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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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I welcome this change. As a player with 22 lv 60 characters I cant lv with with friends anymore, and this scaling would still allow us to play together without XP reduction or absolute annihilation while the 60 runs ahead oneshotting everything.


ALSO holy shieet we can now actually gather raids for worldbosses again, something we havent been able to do in years because some max lv always farming them solo before the lowbies get there \o/


And holy balls PVP server wont be full of lv 60 corpse-campers on lv 30 enemy camps. I'm happy.

Edited by Kiesu
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As someone who always seems to out level planet content as I am leveling, this will make planet content worth doing once I have passed the recommended level.


For those who have maxed level and would like the option to not be levelsync create a petition for an item like the 12xXP option out that was obtainable for those that didn't want the 12xXP.

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I welcome this change. As a player with 22 lv 60 characters I cant lv with with friends anymore, and this scaling would still allow us to play together without XP reduction or absolute annihilation while the 60 runs ahead oneshotting everything.


ALSO holy shieet we can now actually gather raids for worldbosses again, something we havent been able to do in years because some max lv always farming them solo before the lowbies get there \o/



So in other words, it's good because it will, in your expectation at least, force people to group up?



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Not sure, I think what will happen is that the planet will have a max level. So a 26 max level planet you can go up to 28-29 for that planet. He was able to solo stuff just fine being scaled back some so it is a we shall see thing.

Eric was scaled down to 18 on Dromund Kaas. If your theory is correct, it must mean that either 1) DK's upper level limit is 15-16 -- which, unless they've changed the level bands for planets, is clearly not the case -- or 2) There are multiple zones with differing level caps per planet -- which was never mentioned or even alluded to as a feature.


Having watched the stream and listened to Musco's explanations of how the level sync works, I think it's likely that the simplest interpretation is the correct one: Characters are scaled to the max level of the planet's content.


Still waiting on how this affects sync for planets with a higher-level bonus series.


Edit: Correcting previous post. Double-checked and Dromund Kaas's official level band limit does indeed seem to be 16 (but not 15). I somehow never ever made it to Balmorra before 17-18, so I was off in my reckoning. :o


It'd be nice to get some confirmation of whether Musco's being exactly two levels above the planetary level range is a general rule for all planets, or specific to the planet/content he was running at the time.

Edited by SelinaH
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A question I would like to pose to people:


I know there are many people against this system, and people who have no problem with this system.


But is there anybody (on either side of the debate), who would be against this as a toggle, and why? It would seem that way both sides of the debate would be happy, we all win. Neither side is forced to either have it or not have. We get the advantages from both sides. Thoughts?


A toggle is exactly what I want. Gonna repost my own point of view from my thread:


Level scaling needs to be optional. It's a great feature, if you want it. I can't deny that it offers some advantages if you want to go back and help friends or something - but only if that's what you want. I don't. I don't want to be forced to find a group for old content. I didn't enjoy finding a group for it when it wasn't outdated; why would I want to now? I don't want to deal with trash mobs while I'm trying to RP. I don't want to have to kill every single trash mob between myself and my destination. And I shouldn't have to, if I don't want to. I'd be okay with reduced or old reward rates while scaling is turned off, but it needs to be optional.

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And what? The Empire didn't send it best troops to infilitrate Coruscant, push the Repbulic off Taris, fight for control of Balmorra, or Correllia?


Let's move away from the Sith.... and talk about the non-force using classes, and put it in real world examples. No soldier from the world's best most elite unit would ever be able to run into a barracks full of armed soldiers from the worlds most down on its luck bananna republic dressed only in his underwear and expect to come out alive... Yet that is exactly what a lvl 60 BH/Trooper can do on any world below lvl 30 with ease. But please go ahead and tell me how it is because the Empire didn't send its best soldiers to those battlefields.


Or better yet... Why is it that my lvl 28 Jedi Guardian is so OP that he gets no experience for killing Rakghouls on Taris, but a lvl 28 Sith Juggernaut finds those same Rakghouls to be a rather great challenge indeed....


Sorry but for immersion purposes going back to those worlds currently is immersion breaking... what they are proposing is much more immersive.


Not quite no. There wasn't very many special forces employed to corellia because the Sons had infiltrated many of the high ranking areas of the republic. If it wasn't for the consular these guys would have devastated corellia. Even if that's the case many of the best troops/soldiers weren't sent because the Sith were using corellia to undermine each other in order to steal each other's positions. Not only that but there were supposed to be reinforcements which never came. The Empire is perfectly adept at screwing themselves over.


As for your rakghoul argument.. remember the Sith Warrior? If you do the planetary quests you learn that not only are they beginning to feed on people's death, pain, and fear but the Rakghouls are learning. To the point where they're beginning to use and harness the force. Given that the warrior arrives later than the knight this makes a lot of sense. By then the Rakghouls have already grown more dangerous.

Edited by Rhyltran
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It was a cakewalk because I gained the levels, and this is a level based game. Why does it bother people like you that I'd like to one shot mobs on lower level planets, or just walk around them not being worried about getting aggro. If I want a challenge I'll do hm operations or maybe hm fp's. Let me have my thing, I levelled and progressed for it. I wanna feel like that powerful Sith Lord I set out to be.


Spending time playing the game and levelling up isn't hard - it's the easiest part of this game - you didn't have to EARN those levels... they simply came from time spent.


Ops aside, as they have their own group restrictions, many parts of most of end game content has been solo-able. I doubt this will change in 4.0.

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A question I would like to pose to people:


I know there are many people against this system, and people who have no problem with this system.


But is there anybody (on either side of the debate), who would be against this as a toggle, and why? It would seem that way both sides of the debate would be happy, we all win. Neither side is forced to either have it or not have. We get the advantages from both sides. Thoughts?


My guess a toggle might not be as easy as it sounds, and it would still F with open world PvP.

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Sorry for not reading through 20 pages of this, but was it addressed what happens on planets where the bonus series are significantly higher than the rest of the planet (e.g. Nar Shadaa and Alderaan)?


No I tried to ask in chat, it wasn't answered.

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A question I would like to pose to people:


I know there are many people against this system, and people who have no problem with this system.


But is there anybody (on either side of the debate), who would be against this as a toggle, and why? It would seem that way both sides of the debate would be happy, we all win. Neither side is forced to either have it or not have. We get the advantages from both sides. Thoughts?

Most, if not all, of the posters I've seen commenting against this particular implementation of level sync have been in favor of its being included as an option.


Many of those pleased with this implementation of level sync, however, seem to believe it should not be optional, because then (paraphrase follows) "No one would use it."

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A question I would like to pose to people:


I know there are many people against this system, and people who have no problem with this system.


But is there anybody (on either side of the debate), who would be against this as a toggle, and why? It would seem that way both sides of the debate would be happy, we all win. Neither side is forced to either have it or not have. We get the advantages from both sides. Thoughts?


It would be great if it were a toggle. That would give the largest number and variety of players what they want. I want players to have options, and I want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy the game.


The only people who wouldn't get what they want are the people who really, really care about how strangers play a game, even when it has nothing to do with them.

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What in the world do people do on old planets that this is such a travesty? You're level 60 and you go back to some early level planets and do what exactly? One shot the mobs for fun?


They should just drop this horribly stupid vertical leveling system altogether. It makes zero sense to begin with.

Well, I do achievements, stroll around if I'm bored or like the planet, see if people need help with heroics or feel awesome because I'm so powerful now that no one can harm me.

There you go :)


PS: I'm the Emperor's Wrath, so I feel entitled to being powerful ;)

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My guess a toggle might not be as easy as it sounds, and it would still F with open world PvP.


If they can force a pvp flag, Im sure they could force a sync. Also, wouldnt a 65 sync'd still be at an advantage (more abilities) than a level 50 (Ilum for example)?

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What in the world do people do on old planets that this is such a travesty? You're level 60 and you go back to some early level planets and do what exactly? One shot the mobs for fun?


They should just drop this horribly stupid vertical leveling system altogether. It makes zero sense to begin with.


Without getting into the pro's and con's of a vertical levelling system (I enjoy games both with and without), the fact is this game is a very traditional vertical levelling game. If you have a game where people have played for years with their vertical levelled characters, you shouldn't be surprised that they get upset when somebody comes along as takes those levels away.


Yes people do enjoy going back and stomping mobs. That's one of the enjoyable things (for some people) with a vertical levelling game. There is also exploration that is easier when higher level, and achievements, and datacrons, and heroics.


I don't agree they should drop the vertical levelling system, you might find it horrible and stupid, and would probably appreciate a game that didn't go this route, but a lot of people enjoy vertical levelling systems, so changing the fundamentals of the game would (as evidenced here) alienate a lot of people.

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I'm glad it isn't optional, there is zero reason it should be.


Jeeze, I'm putting this in a lot of threads today.


Level scaling needs to be optional. It's a great feature, if you want it. I can't deny that it offers some advantages if you want to go back and help friends or something - but only if that's what you want. I don't. I don't want to be forced to find a group for old content. I didn't enjoy finding a group for it when it wasn't outdated; why would I want to now? I don't want to deal with trash mobs while I'm trying to RP. I don't want to have to kill every single trash mob between myself and my destination. And I shouldn't have to, if I don't want to. I'd be okay with reduced or old reward rates while scaling is turned off, but it needs to be optional.
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This is really a baffling decision.


On the one hand, KotFE seems to be designed to let players solo stuff, be more a traditional CRPG.


But by level syncing this means that most players (except the expert at min-maxing their characters) won't be able to do group stuff solo by outleveling it


It also kills off the ability to explore planets if you have to stop every 10 feet to fight a mob.

Edited by trancejeremy
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It also kills off the ability to explore planets if you have to stop every 10 feet to fight a mob.

That's why people will only be playing level 65 stuff, they will not return to old planets because they'll gain nothing, and be underleveled.

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