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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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OH, that thing, I thought I saw that before.


Don't know how long it's been up, but I don't remember seeing it last time I looked at the KotFE info page a couple of weeks ago, and didn't see anything else about it, so I am assuming it's something they added within the last week or so at best.


What are they?

Off the top of my head I figure for the enemy camp camping, they can do things like the "out of bounds" area damage when someone from the opposite faction approaches the base camp. They can even make it an insta-death if need be (the original Guild Wars had that in a couple of their PvP arenas), but if I remember correctly there may be one or two instances where you have to get through enemy territory on a planet in order to unlock all zones of exploration on that planet, so the DoT effect may give players enough time to get through in order to do that (or they can add insta-death and create an alternate method to complete exploration).


For areas outside of the camps, they can use a trigger that will prevent one player from attacking another if the level disparity is too great. This of course can be nullified if there are multiple players attacking each other at the same time, or if the lower level player attacks first.


For the WBs, they can use something like the Dev's One-shot kill ability that will activate whenever someone attempts to solo the WB. Heck, they could even refine it so that the ability will go off and kill each player in a group if the group size is less than whatever they code it in to be (i.e. it will go off and kill both players in a two party group, but won't go off if three people are grouped together and allow those three to attempt to kill the WB).


Heck they could also implement a system that prevents people from soloing instanced heroics if they wanted to - simply prevent players from entering the instance until they have the required number in their group. If they enter and one or more players leave the instance or group, they all get booted outside again.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Don't know how long it's been up, but I don't remember seeing it last time I looked at the KotFE info page a couple of weeks ago, and didn't see anything else about it, so I am assuming it's something they added within the last week or so at best.


Sorry if I sounded snide there, it wasn't directed at you. I chopped off the rest of the post in an attempt to be "less negative".

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What is the big deal? What is so important on voss that you have to be max level and god mode to enjoy it? Lol this is really dumb


Maybe go actually read some of this thread, you might get the idea why this is a big deal to some people then

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I have no problem with level syncing. As long as you keep high lvl abilites they just scale down. If i lvl sinc and only have say only the lvl 10 abilities on a lvl 10 planet then I'm not a fan.

This was my thought on it too. Completely fine with scaling, but not with ability loss.

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It being optional makes zero sense if one guy is choosing to sync and one isn't just so he can gank that player to harass him for beating him In a wz how is that ok? Level sync works it really does please don't disagree or try to form an opinion about optional cause with what they are designing, level sync works, it really does.


I'm sad to see this thread being derailed into PvP being the only reason against making it optional, I don't know why suddenly the PvP aspect became more important than every other consideration.

The PvP is the ONLY decent argument against optional I've seen, but the majority of players play on PvE servers and this just isn't relevant. But to appease the minority for whom the pvp aspect matters just have non level synced players go into a different instance to low level and level synced players. So the PvP issue is fixed without forcing this system on PvE Players. Or make level sync optional on PvE servers only. There are solutions.

Edited by ZavienUK
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Sorry if I sounded snide there, it wasn't directed at you. I chopped off the rest of the post in an attempt to be "less negative".


It wasn't taken that way. I'm just not entirely sure when it went up, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was dense enough not to have realized it's been around for weeks already. However, I suspect my initial hunch is correct and they threw this in at the last minute to keep sub numbers up going into the launch of the expansion.


To be honest, it worked for me. Free is free, even if it is going to be collecting dust on my accounts as well. Since one doesn't end until 10/26 and the other on 11/4, I don't have a problem waiting until then to cancel my subs, even if the bike never sees the light of day. After all, I still want to be optimistic and hope that one day I can return to the game and play with an optional accelerated leveling pace and level sync.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Anybody have an example of a game with level syncing that is awesome?

Well, "awesome" is a matter of taste tbh. Many games that do scaling, each a little differently, and each have their own fans. GW2 is a popular example, as its also one of the most popular MMOs to do this. Skyforge also has good scaling, though it works somewhat differently with their class atlas system and million passives. FFXIV has partial scaling, which mostly just effects "events" or whatever they were called, and basically you couldnt touch them unless you scaled down first.

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I do understand it, This new way of doing things is not fun for you, Taking more time doing what you enjoy with your limited time, and wanting to relax while playing this system counters what you find enjoyable. So at least having it optional would be nice.


I just don't agree with your points. I don't want to see it optional because it would be abused, I feel that MMOS always change and systems always change that you should be understanding of that. Adjust to things that you might not like and understand others will. No options are sometimes better when it comes to things like this. We also don't know why Bioware picked not to do it. Could be tech reasons as well.


My stance on the whole thing is. If this change is enough to make you not like the game anymore. I think you should move on. I don't dislike you, or the people who don't want the system. I just don't like that people can't accept things they don't like even if it might be better for the game and new people coming in.


This isn't about your bog standard change, that is what MMO's are all about. This about fundamentally changing the level based design of the game, and for a lot of people the level based design is part of what they like about the game. For people who have spent years levelling their characters and making them more powerful, they are neutering that power and people either having to tolerate that fundamental change or move to another game entirely is a big deal. Obviously it's down the individual how much this part of the game is critical to their enjoyment (and therefore whether to stay or go) but making it optional would solve this almost completely. Those who don't want to use this sytem don't have to, and those who just aren't bothered can do. Both sides of the debate can be happy, it just needs Bioware to care enough.

Edited by ZavienUK
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I think Level-Synch is mandatory upon roll out because that's the only way BW can gather info on how it will affect gameplay and player behavior. If it were optional from the very start, a big chunk of people might never opt for it out of principle, significantly skewing the data and their conclusions.


What am I basing this on? The first time 12x came out, there was no opt out. Then when it returned the option was present. The data told em that a big enough chunk of players were dissatisfied with mandatory 12x.

If Level-Sync is as ruinous to the SWTOR experience as some of us think, then an opt-out will probably be added some months down the line. The important thing now is for us to actually play it and let our collective metrics influence the game's future. If the Anti-Synchers quit right now, then the only data BW will have is of players who enjoy it, or are neutral towards it.


In the end, there will always be people who will be negatively affected by any change in the game, enough to even leave entirely. Whether enough people are so affected to add an opt out or even reverse this change, only time will tell.


TL;DR, we need to take these changes for a spin first before any of us say things we might regret. It's only 20-27 days away at this point anyway.


I like your point of view on this. I don't mind trying it out, seeing how it works. In fact, I'm NOT against level syncing whatsoever. I don't plan to 'mentor' newblets cause gotta sink to learn to swim in my mind, but I don't mind it being there for us. If and ONLY if this is true of what you said, and they need to see who's taking advantage, who's avoiding low level planets for anything, including heroics, GSI, conquests, pvp, etc, then that COULD work.


The entire point, and it's not JUST about this level syncing business, it is in general, when the game makes anything mandatory, it ruins it for some people. Sure, there are people who won't give a toss if they HAVE to do class stories or they HAVE to do operations, etc. But there are also people who at least WANT the option to NOT have to do something if they don't want to.




Rakghoul plague during Rakghoul event. You don't HAVE to do it. You don't HAVE to get infected. In fact, there are vaccines for those who don't want to get sick and explode.


12 xp. Yes, the first one was a mandatory one. It sucked for those who didn't want it and was great for those who DID want it. The second go around they had an item to turn it off. This was great because it gave people a choice to either participate or not.


Oricon and the story tied in with operations. On one hand this was great, people all over were doing DF and DP just to finish the story. They were enjoyable raids, at least to me personally. But there were some people, who preferred to solo the story without having to do the operations at all. This is fine it's how they want to play the game.


In the above Oricon example, we got Shadow of Revan. Bioware gave us an option to either down Revan and finish the story solo with ONLY fighting Revan, or we could jump into Temple of Sacrifice with guildies/pugs and finish the story there. It took forever but we got the option to do the story how we wanted. Op or solo.


The thing with this level sync people don't understand, some people don't want to be down scaled. I have been in this game for almost 4 years. I sometimes see an occasional ****** high level grief a lower level player. Whether they're tagging a world boss first, or killing the mobs around the player before they can, or stealing their lockbox/crafting node. It happens, but BEFORE this level sync, I've SERIOUSLY never seen many high levels bothering lowbies unless it was a family member, guildie, or friend just messing around with the person and the person was annoyed but cool with it.


I'm just concerned that people aren't thinking straight. They think this is the greatest thing in the world, which it might very well be, but they don't understand that Bioware isn't perfect. We higher levels are worried that planets such as Hoth or Alderaan which have more than one type of level on it, (bonus series/heroic) might not have been calculated correctly so we're stuck as a lvl 32, but we needed to do the level 40 bonus (if we haven't yet).


Some of us, like the convenience of going to DK and just running through to get that last datacron we missed, or to kill x number of npcs, without having to kill everything agroing onto us.


Not everyone cares about the reward we'd get for being lvl 65 and downscaling to level appropriate planet. If we want that, we'll grab the heroic mission on fleet and port to that heroic and get our reward. If we don't want to be downscaled, we KNOW we won't get a reward. We're not asking them to give us things without working for it.


My point, IF they DO let this thing ride until say 4.1 and then change it to optional, then we can just suck it up until then. But if they DON'T know we're not happy with NO option at all and come say 4.5 we're still stuck on mandatory down scaling, some people WILL leave the game. I'm not going to leave, I just won't go to low level planets anymore. Not for BBA, not for Rakghoul, not to help guildies or do conquest or even world bosses because I don't want to be forced to do anything. And it's the same for those of us who want choices. We can wait, we have no problem with that, but if we wait and nothing changes at all, that's what we have a problem with.

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Not sure if it was here already, but i am concerned about Seeker droid missions and 55-lvl phase s for them. When i will be on planet level how i am supposed to 55 lvl mobs in these areas ? Same with Lucky WB on Correlia.

I'm fairly sure these enemies will be scaled to planet level, or sync is area bound. There is quest areas on planets that go above common planet level, but you could never pick up those quests anyway before approptiate level, so downscaling those mobs/quests wouldnt affect them much as you still couldnt pick them without appropriate unscaled lvl anyway.

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I do not like this change, and I believe it should be optional rather than forced.


People keep referring to max leveled characters doing beginner content, but what about those leveling just slightly ahead of the curve? Like five levels up for a particular world. Sure, you may start the planet strong, but by the time you get to the end, you're capped and spinning wheels instead of just getting it over with. Next planet goes the same way, and again, and again. Story is all fine and dandy at first, but leveling a third character through Taris/Balmorra... I just want it DONE so I can get on with endgame.

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I will also say this if you are into open world and your mad about getting aggo'd by trash, you're not a real open world pvper, that is all


Eh? A lot of people are not 'real open world pvpers', that is why they play on PvE servers.

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I'm amazed at how egoistical some people are. We are not against level syncing, we are not asking for it to be removed, we're just asking for it be optional. But they would deny us the chance to enjoy the game as we like to play it, as it was and still is right now, just because it doesn't fit their skewed view of how the game should be played. You don't see me asking to remove grouping features just because I don't like them hence don't think the game should be played like that. Because I want everyone to enjoy the game as they want to enjoy it, not how I'm enjoying it, so all I'm asking for is being given a choice for everyone to play as they like. If things were only soloable, i'd be all for giving an option to group to peeps who like that. Edited by lanawinst
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Well, "awesome" is a matter of taste tbh. Many games that do scaling, each a little differently, and each have their own fans. GW2 is a popular example, as its also one of the most popular MMOs to do this. Skyforge also has good scaling, though it works somewhat differently with their class atlas system and million passives. FFXIV has partial scaling, which mostly just effects "events" or whatever they were called, and basically you couldnt touch them unless you scaled down first.


Hmmm. Never played any of those games. Every other MMO I have ever played did NOT do this. I guess my issue is, what's the point in levelling?

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It wasn't taken that way. I'm just not entirely sure when it went up, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was dense enough not to have realized it's been around for weeks already. However, I suspect my initial hunch is correct and they threw this in at the last minute to keep sub numbers up going into the launch of the expansion.

It's actually been on the Rewards page for months now. It may be that they're scrambling to boost sub numbers by featuring it prominently on the main page and the launcher, but Occam's Razor says that since we just passed the previous reward date, they simply needed something to put up to replace the duster in advertising materials.

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It's actually been on the Rewards page for months now. It may be that they're scrambling to boost sub numbers by featuring it prominently on the main page and the launcher, but Occam's Razor says that since we just passed the previous reward date, they simply needed something to put up to replace the duster in advertising materials.


Literally every reward for subbing has been featured on the launcher up until it's due date. People are just looking for ways to hate on them

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Sure. But that would only be half of the equation. Right now you get three advantages for leveling. One, abilities. Two, better stats, and dodge percentages. Three, better gear. This downscaling gets rid of two of the three. So, again I say, What is the point?

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