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Waiting to announce level scaling until three weeks before the expansion drops?


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Seriously? Whether you're for it or against it, the player base had a right to know what was coming with regard to a major change like that. Many people have already bought a great deal of sub time, lasting until well after the expansion. MMOs change all the time, but the right thing to do would have been to announce the changes as soon as they decided for sure that they were going to make them.


In light of this (and the complete lack of response to GSF bugs), I'm going to seriously reconsider paying anything else for this game. Level scaling needs to be optional. It's a great feature, if you want it. I can't deny that it offers some advantages if you want to go back and help friends or something - but only if that's what you want. I don't. I don't want to be forced to find a group for old content. I didn't enjoy finding a group for it when it wasn't outdated; why would I want to now? I don't want to deal with trash mobs while I'm trying to RP. I don't want to have to kill every single trash mob between myself and my destination. And I shouldn't have to, if I don't want to. I'd be okay with reduced or old reward rates while scaling is turned off, but it needs to be optional.


What I'm not okay with is not finding out about a major change to the way the game is played just three weeks before it happens. I feel as though I've been deceived here, and I hate to say it, but I think that was the intention. They must have known that the player base wouldn't be happy about this.


And before someone who just can't stand someone having a different opinion asks: no, I'm not quitting. I'll be sticking around to play GSF until that community finally dies. But I probably won't be paying for anything. And I won't be grouping with people either.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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It's called cowardice. You think they don't realize the only real perk left for subscribing is Open Beta?


I want to be able to defend their decision here. I really do. But I just can't see why they waited. Maybe someone from the community team can weigh in on this.



you are amusing it was ready to show until recently and can you imagine the reaction without a working demonstration?


They announced scaling in ops and flashpoints weeks ago without a working demonstration. Or did you forget about that?

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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I want to be able to defend their decision here. I really do. But I just can't see why they waited. Maybe someone from the community team can weigh in on this.





They announced scaling in ops and flashpoints weeks ago without a working demonstration. Or did you forget about that?



That's because of the FACT that our threads were taken down usually. Me and a LOT of other ppl were pizzed off about this crapper.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I do agree that the reason they choose not to reveal this information is probably to keep subs, as some people will likely drop there subscription over the level scaling. How many, who knows? I can for one see both the cons and pros to the system. I like being reward if I go back to old content, but I also like being over leveled when gathering resources or doing some other activities. Still think it would have been better to make it optional this way everyone happy. They could have simple not given them any reward if they choose to not down level. I'll give it a try and if it not to my liking then I'll drop to F2P.
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Everyone was subbed for those extra rewards, cheapest sub is 30 days so yeah they pretty much scammed everyone into this.



People would have been out before now if they knew this was coming.


How so? Walk off & leave their beloved toons hypercrate shinnies or relegate themselves to credit, raid, gear & daily restrictions across the board as pref? Who we kidding here? This community is nowhere near that level of self sacrificing :D They wouldn't of went anywhere then and they aren't going anywhere now.

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How so? Walk off & leave their beloved toons hypercrate shinnies or relegate themselves to credit, raid, gear & daily restrictions across the board as pref? Who we kidding here? This community is nowhere near that level of self sacrificing :D They wouldn't of went anywhere then and they aren't going anywhere now.


Is that so? I spent ~4 months as preferred earlier this year, and I'd do it again. If you plan ahead it's actually not too bad. Realize there's something you forgot? Build up credits - the cap doesn't prevent that - then use a referral link every 90 days. Then you have 7 days to buy whatever before you're restricted again.

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Is that so? I spent ~4 months as preferred earlier this year, and I'd do it again. If you plan ahead it's actually not too bad. Realize there's something you forgot? Build up credits - the cap doesn't prevent that - then use a referral link every 90 days. Then you have 7 days to buy whatever before you're restricted again.


You don't really think the fleet prima donnas could rough it 4 hours, never mind 4 months do you? They're already showing effects of withdrawal because the cartel market went a week without update. :D How do you think they'll feel when they only have 350k at the gtn to spend on that 3 million dollar dropship? Or how about when they're kicked out of their guild leader positions and have to level with only the most basic xp :p That's just mass capitulation waiting to happen. As tremel would say, they growl but their loyal. :o

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Because it is not a big deal?


Also, look at this community. I don't blame them for waiting until the last second.


Missed this earlier, but: you can't say it's not a big deal and then point at the community's reaction in the same post. It clearly is a big deal, and their reaction is proof.

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Missed this earlier, but: you can't say it's not a big deal and then point at the community's reaction in the same post. It clearly is a big deal, and their reaction is proof.


This community would overreact to anything.

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the whole expansion is a smoke screen its nothing but rehashed heroics from now one and no one will know!




I'm pretty sure no one's implying it's a conspiracy. We are, however, pointing out that it was a little underhanded to delay the announcement until everyone who was going to subscribe for the expansion for early access has already done so.

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Listen all you people can put your tin foil hats away, if they really thought nobody would want to sub they wouldn't have made the change, they obviously think its a good idea and will keep more people playing in the long run. I like the idea myself and don't sit there and tell me i'm part of the problem, if you don't like it, leave! Stop complaining, its already done and over with, vote with your wallet. ;)
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