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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Agreed so when you said this and got rather specific I was shocked you brought it up:


"Hahaha, now you've really lost it. Levels make zero sense in a true scenario. In a true scenario you can be a black belt martial artists and some dumb *** with a gun can still kill you. That's a true scenario."


This is not a real scenario so things somehow needing to stay equal is a joke. Down leveling just doesn't need to happen to try for some semblance of equality across the universe.


My comment of "The enemies should never remain a threat all teh time because thats not in any way close to a true scenario." playing into that.


Yeh that was just an example to show why it doesn't make sense. Oh well, forums are notorious for misunderstandings :)

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And its forced. Not optional.

Worst. Decision. Ever.


You lost entrance to my wallet Bioware and I hope this goes for many others. Really don't get why its not optional and why they thought it was a good idea to force this on everyone. Yes it's nice for those that want it, BUT I DON'T WANT IT!

Before I draw any conclusions, can you or someone provide some links? I would like to read 'the whole' article, so I can understand the overall context. I don't want to take anything out of context. I want to understand what BioWare is doing.

Edited by Linyivee
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Why? It's not silly in the context of the SW universe. There is lightsaber/blaster resistant armor.


Yeah yeah yeah. I have my Unblockable Sword, but wait, someone else finds the Unblockable Sword Blocker!


Oooh! Aaah!


But wait! The Unblockable Sword Blocker Destroyer is then created by Narrative Inc.!


Gaspeh! It's Gojira! No, it's Mecha-Gojira!!


O'noez, it's SUPER GOJIRA OMEGA!!!


And then the hero of the narrative undergoes a montage to some poignant music whilst remembering his fallen mentor, becomes a real man and turns his crummy old Unblockable Sword, using the Power of Heart, into the Alpha-Omega Unblockable Sword of Mega Unblockableness and Unblockable Sword Blocker Destroyingness +55 and defeats all the sword blockers and has many females clinging to his legs before the credits roll.

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Yeah yeah yeah. I have my Unblockable Sword, but wait, someone else finds the Unblockable Sword Blocker!


Oooh! Aaah!


But wait! The Unblockable Sword Blocker Destroyer is then created by Narrative Inc.!


Gaspeh! It's Gojira! No, it's Mecha-Gojira!!


O'noez, it's SUPER GOJIRA OMEGA!!!


And then the hero of the narrative undergoes a montage to some poignant music whilst remembering his fallen mentor, becomes a real man and turns his crummy old Unblockable Sword, using the Power of Heart, into the Alpha-Omega Unblockable Sword of Mega Unblockableness and Unblockable Sword Blocker Destroyingness +55 and defeats all the sword blockers and has many females clinging to his legs before the credits roll.


Yeh but my vanguard's armour rating is over 9000!!! So there! ;)

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Yeah yeah yeah. I have my Unblockable Sword, but wait, someone else finds the Unblockable Sword Blocker!


Oooh! Aaah!


But wait! The Unblockable Sword Blocker Destroyer is then created by Narrative Inc.!


Gaspeh! It's Gojira! No, it's Mecha-Gojira!!


O'noez, it's SUPER GOJIRA OMEGA!!!


And then the hero of the narrative undergoes a montage to some poignant music whilst remembering his fallen mentor, becomes a real man and turns his crummy old Unblockable Sword, using the Power of Heart, into the Alpha-Omega Unblockable Sword of Mega Unblockableness and Unblockable Sword Blocker Destroyingness +55 and defeats all the sword blockers and has many females clinging to his legs before the credits roll.


As a fan of Godzilla, I ask you to remove the omega part, as it breaks my immersion into your story. "Super Godzilla" is a thing.

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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... Copious amount of threads showing the distaste of it. So much so that the threads all had to be compiled into one thread. The one thread that is in support of the level sync, " level sync = revival of swtor" has 5-6 times less replies and support for it.


You can't equate over a dozen compiled threads (many copy-cat trending) with the same users making rounds through each, with a singular original one and call that majority support. And let's be honest here, that compiled thread would've long since vanished into obscurity if not for the bioware official posting in it. Anyone who frequents this forum knows that a thread is A. assured to get a star rating and B. numerous post if it has the bioware logo associated with it. That's what we call padding the minority. :rolleyes:

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Overwhelming majority. Just put a toggle on this and be done with it. Imposing something like this on everyone is just a bad idea in general.


Pretty much.


A game changing feature that seems not some great number would use if they had a choice but are forced to now do makes me think BW didn't really think this out all that well.

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Thank you for your well thought out post.


Considering that the most heated discussions feature at most dozens of people, both sides included - and there are hundreds of thousands of players, it's a safe bet that it's not a majority of players that are posting here.


Therefore we have **** all idea what the majority of players think. BW will have a better idea when it goes live I'm sure.


There are not hundreds of thousands of players lol. Let alone even thousands of subs. You're a fool if you think there is any thing close to a hundred thousand subs or different player accounts currently active within the last year... Get real

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I think the case has been settled :


We have added a new system to the game called Level Sync. What this system will do is that when you are on a planet, but above the target level of that planet, your level will automatically be lowered to that planet’s level. Ex: If you are level 60, and you return to Alderaan to do some Missions, your character will be scaled down to be level 32.


Source : http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20151002


Thread can be closed now.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... Copious amount of threads showing the distaste of it. So much so that the threads all had to be compiled into one thread. The one thread that is in support of the level sync, " level sync = revival of swtor" has 5-6 times less replies and support for it.


The question is why not implement this in a way to get feedback before actually putting it in game? A poll, pts, etc... Would have done the job, but it is interesting to see that bioware claims they are giving the community what we want, but it clearly isn't the majority they are listening to, or even their own community. Though this may be something they wanted to test and see how ppl react and if it is not well received they may get rid of it, it is quite obvious, the reaction is not positive.


Many questions still are uncertain about level sync such as:

GSI quest

Story missions requiring to go back to lower level planets

Bounty contracts

Events (Gree/Rak)

Etc.... The list goes on


How will level sync work with these in detail? All we were told is what it does in general, " you are scaled to the max level for that planet...", as stated in stream many many many times. But no details that actually needed to be addressed were addressed for whatever reason. The dodge method.


You must of missed the slot machine fiasco, it was much bigger than this and the majority quit the game because of it, or so they said.

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We who post on these boards are a tiny fragment of the whole player base. Most of the players don't post at all.

So to say "majority" or "minority" applies only to these forums, *not* to the *whole* player base ...


The majority of players on Harb and Shadowlands are against this. 2 of most populated servers. Again, Bioware states they listen to the community. So if it's forums they listen to, then they are delusional. If it's chat, still delusional because no matter what front you see it as, the majority of whatever front are in distaste of this level sync. Spin it how you want, it ultimately means bioware isn't listening lol.

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We who post on these boards are a tiny fragment of the whole player base. Most of the players don't post at all.

So to say "majority" or "minority" applies only to these forums, *not* to the *whole* player base ...

This. I've been a vocal opponent of non-optional level sync, but I'm certainly not going to claim that I speak for the majority in any sense. There's simply no way to know just how many players are for or against or simply neutral about these changes.


I think it's fair to say that there are a number of people bothered by how scaling will be implemented, just as there are a number of people who are quite pleased with it.


My suspicion (for lack of any concrete evidence) is that the actual majority of players either don't yet know about the shift or have only a vague notion that big changes are coming. Either way, it's not likely to affect their current play time very much.

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The majority of players on Harb and Shadowlands are against this. 2 of most populated servers. Again, Bioware states they listen to the community. So if it's forums they listen to, then they are delusional. If it's chat, still delusional because no matter what front you see it as, the majority of whatever front are in distaste of this level sync. Spin it how you want, it ultimately means bioware isn't listening lol.


Do you have documented proof that those two servers are against it?

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Planet Level Sync


Planet Level Sync


We have added a new system to the game called Level Sync. What this system will do is that when you are on a planet, but above the target level of that planet, your level will automatically be lowered to that planet’s level. Ex: If you are level 60, and you return to Alderaan to do some Missions, your character will be scaled down to be level 32.


While you are under Level Sync the following things are adjusted on your character:


  • Stats
  • Armor
  • Weapon Damage




I will just buy a level 60 and skip 99.99% of the (original) below level 60 story content, flashpoints, and operations.


However, while under Level Sync we will not take away any abilities or passive effects that you have. Also, while under Level Sync you will earn scaled experience. So if you are a level 60, killing level 30 mobs, you will gain experience appropriate for being a level 60 . This enables a player to go play any of the content in The Old Republic and get rewarded appropriately for their time investment. Did you miss out on the heroic area on Tatooine? No worries! Now you can simply head there and check it out without dramatically stopping your progression.


Not a problem. Once I get my level 60 character, through the c-market, I will just play the (new) over level 60 content. After I am done playing the new content, I will just let my subscription expire and leave. I will come back when you have another expansion.


Why go back to level 32 when you gave us a passport to level 60?




BioWare might as well delete the below level 60 story content, for the vast majority of the players will just buy level 60 characters. Level 60 will become to new level 1.


Since you will be able to buy level 60 characters, I don't see why anyone would bother with under level 60 content.


During the past few weeks, BioWare has spoiled all of the below level 60 story content.


Who cares at this point? Its gone.


If I didn't know any better, I would say this game is coming to an end.

Edited by Linyivee
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I think the case has been settled :




Source : http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20151002


Thread can be closed now.


Not really as thats not an all that enjoyable experience across the board for this game or to all players and one that does not warrant it affecting everyone all the time just because they went back to tython or some other random planet.


That feature as optional however has it merits. Forced? Not as interesting.

Edited by Quraswren
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You're also going to be made the maximum level for that planet and if you watched the stream when Musco was showing it off, the mobs in the heroic area were hardly doing any damage to him and he was killing them pretty quickly. Level synch is hardly going to be the death of this game and really if you are level 60 and above, what purpose would you really have for going to a lower level planet except to either play with friends or do bounty contracts(which I wonder how level synch will handle that.)
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That feature as optional however has it merits. Forced? Not as interesting.


I was forced to play traditional lvled content for 4 years if i wanted to play star wars this is terriblu!

Honestly, people who have wanted lvlsync before never had the choise. I think its a fair trade to play 4 years unsynced and 4 years synced. You forget, people who would have preferred this, never had a choice in the matter either. So scream forced after playing less attractive model for 4 years, then I'll consider us even :p

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From a roleplayer's perspective the level synch is an absolute nuisance.


I often host RP events with my guild on low level planets where we use the landscape to help built up the specific scenario or setting. This could for instance be the rakghoul tunnels on Taris. Here the Storyteller or Dungeon Master will be typing out the overall situation, whereas the players emote and describe the actions of their character. The actual in game npcs are not invovled in these scenarios and often just a source of annoyance when they aggro us and get in the way. Thankfuly, our high level players has just been able to one-shot them when they attack and refocus on our actual roleplay... Until now.


This forced level sync will make it far harder for us roleplayers to set up RP events in the open world and thus it is not something we appreciate. The worst part is that this could be done in a much better way. Many games has a mentor system where a player can scale to the level of a specific plays or to the level of the player they are in a party with. However the key is that this feature is optional and toggle able.


In conclusion I don't consider this to be just a bad decision, but the worst decision you've made since launch when it comes to annoying the RP community. Also seeming how many other people are concerned and displeased with this forced feature, please listen to your player base and prevent yourselves from committing this error.


how difficult can a planet be with a group of you standing there? loooool

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