, how many they need, what the drop rates of them are from conquest? Because I assume alot of crafters are like me, I refuse to spend a butt load of credits on mats just to make a 200k profit. So I'll likely never craft this pve gear, unless conquest is so easy that I just have to log in and set skills(which is what I do now).

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Quote: Originally Posted by JNaeKirantor

First this:

"All Modifications acquired from Operations can be Reverse Engineered for their Schematics."

Then, one line later:

"Operation Gear can no longer be Reverse Engineered."


Seems contradictory, no?


How so? Modifications and the gear itself is not the same thing.


The question is then, "What qualifies as 'gear'?" You never were able to RE shells and the like. Do they mean you won't be able to RE earpieces and relics? Perhaps that's it.

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