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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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I am fine with level sync. I think it is a good idea in general overall. I think it helps draw new players into the game when they can play with experienced players. They also get to see skills and gear that they can look forward to later in game. It also maximizes grouping by increasing the available players for content. Edited by Hupp
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I'd just like to get a feel of the forums general temperature about this change, just a simple for or against with no childish insults from either side to muddy the waters.


Absolutely opposed if mandatory, would support if optional even though I'd never use it. No shock, I'm sure.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You can't take a poll titled "level sync" and get a true feel for the population. 1) most people who don't come to the forums don't ever care about things like this at all 2) most people don't even really get the concept of a level sync and 3) many people will change their minds once they see more of the reason for the change. Remember, we don't know why this change was made yet or what "level appropriate rewards" are yet.
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I have changed my mind. I was initially against it but I can see a lot of times how it would be good. Guildies can help each other and actually get useful XP and rewards. You can help your buddies. You can even just group to do heroic missions. Maybe there should be a heroics group finder.
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I think its brilliant idea. Subscriber squealing entitlements, move past them.


Back to the reality of the game:

- So today, right now, how often do you go actually back into the lower level zones and kill grey mobs just to feel like you're powerful? ... ?

- When levelling through every single planet every playthrough from first character to 10th, how is it inescapable that each planet is so perfectly designed yet there is absolutely nothing in these gorgeous environments. Any stream of changes that will get more relevant content filling up the gaps in the empty planets (hoth, belsavis) is a really good thing.


Sure make it optional, but it does make perfect sense how there's a small technical problem, add progression content on low level planets but with a level gap? Yeah by far lowing players is the most elegant solution.. making the mobs scale could get messy, making them scale to party even messier... so if we're still forced to chose, id chose to make the planet's relevance at the expense of a few players (likely unexercised even) ego trips.


Or why not make a power room, were all these players can spawn level 10 mobs from the opposite faction and feel like they're powerful.. or you can have a simulator where you get to be darth jadus at the interrogation scene... okay thats going a little too far :p)


No its brilliant, and it makes perfect sense all things considered why its not optional. Fill planets > feeling powerful.

Edited by stockmks
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Love it. I'm all for it being mandatory. And I think when players get a chance to experience it in-game, a lot of the people that dislike it now will end up really enjoying it.


Do it up. :cool:


I tried it in GW2, the game that was actualy designed with it in mind


I'm pretty sure I will NOT like it. seeing as I have already tried it. and at least in guild wars, I didn't have to mandatory group of fight over mobs, since they were open tag, unlike swtor. I occasionally play that game in spite of level sync, and certainly NOT becasue of it. and in that game, I know what I was getting into BEFORE i bought my copy.


what will decide for me if I keep playing TOR is


1. whether I enjoy new story and how varied it could be from class to class

2. how soon new ops/flashpoints are implemented and how interesting THOSE are.


mandatory level sync is very much in a minus column


P.S. I'm not sure how much it will fill the planets to be honest other then people leveling through. or if its a good thing, seeing as you'll have to fight for spawns for the weeklies with all the other people who are there to do the weeklies (or for general quest spawns). from the list - it looks like they merely retuned existing daily quests and a lot of those quests are NOT isntanced. so unless bioware implements open tag? its going to be as annoying as existing high level noninstanced daily areas.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I afraid that it will be horrible for a mostly solo-er like myself who doesn't mind going back to out leveled content and doing with ease. I also fear I will be screaming at the game when I am knocked off my bike by mobs 40 levels lower then me.


But, I will try it, maybe I am wrong and it wont be so bad.


As far as the poll though, I vote optional or not at all.

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I see someone ignored BWs request to quit making new threads on the matter and discuss it in the already existing tens of millions of threads.




Also, I vote FOR sync. There you go.


Maybe I'll go make a new topic now "Poll: Should people start using existing topics on lvl sync"...


if this is true then a vote one way or the other is wasted.

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oh my god, nobody has thought of this, you are so original! :rolleyes: Stop posting about level sync, developers have asked you to stop making new ones.


No they have not.


Please consider that if you want to discuss a topic, and if it's already very similar to another thread, to simply post in the thread that's already active rather than creating a new thread discussing the same topic.


It's about the changes, but a different question. If the developers truly wanted it all in the same topic, they wouldn't have locked the original topic would they now? It's more they don't want the whole first page of the forum about the same topic, so visitors don't get the impression of an unhappy split community on the subject of the changes coming in KotFE.


As for the changes, optional is where my views lay. If that's not possible, then none at all.

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If it was an option i could toggle off or on in my menu i would be all for it. Giving people the freedom to chose would end a lot of the debate. Or perhaps there could be some other option, like you could go to the map and switch to a level synced version of the planet just like you can do when an area gets too full. But if there is no option to toggle this feature off then i would not want it implemented at all.


In short: Option to toggle or NO level sync at all.

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I am neutral on this.


The only game I've played with anything remotely similar was CoX which had a voluntary sidekicking/mentoring system that I loved. World bosses functioned at your level, which was also very nice. I tried GW2 for less than a day and didn't get far enough to see level-syncing kick in. I view GW2 as one of the worst $50 purchases I've made...


I don't think level-syncing is going to increase how many high-level players are grouping with low-level players by much if at all. If the heroics are still soloable, they will still solo them if the rewards make them worth doing at all. I didn't watch the stream, but if I understand right, the weekly terminal on fleet will whisk people right to the heroic. So people will just click the terminal, transport to the heroic that they will solo, then port right back. If the heroics are no longer soloable, people are either going to skip them or form a duo on fleet before useing the terminal. World bosses would need raid level loot to make them worth the hassle.


This won't do much for owpvp since lvl 65 characters will have all of their skills, passives and expertise, so they will still mop the floor with on-level characters.


Teaming with low-level friends will be nice. I'm hoping to get my husband and mother-in-law back to playing and it's always a pita to keep us within the right levels. Of course a mentoring system like CoX had would have worked just as will...


Over all I don't see my playstyle changing much at all. I'll be less inclined to visit low level planets to harvest mats or do bounty hunting, but if the allegiance system demands grouping, I'll suck it up and group for it.

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I think its brilliant idea. Subscriber squealing entitlements, move past them.


So customer feedback and customer concerns are now "subscriber entitlement"?


It's very interesting how the video game industry and a certain sort in the overall community have been able to give developers/publishers this special status, this hardening against concerns and criticisms, and make feedback into some sort of social/personal failing on the part of those giving it.


Imagine going into a restaurant, ordering the chicken alfredo fettuccine, and getting a ham sandwhich instead -- and when you tell the waiter "This isn't what I ordered", the customer a few tables down says "Quit whining, you entitled little crybaby".


Or, you bought a car that will do 0-60 in 4.3 seconds, and after a few years, the manufacturer issues a recall that says "All cars of your model will be re-tuned to reduce acceleration, we've think it will work better for everyone that way." And when you say something online, there's a deluge of posts calling you a whiner and saying "Boo hoo boo hoo, oh how delicious your tears are!"

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Having not actually tried level sync yet, it's hard to say that I'm for or against it.


That being said; I am optimistic. Assuming they don't ignore some obvious problems, like Heroic areas that are at a higher level than the rest of the planet, I believe this will be a good change.

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