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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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You can still see people's post if they are quoted despite ignore.


yep, but oh well, its nice having his and one other person's posts out of the way at least. Only two people I've ignored because after a number of months it became obvious they had little if anything to contribute to any conversation. Each take almost everything out of context and put words in your mouth. I love discussion, just not on their level.

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True, just seemed a very odd example to use.


KOTFE seems like it's shaking up the whole game though, I can only hope in a better than worse way. I don't want to end up bumming about on Fleet waiting for queues because I eventually do all the content/Reputation/Alliances and so on, but can't go back and solo stuff anymore either.


It's good to shake up a game after so long. SWTOR has gotten pretty stale. (Yes I said it.)

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Guess how many times I've bothered to even try to do Aurora Canon in Section X since doing it once when it was new?






Because its a PITA and I'd rather do nothing or log off and read a book than try to find 3 other fools to farm that nuisance.


What does this say?


I won't bother myself with that which feels like a nuisance.


Ergo, the more that level scaling turns various things into a nuisance, the less of those things I'll do. Maybe it won't turn much into a nuisance. Maybe they'll foresee everything and the entire game that was never designed in any fashion to play nicely with level sync'ing will be adapted beautifully from top to bottom and there'll never be any problems at all and it'll all be just fine!


Or, more likely, this is going to be messy for months to come and we'll be finding 'Whoops, they forgot to make this work with level sync'ing' for months and months...and...months.


I'm sure we'll be able to go to DK or Coruscant and solo the crappy lame-arse heroics that a child of five could solo by waving a toy at the screen and letting the cat push the keyboard and mouse keys, but we've got bonus series' on planets that don't match the planetary levels and we've got events that pop critters at your level, not the planet's level - I could go on with the things that are level sensitive, but why bother?


It won't matter. We'll see how many they forgot to make work with level sync'ing soon enough anyway.


Because i don't have that much faith in that they'll have remembered everything as some seem to.

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No, this isn't making content relevant again. This is making it possible for a person to farm the same quest over and over again without ever needing to try out any single other thing in order to get levels and gear appropriate to your level. You never have to leave the starter planets again! It's all just rinse and repeat. Like a robot. You said story matters? Not anymore, apparently. I used to redo old content just BECAUSE I could faceroll the mobs and then I could actually follow the story because it didn't take me forever to get from one point to the other.


Wait you honestly had trouble with traveling on low level planets that much? Like which one? The only planets that I have ever had much issue with was Makeb and Oricon (mainly Oricon). Mob dodging was never that hard to begin with on the lower level planets. However it does make old content relevant because usually maxed out characters run around endgame areas. My 60s do not hang on Balmorra they do ops or run the Yavin weekly etc. Lastly if someone just wants to level on a starter planet more power to them. Crappy way to do it but have fun. Not much different than folks leveling with PvP or KDY honestly. But yes it does make the game possibly a tiny bit harder. However, as you keep abilities and passives and are maxed levels I don't it.


I've played this entire game with over 20 characters (majority before the 12xp) - going back to low level planets and being able to solo content such as world bosses and heroics was the best thing ever because I felt rewarded for my efforts of playing all those months. I could come over and help my sister kill big bosses and she was always overjoyed and didn't care for the XP loss and it made her want to level because being a higher level meant being stronger! Now, I'm going to be punished for being a higher level by having all my hard work taken away from me?


Wait that was what you were doing with your max level toons? Soloing world bosses and heroics? Really? Dude go get in an op or do endgame. Ok let's look at this a moment. One you have never been able to solo every world boss. Never. World Bosses really are supposedly to be like an op run, hence having an op associated to them. Two why would you even bother doing the old heroics before. They weren't worth it and not worth the time honestly. The stories on the heroics is ok but not that good. Hey I used to farm flashpoints for deco and credits. I can see that. That is getting changed too.


I guess I'm not forced to go back to planets - unless someone asks me for help or I actually want achievments. But then I'll have to find 20 people to help me kill the Kaas world boss when I'm level 65. At level 65, Leveling just loses all charm. So you have 'relevant' gear (which will likely only be green and blue on planets anyway) so what, it won't help you - because you're getting downgraded.


So you mean you will have to get folks together to kill the Kaas world boss like you do with the Voss World Boss or the Yavin World Boss or to run an Op or tons of things in the game. Oh and being max level with all your abilities and passives means you will be beastly compared to the content.


How can I RP that my character is having a picnic in the Alderaan forest with a friend if we keep getting attacked by mobs that are half our level and need to interrupt all RP activity in order to fight them? If we wish to RP getting attacked, we could still do that - but now we won't have a choice because our level will be taken away from us. This really makes most great RP areas completely unRPable now. I thought this was a MMORPG?


As someone who did a lot of rp before strongholds came out, let me tell you, there are tons of solid rp spots that never gets troubled by mobs on just about every world. Oricon and Ziost might be an issue I grant but not Alderaan. Not any of the main quest planets actually. The mobs are so spread out usually it is no an issue. Mob dodging is easy. Oh and they have the starting point areas as well.


This isn't making content more fun or more new. It's just making it more frustrating to do for those of us who are actually in it for the story.


Actually you haven't said how this makes the actual story harder for you. Your complaints aren't about the story but a lot of side activity. I get it, you do not like the new changes and feel cheated. It sucks sure. However, let's wait and see what all this entails. It could be awesome, a lot of the changes are.

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I really don't see what the problem is... So people are crying because they can't oneshot mobs anymore if they visit older planets? I mean, you're still 2 levels above it.


Think about it now, it is RARE to see some high level doing quests on a lower planet, because there is NO point in doing so. Now we can do heroic missions on any planet that actually give usable rewards.


If you don't like it, just avoid lower level planets just like you do now. It's simple.


No, you're missing the point.


Us high levels DON'T mind the downscaling for the HEROIC missions. THIS is fine. We encourage it. It gives us more stuff to do and more lvl appropriate items. This is great.


What we are PISSED about is that the entirety of a low planet will be downscaled. NOT just the little heroic we get from the terminal but the ENTIRE *********** PLANET.


Think about this. How the hell are we going to do the Conquest stuff? The ones where we find level 60/65 Gold Champion boss of opposite faction, kill it, get schematic and rejoice. How? The planet is Alderaan, about level 32-36, the opposite faction Champion is 60 or 65. So, how the **** are we supposed to down it?


We want to go to Dromund Kaas because we need to grab ONE datacron we forgot. 'Hey, I'll take my 65 there, it'll be a cake walk, in-out-boom.' No, we are suddenly level 18, running through mobs agroing us like some *********** newbs and ALL we wanted was ONE datacron we forgot to grab on our first run through, or whatever.


This option is MANDATORY and NOT optional. We don't give a **** that the downscaling is IN the game. We're fine with THAT. What we take ISSUE WITH is not giving us a choice. Because I'm not on Dromund Kaas to do that damn heroic or help some damn newb out on **** that is easy to solo because they're a goober. I just want to do my BBA or get that one last exploration spot I forgot to grab. Well, I can't turn the stupid downscaling off cause it's MANDATORY and NOT optional, so I have to deal with low level mobs agroing my *** as I run to the one little spot I forgot to uncover.


THIS IS WHY WE'RE PISSED. We're being forced to downgrade, when some of us are on a lowbie/newbie planet because we may have forgotten something.


Keep the downgrading, but either keep it to ONLY the heroic missions or make it OPTIONAL. Then we wouldn't be ************.

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How will this effect conquest.


Conquest is boring and almost dead as it is. But surely with the removal of repeatable crafting and now the need for multiple people to do the heroics as they will be level/difficult appropriate for 2 or 4 people they can't be farmed to reach the target. As you will have to find others to run the content with possibly every day to meet the target,,


So now PvP is the best and possibly only option to complete conquest.

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We can keep this "issue" bumped until doomsday and it won't make a scrap of difference.


IT did for 12X. No reason to think things couldn't change for the better on this if gamers keep asking. I'm all for negative reinforcement being used against BW at this point.


This should have been optional from initial design/concept day.

Edited by Quraswren
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IT did for 12X. No reason to think things couldn't change for the better on this if gamers keep asking. I'm all for negative reinforcement being used against BW at this point.

I just want it to be optional. Just like 12xXP is. Just like PvP is.

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Oh, you were being serious with that remark? May I ask for your IQ?


Let me translate that post into sentences you might better understand:




Got it now?


Sadly, in November, you will be on the outside looking in. You may be fine with that, but it is sad because you will be doing this without even trying out what is a very positive change to the game.


Let me clear something up for you. You don't need a bill of gamers rights to play a game. Games have rules and structure, that is what makes them games. Your choice to play or not of course. But this whole idea that you need "freedom" to play the way you want is nonsense. What you need is another game. There plenty out there. You do have options.


But as I said, I would rather you stick around here and enjoy this game for what it is, because I too have come to the conclusion that so far, the changes as they have been described are going to be great for the games longevity. I would love to welcome you into our guild on Harbinger and run content, yes even the old planetary content with you to show you how much fun it is.


As it is... you won't get your way and you will walk away thinking you were wronged somehow. That' s a shame. Seriously it is.

Edited by Rafaman
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IT did for 12X. No reason to think things couldn't change for the better on this if gamers keep asking. I'm all for negative reinforcement being used against BW at this point.


This should have been optional from initial design/concept day.

They are not going to make a change to what is now a fundamental functionality of the game simply because a few forum malcontents keep complaining about it. Do you really think making level sync optional is simply a matter of changing "levelSyncOptional=0" to "levelSyncOptional=1" in a file somewhere?


If you dislike it so much, cancel your sub. If you are not willing to do that, why should they care if you don't like it?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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As it is... you won't get your way and you will walk away thinking you were wronged somehow. That' s a shame. Seriously it is.


I think it's funnier how you cannot see just how some gamers were done wrong without this being optional.


Spent all that time leveling up toons (especially so if your an older SW player) only to be told that now 4 years later. That content you have been going to or a bit of fun and entertainment, BW thinks is game breaking and you must be down scaled so that old content isn't so easy.


No longer can you farm those low level planets with ease in some personal fun for your enjoyment but some hoop much be there for you to jump though because BW can't be bother to make new end game content. Just story is important.


the real shame is BW had such potential to make both sides of the fence here happy. A bunch of happy gamers. Play the old way you liked and have been or play this new way as well. Best of both worlds.


Bw however, decided that giving one side the middle finger was more important. I guess that is kinda funny the more I think about it.

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If you dislike it so much, cancel your sub. If you are not willing to do that, why should they care if you don't like it?

They've changed plenty of thing in the past based on player feedback. Disliking descaling doesn't mean a player dislikes the game bran. They should care because we're customers.

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I think it's funnier how you cannot see just how some gamers were done wrong without this being optional. Spent all that time leveling up toons

And not enjoying one second of it!


They've changed plenty of thing in the past based on player feedback. Disliking descaling doesn't mean a player dislikes the game bran. They should care because we're customers.

"Caring about customers" is not what companies do. Companies make money, If they are occasionally required to care about customers in order to make more money, they will do so, but never simply for the sake of "caring about customers."


Vote with your wallet or be content. Them's yer options.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Yeah, I don't have any desire for something like level scaling to be mandatory -- I do think more options is a good thing.


I've recently been playing STO while waiting for 4.0, and I noticed they had implemented actual difficult levels. You can, as a player in an MMO, decided how difficult you want the game to be.


Now, STO's content is instanced, so it's easier for them to do that. But choosing "how far do you downscale in TOR" could basically end up being similar.

Edited by Khevar
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They've changed plenty of thing in the past based on player feedback. Disliking descaling doesn't mean a player dislikes the game bran. They should care because we're customers.


Well, yes, but they have to take 'many' things into consideration and the displeasure of customers who aren't leaving isn't going to rank very high on their list.

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Sadly, in Novembner, you will be on the outside looking in. You may be fine with that, but it is sad because you will be doing this without even trying out what is a very positive change to the game.


Let me clear something up for you. You don't need a bill of gamers rights to play a game. Games have rules and structure, that is what makes them games. Your choice to play or not of course. But this whole idea that you need "freedom" to play the way you want is nonsense. What you need is another game. There plenty out there. You do have options.


But as I said, I would rather you stick around here and enjoy this game for what it is, because I too have come to the conclusion that so far, the changes as they have been described are going to be great for the games longevity. I would love to welcome you into our guild on Harbinger and run content, yes even the old planetary content with you to show you how much fun it is.


As it is... you won't get your way and you will walk away thinking you were wronged somehow. That' s a shame. Seriously it is.


We have two wildly differing views on this subject. This is not positive. This is forcing people into small little corridors of gameplay and forcing a big all-encompassing change onto every single player.


If this was a new game, then fine. You would know what you're getting into, but it's not. This is a game that's been around for years and people play it in different ways. Now some of those ways are being driven off while there is no reason for it. Making it optional would've been the right thing from the start.


This angers and alienates part of the player base and that's never good for a game, no matter how you put it.

I LIKE the solo mission part, but there was so much more to this game, which they have taken away (yeah, they've not actually taken it away, but I'm not doing it with those new rules/mechanics. I'm just not).


The levelsync mechanic is wonderful for those who want it and use it. But, much like the 12x mechanic, it's just something that not everyone wants. So why enforce it? THAT is the big problem here. Not the system itself. The forcing of the system upon people who don't want it.

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