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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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That's not really intended gameplay though, is it? Cmon, lets be real.


Nobody said it was. I just reaped some benefits from it. No different of a practice of soloing lvl 50 HM flashpoints for the decos or False Emperor for the HK droid part. That many people commonly do.

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once youre 65 unless you are helping out a friend there isnt any reason to go back to old planetary content


Conquest. HK Parts. GSI, Macrobinocular, and Seeker Droid quests. Achievement, title, datacron completion.


No, I suppose there's no reason to go back to old planets.

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if we want to be real.


once youre 65 unless you are helping out a friend there isnt any reason to go back to old planetary content


yeh sure bh contract week, but those are easy anyway.


if you are helping out a friend, youll have full gear, full skills, full discipline so if you are on DK which is scaled down to the "teens" you are already over leveled for it and will wreck face regardless


Musco demonstrated it on the stream, he soloed a heroic instance


indeed he did. One or two shot a strong/elite/whatever it was... and those guy rarely know how to play tbh. Whole point is... "there isn't any reason to go back to old planetary content"... yes, in 3.x I agree... in 4.0, who knows?


Question: You really think EA would have ok'ed the development time and expense for that heroic terminal and mechanism to port a player directly to the heroic location if it were just for helping friends? This is EA we are talking about, remember.

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When 12XP first came out, I was all for it but I said you should earn it by completing all 4 story lines for your faction, but 12XP is available for anyone who wants to sub.


I worked hard to earn gear through ops and then better gear was handed out like candy upon reaching Rishii.


Now you don't even have to earn a level 60, just pay for it.

By leveling up a toon to level 60 (the hard way not the bought way) I feel I earned the right to one-shot mobs on lower planets if I want to.

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Nobody said it was. I just reaped some benefits from it. No different of a practice of soloing lvl 50 HM flashpoints for the decos or False Emperor for the HK droid part. That many people commonly do.


but thats not necessarily smart game design, if it was this way in the beginning you wouldnt care, youd just be less inclined to try to go through older flashpoint and ops. example. "hey kid here's 5 dollars" "o wow thanks" two days later, "heres 2 dollars kid" "this is ******** im used to getting larger handouts" "well i decided to only give you 2 dollars this time" " youre a jerk for not giving me 5 FREE dollars"

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indeed he did. One or two shot a strong/elite/whatever it was... and those guy rarely know how to play tbh. Whole point is... "there isn't any reason to go back to old planetary content"... yes, in 3.x I agree... in 4.0, who knows?


Question: You really think EA would have ok'ed the development time and expense for that heroic terminal and mechanism to port a player directly to the heroic location if it were just for helping friends? This is EA we are talking about, remember.


the moment when the guy you quoted actually was agreeing with you if you only read back a few pages

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Nobody said it was. I just reaped some benefits from it. No different of a practice of soloing lvl 50 HM flashpoints for the decos or False Emperor for the HK droid part. That many people commonly do.


indeed, but as with many things in an MMO, it looks like that time is over and a new time is beginning... you have to remember though, this is EA, they wont have done this for no reason... I'm seeing the arc of the story, looking at this and other things we have seen/heard and its all joining up... this looks good to me, I can see what's emerging from it.

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When 12XP first came out, I was all for it but I said you should earn it by completing all 4 story lines for your faction, but 12XP is available for anyone who wants to sub.


I worked hard to earn gear through ops and then better gear was handed out like candy upon reaching Rishii.


Now you don't even have to earn a level 60, just pay for it.

By leveling up a toon to level 60 (the hard way not the bought way) I feel I earned the right to one-shot mobs on lower planets if I want to.


you only feel that way because the developers designed the game that way initially.


if this was the norm from the beginning you would have no ammunition to use to justify why you are upset about the change, it would just be. so instead of saying this is crap cause i pay 15 bucks to solo mobs, realize that isnt the truth and move on.

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To get better gear ? to do some lower level missions quicker to use my gear, that i earned in operations in other missions / planets ?

With 4.0 i will not be able to use the gear i get anymore, at least not below level 60.

You dont want to do ops, because you cant do dailys with the gear, but you want better gear, but you dont want to do progression. Ummmmm.

Doing old dailys ten minutes faster is keeping you from getting better gear how? You'll get a new daily area on expansion you'll spend an extra hour already anyway I'm sure. If you are worried about your time maybe pick the most profitable out of the bunch and use your ops gear on whatever 65 content we get. Ops by themselves are quite profitable too I might add. Mostly getting my money from ops and PVP atm anyway so i dont need to bother with dailys, and those are not changing on expansion profit wise I'm fairly sure.

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you only feel that way because the developers designed the game that way initially.


if this was the norm from the beginning you would have no ammunition to use to justify why you are upset about the change, it would just be. so instead of saying this is crap cause i pay 15 bucks to solo mobs, realize that isnt the truth and move on.


So now not paying for a service that is no longer satisfactory isn't alright?


Let's say your internet provider decides to cap your download speeds to those of a 14.4k modem - are you going to keep paying for access just because you used to get what you wanted from them?

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You dont want to do ops, because you cant do dailys with the gear, but you want better gear, but you dont want to do progression. Ummmmm.

Doing old dailys ten minutes faster is keeping you from getting better gear how? You'll get a new daily area on expansion you'll spend an extra hour already anyway I'm sure. If you are worried about your time maybe pick the most profitable out of the bunch and use your ops gear on whatever 65 content we get. Ops by themselves are quite profitable too I might add. Mostly getting my money from ops and PVP atm anyway so i dont need to bother with dailys, and those are not changing on expansion profit wise I'm fairly sure.

Better gear doing progression is now useless on old planets.

I see you don't get it.

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Better gear doing progression is now useless on old planets.

I see you don't get it.

Yeah, true. I dont see how doing "progress" on old planet works, haha.


Fyi setbonus and augments still work so you'll have advantage anyway having better gear.

guess you can just augment your green too though since ops are such terrible though for you.

Edited by Kiesu
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Conquest. HK Parts. GSI, Macrobinocular, and Seeker Droid quests. Achievement, title, datacron completion.


No, I suppose there's no reason to go back to old planets.


I hate this change and it's only making me want to not bother going to old planets at all. All the reasons to go back there are nice and all, but I'll personally try to get most of these done before the change so I don't have to go back anymore, as much as possible. I managed to solo all the HK storyline because I was overleveled, but I doubt that H4 endgame heroics will be soloable anymore. I was hoping becoming lvl 65 would help me finish oricon storyline... I guess I'll never finish it.

Edited by lanawinst
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I hate this change and it's only making me want to not bother going to old planets at all. All the reasons to go back there are nice and all, but I'll personally try to get most of these done before the change so I don't have to go back anymore, as much as possible. I managed to solo all the HK storyline because I was overleveled, but I doubt that H4 endgame heroics will be soloable anymore. I was hoping becoming lvl 65 would help me finish oricon storyline... I guess I'll never finish it.


The commanders on Oricon can be daunting even at 60 for a few of the classes. Even the plant beast thing can be problematic to some builds if you and your companion can't kill him quicker than he regenerates.

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I don't mind the level syncing in the heroic areas but I don't want to see it everywhere else. Honestly my only reason for that is disliking the idea that every mob will aggro to me the same as it does when your at level. On the rare occasions I revisit those planets I want to do so hassle free. Level syncing ensures I'll have to fight my way through trash mobs. There is enough of that **** in this game under normal circumstances.


So I'll avoid going to lower level planets as much as possible. I don't do it a lot now but I'm really going to avoid it in the future.




Fighting through mobs is never really fun, it is a chore you tolerate to get to more interesting areas of the game or to get quest rewards. Forced level scaling across the entire game just introduces more grinding and tedium.


The sad thing is that level scaling could be a good idea if it was introduced a bit differently. Optional level scaling for example, especially for heroics and flashpoints, could keep 'old' content interesting for even high level characters. It also allows high level players to help lowbies with heroics, get a little bit of a challenge out of it, and not miss out on XP or quest rewards suitable for their level.


Forcing it across the entire world however just makes things like datacron hunting, completing companion characters stories/quests, or resource gathering for crafting, a chore and an unnecessary time sink for players with high level characters. Crafters going back to old planets to gather mats or hunt down datacrons will now have to look forward to the increased aggro of mobs and longer fights with them. If that datacron is in a heroic area, you'll now need a group to get it. Good luck with that.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Absolutely no issues with level syncing... first used it way back when EQ2 was first released... it allowed higher levelled players to assist in contested dungeons and open world groups without it turning into a face roll for the group (but even down levelled the player was still a force to contend with). Alternatively Up-scaling was a massive massive failure in AoC and was one totally abused mechanic. Down scaling hurts no one, unless you have a propensity for yawn mode face rolling content (or a gold farmer's bot) in Heroics for loot or mats (in which case you're abusing your level to begin with) or want the path of least resistance. Totally approve of down scaling.
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Yeah, true. I dont see how doing "progress" on old planet works, haha.


Fyi setbonus and augments still work so you'll have advantage anyway having better gear.

guess you can just augment your green too though since ops are such terrible though for you.

How do Augs work ? if my level 60 aug will get downscaled to level 20 ?

No they don't work, they become level 20 green items - broken.

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Lets see. Level sync and companion level sync....


OK.. After you have finished all the story quests and have done each operation and Flash Point once. What is there left to do. Well you can't gear up a companion anymore to make them more effective. Well now you can do H2 heroics that will drop lock boxes... with stuff equal to your real level... That is worthless because it will just sync to the level of the content.. So there is no reason to ever do the H2 missions.


Well then we have Comm/crystal gear... That all became worthless. What reason is there to grind Comm/crystals. I can't make my character any stronger. I can get bolstered to do any story mode FP or Op...


So at level 65 if I don't do HM OPs... I no longer need to tweek my toons and get better gear. NO reason to buy augments too. If I have a mix of blue green gear. I no long have a reason to upgrade it.


Daily quests. What is the point. Nothing I get from them can be used to make my character better.


So in 4.0 the only thing left to do is play SWTOR Barbie...

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Absolutely no issues with level syncing... first used it way back when EQ2 was first released... it allowed higher levelled players to assist in contested dungeons and open world groups without it turning into a face roll for the group (but even down levelled the player was still a force to contend with). Alternatively Up-scaling was a massive massive failure in AoC and was one totally abused mechanic. Down scaling hurts no one, unless you have a propensity for yawn mode face rolling content (or a gold farmer's bot) in Heroics for loot or mats (in which case you're abusing your level to begin with) or want the path of least resistance. Totally approve of down scaling.


If I wanted level scaling, I'd be playing GW2.


Guess which game I'm not playing.

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How do Augs work ? if my level 60 aug will get downscaled to level 20 ?

No they don't work, they become level 20 green items - broken.


ah no. Watch the livestream. He talks and shows you. Your gear is part of the reason you are still so OP after the scale.

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