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Everything posted by Dynonychus

  1. I do not like this change, and I believe it should be optional rather than forced. People keep referring to max leveled characters doing beginner content, but what about those leveling just slightly ahead of the curve? Like five levels up for a particular world. Sure, you may start the planet strong, but by the time you get to the end, you're capped and spinning wheels instead of just getting it over with. Next planet goes the same way, and again, and again. Story is all fine and dandy at first, but leveling a third character through Taris/Balmorra... I just want it DONE so I can get on with endgame.
  2. All of this. I have two characters that would be related... everyone else in my list wouldn't know them from Leia. It's very frustrating that now all my alts either MUST be related somehow, with the exact same surname, or they don't get any surname at all. And how am I supposed to play them as a family even if I want to play them as a family? I can't play more than one character at a time. Kinda hard to stage a scene between conflicting sides like that... unless they're leaving notes for each other on the dinner table? ("Dad, out killing Jedi. Will p. be late. Thank Mom for sandwiches. Malgus.") And yeah... got screwed over by playing Human also. They should at least allow a Human 50 a Cyborg unlock. It's not like Cyborg is a genetic trait.
  3. Heh, agreed. My current look is the (buggy-as-h*ll) Republic Dancer's top, gloves, and sandals with a "standard" robe skirt. But I'd kill for more of a sari-like top... the "midriffy" tops Knights or Inquisitors can wear. I hate seeing my Shadow wrapped in layers of blankets, but the Dancer's Top really is over-the-top; I want her looking tough and body-proud, not like an exhibitionist. Head slot is hidden, of course. It's hard to fathom that some artist actually spent time making those horrible things. I'd still like to see more pants options, too... though my character will never wear them. Pants look terrible on Female Body Type 3.
  4. This, exactly. It is such a headache to shuffle mods around, especially when one is covered in Oranges. They either need to streamline the modding UI or add more crafting benches. Preferably altering the UI... I would like to keep my character sheet up to see exactly what effect my mods are having on my stats, especially with a major mod overhaul across my armour set.
  5. I love my Defender! I still get a little thrill walking up to it. As I've said from the beginning, though, the back end could use some work. It's like they took the front 3/4 of a larger ship, stuck engines on and called it done. The interior could definitely use some love, though. It's extremely small and incomplete. The cargo hold should be in the, y'know, cargo hold. The med bay needs more than just a bed. The crew needs somewhere to sleep. It just looks unfinished... except for the lounge area. That part is brilliant. Love the cockpit, too, except the captain's chair looks more like a fix than a fixture. For all ships, I'd add a button on the console that works exactly like the door... triggers the landing sequence from the pilot's seat, rather than running back to the airlock and throwing yourself out.
  6. Very much so, yes. My character is wearing a partial social outfit, and it works just as well as any other robe.
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