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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Guys, just buy a level 60 character, and forget about playing the below level 60 content.


Its that simple.


Why bother playing level 1-60 content at this point?

Because it's the only reason I continue to pay and play the game on two accounts.


What we know is that they had a strong reason to implement level-sync if they decided to develop it. They didn't make it to annoy you.


They implemented it primarily because they have also implemented mandatory level acceleration (12x XP), and are using madatory level sync as a half-assed way to make for the faster leveling pace, instead of giving people the continuing option of using the White Acute Module.


Honesty I have been here since 2008 and have seen people threatened to quit over this and that and guess what, they didn't. They are still here. Most (noticed I said most) will threatened to quit as they have since the game launch but they don't quit. They use the threats as some sort of perceived leverage to get what they want, when they don't really intend to quit.


I have seen this time and time again and most likely so has bioware and they probably know most are blowing smoke and will not quit this time either.

So I guess that whole mass exodus of players after launch and thusly hastening F2P was just a figment of our collective imaginations, correct? Or how about the exodus of PvP players over a year ago - made up drivel as well, I suppose.

Edited by TravelersWay
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No, actually its not obvious. The community on the forums --even including things like Reddit-- is only a tiny percentage of the actual player base and we've repeatedly seen actual real evidence that the forum community is not representative of the player base as a whole.


So... the majority of a tiny non-representative fraction is not really convincing.




Polls for games routinely skew results to the vocal minority of the player base. It's unfair to repeatedly make choices to serve this minority rather than serving the silent majority.




Yes... a big long list of things that require so little brain power to think of that you'd have to be silly to imagine that you're the first one to consider them. The devs certainly have thought of them, but since you're not part of the dev team, you have zero rights to demand that they explain these things to you.


Um it's a question bro. Not a demand. Easy bud.

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Do you need documented proof the sky is blue too?


Well, that would be cool if you could, especially because the sky is actually an abstract we made up to give a name to what we see when the sunlight is scattered upon the gases in our atmosphere. Sunlight is white and basically contains all colours and depending on the deflection and wavelength we will see the colour blue or other colours when the sun sets for example, when we can see all kinds of reds, purples and yellows for example and not blue.


So yeh, please do.

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I'm posting an observation.


No. You specifically said you were posting concrete facts. Or are you suggesting that someone else using your account posted this:


You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts.


You made statements declaring them to be objective truth, but you refuse to post any sort of evidence for it, instead, you rely on logical fallacies, personal insults, and the Chewbacca Defense, of all things.


You sir, are dense.


Immature personal insults don't really improve your case. That's not the actions of a mature, reasonable customer seeking answers to some questions.

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I forgot, what % of subs actually use the forums? I don't remember...


Anyway. a majority of forumers who don't want something might actually be a minority of players overall in the game.


I would think that the VAST majority of playes / subs do not even look at the forum.


There are many that know that an expansion is coming, but have no idea of the details or the fundamental changes that are coming with it. Every time I try to inform someone of what is coming the reaction is surprise and not a pleased surprise at that.


I think that there will be a very large number of players just wondering around in shock after launch. I don't know what the overall reaction will be or the level of acceptance, but have received disbelief and some anger when I have explained things.


As far as the sync thingy, I don't know. Watching the synced down Merc two shot golds in the heroic as part of the live stream left me scratching my head. It seemed like a lot of time and effort was put into reducing a super God like well overleveled character into a normal God like more moderately overleveled synced down character.


Post launch should be a real show. Get your popcorn and stay tuned.

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I'll take your usage of horrible logic to be an admission that you have zero proof.

Not horrible logic. Just a conundrum. I posted my observation. It's an observation that is so far supported by the apparent evidence of forum post and personal witness of fleet chat, convos with guildies, etc... Can't fault me for my observation and my evidence. Sorry I don't take pics of every chat line or recording of all chats...


Pathetic reasoning you have.

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All content remains relevant and playable




You can play your class missions only once

You can play the planetary stroy line just once

You can do the side Qs only once


What you can play again:

H2/4 missions, daily Qs, weekly Qs


Oh wait, you can do that right now, without level sync

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I did.

BW makes sure to keep disappointing thats for sure when it comes to down leveling every player in the game.


kinda sucks that a decent feature, screwed up by being forced across the board as some interesting game everyone must do wasn't better implemented.


Well, as I said I'm not against options but I also don't think it's as dire as you experience it. It is that dire for you of course, but I think most people will be fine with it and/or will learn to live with it. That's not something I know, but it's what my expectation is.

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Not horrible logic. Just a conundrum. I posted my observation. It's an observation that is so far supported by the apparent evidence of forum post and personal witness of fleet chat, convos with guildies, etc... Can't fault me for my observation and my evidence. Sorry I don't take pics of every chat line or recording of all chats.

IOW, you're just spouting your personal opinion.


At least that's clear now.

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No. You specifically said you were posting concrete facts. Or are you suggesting that someone else using your account posted this:


Never used the word concrete facts. I said facts, as in the facts of the conversations I have had and just noticing the facts of many different ppl posting on Reddit, forums, etc...


You made statements declaring them to be objective truth, but you refuse to post any sort of evidence for it, instead, you rely on logical fallacies, personal insults, and the Chewbacca Defense, of all things.


Never used the phrase objective truth


Immature personal insults don't really improve your case. That's not the actions of a mature, reasonable customer seeking answers to some questions.


It's not an insult. It's a statement you are reading what you want into what I said therefore you increase the density of what is being actually said with your delusions...


Italics for answers

Edited by LegionAlpha
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I wouldn't say there's anything obvious about it.


Pretty much everyone I know in game is fine with it. Logically speaking, people are more likely to post on a forum in protest of something than in support of it. So I'd say this is a case of vocal minority.


People want to be heard when they dislike something so they post. If someone thinks "hey, level sync, neat" they're less likely to go post if they aren't already a heavy forum user. So the amount of negative replies vs positive means nothing.


Most of this game's userbase never touches the forums.

Edited by Beltane
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Well, as I said I'm not against options but I also don't think it's as dire as you experience it. It is that dire for you of course, but I think most people will be fine with it and/or will learn to live with it. That's not something I know, but it's what my expectation is.


I think new people will be more accepting. I think gamers who have been playing SWTOR are the tougher crowd to sell this to as a forced feature after playing so long. Thats why I think optional was really the only way to implement this..


You might enjoy it though.


Not a chance. I don't care for leveling scaling. I don't play GW2 for that reason. There are parts of FF!4 I don't do because of that very reason.


There are now multiple planets I wont have much interest in because of down leveling.


"Oh but we need a healer on Nar shadda for Trouble with deeds."

Go screw youself. You can send BW any complaint on the matter.

Edited by Quraswren
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You can play your class missions only once

You can play the planetary stroy line just once

You can do the side Qs only once


What you can play again:

H2/4 missions, daily Qs, weekly Qs


Oh wait, you can do that right now, without level sync


You can play on DK with your level 45 to help a buddy or for fun or perhaps and gain xp + rewards for your actual level. That's new.


Oh and we get loads more character slots so class missions etc are replayable again even for people with 22 characters. I wonder if those massive amounts of new character slots are possible because of the changes to the game...dunno, but it could be...

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Um it's a question bro. Not a demand. Easy bud.


You've demanded answers in other threads. In your OP on this thread, you said the information was "needed".


The information isn't needed. If we don't get the information until the day of launch, it won't matter one bit to the players. There's nothing you could do with the information if you had it.

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I'm posting an observation. You sir, are dense. Posting an observation does not mean I care one way or the other. Cuz really, Idc if they keep it in game or not, completely indifferent. But I am curious on the specific issues mentioned just for knowledge sake. And your deductive reasoning skills suck. Work on it, kid.


No, you are completely indifferent. If you were you wouldn't have posted this thread and even more so you would have posted it and responses in a neutral manner. Instead all of your posts so far imply that you support the supposed majority with supposed facts that you refuse to prove.

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It would be funny/scary to watch if that same thing didn't happen over and over and over. How many people threatened to quit after disciplines got introduced? How many threatened to quit afte slot machines? Or over minor **** like full auto removal?


Let's be real, if the "majority" would quit every time 10 mindless zealots woul start to threaten devs, player count would be negative at this point. And kept droping.

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I wouldn't say there's anything obvious about it.


Pretty much everyone I know in game is fine with it. Logically speaking, people are more likely to post on a forum in protest of something than in support of it. So I'd say this is a case of vocal minority.

You can be assured that whenever someone uses a word like "obvious" (or "as we all know," "let's be honest," etc.), what follows is a load of hogwash. Unless it truly is something obvious like "Wilt Chamerlain is obviously not able to respond to these allegations. Since he's dead."

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You've demanded answers in other threads. In your OP on this thread, you said the information was "needed".


The information isn't needed. If we don't get the information until the day of launch, it won't matter one bit to the players. There's nothing you could do with the information if you had it.


I said details that are needed. And I did not say anything more or less. These details are needed so ppl can be aware of if this is or is not effected...Duh? Get off your high horse

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You can play on DK with your level 45 to help a buddy or for fun or perhaps and gain xp + rewards for your actual level. That's new.


Oh and we get loads more character slots so class missions etc are replayable again even for people with 22 characters. I wonder if those massive amounts of new character slots are possible because of the changes to the game...dunno, but it could be...


Yes, so you can buy another character slot and help your buddy with a new twink.

So, what´s your point? :D

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