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Why Level Sync needs to be Mandatory!


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Wow, I even explained it right there in the post you're replying to, and you still can't be bothered to actually address the actual position actually being presented. Actually.


95% of us in the "opposition" aren't asking for level-syncing to be removed -- we're asking for it to be optional.


We tried giving our long lists of detailed reasons why, and yet 99% of the posts made by those in favor of it being mandatory either ignore the reasons in favor of half-witted trolling about "Hurrr, y u mad, no more faceroll grays lol?", or just blow them off as "invalid" without ever stopping to consider them.


And if our reasons for not wanting to partake in levelsyncing don't matter to you, why should any of your reasons in favor of levelsyncing matter to us?


The best solution remains, make it optional -- that way, we don't have to worry about how you play the game, and you don't have to worry about how we play the game.


+10 /agree.

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OP, stop making sense. You're hurting the children's developing brains.


So many threads about how this is the death of SWTOR and blah blah blah. Did anyone even watch the damn stream where Musco (who was only using 3 abilities) absolutely destroyed an elite droid with 3 attacks when he went to that Heroic on DK? Let me see any player in this game kill an elite with 3 attacks at level 18 on DK. From what I saw, we will all be EXTREMELY OP with level sync on. Musco even stated that he doesn't see any capable player having any problem soloing heroics.


I don't know. To me, it seems like a lot of people are freaking out about nothing. The level sync feature not having a toggle is a minuscule problem, if it even is a problem, compared to other things that we've heard about with this xpac. I say we should give it a try, and if it sucks in practice then you complain to your hearts content until they change it to a toggle... after release. I really do not see any problem at all with level sync as-is, though.


*sigh* This has nothing to do with being able to kill **** downscaled or not! The point we're trying to make is we want the OPTION to NOT have to do this dumb **** if we don't want to. We never said we can't shoot stuff being down leveled. We never said we HATE down leveling. What we're trying to get across to thick skulled individuals is that we want the ABILITY to TURN IT THE **** OFF if we want to!


Why does no one understand this? We don't give a crap about having our gear and abilities still. We don't care that we can still roflstomp that heroic boss cause we still have our gear. We're pissed off because we're being FORCED to be down graded when we might not want to be down graded.


We KNOW it's great for some people. We're NOT disputing that, we're just annoyed that we have no choice in the matter. If we don't want to go to lowbie planet x as a lowbie level, we shouldn't have to! We've already DONE the low level crap there as low levels, we don't want to do it again. If we DO want to, then we can turn the damn thing on. If we don't we turn the damn thing off.


It's NOT hard to understand why we're so annoyed about this mandatory ****.

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You probably really did ignore me - because people that don't agree with you are trolls - but I will reply to this anyway.




Can you tell us how the game will be worse for you with mandatory level sync? You will be effectively just as powerful as you are fighting mobs on Dromund Kaas as you are on Ziost. With that in mind, you mentioned a few things that I didn't quote to keep this relatively short.


1. You're not playing KoTFE. Okay, so your gameplay will be directly affected by level sync, but how is this negative? You will be just as strong as you are now, on every single planet. I won't question how you choose to play the game because I don't care how you spend your $15/month.


2. Level by doing existing high-level dailies. You will be, for all intents and purposes, unaffected by level sync... because these quests will be pretty much at your level.


3. Bounty hunter week. When you do bounty hunter week, bounties are scaled to your level currently. What's the difference when there's level sync? Nothing... not even something you can kind of call a difference. Now you just get to choose at what level you want to kill a bounty.


4. Leveling alts. Unaffected by level sync.


5. Level sync optional. I won't argue this because I have not experienced level sync for myself, but your arguments are not doing anything at all to turn me against mandatory level sync.


let me try to explain. right now, when I go to lower level planets? i can solo world bosses. right now when I go to lower level planets? I can completely skip even tightest clusters of mobs. I don't have to engage them at all - I can just ride past them using most direct route possible... becasue with current level difference? they do not aggro unless you actualy touch them.


with level sync? I will have to fight my way past the mobs. even if those mobs die relatively fast - this is still extra time I'm spending basically grinding. I will NOT be just as strong as I am now with level sync. I will be significantly weaker.


with bounty events its not the level of the bounty. its the road TO the bounty. (and for someone who doesn't have unlocks that I do that allow me to quick travel with no cooldown? that also means grinding your way back to the travel point and/or using the taxi at least one extra time than you would have today)


moreover. right now I can go to black hole on my imp toon, that is 10 levels above it and quite literally sprint though the entire thing. the entire run, including Torvix H4 takes me at most 20 minutes and that's accounting for having to look for boxes, in case someone else is there grabbing them at the same time (if I luck out and no one else is doing that daily - it takes me even faster. and I'm slower than some people). level sync means not only solo quests will take me longer, but I will no longer be able to solo the full weekly.


and this is without mentioning what level sync is doing to soloing old hardmode flashpoints.


this might not seem like a big deal to you, but all that extra time spent on grinding mobs that currently don't even notice you? it adds up. and when you have limited time to play. it has even bigger impact.


does this clarify things a bit for you?

Edited by Jeweledleah
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*sigh* This has nothing to do with being able to kill **** downscaled or not! The point we're trying to make is we want the OPTION to NOT have to do this dumb **** if we don't want to. We never said we can't shoot stuff being down leveled. We never said we HATE down leveling. What we're trying to get across to thick skulled individuals is that we want the ABILITY to TURN IT THE **** OFF if we want to!


Why does no one understand this? We don't give a crap about having our gear and abilities still. We don't care that we can still roflstomp that heroic boss cause we still have our gear. We're pissed off because we're being FORCED to be down graded when we might not want to be down graded.


We KNOW it's great for some people. We're NOT disputing that, we're just annoyed that we have no choice in the matter. If we don't want to go to lowbie planet x as a lowbie level, we shouldn't have to! We've already DONE the low level crap there as low levels, we don't want to do it again. If we DO want to, then we can turn the damn thing on. If we don't we turn the damn thing off.


It's NOT hard to understand why we're so annoyed about this mandatory ****.


100% agree. This forced change is going to piss of a lot of people (Yes a lot more that DO NOT visit forums). Yes appears a few individuals WANT this feature, but when a BULK of your user community stands up and throws a FIT about it... well then I would hope that BW takes notice and puts an OPTIONAL toggle on this feature. The STREAM went APE ***** when Musco announced this in livestream and the forums promptly exploded following that stream. This was the giant TURD BURGER they waited until near deployment date to drop on the masses and gobble up a couple more months of subs. (I know one more exists, but I'm sure they will wait until the week before to announce)


NOW.. all that said... you TOGGLE OPTION OFF it should promptly change the rewards on those heroics I agree (IE: You can't one shot everything and score the loot - which isn't that great BTW)

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I'm on board for Level Sync, because it puts an end to High Level vs Lowbie PvP ganking.


I love PvP. When it is on relatively balanced terms. A fair fight if you will. But a Level 60 heading to Tatooine and mopping the desert sands with Level 27s? Not even a remotely fair fight, and it tends to drive people away from PvP servers, as well as staying as far away from Open World PvP areas as possible.


This is the solution that fixes that annoyance.


Granted, there will always be imbalance, because of gear, or because of outright skill. But if you get jumped on by a Level Sync'd 60 as a 27, you at least have a fighting chance to defeat them, whereas before you did zero damage and basically had to try and run or stand there and die.


Major kudos to Bioware on this!

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Missed the most obvious reason.


The "alliance system" reuses old planetary content.


The "Want influence with the X hating hutts? Go fight hutts!" thing? Aka go do Naar Shadda repeatable heroic of blowing up the hutt factory. Ta-da!

Edited by aeterno
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I'm on board for Level Sync, because it puts an end to High Level vs Lowbie PvP ganking.


I love PvP. When it is on relatively balanced terms. A fair fight if you will. But a Level 60 heading to Tatooine and mopping the desert sands with Level 27s? Not even a remotely fair fight, and it tends to drive people away from PvP servers, as well as staying as far away from Open World PvP areas as possible.


This is the solution that fixes that annoyance.


Granted, there will always be imbalance, because of gear, or because of outright skill. But if you get jumped on by a Level Sync'd 60 as a 27, you at least have a fighting chance to defeat them, whereas before you did zero damage and basically had to try and run or stand there and die.


Major kudos to Bioware on this!


This I can agree with, but a lvl 60 synched to 27, still wearing PVP gear with 2018 expertise will still global you... Seen a 60 shadow in pvp gear mop up a jug and 2 sorcs in PVE gear quick, fast, and in a hurry... synch will NOT fix... this

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Level sync brings nothing to the table. All it means is that it'd make completing quests a lot harder or even impossible because you can no longer outlevel a quest you are struggling with then come back to it.


Make it optional, Bioware. Or even better, cancel your plans for it. It is useless and has nothing good.

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Level sync brings nothing to the table. All it means is that it'd make completing quests a lot harder or even impossible because you can no longer outlevel a quest you are struggling with then come back to it.


If you don't have eyes and play the game, you will obviously lose. THE GAME IS EASY. Bioware is constantly changing the hp and damage of mobs on the older planets. They have already been nerfed two times. I STRONGLY believe that even bad people playing with three skills will be able to pass their quest.


All what you said is BS. The quests won't be "a lot of harder". They will be EASY, just not GOD MODE easy.


You say it's useless and to cancel it. Clearly you have nothing to bring to the table except your whining and dramatizing. All you said about quests "impossible to complete after level-sync" is taken straight out of bantha's rear. Multiple advatanges of level-sync have been posted here and there and all what you said is just a lame assumption about "hard" difficulty for people that have no idea about their character.

Edited by PavSalco
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If you don't have eyes and play the game, you will obviously lose. THE GAME IS EASY. Bioware is constantly changing the hp and damage of mobs on the older planets. They have already been nerfed two times. I STRONGLY believe that even bad people playing with three skills will be able to pass their quest.


All what you said is BS. The quests won't be "a lot of harder". They will be EASY, just not GOD MODE easy.


You say it's useless and to cancel it. Clearly you have nothing to bring to the table except your whining and dramatizing. All you said about quests "impossible to complete after level-sync" is taken straight out of bantha's rear. Multiple advatanges of level-sync have been posted here and there and all what you said is just a lame assumption about "hard" difficulty for people that have no idea about their character.

The game is not easy. The game is ridiculously hard as it is. Even with fully geared Sith Warrior, at the correct level, I had to call in help to defeat the last boss on Corellia, because it was not easy. it was hard.


I have a better idea. If you don't want people "Overleveling" a planet, why not replace the leveling system with a better progression system?


BUT does it really matter if I overlevel a quest? Why does anyone other than myself care about how easy the quests are?


And why am I a whiner just because I want to enjoy the game my way?

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The game is not easy. The game is ridiculously hard as it is. Even with fully geared Sith Warrior, at the correct level, I had to call in help to defeat the last boss on Corellia, because it was not easy. it was hard.


I have a better idea. If you don't want people "Overleveling" a planet, why not replace the leveling system with a better progression system?


BUT does it really matter if I overlevel a quest? Why does anyone other than myself care about how easy the quests are?


And why am I a whiner just because I want to enjoy the game my way?



You are not a whiner, just a target for BW fans. You have as much right to enjoy the game as anybody else. All money is equal for subscriptions.

The game is not hard Per-se, but over leveling and having better gear can help you overcome problems.

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Ironic that you'd tell people to "try reading", when it's obvious you haven't. Most of us in opposition are not saying "remove level syncing", we're saying "make level syncing optional instead of mandatory".


But at the end of the day, we don't want mandatory level sync because we don't want our levels synced -- and that's all the reason we actually need.


okay this does sound exactly like the "I DON'T WANNA" reason Rydarus responded to you with.

sure i prefer being able to stomp through stuff when i'm achievement hunting, but if they give me valid rewards and credits and XP on top of that, then i don't see why not. also, it's not like you're actually forced ot go and do heroics at 65, you can do them while you actually level.

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Wow, I even explained it right there in the post you're replying to, and you still can't be bothered to actually address the actual position actually being presented. Actually.


95% of us in the "opposition" aren't asking for level-syncing to be removed -- we're asking for it to be optional.


We tried giving our long lists of detailed reasons why, and yet 99% of the posts made by those in favor of it being mandatory either ignore the reasons in favor of half-witted trolling about "Hurrr, y u mad, no more faceroll grays lol?", or just blow them off as "invalid" without ever stopping to consider them.


And if our reasons for not wanting to partake in levelsyncing don't matter to you, why should any of your reasons in favor of levelsyncing matter to us?


The best solution remains, make it optional -- that way, we don't have to worry about how you play the game, and you don't have to worry about how we play the game.


:) Agreed. Its not like we are saying that they cannot have it, unlike them saying we have to have it.

As a solo player I do WB's often for two reasons, 1. to get at least a few items of gear for my alts. 2. To get basic comms using the priority targets quest. I tried doing this in a group when I first started playing but got kicked from the group for a healer. So never done groups since and don't intend to start. This is just one reason but other players have covered all reasons over the last few days, so pointless repeating them. but as you say most will only ever see there point of view. Its an old issue now but remember the same being said about the 12 x XP. I use it and have not opted out, but I would never say to those that did that they had to keep it. After all, use it or don't, it did not affect me either way.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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You probably really did ignore me - because people that don't agree with you are trolls - but I will reply to this anyway.




Can you tell us how the game will be worse for you with mandatory level sync? You will be effectively just as powerful as you are fighting mobs on Dromund Kaas as you are on Ziost. With that in mind, you mentioned a few things that I didn't quote to keep this relatively short.


1. You're not playing KoTFE. Okay, so your gameplay will be directly affected by level sync, but how is this negative? You will be just as strong as you are now, on every single planet. I won't question how you choose to play the game because I don't care how you spend your $15/month.


2. Level by doing existing high-level dailies. You will be, for all intents and purposes, unaffected by level sync... because these quests will be pretty much at your level.


3. Bounty hunter week. When you do bounty hunter week, bounties are scaled to your level currently. What's the difference when there's level sync? Nothing... not even something you can kind of call a difference. Now you just get to choose at what level you want to kill a bounty.


4. Leveling alts. Unaffected by level sync.


5. Level sync optional. I won't argue this because I have not experienced level sync for myself, but your arguments are not doing anything at all to turn me against mandatory level sync.


I did put you on ignore last night, because of this comment, which is of a sort that I've lost all patience for in the last couple of weeks.


OP, stop making sense. You're hurting the children's developing brains.


Now, I saw your post quoted in someone's response, so quickly:


1. Actually, no, level-sync is coming to everyone, not just those who "do KotFE", so if I were to take my level 60+ to Korriban for some reason, they'll only be at Korriban level for the duration, which is nonsense. Why would a character be 1/2 or 1/10th as powerful just because of the planet they're standing on, across all the planets in the galaxy? It beggars all belief and kicks suspension of disbelief squarely in the nuts.


2. The existing high-level dailies are 55 and 60. How will being down-scaled to level 55 or 57 or whatever it will be, be the same as being level 60 on that planet (such as Oricon)? How will being level 60 or 62 on Yavin be the same as 65, when characters are at 65 later?


3. As stated many times by several posters, it's the sloggy tedium of drawing agro from mobs in the "wilds" when you're going after the kingpins on Tatooine or Dromand Kass -- mobs that ignore you unless you're right on top of them now, and die just from dirty looks from your companion if they do attack. And before it comes up again, this isn't about being against challenge, it's about being against tedium. There seems to be a lot of confusion on the pro-mandatory side between "challenge" and "tedium". I have no interest in slogging through unrelated, random, on-level trash mobs (Sandpeople, crazed archaeologists, etc) just to get to the Kingpin I actually came to the planet to take down.


4. Level-sync will prevent being more than a couple levels over the location you're in, ever. Several of us have pointed out that our sweet-spot for enjoyment while leveling is 4-6 levels over the location we're in -- that's where the balance between all the factors involved settles out to make playing the game a relaxing diversion after work, etc.


5. Some of us have had to repeat our arguments in favor of level-sync so many times, in so much detail, only for the person we replied to ignore them in favor of continuing snide, belittling comments, and for drive-by posters to come in, not read the thread, and repeat the same tired, cliched canards we've already addressed umpteen times.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The game is not easy. The game is ridiculously hard as it is. Even with fully geared Sith Warrior, at the correct level, I had to call in help to defeat the last boss on Corellia, because it was not easy. it was hard.


Fully geared in what? Level 1 whites? There is no way any of this is true unless you walked up to Baras and then left your pc mid-fight.

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I did put you on ignore last night, because of this comment, which is of a sort that I've lost all patience for in the last couple of weeks.




Now, I saw your post quoted in someone's response, so quickly:


1. Actually, no, level-sync is coming to everyone, not just those who "do KotFE", so if I were to take my level 60+ to Korriban for some reason, they'll only be at Korriban level for the duration, which is nonsense. Why would a character be 1/2 or 1/10th as powerful just because of the planet they're standing on, across all the planets in the galaxy? It beggars all belief and kicks suspension of disbelief squarely in the nuts.


2. The existing high-level dailies are 55 and 60. How will being down-scaled to level 55 or 57 or whatever it will be, be the same as being level 60 on that planet (such as Oricon)? How will being level 60 or 62 on Yavin be the same as 65, when characters are at 65 later?


3. As stated many times by several posters, it's the sloggy tedium of drawing agro from mobs in the "wilds" when you're going after the kingpins on Tatooine or Dromand Kass -- mobs that ignore you unless you're right on top of them now, and die just from dirty looks from your companion if they do attack. And before it comes up again, this isn't about being against challenge, it's about being against tedium. There seems to be a lot of confusion on the pro-mandatory side between "challenge" and "tedium". I have no interest in slogging through unrelated, random, on-level trash mobs (Sandpeople, crazed archaeologists, etc) just to get to the Kingpin I actually came to the planet to take down.


4. Level-sync will prevent being more than a couple levels over the location you're in, ever. Several of us have pointed out that our sweet-spot for enjoyment while leveling is 4-6 levels over the location we're in -- that's where the balance between all the factors involved settles out to make playing the game a relaxing diversion after work, etc.


5. Some of us have had to repeat our arguments in favor of level-sync so many times, in so much detail, only for the person we replied to ignore them in favor of continuing snide, belittling comments, and for drive-by posters to come in, not read the thread, and repeat the same tired, cliched canards we've already addressed umpteen times.


The issue here is that most people are simply missing the point.. The OP is right in a sense, although he could have done better to explain it..




All the men and women in the military have no level.. If anyone picks up a weapon they would do the same damage as anyone else with the same weapon.. Because there is no level in the military and rank is only a title.. The problem is the leveling system itself..


Originally it was designed as a goal orientated system to give players something to do.. You start at level 1 and now you have to do a whole bunch of stuff to reach max level.. That is all fine until you think about the content.. The missions you did at level 6 and meaningless at level 45.. Thus the problem.. Content doesn't change with level.. Nor does it allow people of varying levels to play together in the same content,.. Every MMO has to deal with this issue.. Keeping older content relevant is not an easy task..


Bioware is simply trying to fix the inherent problem with the leveling system.. Which is to make us all the same level when we enter said content.. Or remove the leveling system all together and no more leveling at all.. I doubt the last one would even be considered.. Nor should it..


The solution Bioware has come up with isn't bad.. It just means that the days of plowing through low level stuff to farm things for various reasons is essentially over.. I am not happy about that.. One of the perks of having a high level toon is being able to do that.. I hope they would add other opportunities for farming.. But over all it would be nice to go into low level stuff and get thing relevant to my character at any level..


Does it need to be mandatory?? No.. Should it be?? I don't think it really matters.. Except to say that in order to keep the playing field fair for all players, it either needs to be mandatory or not have it at all.. Having it as an option is just a stupid idea in my view.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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There are people who enjoy playing in various states of level as compared to the content they are playing. How they play is not in any way wrong because it is how they get enjoyment out of the game. The one's who want an semblance of challenge can turn the scaling off. Those who want to have less of a challenge can turn it off.


From what I can see, mandatory level scaling is Bioware saying "Running outleveled content isn't having fun the way we want you to have fun, so we're going to change the game to force you to have fun our way." You had to group up to do flashpoints, but you could wait and outlevel them, then go back and run them solo if you wanted to experience the content without having to collect a group. But there were flashpoints that you had to do to progress in the story line, so in order to prevent people from getting hung up trying to find a group, they created the solo mode, where you got a godbot and were bolstered so that it didn't matter how badly geared you were, you could just blow through the content without a real challenge. Now they intend to scale you down to an appropriate level for the content, so that if you want to do a flashpoint, you'll need a group again... except that there's going to be a solo mode where you get a godbot that will, just as if you ran the flashpoint at your actual level, trivialize the content. Except that you'll get XP and drops that you can use. Whee.


Your character is a Darth on the Dark Council, one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the galaxy... but when you go back to Korriban, you'd find yourself having to work to defeat the same mobs you fought when you were an acolyte. Sure, you've got the high-level abilities you gained as you leveled, but they're all scaled, too, so you're not doing any more damage with them; you've just got a bunch of different visuals to do the same level of damage with. You never get a feeling of becoming more powerful, because you're not allowed to advance in power past a certain point on each planet to keep that planet's content a 'challenge'. You'll never be able to go back to Balmorra and take out your frustrations on the Colicoids that gave you so much trouble when you were there the first time by raining lightning down on them and watching them die like flies, flailing uselessly at your protections holding them at bay.


Level scaling is a good idea; it allows players to take their high-level characters and play with their friends' low-level characters if that's what they want to do. Forcing it down everyone's throats all the time because playing that way is the One True Way™ to have fun isn't. If you're never going to be able to feel that you've gotten enormously more powerful/capable than you were when you started, there's no real reason to leave your starting planet; you might as well just skate around street-sweeping, because you'll never feel more powerful against the mobs on any given planet than you will be when you hit the level-scaling point for that planet.

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So... here is another thing that nobody seems to have mentioned about level sync. If you were paying attention to the experience granted, for those who just want end game, going back and doing the heroics on starter planets and so forth just became more relevant than doing the new story chapters releasing with 4.0. You can do them faster which means faster path to 65. Congratulations "we are all about story" Bioware.




Sure I'll do the story once but since it's the same story for all classes we are now back to the same "why bother if you don't have any interest in playing through it again."


Lastly, for those who argue that level sync will prevent a small portion of the population have a more difficult time of being *****holes or perform some "exploit" of over leveling content but getting xp, it's a pointlessly vindictive reason for making something that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable mandatory and negatively effects more people than just that tiny subset.

Edited by g_land
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I had no idea that there was so many people that either struggled with the content at level and needed to be over leveled or were maxed level and spent countless hours returning to low level planets 1 shot blasting everything for endless periods of time.


Bioware does't need new ops or pvp or planets or story they just need to lower the level of all npcs on every planet to stater planet level so players can feel godlike right from the start.


I have a hard time seeing the fun of spending hours, days, years of my time just decimating low level content with maxed out powers. Maybe as a pass through return to a plant it may seem cool to blast a few low level npcs once but to spend hours day after day doing this, well the fun is just over my head, I must be missing out.


The amount of players using the new avenues of leveling with the new levelsync compared to the amount of players that spend months on end on low level planets feeling godlike.


I believe there are people that will not like the change and leave. There are those that won't like the change but stay anyway. There will be some that didn't think they would like the change but turns out they do. There will be some that didn't think they cared one way or the other but turns out they don't like the change and quit playing. Some may think they love the change and turns out they really do.


Please speak for yourselves and not claim to know what the player base really wants and how you know how everyone feels.


For those that are not happy with the changes I say to you 'Go play now'. Things are about to change and stop wasting time on the forums.

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I had no idea that there was so many people that either struggled with the content at level and needed to be over leveled or were maxed level and spent countless hours returning to low level planets 1 shot blasting everything for endless periods of time.




This crap again.


Did you read the posts of those opposed to this and just ignore what they're actually saying, or skip reading them at all and go right to the cliches?

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I don't have a problem with level Sync but that is me. Having the option doesn't hurt. You get to choose which way you play. I get to choose how I play. Pretty simple.


Which is the direction I hear the people who are no sold on down leveling are going. There not asking it to be removed for everyone, just work in an optional choice. Like 12X or PVP. It doesn't need to be forced on every player in the game.


From the beginning of it's design it should have been as an option and never released till it was. That way, just as you say, others can play as they like and the rest can play as they like. Pretty much then accepted by all.

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