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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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I'm indifferent, leaning towards liking it. I was indifferent with a mild dislike, but the sheer amount of bile and impotent rage that was thrown at it made me reconsider.


I rarely visit old planets currently, and with the heroic terminal on the Fleet, along with free travel, I can see my partaking of it occasionally.


I also half-plan on creating a character... Probably a Jedi, who never leaves the starter planet (And possibly never even starts the class missions), and seeing how far I can take him.

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It's closed because it capped out.

I don't really buy the whole "2300 was the max number of posts" theory for why it was closed:


Ravagers Exploit Action Update - 2351 Posts, never locked.

The Contraband Slot Machine - 2544 Posts, never locked.

ETA on Advanced Class change? - 5765 Posts, never locked.


I think there is a max number of posts for a thread, but unless they changed it rather recently, that number isn't 2300 - it seems like people are just assuming that's what happened because it happened to close on a round number.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Given the choice between having it as they are doing it ( mandatory ) or not having it at all ( leaving it as it was ) then I will be for it though I still feel they could have done something to make an optional style possible as the best choice ( though not an option for this "poll" as I see it ).
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I am sorry this is a useless poll. How can we really have an informed opinion if we haven't even seen the system really in action.


Because the core issues at hand aren't in the minute details. We know enough on the aspects of it we're discussing to form an informed opinion.

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Until I can *actually* play it and *actually* experience it how am I supposed to say if I like it or not? How can anyone?


How many times do things look "good" on paper but end up not being that at all? How many times do things look "bad" on paper but turn out to be great?


Just be patient and wait, play it for a while and not just 30 minutes, and *then* you can have an informed opinion. Give things a chance at least, not just for this, but other stuff also.

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Level-sync won't affect me personally but it's pretty obvious from all the feedback that this will negatively impact the way that many players currently play the game.


I also hope this doesn't lead down the path of recycling old content to complete new missions or content.


I would probably vote no.

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Until I can *actually* play it and *actually* experience it how am I supposed to say if I like it or not? How can anyone?


How many times do things look "good" on paper but end up not being that at all? How many times do things look "bad" on paper but turn out to be great?


Just be patient and wait, play it for a while and not just 30 minutes, and *then* you can have an informed opinion. Give things a chance at least, not just for this, but other stuff also.



No matter how much someone insists that it's an awesome delicacy, and that you must try it to understand what you've been missing, caviar is still salted fish eggs... and tastes like salted fish eggs.


The core issues at hand aren't in the minute details. We know enough on the aspects of it that we're discussing to form an informed opinion of what levelsync means for the game, and for each of our own playing experiences.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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If and only if Level Sync is optional, then I'm okay with it.


However, if I'm level 60 and go to Tatooine to gather some nodes or do other random things, I honestly don't want to bother with mobs getting in the way. Otherwise, if it's not optional, I'm relegated to do these things on a stealth class? That seems a bit punishing and lame dontcha think? But what about that heroic on the imp side to get that armor piece? Some of us make a little extra creds on quick farming that item. How about the sheer fun of facerolling through hordes of Sand People (for kicks or for achievements)? Can't have any of that anymore if it's forced. So, in these circumstances, I don't want Level Sync.


However, if I'm grouping up with some lowbies to clear an H4, sure... I'll click that Level Sync button and roll with them. Or, even if it's a solo side quest that I missed out on... that works too.


tl;dr: I sorta like the idea of Level Sync (as it works well in FF14:ARR), but only if it's an optional function.

Edited by PifferPuff
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I'm against level sync unless it's optional.


I don't like being attacked by every *********** mob when I'm strolling around. Yet I don't like it during the level phase, that's the reason why I wait for collecting datacrons, exploring maps or hunting for achievements unless all the mobs are grey for me.


Being aggroed by every mob in my way is in no way CHALLENGING, it's just plain boring, grindy and annoying.

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oh my god, nobody has thought of this, you are so original! :rolleyes: Stop posting about level sync, developers have asked you to stop making new ones.


The OP know this. He clearly read the requests from BW and decided to troll anyway. It is sad how many people are doing so.


Regardless of for or against, we only need one thread for this.

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padding enemies only to occupy more of our time.


nerfing dailies credit runs by making enemies take longer to kill. higher time to kill = less credits/hour


In one of my twelve times xp characters I'm level 30 beating down level ~25 mobs in Tatooine. My gear is lv17 through lv21. I wouldn't be able to kill stuff if it weren't for how overleveled I am.

I know I should be getting lv29 mods in my armor. The advice I got was gear up at lv13, lv29, and lv41. each mission reward 12 commendations allows you to fully refresh 4 pieces of gear every 2 missions


Edited by Falensawino
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I don't like it.


Maybe I would IF they would have talked about it with the player base much, much, much earlier AND given us the chance to voice our opinion about the changes.


They should have done this BEFORE they wasted, time, money, resources and energy on putting this thing in the game without first getting an opinion from the people who they are forcing it on.


I don't know if it will play out fine or not. I just say that it is a huge change in this game. A change which many Swtor veterans - the ones who mainly funded this game through the last four years - apparently dislike. Did BW do research upfront? Did they calculate how many new players this feature would draw in compared to the players who will leave because of it? I doubt it. And that's why I don't like what they did.


How about beta testing features like this? Have they asked for anyone's opinion about it? Why was this decision being made? Based on what research? The metrics cannot have led to this conclusion. That would be absurd.

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I'll freely admit to enjoying doing stuff over-level, hell before x12 kicked in I liked goin back to DK just to do the heroics for comms. My main concern is all the kill based achievements - can you imagine how long something like the bormu kiling on Balmorra's gonna take at/near level? despite the gearing/abilities off set?


In one foul swoop they've single handedly kicked completionists in the nuts because who in their right mind is going to create 40 alts just to square out kill achievements? My sanity is already questionable and I've only done 24....

Edited by Forgettableone
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I love the idea behind level-sync.


However, making a poll before even trying the new system is not rational. Bioware will look at the feedback from everyone once KotFE hits the live servers. The forum posters are not the ultimate answer to how change the game.




You can't take a poll titled "level sync" and get a true feel for the population. 1) most people who don't come to the forums don't ever care about things like this at all 2) most people don't even really get the concept of a level sync and 3) many people will change their minds once they see more of the reason for the change. Remember, we don't know why this change was made yet or what "level appropriate rewards" are yet.
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Level sync is great when done right. Keeps the game playable everywhere you go. There's literally no valid reason to make it optional as long as it is done correctly.


Exactly this. All of those people crapping their pants will adapt. Just like when Rishi dropped and their lvl 55 gear wasn't as good during Oricon. They got new gear, learned to CC better, used heroic moment, and maybe even grouped with a friend at first. They will be facerolling dailies soon enough

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I think it would be a great idea if it was done right. By done right I mean optional level scaling selected by a toggle, similar to the PVP flag. That, combined with the quest bonuses for level scaling, would make previously out-leveled content viable again and provide a great incentive for players with high level characters to either revisit content they skipped initially, to replay old heroics or flashpoints, or to help out lowbies who need to complete their group content. It would add to the game's replayability and make the task of finding a group for a heroic or flashpoint much easier.


Making it mandatory however, is a terrible idea. This makes going back for datacrons with a high level character less appealing, makes going back to help lowbies more of a time consuming chore (you'll need to fight your way past mobs who knock you off your speeder to get to that heroic), and also makes revisiting old worlds for class or companion content more of an unnecessary time sink. By the point you've already completed a world's story missions, you don't want to have grind through its mobs on a revisit just to get to the much more interesting class or companion content. You just want to get from point A to B as quickly as possible, and grinding mobs is never fun. It is something you tolerate for the quest rewards or only because you need to clear a path to get to more interesting story content.


TLDR version...


Good idea, badly implemented.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Level sync is great when done right. Keeps the game playable everywhere you go for those who want it. There's literally no valid reason to make it mandatory as long as it is done correctly.


Fixed that for ya!


How about beta testing features like this? Have they asked for anyone's opinion about it? Why was this decision being made? Based on what research? The metrics cannot have led to this conclusion. That would be absurd.

Unfortunately, BioWare has shown a complete lack of understanding the need to have an Open Beta test for changes like this. It's been happening since after the release of RotHC - the last expansion where they actually had a closed and open beta tests. It's not about spoilers (they have the ability to make the storylines inaccessible during Open Beta), but about making sure changes that affect the entire game are properly tested and vetted - something that can only be done with a beta that includes more than a handful of cherry picked players.


As for why level syncing is being added to the game - it's purely to offset the advanced leveling pace that is also being implemented (i.e. pretty much making 12x XP permanent and mandatory). One of the long standing complaints about 2x and 12x was that people didn't like being vastly over-leveled for content while they were playing through the game normally. Hence why the White Acute Module was finally added to the game - so clearly enough people wanted the opt out for BioWare to finally include it. Unfortunately, BW showed a lack of understanding of the deeper nature of why people wanted the opt out - it wasn't just purely because the content would become faceroll easy thanks to the accelerated leveling pace, but because people inherently want control over the pace of their leveling and challenge they get went partaking of content. So while level syncing in and of itself solves the overleveling problem, making it mandatory eliminates people's ability to control the actual pace at which they level as well as having them control how much they want to over-level a particular piece of content.

Edited by TravelersWay
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