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Why do MMOs punish longtime players


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It sucks that all the old gear from the early events is being made available. The cool thing about being a long time player is having gear that no one can get. This is one of the things that lead to the failure of SWG.


SWG failed when the first force sensitive slot got unlocked. Everything that happened after that was just furthing a disaster to try an balance a game that never should have had Jedi in it in the first place.

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Oh yeah because the exclusive costumes decide whether the game lives or dies :rolleyes:


They haven't been promoted as the exclusive rewards for subscription. They have been part of the event. You haven't got the guarantee that they would remain exclusive forever.


Another dumb thread on this forum. Which one next?

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I agree that they could have solved the title/achievement problem differently. But I actually love this solution. I would have loved it even more if they had brought back the events themselves, but I gladly take this as a compromise. I don't see anyone being "punished" by this. Neither the events nor the gear was ever advertised as exclusive. On the contrary, for a while we were led to believe the events may return.


Sure, my sniper's bowcaster won't be so special anymore, but someone else having it doesn't make it look less awesome on her, and I don't see what I'm being punished for if they have it, too.


On top of that, if someone asks me now where to get it, I don't have to reply with a "can't :(" anymore. I can give them the answer and they may be more interested in taking part in the events.


The unobtainable achievement was more of an actual (unfair) punishment for not choosing the "right" pieces at a time when the consequences were unforeseeable.


Also: Yay, legendary barrels for everyone. :D (Hopefully.) ETA: Although maybe not hopefully, because force users will demand they get legendary hilts, too, because otherwise pvp is unbalanced. :rolleyes:

Edited by KyaniteD
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I agree that they could have solved the title/achievement problem differently. But I actually love this solution. I would have loved it even more if they had brought back the events themselves, but I gladly take this as a compromise. I don't see anyone being "punished" by this. Neither the events nor the gear was ever advertised as exclusive. On the contrary, for a while we were led to believe the events may return.


Sure, my sniper's bowcaster won't be so special anymore, but someone else having it doesn't make it look less awesome on her, and I don't see what I'm being punished for if they have it, too.


On top of that, if someone asks me now where to get it, I don't have to reply with a "can't :(" anymore. I can give them the answer and they may be more interested in taking part in the events.


The unobtainable achievement was more of an actual (unfair) punishment for not choosing the "right" pieces at a time when the consequences were unforeseeable.


Also: Yay, legendary barrels for everyone. :D (Hopefully.) ETA: Although maybe not hopefully, because force users will demand they get legendary hilts, too, because otherwise pvp is unbalanced. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I hope the events like teh 'Great Galactic Race' return, it was rather enjoyable and I only got to do it on one cahracter

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It sucks that all the old gear from the early events is being made available. The cool thing about being a long time player is having gear that no one can get. This is one of the things that lead to the failure of SWG.


I don't think that it sucks at all. I don't mind that others can buy these armors now.


The thing remains: I earned them in the event. Nobody can take that from me. I got the codex entries from the events. They don't. I got certain titles from the events. They don't.


That said, I really think they should add these events again to the game. They should make it recurring. Two more events with things to do for everyone. I don't understand why they decided to not do it. Nowadays, the timeline and everything is not as important anymore as it was back then. We will switch to the future and back soon. Why not to the past as well.

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It sucks that all the old gear from the early events is being made available. The cool thing about being a long time player is having gear that no one can get. This is one of the things that lead to the failure of SWG.




The cool thing of MMOs TO ME is the SHARING aspect. That I can give people what they want and what they need.


I don't even know the things "no-one can get anymore" because i Know that they won't be able to get them.


Because if I was showing them, I'd make them unhappy.


But I want thenm to be happy when they play; I want them to play the way they want to, without ever having feelings / emotions of jealousy.

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Annual exclusivity/rarity is more than enough IMO. Goes for pre-order bonuses for SP games, exclusive missions, or outfits/mounts in MMO. What is the point of keeping it exclusive longer? People may not know about some game/franchise, or jump in later and become as dedicated fans/supporters as you. These are virtual pixels, not collections of XIV century paintings, rarity is artificially made.
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It sucks that all the old gear from the early events is being made available. The cool thing about being a long time player is having gear that no one can get.


I have Columni and Rakata gear, I have not seen they make those available.


The event gear is ok with me that they make them available again :tran_smile:

Edited by Icestar
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It sucks that all the old gear from the early events is being made available. The cool thing about being a long time player is having gear that no one can get. This is one of the things that lead to the failure of SWG.


WTH you talking about, I played SWG from launch to sunset... what items are you talking about? That game had a veteran reward system, whereby the longer you were in the game, the more and rarer items you got... almost EXACTLY the opposite to what you are talking about... so, err, clarification? Or just something random to say? Give us an example please.

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Because the whiners always win, OP.


SWG was the only time I've seen a, "You missed it? Well that's unfortunate for you." rule enforced. It's very unfortunately that they are continuing to push aside what's left of the original or long-time player base so that the new short-term cash cows can feel special.


Bioware's actions are just another great reason why I backed Star Citizen - no special treatment. You either work towards getting something, or you never get it at all.

Edited by Eillack
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It sucks that all the old gear from the early events is being made available. The cool thing about being a long time player is having gear that no one can get. This is one of the things that lead to the failure of SWG.


It's a little disappointing tht their bring back that old stuff for everyone. Kinda makes the time you spent here doing things, paying a sub fee and others said "oh well" and didn't bother little less worthwhile.


But when I read you title I actually was thinking more along the lines of how there is no new end game group content and wont be for months and well into 2016. There rehashing everything old things from 1 to 4 years old and back to launch in some poor attempt to get new gamers.


The old gamers that have been here. Well, sucks to be you. You'll just have to run that really old content you have been doing for nearly 4 years and then do iit some more with a raised difficulty as if that was interesting.

That part bothers mea bit more.


Great if you have never really played this game, not so good if you invested a lot of time in SWTOR. this expansion has little to support the older gamers and retention of them. There just looking at how to get new gamers only from the hype of the movie coming. The rest of us, oh well....

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WTH you talking about, I played SWG from launch to sunset... what items are you talking about? That game had a veteran reward system, whereby the longer you were in the game, the more and rarer items you got... almost EXACTLY the opposite to what you are talking about... so, err, clarification? Or just something random to say? Give us an example please.


IE: Old Jedi's got Elder jedi robe which no other new jedi's couldn't and also I think they had a elder crystal color as well too

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IE: Old Jedi's got Elder jedi robe which no other new jedi's couldn't and also I think they had a elder crystal color as well too

indeed... that's just one example... there were many drops and crafts in SWG that had a lifespan (hell, even some resource spawns! culsion gas) and they never went back.

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SWG failed when the first force sensitive slot got unlocked. Everything that happened after that was just furthing a disaster to try an balance a game that never should have had Jedi in it in the first place.


Going to have to disagree. You can't have a Star Wars MMO without Jedi.

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The reason is simple. The devs at first start giving out rewards to the vets, to keep them, but as this goes on, they start to think these little rewards are keeping new players out, as either they will never be able to get them or they will have to wait a long time to achieve them themselves.


While playing the game the other night, I got to thinking, what they need to do, is tie some more rewards to level 50 Legacy. Something like the Datacron Unlock.


It doesn't matter what it is, it just matters that it will take people time to hit the Legacy 50 mark to unlock it.

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This could be a blessing for some I know for myself getting some of the sets I am missing 1-3 on. Fact I am a long time sub and have missed out on some of the last days or just got in the last few hours of events. So its a wait and see what it dose look like live and then have your say cause the stream was on there test sever not even ptr so things are always subject to chance
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Sooooo how exactly is this a punishment?


Some play for the ability to have a unique item that no one else will ever be able to get. To change that is punishment to them. Their reward for playing was taken away.


Whether you agree with or not is a different matter. Though, in my experience, those who come into an MMO late, generally don't care for keeping things so rare, while those coming in from the start could go either way.

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I feel like I'm on the opposite end of this discussion. BUT! I totally agree with you all when it comes to Star Wars: The Old Republic. I always have been a fan of giving casual players access to things they didn't have before. At the same time you need to create enough new content for hardcore fans who enjoy doing the tedious work of getting gear, weapons, and items that can only be achieve with dedication.


I'm personally not one of those players in SWTOR. :p

Edited by Bountiful
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