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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why Level Sync needs to be Mandatory!


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it is moot now. lvl syncing is forced in the game. i will not participate in it by not grouping with lowbies in low lvl group content. i will do the dailies, stick my high lvl content. now,i only reason i have to go to the low lvl planets is missed gathering. which is rare for me. if other players follow my trend and the low lvl planets become ghost planets, that is the price you pay for forcing things on players.
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it is moot now. lvl syncing is forced in the game. i will not participate in it by not grouping with lowbies in low lvl group content. i will do the dailies, stick my high lvl content. now,i only reason i have to go to the low lvl planets is missed gathering. which is rare for me. if other players follow my trend and the low lvl planets become ghost planets, that is the price you pay for forcing things on players.


Delusion is strong in this one. So you claim that before 4.0 that rare guys with level 60 on the low level planets were doing an amazing job with populating them? Right. One or two level 60s farming nodes on Alderaan or Belsavis made those planets very alive. :rolleyes: And you don't need to group for any solo content. Even heroics are still soloable since a level-sync player is still OP. When you wake up, inform us about it.

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Again your whole argument is: I want easy credits without really having to work for it. If you make me work for it than I'm not going to play anymore because then I would have to put time and effort in and it's not worth it if it's not a free gimme.


It's not so much as the ease of gaining these credits but rather the TIME SPENT on getting them. Some of us don't have the time to fight a mob, heal up, fight another mob, heal up just to get to ONE MAT SOURCE. We've finished this game, we've reached the max level, why can't we afford some leisure doing the other mundane things left in this game? We've got other things to do in real life, and we want to able to finish our grind/tasks in a reasonable amount of time before we log off for the day.


The ONLY THING I like about level sync, in any MMO, is the ability to rank up with my friends with their lower leveled alts. THAT'S IT. And that's certainly something I will do as it is much more convenient than having to start a new character and level it up together. We don't have the same schedules, so we don't have to worry about over-leveling the other. But when it comes to me soloing content, I'd rather have the OPTION to turn level sync off.

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Whats nice about the level synch is that I can now brutalize lowbies with my maxxed out expertise but they think they have a shot and so they all come a runnin. I took on a 6 man group and vaporized them. Level synch being good for pvp servers is so funny. Good for gank fests. Wait till the whining begins from players.
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Whats nice about the level synch is that I can now brutalize lowbies with my maxxed out expertise but they think they have a shot and so they all come a runnin. I took on a 6 man group and vaporized them. Level synch being good for pvp servers is so funny. Good for gank fests. Wait till the whining begins from players.


Is expertise not being synced down or is it still that much of an advantage?

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no expertise is still maxxed as if you are 65. Took me just over 20K WZ comms to get the level 65 top tier PvP gear and its steamrollin time.


I finished the new content in a few short hours. Glad this wanst a pay to play 'expansion'


That's a shame the content is so short - is that with watching all scenes of space barring etc. though?


Can't believe they didn't sync expertise ... amateur mistake.

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When reasoning is just "I DUN WANNA"


It's not enough.


There are drawbacks to level sync? Sure, there are drawbacks to everything. There's even a drawback to an MMO on society because it makes people concentrate on a virtual world instead of a real one, yet plenty of people still play MMOs.


Unless the negatives outweigh the positives, there isn't a good reason to remove Level Sync. See main thread for litany of positives.


Who says it's not enough? Who are you that we, any of us, should justify our potential dislike of a feature or mechanic to you?


I would like to see it optional and perhaps structured in such a way as to only grant Mob or Planetary quest XP if you choose to scale down, but if you wish to revisit a planet later in life and gorilla-stomp some of the content at your actual level that should be your choice. And...it makes sense.


When I...for example...left Tython the first time I barely knew which end of a lightsaber was which and I could still win fights fairly easily against the normal fauna and bad guys on the planet. If I choose to return as a fully trained master Jedi, with the finest weaponry, armor, and equipment that I...and my faithful wrecking machine of a sidekick...can find in all the galaxy, it stands to reason that I would carve a path across the entire planet like the proverbial hot knife through butter.


It should have been optional, with incentives. It should not have been mandatory.

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Guess I wasn't so wrong after all huh?


Based on another topic each chapters is around an hour in length it would seem when run at average speed. Anyone doing it this quick is purposely trying to do so, just going on what others are saying though as I've not had the opportunity to do it myself yet.

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Based on another topic each chapters is around an hour in length it would seem when run at average speed. Anyone doing it this quick is purposely trying to do so, just going on what others are saying though as I've not had the opportunity to do it myself yet.


I was talking about the expertise, ganking and level sync, I mean this is the thread about level sync not about how long the story content is. If I wanted to debate you on that point, I would do so there. And I'd rather collect information first hand on the length of content myself although I doubt it would be longer than any other previous expansion given the time they have had to work on it has been about the same. That is being generous considering all the system changes they've made to the game which require programming time to do and debug.

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I was talking about the expertise, ganking and level sync, I mean this is the thread about level sync not about how long the story content is. If I wanted to debate you on that point, I would do so there. And I'd rather collect information first hand on the length of content myself although I doubt it would be longer than any other previous expansion given the time they have had to work on it has been about the same. That is being generous considering all the system changes they've made to the game which require programming time to do and debug.


Ah well, log the expertise for a bug then I believe. If it's intended ... wow they're retarded.


I still say delete it altogether for open world but that's another topic too. :)

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Ah well, log the expertise for a bug then I believe. If it's intended ... wow they're retarded.


I still say delete it altogether for open world but that's another topic too. :)


It was never intended to change it, level sync is for PvE content, not PvP. It's not retarded to not change it when the design is strictly for one function. People somehow imagined that level sync was being done for PvP when that is the furthest thing from the developers' minds when they were making that change. There was completely no mention of PvP in any developer post or even data mined content.

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I think it should be optional. If optional, you can always turn it on and assist lowbies, friends, etc that may be much lower in level than yourself. This is one pro to the level synch. The con...it makes doing dailies for faction in areas (for example Makeb, Hoth, Alderaan for GSI faction) inefficient & time consuming. Now instead of easily running through completing these things on a limited time frame ("I can get these done before work..."), you now have to contend with mobs that previously posed no threat. That threat does take a bit longer to eliminate and stretches the time required to complete what was a simple task before....and hence, inefficient use of resources (time).

While they claimed in the August live feed that they don't intend to "punish players", this mandatory level synch does seem to be a punishment for the previous time we invested in reaching the levels we have. Let's see...X amount of years multiplied by subscription fees = mandatory level synch making you work harder when it should be easier?

But that's just my view...one I'm sure others share. I petition for optional level synch for the express purpose of my above stated "pro".

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Doesn't need to be mandatory at all, optional is rational.


Why do I not like mandatory? As mentioned numerous times, when you go back to a planet for a specific reason (gather resources, datacrons etc.) you will now have to grind through mobs. Some people have limited time, others clearly don't mind spending it helping their buddies grind, both valid positions hence optional would work best.


Secondly, I don't like teaming up with other players at all, I play for my own enjoyment and I therefore like the 'story/lore' whatever of doing FPs solo when I am high enough lvl not to die a painful death. Now I am to be cheated of this story experience am I? What if nobody is free to group? What if I just don't want to? Thanks BW, will be skipping more of the content now.


Lastly, got to say, massive kudos to all those who resorted to name calling, denigrating the other point of view etc. you certainly make convincing arguments. People like you are the reason I don't group.

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I'm definitely for level sync but I can understand other side too.


(sorta) FFXIV FATE implementation is a nice middle ground -- sync should be optional, but, while out-of-sync you wont be able to attack (or be attacked), gather, accept or turn quests. One can walk around not bothered by anything and feel powerful but if it wants to attack/gather/whatever it must sync down before doing so (ofc turning sync off will abort whatever was started while it was turned on).


As for PvP I'm always for the GW2 way of doing things -- all players should be on the same level and gear is free for all so only skill/tactics/planning will be a factor (dunno how to incorporate that on OW gank-box type of game tho).

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I'm definitely for level sync but I can understand other side too.


One can walk around not bothered by anything and feel powerful but if it wants to attack/gather/whatever it must sync down before doing so (ofc turning sync off will abort whatever was started while it was turned on) .


Are you being serious? Do you think people want to opt out so they can walk around and feel powerful? And if you think you must sync down before doing anything, that is basically mandatory.


I really have no idea if you are being serious.

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It was never intended to change it, level sync is for PvE content, not PvP. It's not retarded to not change it when the design is strictly for one function. People somehow imagined that level sync was being done for PvP when that is the furthest thing from the developers' minds when they were making that change. There was completely no mention of PvP in any developer post or even data mined content.


Of course it's retarded, they had a chance to do something positive about ganking and instead completely missed the opportunity.


Maybe you are pro ganking though, if so good for you but I'll disregard anything you've got to say on the matter because it's quite the despicable practice imo.

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In my opinion, they should make it optional for the vast majority of the swtor world. Places like pvp-specific settings (tattooine pvp area) and world boss areas -sure, have it there to reduce ganking and a high level player to kill a WB to give items to lowbie characters.


But now. It is very time consuming. I'm level 56 walking around level 46 and I have to beat down every single person, where before I was able to walk past them. The level sync, imo, is a game breaker. I understand that they want to increase groups and group play, but by doing this strategy, they are killing the solo player. I loved going to FP's and beating down level 10s - who are you to say what I can and cant do with a game I pay for? Now - I dont want to do a single flashpoint later in my end-game.


That's pretty much what happened here. You finally hit level 60 and you have all these ops and 60 FPs - but another aspect of end game is to go to the original planet of Tython and show everyone your power. Now, on tython I'm a level 60 with 2000 health - not so grand. It really killed some end-game experiences. You have to have every end-game experience you can muster because every player will eventually reach end-game and if they dont have experiences to keep them there - they dont play anymore.





And another note. I'm a mo*$^# fu&$*%* darth, dude. And I am having problems killing a rat on tattooine - no way. It should be instant death for that rat. That's lore breaker. We were very ok knowing that some troopers were unexplainably weak one one planet but very strong on another - and thats still the case. But this is an RPG where level gains is important.

Edited by Plan-of-Exit
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Of course it's retarded, they had a chance to do something positive about ganking and instead completely missed the opportunity.


Maybe you are pro ganking though, if so good for you but I'll disregard anything you've got to say on the matter because it's quite the despicable practice imo.


No, retarded is thinking they designed it for PvP when they explicitly designed it for PvE and basically said as much. People read between lines that didn't exist. There was no indication of any intention to alter OW PvP based on any post by any developer or even based on any data mining.


It's funny you call me a pro ganker when I generally do the opposite and go out to kill gankers in open world. That is probably the most laughable accusation anyone has ever leveled at me.

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No, retarded is thinking they designed it for PvP when they explicitly designed it for PvE and basically said as much. People read between lines that didn't exist. There was no indication of any intention to alter OW PvP based on any post by any developer or even based on any data mining.


It's funny you call me a pro ganker when I generally do the opposite and go out to kill gankers in open world. That is probably the most laughable accusation anyone has ever leveled at me.


I said maybe you ARE PRO ( in favour of ) ganking ... not that you are a pro ganker, sheesh.


I don't care what their design choices or intention was, leaving in expertise at full is retarded in regards to PVE, heck leaving it in open world at all is retarded really.


As I implied, you might enjoy it and want to see other people suffer as a result of it but I personally do not.

The best design choice for PVE is to not have expertise in open world. This lessens ganking and would be a positive feature.

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I said maybe you ARE PRO ( in favour of ) ganking ... not that you are a pro ganker, sheesh.


I don't care what their design choices or intention was, leaving in expertise at full is retarded in regards to PVE, heck leaving it in open world at all is retarded really.


As I implied, you might enjoy it and want to see other people suffer as a result of it but I personally do not.

The best design choice for PVE is to not have expertise in open world. This lessens ganking and would be a positive feature.


I apologize I forgot the hyphen, I am not a pro-gank-er, I kill gankers, so why would I favor it or allow it to continue when they often don't like sticking around when I show up? I don't even get decent pvp outta the deal, they just run and hide.


I've played games without a PvP stat, want to know what happens? Gankers still exist, they just get the best PvE gear instead and do it. It won't lessen ganking on PvP servers because that is why they exist. If you absolutely can't stand to be ganked, go play on a PvE server.


Seriously, what you want is PvP servers removed, because as long as PvP servers exist there will be gankers. It's a fact of life. And just like in life where there are predators that prey on the weak, there are also predators that prey on those predators. How did Qui-Gonn say it, "There's always a bigger fish."

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Are you being serious? Do you think people want to opt out so they can walk around and feel powerful? And if you think you must sync down before doing anything, that is basically mandatory.


I really have no idea if you are being serious.


Well, getting rid of archaic level based systems is a better idea but it's probably not a option.


If content is created for some level range so, yeah, it should be mandatory to do it on that level -- if one wants to overlevel it because it's boring, too tough or whatever else that's only indication that content is problematic and should be removed or recrated to be interesting enough without that.


So instead of complaining about sync better is to complain on the specific content which has that level of grinding/boredom that requires for one to be overleveled to be playable.

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