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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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All for level scaling. The whole idea of levels as an indicator of power is just a ridiculous artificial construct that takes away from the story.


Why should a soldier, critter, or whatever opponent on a starting world be weaker, and even insignificant to a solider, critter, or whatever on an end game world? It makes no sense what so ever in story telling.


Another example, Storm Troopers from Star Wars aren't any weaker than Storm Troopers from Return of the Jedi. Luke learned more skills in the Force, but that doesn't change how dangerous the Storm Troopers are.


Scaling fits perfectly with this, as we learn new skills, get better equipment, but foes from one world to the next remain just as dangerous. There is no story reason for me to be god like on Ord Mantell and not on Yavin.


This opens up to me, a galaxy that makes more sense, and has all the dangerous and perils throughout for my characters and I love that.

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I like the idea in theory, I've never been one to enjoy outleveling quests, and don't like the way the current system makes it almost impossible for enemies ten or so levels below you to even land a hit. It's immersion breaking IMO - here's Darth Malgus, he's a total ****** (meanposterior I guess)... who can't touch you even if you start a fight and then go afk for five minutes to have some dinner. Still, I'm cautious. Liking it in theory and liking how it ends up being implemented are two different things. We'll see. Edited by Stevaelin
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Doing a Heroic-2 at your level is still challenging and time-consuming,

No ... no it isn;t.


and if not geared sufficiently, you'll still need help.

Even without being under Sync, and leveling a new character with crappy gear - NEVER needed help with a Heroic. So this is not valid.


Also, you watched the stream and you clearly saw a Sync'd character with average gear pretty much own a heroic. He was taking down silvers in a few hits and golds were going down as if they were silvers.

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All for level scaling. The whole idea of levels as an indicator of power is just a ridiculous artificial construct that takes away from the story.



Kind of like having to beat on someone with a lightsaber rather than cutting them in half with one swipe?

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Also, you watched the stream and you clearly saw a Sync'd character with average gear pretty much own a heroic. He was taking down silvers in a few hits and golds were going down as if they were silvers.


As was pointed out in other threads - looks great in theory but how does level sync look when doing the hardest heroic on a lvl 35-50 planet?


And here's what I don't get. Autosync is assumed to make OWPvP better since over leveled can't now just slaughter everyone - but if the assumption is true about autosync still means overpowered, then OWPvPers are still screwed if a 65 decides to kill everyone at planet level.

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As was pointed out in other threads - looks great in theory but how does level sync look when doing the hardest heroic on a lvl 35-50 planet?


Oh that I do not think there will be an issue, BUT I agree - we've only seen it on paper. Only when the servers go live can we truly pass judgement as to if we like the changes or not. :)


And here's what I don't get. Autosync is assumed to make OWPvP better since over leveled can't now just slaughter everyone - but if the assumption is true about autosync still means overpowered, then OWPvPers are still screwed if a 65 decides to kill everyone at planet level.


I agree. The one thing I can see here is that hopefully a weaker opponent might have a better chance of running away or pulling a trick out of their sleeve instead of getting taken down in literally a single shot. So the ground is not even, but at least the gap is closed more than it was.


A good example is the datacron on Tattooine. In order to complete your datacrons you HAVE to enter a PvP area and get flagged for PvP, so you absolutely HAD to be a high level character in good gear to stand a chance at getting the datacron item from that area. Otherwise you stood no chance, because at all times,. 24/7, there are PvPers camping that spot in stealth just waiting to pounce some low level trying to do PvE content with no interest in PvP. it sucked. The only reason i got mine is I am good at stealth. Without stealth there;s no way I would have gotten even close enough to the vendor to complete the buy before my impending death (yes I died immediately after making the buy, but it was worth it).


With this change, at least maybe I stand a fighting chance of getting the datacron item before getting completely one-shot.


Just one example, but I am HOPING these changes do make situations like that at least a LITTLE easier and give a player at least a fighting chance at a goal.

Edited by Faelandaea
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It won't. It's actually going to make things more fun :)


So you know what is fun for everyone else? That is a heck of a gift you have there. Myself I won't know to the 20th. Just curious? Do you live in Colorado? :eek:

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So you know what is fun for everyone else? That is a heck of a gift you have there. Myself I won't know to the 20th. Just curious? Do you live in Colorado? :eek:


I was speaking for myself. Nowhere in my sentence did I say "For everyone". I love how when someone answers a question in this thread everyone else assumes that the reply blanket-covers them as well. if I was speaking for everyone, I would have said "This will make it more fun for everyone."

Edited by Faelandaea
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I just thought of something so bear with me as it try to work this out. It's kind of a PvE version of my earlier point about PvP still not being leveled.


So we get level-synced to do what exactly? Make it harder to solo heroics? Or maybe we can't lead a friend through a mission by one-shooting everything? I honestly don't know what purpose level-sync is supposed to have in PvE. BUT we see Eric slaughtering his way through silver and gold. "See," everyone cries, "you don't really lose your advantage of being over-leveled." Now we can argue that the video was not an accurate simulation because of planet or mob level but I think we are to assume that other planets are meant to be similar difficulty.


So here is the question: if level-sync still leaves me overpowered enough to solo silver and gold mobs, then what's the point of the level-sync?

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I just thought of something so bear with me as it try to work this out. It's kind of a PvE version of my earlier point about PvP still not being leveled.


So we get level-synced to do what exactly? Make it harder to solo heroics? Or maybe we can't lead a friend through a mission by one-shooting everything? I honestly don't know what purpose level-sync is supposed to have in PvE. BUT we see Eric slaughtering his way through silver and gold. "See," everyone cries, "you don't really lose your advantage of being over-leveled." Now we can argue that the video was not an accurate simulation because of planet or mob level but I think we are to assume that other planets are meant to be similar difficulty.


So here is the question: if level-sync still leaves me overpowered enough to solo silver and gold mobs, then what's the point of the level-sync?


You should be able to solo silver and/or gold mobs at appropriate levels as is...in fact, you're required to for many world/class missions. The purpose of the level-sync, AFAIK, is to make visiting low-level planets somewhat less....boring than it is now.


And frankly, it -is- kind of boring. Perhaps I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who's had to mindlessly shoot his way through WAY too many Death Mark conquest events, but I was getting sick of the sight of Nar Shaddaa. No stimulation, no challenge, no effort - just staying glued to the screen.


I cautiously approve of level-sync, although I think it could be improved by making it optional rather than mandatory. Incidentally, level-sync is one of the -few- changes I don't hate, per my post on another thread:


Myself and three of my friends are leaving, as well, for the following reasons:


1) Conquest is now only for PvPers - everyone else can go screw themselves, per Bioware's changes to Conquests. Crafting is no longer to be repeatable. Planetary heroics only reset weekly. Flashpoints aren't enough to get 5-6 toons through conquest.

2) Besides, Conquest is offline for "at least a month" after 4.0 comes out, to "fix" the bugs that have been occurring of late (we never did get our Conqueror of Quesh titles). The last time something went off "for a month while the bugs are fixed", it was off for three months (Ravagers exploits). The time before that was the Ilum PvP event, and that never came back at all.

3) Material to craft gear is now only available from Conquests. Well and well enough - but with Conquests now no longer an option for everyone who isn't a PvP fanatic (as in: play at least 5 matches a day, just to place on the top 10), well....


I actually like some of the changes - the companion flexibility, for instance, and the sync actually sounds like a decent idea. I find low-end planets boring to go to, and retaining all your high-level abilities should give a high-end player a sizeable edge, without making it "one hit and they're dead".


But the nerfbat was applied way too hard to Conquests, while at the same time it was made a load-bearing part of the system. Pass, thanks. Congratulations, Bioware - I've been a Star Wars fan since I was 12 (that was 20 years ago), but you've managed to make me "meh" about it.

Edited by Highborne
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im not very happy about it.

the entire notion that i can save the universe (lol) and defeat powerful bosses like revan and the like then struggle against sandpeople and whatnot is just... stupid.

this is going to make it a real drag going back to get datacrons, and i wont be too inclined to help lower levelled people with their quests any more.

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I like everything about it except the mandatory part.


That mandatory part won't destroy my gaming experience. I'm not going to quit over it.


It's very likely going to add tedium to various activities I used to participate in with some regularity. Datacron hunting as a biweekly activity in a guild I'm in will probably take a beating on participation, though it'll probably still happen.


Solo mat farming in lower level areas will still have to happen, but it's going to be more tedious to have to kill everything because suddenly you're no longer at maximum agro reduction and never will be again anywhere you ever go for any reason period.


RP events travel events might flat die out, or become so uncommon that they might as well have. People casually RP walking along for hours, RPing story stuff and constantly having to fight on-level mobs that will absolutely be able to kill you if you're being careless will do absolutely nothing but cripple these activities in most of their formats.


Nobody cares about much of that, however, least of all Bioware.

Edited by Uruare
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I was speaking for myself. Nowhere in my sentence did I say "For everyone". I love how when someone answers a question in this thread they assume that the reply blanket-covers them as well. if I was speaking for everyone, I would have said "This will make it more fun for everyone."



"I love how when someone answers a question in this thread they assume that the reply blanket-covers them as well."

Now were you talking about yourself or was they a general statement.

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I think the problem in making syncing optional is the scaled rewards offered on the lower heroics, it probably would be abused by level 65's steam rolling ord mantel heroics for level 65 gear. Whether or not it could be coded in a way that none synced characters don't get rewards I don't know but chances are its more difficult than we think, hence level syncing is not optional.
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im not very happy about it.

the entire notion that i can save the universe (lol) and defeat powerful bosses like revan and the like then struggle against sandpeople and whatnot is just... stupid.

this is going to make it a real drag going back to get datacrons, and i wont be too inclined to help lower levelled people with their quests any more.


Whole idea of levels makes the game world completely idiotic as power disparity between level 1 and max is just ridiculous. If at level one we are dealing with regular enemies, then at max level even trash mobs are super jedi in comparison. I like level syncing idea, and would happily get rid of levels entirely.

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"I love how when someone answers a question in this thread they assume that the reply blanket-covers them as well."

Now were you talking about yourself or was they a general statement.


Thanks for pointing out my typo. That's what i get for being on my phone at work and replying to a forum. My post is corrected appropriately :)


Still, you amuse me with how angered and insulted you are that I answered a question and the answer was one you disagree with. :) Please, keep on it.

Edited by Faelandaea
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I'm not trying to be ignorant, but I am not understanding... What in blazes is "level sync"?

I can't actually tell if you are joking or if you have just been MIA for the last few weeks, if you are serious I would check out the blog on the "core world changes" stickied in this thread.

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As was pointed out in other threads - looks great in theory but how does level sync look when doing the hardest heroic on a lvl 35-50 planet?


And here's what I don't get. Autosync is assumed to make OWPvP better since over leveled can't now just slaughter everyone - but if the assumption is true about autosync still means overpowered, then OWPvPers are still screwed if a 65 decides to kill everyone at planet level.


again you still keep all the skills up to your level + all the power from the skills, only stats are reduced, you wont have any problem

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I think the problem in making syncing optional is the scaled rewards offered on the lower heroics, it probably would be abused by level 65's steam rolling ord mantel heroics for level 65 gear. Whether or not it could be coded in a way that none synced characters don't get rewards I don't know but chances are its more difficult than we think, hence level syncing is not optional.


It's not. Other games have no issues with optional scaling. You can also check your mail the next time an NPC sends you credits. You will notice that the amount of credits you get is dependant on your level. Many quests also operate the same way - changing level as you do, so the mechanics are already in place.

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Thanks for pointing out my typo. That's what i get for being on my phone at work and replying to a forum. My post is corrected appropriately :)


Still, you amuse me with how angered and insulted you are that I answered a question and the answer was one you disagree with. :) Please, keep on it.


Actually I not angry or insulted. If you said I was a Giant fan then I would be both.

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Let's ignore the fact that lvl 65 will still steam roll over the mobs regardless, at what point have players come to expect there version of fun should come at the expense of the direction the game devs want to take? look back at my previous comment regarding the absolute importance of consistency and how allowing players the option to chose to enable this feature will only serve to convolute the entire process.

At what point? The idea of fun should always be the focal point. If a game is not fun, then no one will play it. There are many examples where the direction of a game lost sight of that fact and suffered the consequences. You certainly cannot please everyone, but there are some things where it doesn't take a lot of thought to realize that providing for those varying ways to have fun is a no brainer. BW already knows this - hence the option to opt out of 12x XP with the WAM. They just failed to follow through on this permanent implementation.

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