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Why Level Sync needs to be Mandatory!


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I love it that people are actually defending a boldfaced attempt to substitute old leveling content for new endgame content by gimping characters. Outleveliing content is part of a character gaining in power and skill. It's one of the joys of the RPG experience. It is, quite simply, something some people enjoy. But hey, we wouldn't want RPG enthusiasts to enjoy themselves, would we? Edited by MasterSpatula
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Delusion is strong in this one. So you claim that before 4.0 that rare guys with level 60 on the low level planets were doing an amazing job with populating them? Right. One or two level 60s farming nodes on Alderaan or Belsavis made those planets very alive. :rolleyes: And you don't need to group for any solo content. Even heroics are still soloable since a level-sync player is still OP. When you wake up, inform us about it.


yes. i did wake up to a game that has no reason to be lvl synced. i admit. you were right about the heroics and i found out flashpoints have solo mode. there is no inventive to form groups to do group content and get the so called scaled up reward. lvl syncing only produces extra annoying aggro. so. why are we lvl synced?

Edited by DarkJediMage
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I'm having a blast. The leveling syncing is in no way gimping me. The post 65 content is tied directly into taking trips back to core worlds.


Also anyone that has experienced the post 65 content now knows why they did it and ultimately it is required to make new systems and content function properly.


It is here to stay.

Edited by Jnaathra
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So, now that I've actually spent some time in game, I've discovered that Level Sync is creating the opposite problem of what I feared: I was afraid I was going to feel gimped down to where my leveling meant nothing.


Instead, I'm now getting huge XP rewards for absurdly easy content.

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i spent time, too..and drumond kaas felt a ghost town. for the first time, i felt like i was playing alone in early access especially when the mission givers hidden or disabled. no one spammed for heroics and help with the class bosses or trolling or silly stuff. what a sad state this game is on in the lower lvls. thanks bioware for killing the socially excited environment and being like gw2 or ffxiv or wildstar. quiet chats and lonely playing. i have no confidence in bioware. unless something changes, i will lvl up my remaining mid-lvl gunner toons to get legendary player status to make the companions more effective, do kotfe, go off until the next chapter update. i went from 4 year constantly-on player to a wait-for-an-update player. thanks bioware for being a big failure. i am done with the forum for now. there is nothing worth fighting, making suggestions. bioware doesn't listen. no need respond. i will not read them anymore.
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So, now that I've actually spent some time in game, I've discovered that Level Sync is creating the opposite problem of what I feared: I was afraid I was going to feel gimped down to where my leveling meant nothing.


Instead, I'm now getting huge XP rewards for absurdly easy content.


It still needs tweaked that is the nature of mmos.


Now, that level sync is here and not as bad as people thought it was. I wonder if the same people still going to keep crying about it?

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Ironic that you'd tell people to "try reading", when it's obvious you haven't. Most of us in opposition are not saying "remove level syncing", we're saying "make level syncing optional instead of mandatory".


But at the end of the day, we don't want mandatory level sync because we don't want our levels synced -- and that's all the reason we actually need.



Actually I never read that those who are against Level-Sync want to force the way they want to play on others. Only the Level-Sync-fan-faction does this.

All we others want is to make it optional. For pvp-servers or if you activate pvp at other server I can understand why it should be mandatory, but not for the rest.


If there are so huge benefits like exp or better rewards, than most people would choose it anyway, so why not make it optional?

If you say that it has to be mandatory, you admit that you know most people would turn it off because they don't like it. Why force on people something they don't want in a game?

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And exactly as predicted, the demands for levelsync to be more "severe" have already started.


Quelle surprise.


Not sure I want it to be "more severe;" I just don't particularly want to get all the way to 60 by the time I reach Alderaan because everything gives huge XP even though I've over-leveled it.


(Underlined portion is hyperbole, just to head off the inevitable "you can't actually do that"s that would come.)

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level sync is just annoying.. all those who actually like it are either in extremely active guilds 9 or have very deep pockets they can buy everything off with cartel coins). You do realize that this crap is just a ploy by, especially EA, and bioware to draw out the length of playtime you spend on any certain planet? this means more subscriptions ( probably under the guise of leveling faster... but you cant anyway because there is level sync...)


About people saying that " during the twitch stream the devs were great... blah blah blah while using 4.0 and level sync". Of course they will be good ( they need to teak their crap to make it look "enjoyable") and no dev ever has wrongly represented game experience... are you sure... ( destiny, Total war rome2, and a whole slew of other games, triple A games and others,where the devs have failed to live up to their promised standards...)


In the past, MMO's that have implemented mandatory level sync didn't last very long so the feeling some players had " like playing on dromund kaar or Taris being "empty" "will be occurring a lot more with this new patch. Note to those people who had that feeling before the 4.0 patch: that feeling depended on the timezone and when I played ( mostly around evenings eastern standard time the planets were filled to the brim ( to a point when i was on Taris that i had to wait a long time for enemies to respawn).


However i have the sneaking suspicion that that, mainly EA, is trying to annoy the SWTOR players with this crappy sync bs that they are forcing them to go to another horrible game that is going to come out ( which is actually just a star wars skin of battlefield or Call of Duty.. though without the singleplayer options or anything noteworthy.. except how broken it is) called star wars battlefront. Oh well i wont be renewing my subscription for SWTOR (luckily i was smart enough to buy prepaid cards and will not have a hassle with cancelling a year long sub)

Edited by Findolfiln
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I'm on board for Level Sync, because it puts an end to High Level vs Lowbie PvP ganking.


I love PvP. When it is on relatively balanced terms. A fair fight if you will. But a Level 60 heading to Tatooine and mopping the desert sands with Level 27s? Not even a remotely fair fight, and it tends to drive people away from PvP servers, as well as staying as far away from Open World PvP areas as possible.


This is the solution that fixes that annoyance.


Granted, there will always be imbalance, because of gear, or because of outright skill. But if you get jumped on by a Level Sync'd 60 as a 27, you at least have a fighting chance to defeat them, whereas before you did zero damage and basically had to try and run or stand there and die.


Major kudos to Bioware on this!


What wait now the lvl sync if for PvP player get ganka by high lvl PvP player so if you as me on PvE server i dont see world PvP so basically the lvl sync was put in for them who is play on PvP server so the people like me that on PvE server should get punish for some high lvl noob PvP player get kick out kill low lvl player on PvP server that one hell off piss bad excuse i have ever hear.

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However i have the sneaking suspicion that that, mainly EA, is trying to annoy the SWTOR players with this crappy sync bs that they are forcing them to go to another horrible game that is going to come out ( which is actually just a star wars skin of battlefield or Call of Duty.. though without the singleplayer options or anything noteworthy.. except how broken it is) called star wars battlefront. Oh well i wont be renewing my subscription for SWTOR (luckily i was smart enough to buy prepaid cards and will not have a hassle with cancelling a year long sub)


Wearing your tin foil hat, are you?


Ridiculous theory.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have a sneaking suspicious 90% of the people complaining are gankers on pvp servers that are afraid they'll actually need more than two hits to player-kill.


I have a sneaking suspicion you either haven't bothered to read all the arguments from the various sides, or have and would rather just stir crap up.

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My opinion: Level sync should be optional for subscribers only. Level sync not given to free to play and mandatory for preferred players.


I strongly believe that arguing for one side will get us nowhere. And so I recognize that the benefits of level sync are relevant. Some believe that ganking is an issue and that level sync solves that. Some also believe by being the same level as all their enemies they can more help their allies win battles while also getting experience -thus making it more relevant to help their allies.


Everyone is different and what they want and how they want to play is different as well. For this reason alone I feel that many things should be optional. For instance playing PVP flagged or not is optional, as well, as what class we want to play or being dark or light. Choices and options are abundant and what makes this game so available and playable.


That being as much, the challenge, I believe, is making the game actually, optional. For instance, if one sith, pvp flagged, who chooses to be level synced is level 26 on tattooine comes to a trooper, pvp flagged, who chooses not to be level synced is level 50. Both being flagged, the trooper could wipe the sith.


So. The sync is a solution for pvp ganking and for some added promotion of RPing. But. Level syncing kills a lot of people's problem with PVEing and also their own form of RPing.


The solution is evident that if made optional one thing should be made mandatory. If someone decides to take themselves off level sync then they also will be made to have their pvp flag turned off. That way they could not then gank someone, unless they decided to apply their level sync on their character.


Another problem though is if you turn your level sync off then a small issue arises because your companion and your character will both be OP - though not a major issue because a level 50 fighting level 15s wont be a major issue if your comp is also OP. But still, fixing your OP comps is another issue.

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when buy0wear does something the only question I have is "team evil or team stupid".


(because it is either an attempted money grab or an incompetent design choice)


that should be your question too.


so. AGAIN.

level sync = every friggin' creep camp chasing you for ten miles + possibly knocking you off your horse

result: team evil AND team stupid


level sync = unless you have AOE, standing there and swinging and swinging and swinging while the creep screams in agony for minutes on end at being eviscerated by a laser sword but not being able to die BECAUSE ARMOR IS THE ONLY THING THEY CHANGED YOU *%#^*@(

result: team evil AND team stupid



I think 95% of you don't even play the game if you can't at least see what I am talking about here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I heard about the level sync I was livid. I felt "how dare I lose the benefits of getting my main to 65. what was the point of all the extra hours!! blah blah blah!" Truth be told, it's an improvement.

On lower planets I feel like a powerful Sith as opposed to a God. Before when teaming up with lower lvl players I felt like a God amoungst ants. Certainly not a upper level Sith Assasin with less experienced sith, as it should be.


When you are lvl 64, enemies couldn't even hurt you which is stupid. Why should a MANDOLORIAN on Tatooine not be able to even scratch you, yet a common thug on rishi can cause all kinds of damage, just because 1 is lvl 30, the other is lvl 55? It doesn't give any consistency and is a bit 'out of sync' (excuse the pun) with the Star wars Universe.


Also guess what?!?! With all the gear and abilities etc.......you are still SUPED up!!!. I find enemies on lower level planets super easy and have often teamed with other players of that level and the difference is more realistic (obviously this is a video game) but I felt my character resembled a Powerful Sith, playing with beginner sith as opposed to a God among insects. Same in places like Korriban where I do my recruiting.


Also I have sparred a lvl 16 character on Dromund Kass when I was synced from 54 down to 18 and it wasn't even a fair fight. I could still toy with him but I knew I could die if I did absolutely nothing which is far better. Being immortal compared to other players is silly. Even the Emperor could be killed if he doesn't defend himself. He has to force wrap himself from HK flamethrower which tells me that all characters should have some vulnerability. If an apprentice stabbed a dark council member with his saber, he could still kill him.


The benefits out weight the negatives I'm afraid. More consistency and also you get a better appreciation of your advanced powers/knowledge of the force compared with lower leveled players.

Edited by DonRobsy
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I tend to think the wisest course of action, especially with the changes to companions would have been to make level sync optional.


They have created far too much work for themselves otherwise. The game needs a MASSIVE amount of work to make level sync work correctly, work that will likely take months if not years to reach a level of consistent experience that I would assume most players expect.

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When I heard about the level sync I was livid. I felt "how dare I lose the benefits of getting my main to 65. what was the point of all the extra hours!! blah blah blah!" Truth be told, it's an improvement.

On lower planets I feel like a powerful Sith as opposed to a God. Before when teaming up with lower lvl players I felt like a God amoungst ants. Certainly not a upper level Sith Assasin with less experienced sith, as it should be.


When you are lvl 64, enemies couldn't even hurt you which is stupid. Why should a MANDOLORIAN on Tatooine not be able to even scratch you, yet a common thug on rishi can cause all kinds of damage, just because 1 is lvl 30, the other is lvl 55? It doesn't give any consistency and is a bit out of sync with the Star wars Universe.


Also guess what?!?! With all the gear and abilities etc.......you are still SUPED up!!!. I find enemies on lower level planets super easy and have often teamed with other players of that level and the difference is more realistic (obviously this is a video game) but I felt my character resembled a Powerful Sith, playing with beginner sith as opposed to a God among insects. Same in places like Korriban where I do my recruiting.


Also I have sparred a lvl 16 character on Dromund Kass when I was synced from 54 down to 18 and it wasn't even a fair fight. I could still toy with him but I knew I could die if I did absolutely nothing which is far better. Being immortal compared to other players is silly. Even the Emperor could be killed if he doesn't defend himself. He has to force wrap himself from HK flamethrower which tells me that all characters should have some vulnerability. If an apprentice stabbed a dark council member with his saber, he could still kill him.


The benefits out weight the negatives I'm afraid. More consistency and also you get a better appreciation of your advanced powers/knowledge of the force compared with lower leveled players.

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