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Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Consular + Sith Inquisitor


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And sage still sits way up top laughing.


Good, good... I can feel your anger. Your hate has made your powerful. We (Sorcs) are unarmed (ignore that saber, we never use it), defenseless. Use your melee weapons (or gun whatever). Strike us down with all of your hatred and your journey towards rolling a Sorc will be complete!

Edited by Master-Nala
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For PvE these are excellent and welcome changes.


To be honest, in every MMO I have ever played, PvPers whining about how they always somehow feel entitled or cheated has ruined pretty much all the PvE in those games. I think SWTOR needs to take a break from making expansions after KotFE and maybe code in a completely seperated system, so that there are two completely different sets of skills - one for PvE and one for PvP. When you enter PvP, your skills automatically take on the PvP stance with PvP balance. Then when you are out of PvP, your skills go back to PvP. Flagged for PvP? Then you need to be using PvP skill set even in a PvE environment - period - no exceptions.


As for the Sniper whining, you might want to go post - oh I dunno - in the Agent thread. This is the thread for another class entirely and has no relation to your whining.


New Ability: Phantom Stride/Shadow Stride! 30 meter range, no GCD. 30 second cooldown. Use the Force to move through time and space, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a Double-Bladed Lightsaber or Electrostaff.

Bloody FINALLY! THANK you. A jump that keeps stealth is going to be handy as hell for quick pulling mobs as a Sin/Shadow - most tanks do jump into the pull, but now we can with the ability to start the rotation off with jump than <insert-skill-here-that-can-only-be-used-from-stealth>. Awesome. Finally I'll be tempted to play tank instead of DPS on mine.


New Passive Skill: Dark Bastion/Kinetic Bastion! Increases the duration of Dark/Kinetic Ward by 5 seconds, its number of charges by 5, the shield chance it provides by an additional 3%, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds. In addition, the duration of Dark/Kinetic Bulwark is also 5 seconds longer, and it can build 2 additional stacks.

Beautiful. Again, thank you :)


New Passive Skill: Languishing Lashes/Atrophying Attacks! Dealing melee damage increases the critical chance of your damaging periodic effects by 10% for 10 seconds

Oooh. interesting. That should definitely add to some DPS, finally.


New Utility: Phasing Phantasm/One with the Shadows! You can use Phantom/Shadow Stride while immobilized, and it purges immobilizing and slowing effects when used.

Another sweet addition. Tanks will definitely love this one.


New Passive Skill: Secrets of the Dark Side/Erudite Mender! Increases the healing done by Roaming/Wandering Mend by 5% and reduces the Force it consumes by 10.

My Sorc/Sage loves you guys for this one :)

My healers will be all over this XD Sweeeeeeet!


Force Mobility has been updated: In addition to the other abilities it already allows you to use while moving, it now also allows you to use Force Barrier while moving.

A very excellent choice. This will be handy indeed.


Thanks for the updates, Team. Looking forward to the expansion.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Good, good... I can feel your anger. Your hate has made your powerful. We (Sorcs) are unarmed (ignore that saber, we never use it), defenseless. Use your melee weapons (or gun whatever). Strike us down with all of your hatred and your journey towards rolling a Sorc will be complete!


I rolled one once. Boring as hell. Don't get the appeal of the class outside of people wanting to play an overpowered class.

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I rolled one once. Boring as hell. Don't get the appeal of the class outside of people wanting to play an overpowered class.


I don't know either. Probably has something to do with the whole being a Jedi/Sith thing. :p


Not trying to start an argument, but really. The class is powerful, but acting like they are unkillable gods is hyperbole. I think Phase Walk is stupid on Sorcs too, but let's stay in reality here.

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I don't know either. Probably has something to do with the whole being a Jedi/Sith thing. :p


Not trying to start an argument, but really. The class is powerful, but acting like they are unkillable gods is hyperbole. I think Phase Walk is stupid on Sorcs too, but let's stay in reality here.


I played madness sorc for the short time I messed around with the class. I was literally untouchable. Kiting was stupid easy and by the time any melee got close to me again I could force speed away and repeat my slows/root/knockback and CC you with bubble but you're probably dead before you get a second chance. Gang up on me? lol barrier h2f then force speed away.


Force lightning slow is just lulzy since you can spam it as madness. I really think that slow should apply only to lightning spec. Backlash is just dumb and really needs to be removed. Casting on the move needs to not be a thing ever again. Players need to make a choice between casting and kiting, not do both at the same time. That was the worst thing they added with the discipline crap.

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New Passive Skill: Fulminating Current/Psychokinetic Torrent! Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw stacks up to 4 stacks of an effect that increases the Critical chance of your periodic effects by 2% per stack



-everyone agrees that single target needs to be buffed and they come up with an even stronger dotspread. This all seems like a Revenge for h2f jokes, they want us to choke on them.

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Seems like they are either planning the death of pvp in 4.0 or they just really don't get why 36% of the top 100 ranked pvp players are already sorcs. I believe when I looked last, merc/mando had 2 in the top 100....but we get HTL/HO nerfed and a blind....backward....jump...thingy.....sweet. All gear the dreaded merc burst dps in our 2.5 seconds before death!!! Sorcs needed the nerf bat before...now playing against them will be too broken to even keep it interesting.
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I rolled one once. Boring as hell. Don't get the appeal of the class outside of people wanting to play an overpowered class.


There are players, including myself, who genuinely enjoy playing the class, FOTM or not. I've had one as my main since launch and it will stay that way.


And now, to the topic at hand.


Force Mobility has been updated: In addition to the other abilities it already allows you to use while moving, it now also allows you to use Force Barrier while moving.




Edited by DarthZeroe
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There are players, including myself, who genuinely enjoy playing the class, FOTM or not. I've had one as my main since launch and it will stay that way.


And now, to the topic at hand.







Ya I think back in the day when it required a thought process to play it was probably fun. Right now? Meh.

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•New Ability: Phantom Stride/Shadow Stride! 30 meter range, no GCD. 30 second cooldown. Use the Force to move through time and space, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a Double-Bladed Lightsaber or Electrostaff."


I just need some clarification on this: will this ability work through walls? For example, if an operative runs behind a pillar or wall, will I still be able to Shadow Stride to their location even though they're not in my LoS? Thank you, I was just wondering if this would function differently from the leap since it's a teleport, it does no damage, and it can be used in stealth.

Edited by blackthunder
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•New Ability: Phantom Stride/Shadow Stride! 30 meter range, no GCD. 30 second cooldown. Use the Force to move through time and space, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a Double-Bladed Lightsaber or Electrostaff."


I just need some clarification on this: will this ability work through walls? For example, if an operative runs behind a pillar or wall, will I still be able to Shadow Stride to their location even though they're not in my LoS? Thank you, I was just wondering if this would function differently from the leap since it's a teleport, it does no damage, and it can be used in stealth.


Unlikely but would certainly be a game changer.

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•New Ability: Phantom Stride/Shadow Stride! 30 meter range, no GCD. 30 second cooldown. Use the Force to move through time and space, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a Double-Bladed Lightsaber or Electrostaff."


I just need some clarification on this: will this ability work through walls? For example, if an operative runs behind a pillar or wall, will I still be able to Shadow Stride to their location even though they're not in my LoS? Thank you, I was just wondering if this would function differently from the leap since it's a teleport, it does no damage, and it can be used in stealth.


Most likely it will require a line of sight since you will need to target the person in the first place.

Edited by znihilist
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My main is a commando medic since early 2012. I have therefore always mainly focused and watched updates for troopers with just skimming the info for other classes.


Whenever I played my Sith Inquisitor once in a while I thought that it is soooo much easier to play and soooo much more powerful. But I never cared too much for the background.


This summer, with nothing better to do in this game, I took the time to have a closer look at all my chars and play them properly again, first time since 3.0. The result was that my Sith Inquisitor (I don't have the AC and exact spec in my head, DPS at least) became my new imperial main and I have mainly played with him ever since. It's a joke compared to e. g. my commando. Everything is so much easier and faster.


I dislike my char (he's such an arrogant fool) and the class. But it is in my opinion by far the easiest and most powerful class in this game. The utitilies are so much better than on my commando. And now I see these new changes which make a SI even better and I wonder just one thing: Why did I ever bother trying to master a commando or a gunslinger? A waste of (soon) 4 years. I should have gone SI from the beginning. SI = Jack of all trades. At least I know now which character will start KotFE. ;)

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The devs of this game know their own classes. It;s their game. In my experience ALL the classes of this game have been equally fun and equally easy to play. The problem here is that if the player does not know how to properly play class-1, but does really well on class-2, then class-2 MUST be OP and class-1 MUST absolutely suck.


The other distorted view players seem to be having is in PvP scenarios - player-A gets his rear-end kicked by player-B. Thus player-B absolutely MUST be OP and needs nerfed (this is typical PvP mentality - nothing can POSSIBLY be wrong with the player, it HAS to be the game whenever they lose a match).

Edited by Faelandaea
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More proof (if it were needed) that the combat team has utterly run out of idea's on evolving the specs and any consideration of balance and thought has been thrown out of the window in favour of just slathering 'mobility' mechanics over everything and calling it a a day.


QED Everybody gets more mobility=Nobody gets more mobility. It's a zero sum game.

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The devs of this game know their own classes. It;s their game. In my experience ALL the classes of this game have been equally fun and equally easy to play. The problem here is that if the player does not know how to properly play class-1, but does really well on class-2, then class-2 MUST be OP and class-1 MUST absolutely suck.


The other distorted view players seem to be having is in PvP scenarios - player-A gets his rear-end kicked by player-B. Thus player-B absolutely MUST be OP and needs nerfed (this is typical PvP mentality - nothing can POSSIBLY be wrong with the player, it HAS to be the game whenever they lose a match).


Ya they know the game so well that we predict exactly what happens before a patch comes out. We warn them, they don't fix it and what we warn them about is exactly what happens. The developers don't know diddly about their own game. Most developers don't about any game really because they sit there and code all day they don't actually play the game.


I remember a few years back for a fighting game tournament the lead developer for the game showed up to the event. They were promoting Ninja Gaiden 3 and getting feedback from player for DoA5. During the tournament for DoA4 they saw us do setups in the game they didn't know was possible. But you know what? I don't fault a dev team for missing stuff. A player is always going to find something a dev may not have intended. Difference? We ended up having direct contact with the developers and gave direct feedback and DoA5 turned out to be a very solid game. If BW would sit down and actually listen to their very experienced players? This game would turn around for the better. Do they though? Nope, they have their own ridiculous vision and to hell with the players and the balance of the game. When they destroyed annihilation spec for marauders the developer literally came in and basdically told us to shut the hell up and L2P despite the factual data we gave them and detailed information on WHY what they were doing was wrong.


THAT is the problem most of us have with BW. If they would just listen and actually take in real feedback and actually talk to the community people would be so much less hostile and this game would be in such a better state, but instead their idea of "feedback" is to make a post "asking" for feedback, never reply to said official thread then update the patch with something NO ONE in the thread asked for. They do the complete opposite and make things worse.

Edited by Raansu
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How is that supposed to be fun in PvP? Even more mobility that the engine can't handle, even more damage, even more crits that are already at 15k and probably will go higher :( I can't see myself enjoy anything but the 10-29 bracket which is already the last part of PvP being anything near fun. The 30+ bracket is already completely broken by stupid skills that were stuffed into the game without consideration "because they sound cool on paper", and "endgame" PvP is just a depressing no-go.


The game needs lower numbers and fewer but working skills, not this inflationary madness. Don't add things, change them!

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These changes are ludicrous. Buffing the already powerful whilst shafting the already underpowered.


Sorcs don't need phasewalk, they don't need bubble on the move. They need a serious tone down on all their healing abilities, and utilities need a huge rework, as currently a Sorc is spoiled for choice in their utilities.


This patch will either make or break the game, there will be no in between with this patch, and I know which is more likely.


People are fed up with the same specs completely dominating,

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I played madness sorc for the short time I messed around with the class. I was literally untouchable. Kiting was stupid easy and by the time any melee got close to me again I could force speed away and repeat my slows/root/knockback and CC you with bubble but you're probably dead before you get a second chance. Gang up on me? lol barrier h2f then force speed away.


Force lightning slow is just lulzy since you can spam it as madness. I really think that slow should apply only to lightning spec. Backlash is just dumb and really needs to be removed. Casting on the move needs to not be a thing ever again. Players need to make a choice between casting and kiting, not do both at the same time. That was the worst thing they added with the discipline crap.


So you played against bads on did well ... gz. That proves everything you said about sorcs.


Let's face it, you are only upset you are not always the leader on the damage board at the end of a warzone and this really upsets you, because that's all you care for.


So since you are not leader on the damage board, but you are at the same time mega awesome, something has to be wrong with the people having higher total numbers than you have. THEY MUST BE COMPLETELY OP!!!! Nevermind how those numbers actually come to be and what that means. Their total damage > your total damage => they are OP and need a nerf!


Your description of you kiting as a sorc speaks volumes. Melees these days got so many immunities and speed buffs that it is literally impossible to kite them the way you desribe it ... unless they are bads. Granted Maras had / have some trouble here. But any other melee class is packed with gap closers, immunities, speed buffs, and cc.


For example:

Jugg charges you, which not unly roots, interupts and essentially stuns you but also gives them immunitiy to any CC. With this immunity they completely negate your stun bubble and there is basically nothing you can do about it.


The only thing you can do it run (force speed) ... which you claim works so well. But wait. What does the average jugg do when you use force speed. He either stuns you of pushes you (which essentially stuns you as well) and then charges at you again. Thus completely negating your force speed. And if said Jugg chose option 2 he will have is cc immunity up again and in the meanwhile he has been dealing several 10k damage to you, while your DoTs + DF only did a few k on him. Oh and just in case you are not finished by now you will simply eat a(nother) CC because 1 CC or 1 knockback does not make you white barred.


So at this point you can use CC breaker, Bubble, or simply die (if you live that long). Using Stunbreaker is most like a waste because you will died withing 1 or 2 GCDs afterwards anyways.

Using Barrier is an option, but one that you only have every 3mins and afterwards the jugg will just rinse and repeat! And remember at this point you barely did anything so the jugg still has his DCDs ready while you don't. So you are worse off than you were in the beginning.


And before you start saying: "That's something jugg specific and sorcs still easily wipe any other class":


PT got more (reliable and useful)stuns than the sorc, can grap you when you run, has very long up time and relatively low downtime on a high speed buff that also gives him immunity. And not to forget deals tons of burst damage while you do lousy single target dot damage.


Sins got everything sorcs got and more. And of course they neverending immunities sorcs can do absolutely nothing about. Oh and let's not forget that 30m CC on a 14 sec CD they have. And that they can easily cleanse your DoTs. And if for some reason they get low on health they will simply vanish and heal up. Same if you use bubble.


Operatives are the 1on1 kings and you mean to tell me that you killed and kited them without any effort. Sure because you are such a pro! They only got rofl rolls, cc, other immunities and high burst damage when they play against other players than you. Not to forget the cleanses. Oh and like sin they got vanish + h2f just in case.


Maras have admittedly less immunity than the other melee classes but they will still rip you a new one when they are on top of you thanks to their big burst.


And there is even more. You only do lousy DoT damage while most if not all of these melees will do burst damage or at least good burst besides DoT damage. And that does not involve any casting.


The only thing Madness has is it's big total numbers in the end when people cuddled to much in the warzone. And since people like you only sort the leaderboard for total damage dealt and check who is on top, they come to the conclusion that sorcs must be OP because they dealt more damage than they did. But the fact that those sorcs barely kill anyone and die quite easily in a 1on1 is completely ignored - because how else could they be on top of you in your precious leaderboard at the end of a warzone if they are not completely OP.


TLDR: Stop whining. Do a reality check. And learn what statistics / tables tell you and what they don't. This will advice will also come handy in the real world. ... You are welcome!

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