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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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And aren't there points in the macrobinocular missions where you eat an ambush after spotting one of the minidroids? All of those are going to have to be fixed, or you're going to find yourself (for example) on Dromund Kaas at an effective level of 20 facing a level-55 ambush. Whee.


And good luck getting a group together now for a base raid.

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Someone on dulfy.net pointed out the description for the new heroic missions which has been ignored by people who jumped on the anti-levelsync bandwagon. It explicitly says This mission MAY require a small group.. It's rather obvious that if you have some basic idea about your class you should be fine with soloing heroics after 4.0 if you are level 50-65 scaled to low levels.


I would like to address everyone who made the argument about heroics not being soloable anymore that you should not be afraid.


The general "dumbification" of SWTOR is meant to keep even bad players in the game by making the solo content easy. Bioware wouldn't suddenly change that direction and make heroics hard for high level lone-wolves.

Edited by PavSalco
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Perosnaly I don't like that idea. If i want to play with Guild Wars 2, I click the GW2 icon on to my desktop and this is Star Wars The Old Republick huge differency. I don't want level synch. It is dull. Stop Copy other game mechanism, and repalce the game engine. Add ignore duel requests options.(automaticle deny any pvp requets wiouth poping up windows) same with ignore party invite requests. Im sick of those players to sending nonstop invites for no reason, and i don't give a **** about what they are want from me. And actualy you could bann some illegal credit sellers from the game, becasue i've heard all the time in Redeclipse, all of my friends recives these add messages. No matter how many of them got ignored they come back and do the same, + flooding the general chats(ignore is no use, cos there is always some one who sels credtis for real money. Do you want to add something new? How about to add races, as pvp. (just like in the Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace) Now that would be *********** epick devs. Sorry about my swearings :D. This game is soo messed up, unstabel motor, atom reactor pc reqs,(witch is not enough, how ever i saw a guy who played this game in pentium4 with ultra settings with a simple 512mb radeon card...) plusz the lag issues on the fleets. Rendering all the time. (good work, fix this to) You have a lot of things to fix, then ask us about your new ideas, wicth is not going to mess up other things in game mechanism, such as when you lunch a new patch Coratani is become buggy again, or the whole rishi floor will be invisible again, and so on. Until them i don't want to hear anything about Level synch. Huge mount of, grafick, game engine, and game mechanism fix is requried to be abel to enjoy this game finaly.



PS: Sorry about my grammar (english is not my native language)

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Ok, so I posted that I don't like level sync... however, I am trying to see the upside, and I did just think of one situation where it could be a "good thing".


Imagine you're leveling, you're on Tattonine, and you're enjoying the place, you want to do the full planet story, the side missions, everything. Normally you end up outleveling the place, getting just 6 XP per mission after awhile making it kinda depressing to carry on, knowing that you'll have to do the same stuff on the next planet.


But instead, with level sync, you'll never quite outlevel Tattonine, instead you'll keep getting XP. So lets say you love Tat but hate Alderann, you can do everything on Tat, level up a bit, then go do just the class missions and blast out Alderann and move on asap since you arrived at Alderann a bit overleveled for it.


This does open up options to "level your way", doing extras one place, just the class missions somewhere else, always earning something from it rather than almost nothing.


Just trying to see the positive here. :)


imagine you've already DONE all of those little things..now when you go back to do an event..or some other quest that you are FORCED to go to that planet to do at least a part of..you are then FORCED to go to a lower level..and you are just trying to drive from one place to another..but keep getting aggroed by every mob that you get too close to..oh that'll be soooooo much fun.......yeah..right.

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Someone mon dulfy.net pointed out the description for the new heroic missions which has been ignored by people who jumped on the anti-levelsync bandwagon. It explicitly says This mission MAY require a small group..


"You may experience some mild discomfort."

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imagine you've already DONE all of those little things..now when you go back to do an event..or some other quest that you are FORCED to go to that planet to do at least a part of..you are then FORCED to go to a lower level..and you are just trying to drive from one place to another..but keep getting aggroed by every mob that you get too close to..oh that'll be soooooo much fun.......yeah..right.


But you'll be on your speeder, and be WAY over-geared, and barely taking ANY damage at all. You will NOT get knocked off your speeder, so yes you can just blow right through as before.


In order to get knocked off your speeder, you have to take x-amount of damage in x-amount of seconds. If that happens to you while under Sync on a lower level planet, well, you forgot to actually equip your gear.


Someone on dulfy.net pointed out the description for the new heroic missions which has been ignored by people who jumped on the anti-levelsync bandwagon. It explicitly says This mission MAY require a small group..


True. And though the description says that, there is not a Heroic in this game of any level that cannot be soloed by any class. At most all someone has ever needed for a Heroic +4 was a companion - and that was AT level, not even being higher level than the Heroic, and with average gear at that.. Now imagine how the over-geared Sync player is going to do in there. :) Things will not be so bad.

Edited by Faelandaea
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But you'll be on your speeder, and be WAY over-geared, and barely taking ANY damage at all. You will NOT get knocked off your speeder, so yes you can just blow right through as before.


In order to get knocked off your speeder, you have to take x-amount of damage in x-amount of seconds. If that happens to you while under Sync on a lower level planet, well, you forgot to actually equip your gear.




True. And though the description says that, there is not a Heroic in this game of any level that cannot be soloed by any class. At most all someone has ever needed for a Heroic +4 was a companion - and that was AT level, not even being higher level than the Heroic, and with average gear at that.. Now imagine how the over-geared Sync player is going to do in there. :) Things will not be so bad.


Yes, so make sure you're fully blued-/purpled-out, people.


You're either very very good, or my chars/comps were just so crappily geared before 55, like, no earpieces/implants, so I found it advantageous to do everything well above level, about 4-6 levels above.


I, myself, can hardly wait to see where the down-sync puts our chars for every planet/instance it applies to.


Like I said, that "may require a small group" line seems more to be for the benefit of new/casual players just picking up that mission.

Edited by sentientomega
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I, myself, can hardly wait to see where the down-sync puts our chars for every planet/instance it applies to.


I agree. And I think that until we actually experience the changes, we won;t know if we actually like the Sync idea or not. I am honestly expecting both sides of the camp (the supporters of Sync and the opponents of Sync) to have opinion changes based on actual game-play.


I am excited either way - just for something different. Even if not all changes hit me well, change always keeps me interested and keeps me from burning out of the game.

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Regarding the question about heroics, they answered it today



Heroic Missions: On all planets up through Makeb the existing Heroic Missions have been revised in several ways in order to make them more accessible to all players:

All repeatable missions, including Heroic Missions, now have their own Mission icon: a gold triangle with arrows on it.

Heroic Missions have been adjusted to be completed by groups of 2+. This means that former [Heroic 4] missions have had their difficulties reduced.

Barring a few special exceptions, Heroic Missions no longer need to be turned in at an NPC or Mission Dropbox. On completion of the final step of a Heroic Mission, the Mission completion dialog will appear immediately in the field.

The first step of each Heroic Mission should give you a Heroic Transport item. Using this item (from your Mission Items inventory or the icon next to the task in the tracker) will transport you to a safe location near the site of the Mission.

While Heroic Missions may still be acquired from NPC’s in the field, you will also find a new Weekly Heroic Mission Terminal just outside of the spaceports of all planets up through Makeb. Accessing this terminal will allow you to easily acquire all the Heroic Missions for that planet.

Heroic Missions are now repeatable weekly and feature all new rewards!



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Brilliant logic OP. No green/grey quests ever is infinitely greater than a few peoples mind ego problems.


I'll still like to ask to those players who value having godlike characters over level 10 minions, how often do you go back to the early planets and oneshot mobs to revel in your lordliness? Looks like your lordships didn't show up on biowares telemetry when they were considering this change.

Edited by stockmks
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I could give two flying figs about soloing heroics. The only thing I care about is that I will be leveled down I will be a second hand Darth or an Emperors Wrath. If they changed it so I will be my own level in the cities I wouldn't care. The only reason I go back to the older planets is if a quest sends me there. So basically all the cool stuff we did in the stories doesn't matter. All our characters are now going to be assigned a number for our level when we land. Please make it optional or add a feature for the cities. I know we prob wont get it because you guys are hellbent on making this game SWG NEG 2 ;P.

There is no reason to simplify this game anymore than it is already.


If I want to play GW2 I would play it.

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Has anyone thought about this being a deliberate attempt to kill SWTOR. It feels so SOE and SW Galaxy NGE. No one asked for it but here it is. Also with Episode 7 coming end of the year and plenty new planets and adventures offered by movie,comic and book, who says it is not time for a new MMORPG based on Star Wars, but now in the Movie Universe. But then who would think there is a conspiracy going on.
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I'm begging you guys to try to do content at your level now so you can get used to it. Guys lets give these haters tips so they can do better. Have you considered you have turned on your buffs yet? Maybe you're using the wrong cylinder, have you checked dulfy? Edited by tavrinDosa
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I'm begging you guys to try to do content at your level now so you can get used to it. Guys lets give these haters tips so they can do better. Have you considered you have tallied your buffs yet? Maybe you're using the wrong cylinder, have you checked dulfy?


Oh i didn't think of that.. ahh some people have their fun playing overlevelled content because they can't play..


Never considered that but genuine sympathy.. yeah the rotations here are hectic.. but.. maybe they always continue to be because wows 3-5 button rotation sucks.


But i do feel sorry for you. My suggestion would be to get a razer naga or similar mmo mouse, and learn how to use it. I'd almost suggest its mandatory, as clicking is a mess, and muscle memory like that for the number keys is even worse. As a bonus you won't be scared of tanking or healing group roles once you get it. Dont read dulfy as those guides are super advanced.. what we need are some video tutorials like they did for wow last xpac.. press this, then this, then this.


EDIT: You also actually have to think just a little bit about what you do.. as normal pve content is no where near single target boss content, and all the guides online just assume its about single target boss content. In a standard pull of 3-4 normal mobs, its actually a little different.. your companion actually does a good percentage of the killing for these, so you're doing something completely different, basically filling the gaps in the most awesome way possible, do you have instant cast abilities, or should you tab over to the next one? Its quite fun. Also it changes when you have normal mobs and a grey or gold star.


While we play there's all sorts of things to consider, gameplay, story, what to do etc.. but even at dailies, its just slightly nerve wracking to play without a companion that heals. The rotation and pulls are crazy enough, or just managing your health period is a little nerve wracking. You enjoy strongly a healing companion. 4.0 will fix this.. but get a treek in a meantime.

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Oh i didn't think of that.. ahh some people have their fun playing overlevelled content because they can't play..


Never considered that but genuine sympathy.. yeah the rotations here are hectic.. but.. maybe they always continue to be because wows 3-5 button rotation sucks.


But i do feel sorry for you. My suggestion would be to get a razer naga or similar mmo mouse, and learn how to use it. I'd almost suggest its mandatory, as clicking is a mess, and muscle memory like that for the number keys is even worse. As a bonus you won't be scared of tanking or healing group roles once you get it. Dont read dulfy as those guides are super advanced.. what we need are some video tutorials like they did for wow last xpac.. press this, then this, then this.


Perfect! Great advise. Anyone else these haters need to get better before 4.0 otherwise they are gonna trip up soling dk heroics

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I am super happy about level sync, and I hope this carries over to flashpoints as well so that we won't always be stuck doing the same ones over and over at max level but instead can enjoy our old favorites. I am, for example, looking forward to (hopefully) Directive 7, Mandalorian Raiders, and The Foundry, just to name a few.


I don't know if they have plans to level sync the flashpoints yet, but I sure hope they do.


Also, Level Sync is a good idea because there are countless heroic missions on all of the planets, all of which yield comms, which might come in handy if you are, for example, short a few comms to buy a piece of gear. At least with level sync, the grind to get those ten won't be a total face-roll. I'm thinking about, for example, all those on Voss for the reputation grinders out there :) It'll be fun to find a group of people to knock those out instead of doing it all solo and one-shotting everything.


Level Sync is a step in the right direction. I think it will be a good thing.

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In my signature, I have a post I made with a general idea that could help the sync really *ahem* sink in.


But, it makes absolutely sure that you can be no higher than 6 than the max level for a world (though, I do want it to be tempered to still get XP from all missions and most if not all enemies), and if you're flagged there, or flag while on a world, you're automatically downed to the max (all PvP-flaggeds at the same level).

Edited by sentientomega
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Since we're all pro-level-sync (practically, anyway), a distinct possibility.


I was once against any notion of being down-scaled in level, based on some rumours or other; but then things became know, more mission options, heroics, actually earnable XP at old worlds, I grew to like the idea.


I still have concerns, like what our level will be in relation to the max level on any world affected by the sync.


No doubt, the down-sync should be mandatory, like disciplines, since its general principle is simply super, as these old worlds matter; but having said that, having the option (a forced option, too) of picking your level at, below, or above the planet's max, so you can still get xp, and NOT farm WBs, would be nice to have.

Edited by sentientomega
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I wonder what world pvp will be like with level synch.


Indeed it will be interesting to see... it cant make it any worse. At the very least, it will see an end to the lowbie camping. A joyless, dullard way to play the game that probably has done more harm to the playerbase than any ignorant rage-quitting over level syncing might have.

Edited by leehambly
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Since we're all pro-level-sync (practically, anyway), a distinct possibility.


I was once against any notion of being down-scaled in level, based on some rumours or other; but then things became know, more mission options, heroics, actually earnable XP at old worlds, I grew to like the idea.


I still have concerns, like what our level will be in relation to the max level on any world affected by the sync.


No doubt, the down-sync should be mandatory, like disciplines, since its general principle is simply super, as these old worlds matter; but having said that, having the option (a forced option, too) of picking your level at, below, or above the planet's max, so you can still get xp, and NOT farm WBs, would be nice to have.


This alone would satisfy those who I know who have left over this. They simply want the option of over leveling a boss a bit if they are having a rough time. To a person, they each cited this as their big turn off and the reason for their loss of interest in spending any more time here.Failing to have an option for that, they have no interest.


Interestingly, Rift has a system wherein you can choose your "ascended mentoring level" right down to a specific level. I really liked that. A couple other things eventually wore my patience thin with that game and I stopped playing, but that was a very cool feature, the mentoring system.


I doubt we will see this. Really I have no idea of course, no really detailed plans have been presented to us. We only know that they want this as part of their future design and maybe they consider it too much work to to do this.


But without some sort of option, I know an increasing number of people who won't be here. Anecdotal, yes. It is only people whom I know. But, I'd rather have it so they would be here too. I just do not see their departure as good for anyone.


We can only go by the dev post stating we will be max level for a given planet ( 32 on Alderaan for example, as said in the post) and that seems to be that. I'm not expecting that to change.

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