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Everything posted by Bannidles

  1. It appears to be different depending on the set. I find that bronze is almost always 60 and silver and gold can fluctuate but yes, silver can be 240 or 60 and gold can be 400 and 240. As far as I am aware there is no way to know except for going into collections and making note of the particular sets you plan on unlocking. Also there is sometimes a sale on unlocks were you can save 50 percent or so. I am not sure how often this happens but have seen it a few times in the past.
  2. Every 15 minutes or so I am being kicked to the select server screen and about 50 percent of the time the screen is empty I have to exit game and relog. Is there a known issue with this? It has been happening since I came back about a week ago. Thanks
  3. Ticket system in game has been throwing back "There was a problem submitting your ticket. Please try again later" for a while now. Is there another way to submit a ticket other than in game?
  4. My god, it actually worked lol thanks!
  5. I really doubt EA proof reads. Making sure content on your website is updated is pretty much a requirement in multimedia. It is kind of like paying the electric bill. If you are an online company and you don't update content regularly, you are pretty much saying "I don't really get this business thing".
  6. That is halarious. I just clicked the link on the "login service unavailable" message and was directed to that page - I thought the exact same thing. If I was a new player and stumbled across that page I would be like I am out, this game is dead.
  7. congrats, you are certainly off to a good start.
  8. So what you are saying is that people new to PVP do not know a lot of PVP stat and when to use certain abilities...I don't believe you. People new to things are usually better than those with experience.... I don't think it is a matter to putting people that are new on equal ground to those who are PVP veterans. More like putting 2 people with similar ability on equal ground. PVE is completely different. Face tanking is the only tanking that matters and it takes time to learn when to use your cool downs in a pvp environment . Fort the many threads that exist regard BW and EA ruining PVP, this kind of attitude is the number one killer.
  9. Pretty much this. When I am using most of my OP cooldowns all I am doing is desperately trying to keep myself alive and hope to hell I can get a peel because my burst was disrupted or 2 maurs decided to focus me.. I really gain nothing but a chance to keep one of their DPS busy....if I didnt have these utilities, I would be dead after the first stun every time. I mean really, if the team is good I always have 2 or 3 instantly focus me as soon as my guard is down or i make myself to viable. It is only against bad groups where sages can just stand in the fray with impunity nuking everything in existence and never ever die.
  10. I just started pvp in this game but I do have some pvp experience in WoW. If you want to be competitive, the best bet is to join a premade team on either side. If you are entering as a solo into a random be prepared to lose, collect some coms and just have a good time. I specifically decided to PVP on the pub side because I don't want to be carried by a bunch of elites. Not to say that they pub doesn't have good players but if what everybody says is true, I would be playing with a much higher class of players if I played on the Imp side. Plus, of the last 4 matches, we won 3. We annihilated at hutball and got a shutout. We lost on that death match one where we owned the imps first round, but they adapted very well and we failed to focus their heals and they won the next 2. We will got coms and had a good time, at least I did. To me, complaining about randoms is just like complaining about pugs. What do you expect? Imp is considered better, so competitive players will likely chose it. Just hone your skills and get into a premade at 65.
  11. Figured as much. Melee seem particularly weak at this point. I am playing tk since that has always been my spec. Oh well I will try not to get too comfortable lol
  12. I pvp'd for the first time as part of the LvD event. I thought I would be rolled all over the place since I have never pvp'd in swtor before. It took a few months in wow before I could hold my own in bgs. But out of the 4 matches I have been at top of the kill charts 3 times and second once. I usually die like 1 or 2 times. Keep in mind, I have levelled 3 sages and raided with all of them so I know the class well. I am just worried I am just OP and I am learning bad habbits that will hit me in the face next tier. I am level 26.
  13. Why does it have to be pegged to the price of hypercrates? Why are hypercrates even an acceptable thing here? Out of all the games I have played I have never seen such a devotion to a cash shop. EVER. It is like SWTOR players exist in some sort of vortex where defending cheesy cash grab tactics are "end game" content. I suppose it is because of the exodus of the competitive player base that has left the Second Life credit card yeah-story gamers to choose the direction this game takes.
  14. It does matter. Go to the WoW forums, most heavily populated MMO, and say that the best looking gear should only be available in the cash shop and in RNG crates. Watch your thread be downvoted into oblivion. Players want customization to be accessible. Not gated. Players will however tend to accept that certain items are only attached to achieves like heroic raiding etc but ONLY if the rest of the items in game aren't garbage re-meshes of ugly crap (a la SWTOR) You are entitled to your opinion but after playing MMOs for over a decade, your opinion is not shared by many players.
  15. Turn off pointer trails. Start > Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options tab Uncheck the Display pointer trails box.
  16. You get different abilities depending on what spec you are in. So no, you wouldn't dps as a guardian or as a medic you would change specs...and gear. Of course if you want to do terrible dps and constantly pull threat or have a crap ton of healing abilities at your disposal, go for it.
  17. Story people are probably more likely to also partake in character customization and buy cartel packs. I suspect that bioware has discovered this and is trying to milk it's more lucrative demographic before the servers are sold to TERA. Just look at the posts in these forums now. People gasming over the story and talking about how they bought 400 packs for a mount. At this point, just enjoy the ride and if you want raid content Legion is dropping in under 2 weeks.
  18. Players who are good at PVP tend to Google which side is better before playing. This compounds over time.
  19. But hey, if you want more cartel packs with increasingly terrible odds, they got you covered, buds.
  20. Yeah, if you mean rare and earned in game through playing.alomost every gamer would agree. In a cashshop...not so much
  21. So what? Because it is a good revenue stream (for now) it is completely justified even if many customers don't agree with it? Direct sales does not equate less revenue. If they add new items every month people will buy. Want proof? Every popular new product ever. Hypercrate sales rely on people NOT getting fed up with them. With such a limited and fickle consumer base...i'd say that packs will mean less revenue over time.
  22. I tend to get mine like 2 weeks after my subscription is renewed.
  23. Or better yet... don't buy them so they are encouraged to release direct for sale armor and weapons on the market.
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