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What 6 features would you like to see added?


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>Hood Toggle

>Cartel Market Dyes in Collections

>Additional features for romanced companions (different summon/near-death lines, interactions etc)

>Endgame areas w/ dailies on origin worlds (that is after level sync is reverted/made optional in 4.1 due to massive backlash)

Can't think of any more rn



>More Legacy Level 50 perks (e.g. permanent 12xXP, discounts on other perks)

>Nightmare Mode Flashpoints

Edited by XhrisShan
Thought of more stuff
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Most of the things i'd like to see added, by the looks of things, are already getting done. Cleaning up / adding search to collections, etc. Almost all the things i've read concerning changes/content, I'm really excited about, but I'm still waiting to actually play the expansion before I decide what I want, like, or dislike. (unsubbing/ranting before playing an expac that is free cause of rumors, is, well, idiotic at best)


2 things I CAN say I'd like to see, however, is a proper ending to Darth Malgus. A character with so much under his belt being taken out by 4 fresh 50's in a flashpoint was kinda lame.


Also, as someone who pre-ordered the Collector's Edition box the day it became available to pre order....a little more, considering most of the in game goodies where made available for 5 bucks. Give those of us that shelled out that cash a bit more. Nothing huge. Instead of a free, level 7, black yellow crystal...make em all account available, usable at level 10, like the hundreds of other crystals in collections. I would think it fair to say we already paid for em, a helluva lot more then buying color crystals on the CM, and having to spend credits on em is just kinda a slap in the face.

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Well, for general things that crop up fairly often, I would definitely like to see:-


Hood Toggle - Even if it was just 'remove hood entirely' as happens with Twi'leks and Togrutas, that would be great


SGR for existing companions - With an option to reset and re-do Companion conversations, resets Affection to 0, start again.



The thing I'd most like to see though would be an end-game system NOT based around Raiding!


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying remove Raiding, just let's not have it be the only thing left to do.


By far (far far far!) the best end-game system I've ever played in any MMO was the Alternate Advancement (AA) system from EverQuest.


It was a simple enough system: instead of just the one XP pool, you now had two. You then had a slider to determine how much XP went into leveling, and how much went into AA, in 10% increments. So you could have 100% to leveling, 0% to AA, 90% / 10%, 80% / 20% etc all the way to 0% leveling and 100% AA.


At max level, you automatically go to 0% leveling and 100% AA.


The AA XP was used to earn AA points, which were then used to make your character more powerful. You could for example buy a small boost to your stats (say +2 Strength) for a couple of AA points, or an upgrade to a skill for 6 AA points, or even a whole new skill for 12 AA points. Most things were multi-stage, and got more expensive as you went up (L1 = 3AA, L2 = 6AA, L3 = 9 AA so 18AA total).


As I said, a nice simple system, but it had a lot of wonderful advantages:-


1) XP was still relevant, even vitally important, at max level.


Even at max level, you always need to earn more AA points.


2) You could earn AAs doing anything.


You could be Raiding, you could be doing Flashpoints, you could be doing PvP, you could be soloing, you could be grinding Dailies for cash, doesn't matter, whatever you're doing you're earning XP, and that means you're earning AA points (unless set to 100% levelling, of course).


3) Continual character development.


Currently you hit max level and your character stops. The only way to improve them is to get better gear, but even then there's a limit. Get the best gear, and there's no more progression at all. Your character basically becomes stagnant until the next Raid is released, and that's not exactly speedy.


With the AA system, that doesn't happen. You hit max level, you get the best gear, but there are always more AAs to earn and buy.


4) Level at your own pace.


Levelling too fast? Bump the AA slider to 70% levelling and 30% AA, and you slow down without wasting any of that lovely XP.


Want to stay in one place for a while? Perhaps you like that planet, or you're not wanting to out-level a friend who can't play as much. 0% to levelling, 100% to AA and you stop levelling, but without wasting any of that lovely XP!


My two 'main' EQ characters stayed at level 80 for over a year (max was 100) just enjoying themselves and boosting their AAs before continuing.



However, for the AA system to be a viable end-game system, there are two caveats that HAVE to be met:-


1) The points must take a lot of XP to earn.


The whole point of this system is that it's something you work at over a long period of time, it's not a quick thing. If you can earn every AA skill in a week, we're back to 'game over, no more progression'.


As a rough example, I'd say one single AA point would take at absolute minimum 10 hours of playing to earn.


2) There would have to be thousands of points worth of skills to buy.


Even playing non-stop, you couldn't earn everything in a year, and every expansion sees more AAs added (of course, they could also be added between expansions).



So, what sort of things could you use AA points for?


Some would be general, things that every character has access to, for example:-


+1% run speed up to a max of 10%. 1% costs 1AA, 2% costs 2AA (so 3AA cumulative), 3% costs 3AA (so 6AA cumulative) etc. A similar one for Speeder speed.


Some would be archetype things, that characters of a certain type had access to, for example:-


Healers : +1% healing, up to +10%. 1% costs 2AA, 2% costs 4AA (so 6AA cumulative), 3% costs 9AA (so 15AA cumulative) etc.


Tanks : +1% damage reduction, up to +10%. 1% costs 2AA, 2% costs 4AA (so 6AA cumulative), 3% costs 9AA (so 15AA cumulative) etc.


DPS: +1% damage, up to +10%. 1% costs 2AA, 2% costs 4AA (so 6AA cumulative), 3% costs 9AA (so 15AA cumulative) etc.


Some would be base class things, that anyone of that pair of base classes has access to, for example:-


Bounty Hunter / Trooper - Vent an extra 1 heat per tick - 6 AA, Vent an extra 2 heat per tick - 12 AA, Vent an extra 3 heat per tick - 18 AA


Some would be Advanced Class things, that only that advanced class (and it's mirror) got, for example:-


Mercenary - 1 extra charge of Kolto Shell - 6AA, 2 extra charges of Kolto shell - 12 AA, 3 extra charges of Kolto shell - 18AA


Some would add entirely new skills, for example:-


Bodyguard Mercenary - Emergency Kolto Spray : Heals all allies within 30m to full health, cooldown 1 hour : 30AAs, requires level 60 and Extra Kolto Shell Charges level 3.


You get the idea. Some things could be specific to a given Discipline, some could have level requirements, or require other AAs to be bought first, etc.



The important thing is that at the outset there should be a minimum of 1000 AA points of things any given character could buy. At 10 hours of gameplay per AA, no-one, absolutely no-one, is going to be able to buy them all before the next expansion lands and another 1000 AAs are added.


Thus you have to choose very carefully what to spend your AAs on, and you have continual character development regardless of how you play. You could be constantly improving your character without ever setting foot in a Raid, or you could do nothing but Raid and even with the best gear available get that little bit better every single Raid. No RNG to worry about, no losing 50 rolls in a row, you put in the effort you get the reward.



Every MMO I've ever played, 'End Game' has meant exactly that for me: the game ends! Sure, there might be a few things to do, get some achievements I missed, explore somewhere I never uncovered, but no real advancement.


Every MMO but one... The only MMO I've ever played where I've felt the game continues, even improves, at max level was EQ, and that was purely because of the awesome AA system. (Why did I stop playing EQ then, you ask? I didn't, still got two active accounts I've had since 1999!)

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Too late for me wish for anything, I lost interest in logging a couple of months ago, just waiting for my days to finally expire.


That said, I am delighted that they claim to have fixed the clipping issue on "some" cloaks when mounted on speeders. Pretty sure that ones has slipped under people's radars.

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- API for third-party applications (conquest lookup, galactic market, guild informations, ...)

- Androïd or online app for crafts / selling in galactic market / guild management or discussion channel

- New GSF mode

- Auto-random-generated maps for BG/GSF/FP

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The thing I'd most like to see though would be an end-game system NOT based around Raiding!


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying remove Raiding, just let's not have it be the only thing left to do.


By far (far far far!) the best end-game system I've ever played in any MMO was the Alternate Advancement (AA) system from EverQuest.


This. SOOOO much this!

I stopped playing at Anguish, but through all the other games I've played in the interim, I have to agree with you 100%.

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I'd love to see:


1. Cross-faction queues

2. Ranked PvP remade into team completion format, with team names, team scores and made watchable.

3. The ability to revert romantic choices, like re-initiating or interrupting a romance at will.

4. Stacked gifts giving.

5. Guild or Individual Mentor bonuses when people do the achievements in the Ops/PvP to encourage mentorship

6. Built-in feedback on performance, because relying on 3rd party software is not really great.


And, something that I do not have any idea how to accomplish, but well, something that will make getting into tanking possible for a new tank player.

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Wow, lots of thoughts here.


I really like the one about the further advancement at max level. Sounds great!

New WZ maps would be pretty cool.

I like the idea of an android app for GTN / Crew skills, but the economy would take a huge hit.



Here is one for you guys.


How about custom made WZ maps?

Think about it, we already have strongholds, so here is my thought:

We have some sort of "Competition" Guild based, we buy scenerys, locations like Nar Shaddaa / Voss / Ziost ect.

Then, we decorate them with a mass variety of decorations and hazards: Acid pit, Endless holes, Lava, Speed buffs, ramps, elevators, the whole works. We can then apply an objective, capture the flag, domination, frenzy (most kills win, every man for himself).


Then once we finish our Custom WZ, we make it public for people to view only, which people then vote for.

Bioware then takes the 5 most voted for maps, and releases them, and then after actually having played the custom maps, people can vote for their favourite one, and make it a real Warzone. And whichever guild owned the map created, gets huge rewards.


What you guys think?

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Hey folks.


I decided to do a Top 6 features i'd like to see SWTOR add to the game.

Let's keep this real, share your thoughts and let's see what other people think :)



- Hood toggle

- Additional heroic utility point

- additional bodytypes or scaling bodies

- Third dye slot for custom armors. It bugs me that certain otherwise goodlooking armors have really big parts that cannot be dyed.

- smuggling event akin to bounty hunting event. It bugs me that smugglers have almost never done any actual smuggling in star wars.

- Pazaak

Edited by Karkais
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More maps, game modes and ships to GSF

Open space. Using slightly modifated engine of GSF. Draws inspiration from Eve Online. Comes with wealth of PvE and PvP elements, a sandbox.

200k more people to play with

New class and three new storylines: Imperial Pilot!, Republic Pilot, Smuggler Pilot!


Ps I like GSF

Edited by Vasflam
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Addons being able to change UI looks. (like having red, or customize Ui things.) or letting players make own maps/designs to add to game. Many types of addons players can come up with.


Macros, Letting people use one key press to do two moves. Saving some room, on key binds and also helps disable players who have trouble with a lot of key press.

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enhanced ability to control your mail; you have ability in the preference panel to change your mail status to "everyone", "friends, guilds and legacy only" or "no contact", for the last two it will stop spam gold sellers from posting their usual junk and it will only be limited to chat after that. the "no contact" option only accepts mission based emails from thankful npcs, official bioware mail and the gtn like the previous option however it dont accept any other mail contact.


just that i am getting tired of rerouting unopened gold spam to support everytime.

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Here is one for you guys.


How about custom made WZ maps?

{snip nice detailed description, go read it if you haven't it's well thought out}


I think that's a great idea, I'd love that.


Also, a couple of things others brought up I'd like too:-


Stackable companion gifts: Oh yes please, 'Here, 99 gifts' *big Affection boost* :)


Non humanoid-template playable races: I know it'll never happen, but I'd love to play as a Jawa!

Edited by Bugisttod
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The one thing I really wanted is being added, and that's a search function for Collections. I'm easy to please though :p And I'm with everyone else with the hood toggle... I'd be the happiest camper of them all.


Pazaak would also be nice, and swoop racing. I really enjoyed both of those in KOTOR I and II... I was rather convinced Atton cheated at pazaak.

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Hood Toggle

Cartel Market Dyes in Collections

Additional features for romanced companions (different summon/near-death lines, interactions etc)




Though I'd also like additional scenes with the LIs, maybe 5 of them on rotation/random that pop up, so players will stop using the "They never talk to me, that's why I cheat" excuse. :p

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