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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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I'd just like to get a feel of the forums general temperature about this change, just a simple for or against with no childish insults from either side to muddy the waters.


Sync is bearable when you have strong companions helping you out.

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I'd just like to get a feel of the forums general temperature about this change, just a simple for or against with no childish insults from either side to muddy the waters.


I actually enjoy level sync, on a leveling toon as well as on a max level toon. Having fun and no complaints. With the strong companions it's not that bad any more that we cannot overlevel.

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That's just not really detailed enough as there are more than 2 groups:


A) Want forced level sync

B) Prefer optional level sync but don't mind the forced that much

C) Want optional level sync and won't accept the forced

D) Don't want any kind of level sync

E) ?


D) No level sync at all, period.


Would TOLERATE a way to turn it ON (must OPT IN) ONLY for the purpose of helping lower level players IF the need arose and IF I felt like helping them.

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I love it. Not only does old content become relevant again, but I get better rewards in the process. Most of the arguments against it turned out to be unfounded or overstated. You are still super powerful when synced so basically nothing has changed other than solo killing world bosses, which is stupid anyway and I'm glad is gone.
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Forced level sync needs to **** whats the point of leveling to cap lv to be forced to return to a lower state? doesnt make any sense at all. The only point i can see is to help lower level players, and even then i dont because some players abuse that help by begging or trying to con you into things and get mad if you tell them no. If i wanna faceroll a planet thats my choice and how i choose to play.. not anyone elses. If i wanna play a crappy game ill go back to WoW... starwars you are better then that BS
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That's just not really detailed enough as there are more than 2 groups:


A) Want forced level sync

B) Prefer optional level sync but don't mind the forced that much

C) Want optional level sync and won't accept the forced

D) Don't want any kind of level sync

E) ?

C) I like level sync and have no problem with it being made a part of the game. I just don't like it being rammed down my throat as a forced replacement for a non-level sync mechanic I enjoy more.

Solo mode is essentially a tactical mode variant with Jeezus droids anyway. So the current solo & tactical modes could be combined into a single tactical mode that scales characters & companions both up & down to match instance levels ... then assign Jeezus droid NPCs as party fillers where applicable. Offer this new Tactical Mode with a Legacy Mode (the option to run FPs and Ops in their pre-4.0 state) alongside the existing Hard Mode, and ... voilà! ... there are your three choices in the wheel. Full tacticals are better suited for GF anyway and probably shouldn't even be in the story mission dialogues to begin with imho.
Edited by GalacticKegger
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I wish it was optional so I could level with friends if I had any, or wanted to be able to finish off quests and still get a decent amount of xp.


But I hate being high level and aggroing level 12 mobs.


Well, this is the only real flaw of the system IMO....the aggro range is far too high right now. It could use some adjustment downward.


If that was done I feel it would be perfect.

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Well, this is the only real flaw of the system IMO....the aggro range is far too high right now. It could use some adjustment downward.


If that was done I feel it would be perfect.



It would be perfect if it were optional, and perhaps even adjustable.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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If you as a lvl 65 player have issues with low lvl mobs you are terrible at this game lol. Companions are extremely overpowered right now, it's almost literally impossible to die while questing unless you're pulling multiple sets etc.


That would appear to be a non-sequitur in the current context of the discussion -- was there a particular post you were replying to?

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If you as a lvl 65 player have issues with low lvl mobs you are terrible at this game lol.
Or perhaps for some after a long day at work ... pouring a smooth single malt, cozying up to the game and facerolling through old flashpoints and HMs in the same fashion they've grown accustomed to over the last 4 years is simply an appealing & relaxing option. With the emphasis on option. Does that make one terrible at this game? If so, why is that important enough to castigate someone for considering it? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Or perhaps for some after a long day at work ... pouring a smooth single malt, cozying up to the game and facerolling through old flashpoints and HMs in the same fashion we've grown accustomed to over the last 4 years is simply an appealing & relaxing option. With the emphasis on option. Does that make one terrible at this game? If so, why is that important enough to castigate someone for considering it?


This in a nutshell. Some of us play games in different ways, this is why it should be optional and not forced.

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I did not read the other 42 pages of this thread...


I like the concept behind the level sync. But i do not like how they implemented it...i was looking forward doing/enjoying old contend i had skipped because those quests were grey, but those quests still are facerolling easy...at least let me use a second button/skill before an enemy dies...


I want to use cc abilities, i want to use interrupts...let us have that again. I like the combat in swtor but right now i just use 1-2 skills on each class to faceroll NPCs...

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If you as a lvl 65 player have issues with low lvl mobs you are terrible at this game lol. Companions are extremely overpowered right now, it's almost literally impossible to die while questing unless you're pulling multiple sets etc.


I don't have issues killing them, I just wish they wouldn't knock me off my mount.

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The main reason why it's the greatest thing ever is because I can level up my higher level characters where I want to. Missions on Nar Shaddaa? Yap! Missions on Coruscant? Yap! Killing elites on Tatooine? Yap! It's just the greatest thing that has ever happened to this game.
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