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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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I don't believe the highlighted statement is correct. The livestream notes say "The level will be highest level you can do the content at". There's no mention of XP.


Also, the downlevel in the stream was on Dromund Kaas (down to level 18). I'm certain you can still gain XP at level 19 or 20 while on DK.


The max level you can do the mission at is the level at which XP still applies.

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Well now even less players will go back there's nothing there, world boss will still drop level 10-14 gear and that's it.

While you will need whole 16 people group to kill WB, that means no one will go back to old planets.


Hmm, I think you got that backward there. People will go back for Heroics that mean something. They will go back to kill WBs with rewards that scale.


There will be an increased level of danger too and now helping guildies will mean that they have to do their part too.


Awesome sauce.

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I am not the Emperor's Wrath, I'm a mini version of it. It's immersion breaking and makes levels irrelevant.


Being max level on a low level planet was already making levels irrelevant. If anything this makes your level even more relevant because you won't be able to go around and one shot things and thus improve your gameplay.

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But why exactly? Do you avoid Yavin 4 dailies also? I mean, they seem to be even more challenging than the heroics will be with this level sync


No, I do those, because they're at the level my character has actually advanced to, and they're part of the endgame, and they give me something relaxing to do (other than dealing with node-poachers and loot-ninjas) when I get home from work.


Seeing my level 60 character suddenly a level 15 character because I need to visit some pissant planet for Bounty Week or some other quest is not relaxing, not fun, not interesting, not entertaining -- it's just nonsense.

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I don't believe the highlighted statement is correct. The livestream notes say "The level will be highest level you can do the content at". There's no mention of XP.


Also, the downlevel in the stream was on Dromund Kaas (down to level 18). I'm certain you can still gain XP at level 19 or 20 while on DK.


Maybe but at those levels almost everything is gray to you. I think level 18 is probably the sweet spot where most things are green to you at the very least while still allowing you to pretty strong against most things.

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Also why would i buy a level 10 crystal +41 power from cartel market if that will be scaled down to +2 power ?!

What's the point ?

You can use it at level 10 ? but get only +2 instead of +41 power ?



It'll scale with you. No big deal. after Level 20-30 those crystals don't really matter all that much.

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Being max level on a low level planet was already making levels irrelevant. If anything this makes your level even more relevant because you won't be able to go around and one shot things and thus improve your gameplay.


The's the whole issue of it though. THEY LIKE running around low lvl planets at 60 one shotting anything that comes at them because it allows them to stroke that epeen when people of the proper lvl to be there see them and beg for help.

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Being max level on a low level planet was already making levels irrelevant. If anything this makes your level even more relevant because you won't be able to go around and one shot things and thus improve your gameplay.


So what? You make it sound like going to a low-level planet for an hour makes players forget how to handle on-level content on their level 60 character. :rolleyes:



The's the whole issue of it though. THEY LIKE running around low lvl planets at 60 one shotting anything that comes at them because it allows them to stroke that epeen when people of the proper lvl to be there see them and beg for help.


Does your entire argument fall back to sad little ***** comments, or do you actually have something substantive to add? At least Reno is trying between the pathetic "learn to play" remarks.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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A quick look a this thread leaves me with the impression that the sky is falling.


Allow me to list a few things that level scaled 60 will have over a level 24.


  • All of your ability's
  • All of your discipline progression
  • All of your utility points
  • Your almost certainly superior quality gear (greens vs purples and blues) + whatever the scaling works out your stats to be.


yes high level players will be loosing some of there power in lower level areas, but you will still be stupidly over powered in comparison to the content so that instead of just having to hit one button to insta Gib a mob you may have to hit 3 or 4 :eek:

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Being max level on a low level planet was already making levels irrelevant. If anything this makes your level even more relevant because you won't be able to go around and one shot things and thus improve your gameplay.

What? Being a high level at a low level planet is the most relevant thing there is. It shows the progression your character made.

My gameplay is being a strong character that has evolved through levels and stories and having something to show for it. Be it one shotting things on lower level planets or doing level appropriate content. Level and story, not delevelling it and breaking story.

Edited by Geeorgedk
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It'll scale with you. No big deal. after Level 20-30 those crystals don't really matter all that much.

Then why is it level 10 ? I can just craft level 15 crystal and not buy it from cartel market, in other words cartel market crystals just became useless.

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Being stripped away from you? They aren't taking away your abilities or the things you gained when you leveled up when you go to a low level area. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the percentage numbers remained the same but it's the actual numbers that go down like your total hp, damage, armor, etc. so you don't kill things in one hit and they could potentially kill as well if you are playing sloppy.


To me it sounds like you are just whining because you don't get a choice in the matter than anything else.



And it's not meant to. It's meant to allow you to help your lower level friends and not kill the xp they would get otherwise. It can also add a bit of a challenge for you as well since you won't just one-shot everything.



This has Nothing to do with helping lower Lvl friends, as you can Do the Same as a lvl 50 55 60 or 65 without some Morons from Bioware stripping down ur Power. You can help ur lowbie Friends at lvl 30's 40's 50's and 60's

Right Now without stripping ur power.


Idiots make no since.

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yes high level players will be loosing some of there power in lower level areas, but you will still be stupidly over powered in comparison to the content so that instead of just having to hit one button to insta Gib a mob you may have to hit 3 or 4 :eek:


This guy gets it too.

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I like the idea :)


Now I'll be able to go back and play with my friends and not just one shot everything and still earn exp while doing so.


Also, your friends won't suffer xp loss either. It's a win win for me.

Edited by RaiderMid
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Optional Im all for, lets you play with whoever/however you want.


But this. Very disappointed. *** is even the point of having levels anymore? Might as well just get rid of em, give us everything at the start.


Of course this far along, everything is conveinently set in stone so they "cant" change things. So cant wait for the even more awesome crafting news.

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I like the idea :)


Now I'll be able to go back and play with my friends and not just one shot everything and still earn exp while doing so.


Oooooo, that's so totally worth having to slog through the local trash mobs while you're suddenly smacked down to their pathetic little level just to do things like Bounty Week...


Or hey, totally worth having to find a group that's not comprised of "scum and idiocy" for that lower-level Heroic or Op that you really just want that one piece of Orange gear from.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Might I recommend the class forums or dulfy to improve your skill level. You know since this change is bothering you so much.


I'm afraid you might misunderstand some people's view on this...


This isn't a skill level issue, it is a choice issue...


Some of us like going back and feeling like a Sith Lord / Jedi Master, blasting everything in sight with ease. If the Heroics can no longer be soloed due to this, then they won't be worth doing for some of us. The one heroic shown on the livestream doesn't count, that was a starter one that wasn't that hard to begin with.


My personal test is going to be the +2 on Oricon and the +4 on Black Hole. If those can still be comfortably soloed, then fair enough. But if not, then I'll never do them again. If I can't do those again, then I'll never do those planets again, since they aren't worth doing without the weekly.


So this wouldn't be opening up more content, it would be closing content off.

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I see one good thing with this... The rampant soloing of old world bosses by people that effectively could stop people from getting them on level, or trying to finish the achievement.


My question is though, how are they gonna handle base guards, commanders, and bounty quest objectives? They obviously have to down level them to the planet (i.e. no more level 60 guards on tat for instance). And how is the power creep going to handle that?

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