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*RANT* **** These broken *** OP/Scoundrel Classes


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There are only 3 in the top 50 overall, and none in the top 25...they are not OP stop crying like babies


Even 1v1's they are only slightly ahead of deception


Must be a lot of sorcs in this thread that want nothing but complete dominance in this game

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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yeaa, i don't see hordes of operatives in pvp from re-rolled masses. There's not hordes of them flooding ranked either?


Funnily I generaly see more sorc's, guardian's or assassin's.

there are a lot more ops in regs over the past month or so than before. it's noticeably more. I mean...that doesn't make them op or whatnot. roll immunity is just a bad mechanic. you can't fight while you use it. you (impersonal) complain about this fact whenever ppl bang on the abil. why not get rid of the dmg immunity and just get a 4-6 proper dcd that happens and then it's on cd for 1min or so like udr or reactive shield or any other number of dcds that aren't lolroll? iunno. w/e. fix it or not, there are still a dozen things that need to be "fixed" in the current state of pvp for decent balance and game play. I really hate 3.0 and dread 4.0. :(

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Compaired to a sage healer's self healing,t hey're really not all that powerful. THey also take time to tick and cost 2GCD's to apply.


As for the roll, it does debuff damage and increase defence, your immune to being attacked while rolling, while you also cannot attack while in the roll, it consumes 1 GCD, that is its trade-off.




o.0 The backstab can be specced to root you for 3 seconds, however it does not stop you from turning. Crippling slice can do this however, its a root that stops you from turning. Sages can spec force speed to break roots.


While I did not think about that il admit however the roll is a escape mechanic not a run way while your targets Defense are up and come back to kill later. Also a sage off heals take huge amounts of force how I do agree that sage off heals need to be fixed they are in the same boat as ops dps off Healing imo

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OPs will end up getting nerfed into the ground after 4.0. They do not need an instant teleport to an enemy and quite frankly neither do assassins although sins need more help than operatives. One operative by themselves can not stun lock you but two of them can. Their roll and off heals need to be tweaked, other than that, they are fine as is.


And when I say sins need more help I'm talking mainly about pve but all 3 specs could use a little love for pvp.

Edited by Iona_Var
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I play an operative, and I melt players 1v1 easily. But there still are players in every other classes that kill me easily too.


I used to think those classes are overpowered or they are hacking, but the ugly truth is that I am not as good as I thought I was.


Once people accept the fact that they are bad, there will be less nerf threads, and hopefully spur them to improve themselves rather than try to change the rules.

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EL OH EL PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT CONCEALMENT OFF HEALS. What a total joke. We have TWO heals, Kolto Probes which tick for 1500 every 3s unless we spam them to force ticks (in which case, we do literally zero damage, this takes all our globals, and it still only heals for 1500 every 1.5) and Kolto Infusion, which costs a TA (major DPS resource), 2s cast time, energy, and 9s cd which heals for more or less the same as Sage/Sorc Rejuv, on a 6s CD, that costs only a global.


Like, I can understand bads not knowning that Crippling Slice is a root and not a stun, not understanding resolve, not understanding that roll is our only DCD worth mentioning, having ridiculously biased opinions about DCDs for a class they don't play in a game they don't understand etc but complaining about the worst off healing in the game by miles is too far. You're basically complaining about Kolto Shots right now.


This thread is hilarious. Giant l2p issue

Edited by Racter
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Kolto Infusion, which costs a TA (major DPS resource), 2s cast time, energy, and 8s cd which heals for the same as or less than Sage/Sorc Rejuv, on a 6s CD, that costs only a global.


Kolto Infusion heals for significantly more than Rejuvenate.


EDIT: That's not to say that Sorcerer DPS off-healing is bad, it isn't. But the statement above is in error.

Edited by Master-Nala
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Just so people are aware when some say it seems like opeartives and scoundrel hit faster it's because they most likely are ik most bring their alacrity up to 4-5% b/c they really don't need any accuracy and when they pop stim boost/pugnacity they go up to 15% alacrity for 15 secs of insane pain.
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There are only 3 in the top 50 overall, and none in the top 25...they are not OP stop crying like babies


Even 1v1's they are only slightly ahead of deception


Must be a lot of sorcs in this thread that want nothing but complete dominance in this game


Lol who the f cares about arenas? Also, 3 being in the top 50 means whatever you can take from it, I'm sure sorcs (as you clearly agree) and pt's would dominate much of the top 50, doesn't mean ops are bad or underpowered. Op healers had been the overwhelmingly dominant healer for a long time, especially in group ranked. Concealment is the best 1v1 spec in the game, and lethality does quite well in regs.


The majority agree that ranked is a joke(because it is), regs are where the game needs to be balanced from now on and in regs ops can be a handful for most players (not speaking personally as I have little trouble with them on my god tier fotm corruption Sorc), get more than 1 and you're gonna have a bad day. Their roll is op, their ability to vanish and heal back up or simply re engage is deadly. Compare that with sorcs in regs, most of whom are terrible force spamming number farming blind people who usually barrier at or near full hp. Know why less ops are in the top 50, bcuz they're more "difficult" to play, not worse or less powerful, quite the opposite actually. If you really wanna get into it, lightning spec needs a buff for arenas, even madness could do with one tbh.


People that main or frequently play ops sure seem to be really sensitive, must be why a lot of them in my experience are lone wolfs, blatantly ignoring objectives in regs trying to capture off nodes (mostly unsuccessfully lol).

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Lol who the f cares about arenas? Also, 3 being in the top 50 means whatever you can take from it, I'm sure sorcs (as you clearly agree) and pt's would dominate much of the top 50, doesn't mean ops are bad or underpowered. Op healers had been the overwhelmingly dominant healer for a long time, especially in group ranked. Concealment is the best 1v1 spec in the game, and lethality does quite well in regs.


The majority agree that ranked is a joke(because it is), regs are where the game needs to be balanced from now on and in regs ops can be a handful for most players (not speaking personally as I have little trouble with them on my god tier fotm corruption Sorc), get more than 1 and you're gonna have a bad day. Their roll is op, their ability to vanish and heal back up or simply re engage is deadly. Compare that with sorcs in regs, most of whom are terrible force spamming number farming blind people who usually barrier at or near full hp. Know why less ops are in the top 50, bcuz they're more "difficult" to play, not worse or less powerful, quite the opposite actually. If you really wanna get into it, lightning spec needs a buff for arenas, even madness could do with one tbh.


People that main or frequently play ops sure seem to be really sensitive, must be why a lot of them in my experience are lone wolfs, blatantly ignoring objectives in regs trying to capture off nodes (mostly unsuccessfully lol).


YOu can see the problem don't you ? Ppl asking nerf or buffs according to arenas, where 80% are wintraders and rest q-synch, LOL

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So... according to the masses who dislike operatives here, the roll is OP, the off-heal's are OP, a stealth burst class being built towards 1v1 is unfair and assassin's need buff's in all spec's? Oh, and operatives can stunlock people.


Arena's don't prove anything about ballence (Apparently!) and the fact that there's so many sorc's/powertech's at the top of the solo que is because of sync-queing. Did I miss anything?



#NerfOperatives is real!


There's been no complaining about them all the time, or very little complaining about them through most of 3.0 onwards. Suddenly as the expantion starts to come, people are moaning about them again, even going from calling just the roll op to complaining 'stunlocking' and their 'powerful' offheals.


The roll immunity was back in 2.8 or somthing I think? We had the roll with 80% defence chance, with 2 roll's and on a 10 second cooldown. Nobody complained then.

When it was made known that it was 100%? People started complaining.

It stop's their dps, it can be countered by a root, a stun or baiting it out in the form of a DcD or a gap closer.


The heal's tick for 1500 every -three- seconds, is their only heal without an upper hand stack and costs 2 gcd's to be fully applied.

(Edit: I forgot about diagnostic scan, though thats even weaker and over a 3 second shannel can do 1500 if you're lucky)

With only one stack of it applied? It does a laughable 750(roughly) every three seconds.

Their kolto pack or kolto infusion costs them a stack of upper hand or tactical advantage, a resource earned only be them attacking somone with certain attack's, or a 2 min cooldown.


That does heal for quite a lot, but has a cost and a 2 sec cast. So they would need to run away, with one of their upper hand stack's and cast it while hidden so somone carn't catch them with their pants down and intterupt them.



A stealth burst class being good at 1v1 is nothing new, being the best in the current meta? Assassin's had that through a long, long time and I didn't see too many threads complaining about them being the best in a 1v1, those threads called them op for their damage or otherwise.


Assassin's? Buff's? Yea, its personally so laughable I'm not even going to make a point about that for the 2 dps tree's, that isn't on topic with this thread anyway.



1v1 classes in a situation where neerly all fights are either objective based or team fights, or at least ment to be team fights. 1v1's rarely happen or at least in my personal experience they do at least.

Edited by Hiro_Wildfire
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Kolto Infusion heals for significantly more than Rejuvenate.


EDIT: That's not to say that Sorcerer DPS off-healing is bad, it isn't. But the statement above is in error.


I'm not sure I can agree that an extra 2k over 9s (or, ~270 extra healing per second) is "significantly more", especially considering one is instant with basically no cost and has a CD 3s shorter than it's duration and the other has a 2s cast time, a cd equal to it's duration, plus a cost. Those numbers are also closer than that, I have 0 datacrons on my Sage atm and my Op has all of them. However, editted other post for clarity.


Basically, in terms of off healing, you can throw out a 7-10k bubble (instant), which generally gives you enough time to do the rest of these other things, plus a 1600-2200 Rejuvenate (instant) plus a meager hot. In the time it took you to do that, the Op casted one KI, assuming they had a TA in the first place and it didn't get kicked, which heals for roughly the same as Rejuv. Meanwhile, the Sorc/Sage bought their teammate 8.5k-12k extra HP, while the Op gave you ~3-3.5k. You can now spam Benevolence/(Dark Heal? Don't remember) for 5-10k up to 12 times back to back (full force, no alacrity). The Op spends 2 globals to get probes up, healing you for nothing instantly and ~2250 on the second global (which is only even that high because the first tick from probe 1 and the forced tick from probe 2 happen simultaneously, every other forced tick after is ~1500). In summary, 4 globals (6s), Sage/Sorc can give you ~18.5k HP, plus the meager hot from Rejuv for a total of roughly 20k. Op, 3 abilities, (5s) again assuming they had the resource required to even cast KI in the first place, 5.7k. At that point the Sage/Sorc can continue spamming 4k+ 1.5s cast heals, while the Op can only force KP ticks of 1500. Sage/Sorc can actually save people with off healing as a DPS, a Sco/Op can... Slightly mitigate some dot pressure?


You (not you in particular Nala) are comparing a stock 1988 Civic to a 2015 Aventador. The gap in terms of output is that substantial.


So... according to the masses who dislike operatives here, the roll is OP, the off-heals are OP, a stealth burst class being built towards 1v1 is unfair and assassin's need buff's in all spec's? Oh, and operatives can stunlock people.


Arena's don't prove anything about balance (Apparently!) and the fact that there's so many sorc's/powertech's at the top of the solo queue is because of sync-queuing. Did I miss anything?


#NerfOperatives is real!


For real. Lot of butt hurt Sorcs whining in here

Edited by Racter
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So... according to the masses who dislike operatives here, the roll is OP, the off-heal's are OP, a stealth burst class being built towards 1v1 is unfair and assassin's need buff's in all spec's? Oh, and operatives can stunlock people.


Arena's don't prove anything about ballence (Apparently!) and the fact that there's so many sorc's/powertech's at the top of the solo que is because of sync-queing. Did I miss anything?



#NerfOperatives is real!


There's been no complaining about them all the time, or very little complaining about them through most of 3.0 onwards. Suddenly as the expantion starts to come, people are moaning about them again, even going from calling just the roll op to complaining 'stunlocking' and their 'powerful' offheals.


The roll immunity was back in 2.8 or somthing I think? We had the roll with 80% defence chance, with 2 roll's and on a 10 second cooldown. Nobody complained then.

When it was made known that it was 100%? People started complaining.

It stop's their dps, it can be countered by a root, a stun or baiting it out in the form of a DcD or a gap closer.


The heal's tick for 1500 every -three- seconds, is their only heal without an upper hand stack and costs 2 gcd's to be fully applied.

(Edit: I forgot about diagnostic scan, though thats even weaker and over a 3 second shannel can do 1500 if you're lucky)

With only one stack of it applied? It does a laughable 750(roughly) every three seconds.

Their kolto pack or kolto infusion costs them a stack of upper hand or tactical advantage, a resource earned only be them attacking somone with certain attack's, or a 2 min cooldown.


That does heal for quite a lot, but has a cost and a 2 sec cast. So they would need to run away, with one of their upper hand stack's and cast it while hidden so somone carn't catch them with their pants down and intterupt them.



A stealth burst class being good at 1v1 is nothing new, being the best in the current meta? Assassin's had that through a long, long time and I didn't see too many threads complaining about them being the best in a 1v1, those threads called them op for their damage or otherwise.


Assassin's? Buff's? Yea, its personally so laughable I'm not even going to make a point about that for the 2 dps tree's, that isn't on topic with this thread anyway.



1v1 classes in a situation where neerly all fights are either objective based or team fights, or at least ment to be team fights. 1v1's rarely happen or at least in my personal experience they do at least.




Despite what 99% says, at least im telling you what is op with operatives, you and a lot of ppl just say "gnegnegne sorcs top lead gnegnegne butt hurt gnegnegne nerf". Without considering, not all sorcs are madness or corruption, mine is lightning and is a lot of things but fotm i do not think so. Roll needs to be toned down, as well as h2f barrier, nobody is saying nerf ops because yes, we are complaining about his huge burst and rolls, nerf a little bit the output damage and rework the roll, and they are ok. Without cd's my merc for example goes from 100% to 25 in 3 secs, is *********** insane. Probably you atr thinking " yes but ap pt's are even worse", yes but it beter i d o not speak bouit ap, or i get banned for good this time

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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Roll provides a lot of "skill" based actions that many of the other classes lack, yet I hardly find myself globaling a whole WZ or arena...


I love my op but TBH when I play my other classes I never feel the other players using them are overpowering me or sometimes even competing with me...


Not sure if that is a skill gap or just that they are not as OP as you think?

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Roll provides a lot of "skill" based actions that many of the other classes lack, yet I hardly find myself globaling a whole WZ or arena...


I love my op but TBH when I play my other classes I never feel the other players using them are overpowering me or sometimes even competing with me...


Not sure if that is a skill gap or just that they are not as OP as you think?


so rolling and avopid damage is called skil now ? Well, i presume when i hit "e" for focused defense im a pro playing player :rak_01:

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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you can't perma roll like ESO you have to pick the right times vs 7 or 4 other players yeah it does take skill to use roll effectively if you wanna be an OP op


forgive me but against 7 ppl u do not need skills, u need luck

And the example is nvalid, in eso u have stamina if u roll like a ball, u won't run and parry so u insta die

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forgive me but against 7 ppl u do not need skills, u need luck

And the example is nvalid, in eso u have stamina if u roll like a ball, u won't run and parry so u insta die


you can roll 2 times every 30 sec!? lol but no offence if you think that is OP you prob a bad player. like i said in the rest of my post.... never even felt op as an op nor have i felt threatened when i play the other classes.

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you can roll 2 times every 30 sec!? lol but no offence if you think that is OP you prob a bad player. like i said in the rest of my post.... never even felt op as an op nor have i felt threatened when i play the other classes.


Judging by the number of whine about op roll, half community or even more are all bad players

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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