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Everything posted by kjng

  1. Probably happened because BW received too many hacking reports by people who couldn't attack operatives who were behind them. If you cant score a goal, you move the goal-post.
  2. I play an operative, and I melt players 1v1 easily. But there still are players in every other classes that kill me easily too. I used to think those classes are overpowered or they are hacking, but the ugly truth is that I am not as good as I thought I was. Once people accept the fact that they are bad, there will be less nerf threads, and hopefully spur them to improve themselves rather than try to change the rules.
  3. kjng

    Wz choice

    Maybe not. Lets say both sides have 8 players each, total 16 players. It is not likely that 15 players will rank huttball as their top choice. For argument sake, lets say they did. So the total 'score' for huttball is say (15x6) +(3x1)=93. And since we are considering a hypothetical scenario, lets say the 15 players rank civil war as their number 2 choice (i.e. value of 5) and the 3 anti-huttball players rank civil war as number one (i.e. value of 6), therefore total score for civil war is (15x5)+(3x6)=93. Which carries the same score as huttball, and therefore have a 50% of getting either. As it is, there are already people quitting warzones. Just the other day, a player said he/she hated quesh huttball, and asked the rest of his/her premade to quit. Instantly, the number of players went from 8 to 4. There are no perfect systems, and I think this voting system will at least make things a bit better.
  4. kjng

    Wz choice

    Yes, this one comes to mind: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=721193 Best idea so far...
  5. Honestly, I think the current OPness of the sorcere/sage is the swtor community's fault. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but the devs knew what they were talking about when they gave the infamous "heal to full" remark when questioned on the survivability of the sorc/sage. Now they heal to full while running around and are almost unkillable. The devs are probably laughing at us now. And will probably keep sorc/sage OP for a long time just to make their point.
  6. Just roll... Or mini bubble... Honestly, sticky grenade is the worst attack ever. It flashes red, and makes loud beeping noises basically warning you a burst is coming. So many things you can do.
  7. Classes listed from easiest to most difficult in guarding nodes: 1. sin/shadow, ops/scoundrel (stay stealthed, move around and do not stay in one spot, mez to delay if not confident of kill) 2. pt/vg, sorc/sage (make sure shoulder cannon off cool down for pt/van, and breaker/bubble for sorc/sage) 3. sniper/slinger (if you have to cc break early, use entrenched for cc immunity/mez to delay) 4. mando/merc, knight/war, mara/sent (stay at distance, use mez to delay) For all cases, always call. If you already are in control of the node, your priority if to stay alive and interrupt cap until help arrives. You dont have to kill them, but they have to kill you. Pillar hugging is your friend. Leave your ego out of the warzone, do not give in to taunts. In an attempt to capture a node from a solitary stealther, it is always better to keep capping (everyone) to force the stealther to reveal himself as soon as possible. Trying to find a good stealther is difficult and time consuming. Strategically placed aoes and scans can help sometimes.
  8. Zhud. Vanguard. 12 solo kills http://i.imgur.com/fltiJtC.jpg Zhud. Vanguard. 9 solo kills http://i.imgur.com/uWeoQBN.jpg
  9. yup, little difference. still op. i would still rather attack a sorc and wait ten seconds for his barrier, than attacking a jugg. it is quite hilarious. there i was 1v1 a jugg, i was so happy i was winning, suddenly, poof! he was on 3/4 health, i was on zero. of course i learned my lesson well. the next time i saw the "10" on his buff bar, i stunned it and tried to run away and wait it out. no such luck, he broke cc and proceeded to slow and root me to death. at least i died with the jugg only on 1/4 health this time. the real mind bender now is trying to figure out how to beat a jugg with my pyro pt. still havent found a way to cancel my dots on juggs.
  10. One stealth can only effectively sap and cap in hypergates. For civil war and voidstar, an average player should be able to hold off any sap and cap from one stealther. The cast time for capturing a node in civil war and voidstar is 8s, which is exactly the same as the sap duration. In addition, unstealthing will take one gcd, leaving the person guarding the node at least 1.5s to interrupt the cap. The only thing the stealther can do after that is to use in-combat mez, for which the guard can break using cc breaker. By this time, your resolve should be full, therefore giving enough time for your team-mates to arrive. Best AC to guard nodes are: ops/scoundrel (stealth) sin/shadow (stealth) vanguard/powertech (shoulder cannon) sage/sorc (2 cc breakers) sniper/slinger (plasma probe, stealth detection, cc immunity) AC that are OK: sent/mara (stealth, survivability) guard/jugg (survivability) Need some smarts: merc/mando
  11. This is a clever ploy by BW to distract people from OP marauders. Too bad they didnt think of this when they nerfed operatives. But seriously, juggs are obviously overpowered. I do not understand why there are still people defending the class...
  12. When ED was buffed, on patch day, a few people were looking for the healers who were healing the jugg/guardians in warzones. Of course there were no healers in sight... Now everyone just target juggs last in arenas.
  13. ELO was initially designed for chess. i.e. for single players. In order to use it for a team of individuals with individual ratings, modifications will have to be made in the ELO system, and this is where I think that BW failed. Overall, in my opinion, exceptional players will still top the rankings. however, matchmaking and rating gain/loss is generating a lot of frustration as players do not know how they really work. And to be fair, players will probably be more frustrated if they actually do find out. How does the system group players? Does it group players with random ratings? or group players with similar ratings? If it tries to group players with similar ratings, how does it account the case where it pairs this group against another group with a lower rating? Is the rating gain/loss fair? When grouping players, do they use average or sum of rating? Using average may not be fair. For example, if it groups 4 players with 1500 rating each, and its opponents have 4 players of 1300 each, the difference in perceived "skill" is not 200, but 200x4=800. Does the rating gain/loss take into account this "multiplying effect"?
  14. I encountered a double premade in Quesh huttball yesterday, all from one guild. They probably queue synced. Regardless, I left the warzone immediately after I found out. If there was a deserter penalty, I would have stood in a corner and maybe watch some youtube until the match is over.
  15. Ah, my mistake then, i thought the self heal was available in all trees.
  16. What I am trying to say is that BW nerfed shadow/sin tank's self heals due to it being allegedly hard to balance. After a while, self heals were taken out completely. But now they buffed another self healing mechanism in another heavy armor class that gives even better healing than shadow/sin tanks of old. I just find this mind boggling.
  17. Yes, ED is over the top. Saw a juggernaut get over 100k heals in a "standard" time novare coast. During the glory days of shadow tank self heals, I had to try really hard just to break 75k heals.
  18. kjng

    PT aiming bug?

    yea, i have experienced this a few times. it sorts itself out after a while.
  19. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=721193 BW, please read the warzone selection voting system in the linked thread. It is simple, and I am sure is sustainable. If you wish all warzones to be played, you can always check the wz pop statistics and have special weekend events like double comms for less popular warzones
  20. agreed. if people have the choice to stomp pugs with premades, then others must have the choice to leave.
  21. the problem with first-past-the-post voting is that it doesnt consider votes against a choice. using your scenario, if there are 7 votes for huttball, the rest of the votes split between voidstar and arena, huttball will be chosen. however, it could be that the other 9 people are voting against huttball rather than for voidstar or arena. this results in 7 happy players, and 9 unhappy ones.
  22. I am just hoping it is a good enough idea that BW will take note of and implement on or before the new warzone map is released so that i will not have only a one seventh of a chance to play the new map.
  23. there has been many threads that called for players to be able to queue for warzones that they want. however, this will only increase queue times, and less popular warzones will never pop. i suggest that rather than choosing a warzone, players get to 'vote' for the warzones they want to play. players can rate the warzones by placing numbers to the warzones, with larger number being preferred warzone. for example: 5-huttball 4-civil war 3-novare coast 2-ancient hypergates 1-voidstar with huttball being favourite, whilst voidstar being the least liked. once queued, the normal procedure for grouping will commenced. once a group is established, the total rank for each warzones from every player will be totaled up, and the warzone with the largest total will be the warzone for that queue pop. if there is a tie, then the pop will randomly pick from the top ranked warzones. while this system will not guarantee your favorite warzone to pop, it will keep most of the players in that queue happy and weed out warzones that they dislike. say for example there are 16 players in a pop. 9 players really like huttball and 7 who really hate them, so you have huttball with a total of (5x9)+(1x7)=52. for simplicity, say all of the players also likes civil war. so the 9 players who ranked huttball as 5, ranked civil war as 4, while the 7 players who hated huttball ranked civil war as 5. so you have civil war with a total of (4x9)+(5x7)=71. so in this case, civil war will be the warzone chosen. as can be seen from this example, this voting system takes into consideration what warzones players hate as well as like. the disadvantage is that if you are the solitary player whose favorite warzone is voidstar (ahem), it may well never pop for you. for this system, arenas must be taken out from normal warzone queue, since the number of players are unequal. and therefore rest only in ranked queues. votes from a premade player must be void in order to avoid teams to unfairly skew a warzone into their favor. BW can also use this data as a indicator of what type of warzones players like. transparency: total votes results should be shown, so that players will not get frustrated on why their favorite warzone never pops. this system will also be a great help when a new warzone map is introduced to the game, and everyone will get to play the new warzone without having to rely on rng.
  24. if i am not mistaken, all can be shielded except for internal and crits.
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