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*RANT* **** These broken *** OP/Scoundrel Classes


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*RANT FOLLOWS* I know its been said before but I have to get this rant out. Sitting there getting stun locked until death is just no *********** fun. You break free and they stun you again. If you are lucky and can break free again you get slowed or rooted then they roll over and melt you. Its just complete bs. If you do come out on top in a fight they just vanish H2F and come right back and rinse and repeat........*RANT OVER* You may now return to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.
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*RANT FOLLOWS* I know its been said before but I have to get this rant out. Sitting there getting stun locked until death is just no *********** fun. You break free and they stun you again. If you are lucky and can break free again you get slowed or rooted then they roll over and melt you. Its just complete bs. If you do come out on top in a fight they just vanish H2F and come right back and rinse and repeat........*RANT OVER* You may now return to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.


They can stun you at worst once every 30s. If you're getting "stunlocked to death" by one Operative you need to take off those 192s and buy some PVP gear, because the only way one Operative can kill you in one stun by himself is you have 1k expertise.

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yep, nothing beats scoundrels 1v1. And how fast they can melt sentinels and mandos is frankly obnoxious. Do the opener, roll away to wait out victims defensive cooldowns. Roll back in and finish them off


They can stun you at worst once every 30s. If you're getting "stunlocked to death" by one Operative you need to take off those 192s and buy some PVP gear, because the only way one Operative can kill you in one stun by himself is you have 1k expertise.

you say it like 30 seconds is a long time lol. Scoundrels can kite you around forever and h2f while they're at it. You just haven't met a good scoundrel if you think you can beat them on anything but scoundrel.

Edited by power-alex
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I have multiple classes. I PVP on a Mara, Merc, Sorc, Sage, and Assassin all in full 174 gear (I don't own PVE gear on any of them). There were two this afternoon basically bound at the hip rolling around together in Warzones. Every time I came in contact I would melt. I spent more time trying break free than doing damage. Like I said it was just a rant. I've seen more and more in Warzones lately. Edited by nacomaj
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you say it like 30 seconds is a long time lol. Scoundrels can kite you around forever and h2f while they're at it. You just haven't met a good scoundrel if you think you can beat them on anything but scoundrel.


30 seconds is a long time, considering many other classes can actually stun you back to back (to back in one case). Good ones are very difficult to beat 1v1. However, the vast majority are absolutely beyond terrible and are no problem at all to kill as any DPS/tank spec.

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They can stun you at worst once every 30s. If you're getting "stunlocked to death" by one Operative you need to take off those 192s and buy some PVP gear, because the only way one Operative can kill you in one stun by himself is you have 1k expertise.


wait i thought it was

stun stab stab stab stab stun stab stab stab stab dead

and if you happen to get off your DCD and stun them it goes

Break stun

stab stab stab stab

you stun again

break stun

stab stab stab stab

you stun AGAIN

break stun RE STUN you

stab stab stab you dead!


I sure don't recall being able to maul endlessly or VS endlessly its a ******** ability and why FOTM are flocking to it

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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*RANT FOLLOWS* I know its been said before but I have to get this rant out. Sitting there getting stun locked until death is just no *********** fun. You break free and they stun you again. If you are lucky and can break free again you get slowed or rooted then they roll over and melt you. Its just complete bs. If you do come out on top in a fight they just vanish H2F and come right back and rinse and repeat........*RANT OVER* You may now return to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.


I heartily agree, i was in a pvp match 5 minutes ago and the operative not including the sorcerer who's damage was over the top just went around stunning me in place and then proceeding to wail on my health like it was nothing. Literally one of the most OP classes i've seen in swtor, give those so called gods a nerf for crying out loud. Makes a juggernaught look pathetic.

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I heartily agree, i was in a pvp match 5 minutes ago and the operative not including the sorcerer who's damage was over the top just went around stunning me in place and then proceeding to wail on my health like it was nothing. Literally one of the most OP classes i've seen in swtor, give those so called gods a nerf for crying out loud. Makes a juggernaught look pathetic.


At the very least LIMIT the amount of attacks they can perform in xx amount of time.

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If this games was centered around 1 vs 1 then sure, dem ops be OP, but that isn't exactly the case. Don't get caught 1 vs 1. Use your team. Call incs if guarding etc.


Disclosure: Yes I have an op and like it, but we are easy to shut down in a larger fight. Electronet, AOE damage, slows/roots, deception sins etc.

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You know what you're right. The devs should just nerf all Operatives/Scoundrels and Sorcs/Sages to the ground, so the only thing they can do is sit there like an ornament and wait for you to kill them. :rolleyes:


End Sarcasm; seriously though every class has had its time at the top and been the OP class that no one can kill. At one point, it was Sentinels/Marauders, and they've been that op class a few times. During season one aoe spec, before 1.1 dot spec. Here's a video showing casing when they were the op, class. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FUGAQ-phbw&list=FLqz0qUtcEtZggzduYvq9r5g&index=27

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If this games was centered around 1 vs 1 then sure, dem ops be OP, but that isn't exactly the case. Don't get caught 1 vs 1. Use your team. Call incs if guarding etc.


Disclosure: Yes I have an op and like it, but we are easy to shut down in a larger fight. Electronet, AOE damage, slows/roots, deception sins etc.


The game might not be centered around 1v1 but for a stealther class that can pick and choose who and when to engage in battle, is excellent at guarding and staying alive, the fact remains that DPS Scoundrel/Operatives are OP in their current form.


And yes, as someone else mentioned, they were OP at launch then they got nerfed and remained non-OP for a loooong time, but that's not an excuse for Bioware to just make them OP and leave them like that until they nerf them to the ground again.


They should be aiming for balance, not making classes OP for a certain amount of time so that everyone feels Fotm for a while.

Edited by TheNahash
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At the very least LIMIT the amount of attacks they can perform in xx amount of time.


The problem with that logic is they can still nail you with a stun or some god awful attack which in the end does nothing except screw you (The person on the receiving end) over.

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wait i thought it was

stun stab stab and here the stun's over stab stab stun stab stab stab stab dead

and if you happen to get off your DCD and stun them it goes

Break stun

stab stab stab stab

you stun again

break stun They only have one stun break on a 1.5-2min cooldown, like every other class except powertech

stab stab stab stab

you stun AGAIN

break stun RE STUN you As said, they can't stun you back to back

stab stab stab you dead!


I sure don't recall being able to maul endlessly or VS endlessly its a ******** ability and why FOTM are flocking to it


Comments in red, l2p.

Also, Maul, VS? Deception Sin complaining about Ops? :rolleyes:

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Basically dont 1v1 these guys unless your a Shadow/Assassin.


They are a node stealing class after all but in most warzones they are mostly running away from damage and not helping the team.


If you do unfortunately get stuck 1v1 with one then either your team should come help or just except death :p.

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Makeing the hater's hate since beta.


With a lot of new player's joining warzones, I imagine that there's going to be an entirely new base of people to complain about operatives and such things! Fun times.


Seriously though, stunlocking is hard when you only have one stun. Rootlocking though? (If... that's a thing now?) Operatives can do very well, if you're not whitebared.


the fact remains that DPS Scoundrel/Operatives are OP in their current form.


And yes, as someone else mentioned, they were OP at launch then they got nerfed and remained non-OP for a loooong time, but that's not an excuse for Bioware to just make them OP and leave them like that until they nerf them to the ground again.


They should be aiming for balance, not making classes OP for a certain amount of time so that everyone feels Fotm for a while.


They aren't OP in truth, if you want some good proof of that? Check out the ranked leaderboards for starter's, one clas that can stunlock you is a sin, or a powertech since they do have multiple hard stun's.


By most people, opper's are ballenced, they hurt bad in a team situation or a brawl, but are the best/one of the best in a 1v1 currently. They're strong, but not overpowered.

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Comments in red, l2p.

Also, Maul, VS? Deception Sin complaining about Ops? :rolleyes:


comments in red are oversimplification. If stun is over it doesn't mean that they can't continue stabbing you.

cooldown on hard stun is 30 seconds, less with alacrity. So kite around the pole for 30 seconds then hard stun again - no biggie. Or better yet - flashbang, repeat the opener, hard stun, finish off.

We all know operatives are OP, you don't have to try and say otherwise. Unless you can beat an average operative 1v1 on any class other than operative, please don't tell people to l2p.

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comments in red are oversimplification. If stun is over it doesn't mean that they can't continue stabbing you.

cooldown on hard stun is 30 seconds, less with alacrity. So kite around the pole for 30 seconds then hard stun again - no biggie. Or better yet - flashbang, repeat the opener, hard stun, finish off.

We all know operatives are OP, you don't have to try and say otherwise. Unless you can beat an average operative 1v1 on any class other than operative, please don't tell people to l2p.


Yeah and if they run around kiting you, they don't stab you. If they flashbang you, you're full on resolve and can break safely. If you don't use dcd's after the first stun wore of, it's all but your fault.

Average ops are a non issue for almost all classes. It's the really good ones that are a pain in the ***.

And as has been said by the post above yours, ops are not OP. Look at the leaderboards. Try playing an operative yourself. They're good at one thing only, which is 1vs1. Hardly makes them OP. It only makes them king of 1vs1.


And btw, my mains a guardian, just saying ;)

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Yeah and if they run around kiting you, they don't stab you. If they flashbang you, you're full on resolve and can break safely. If you don't use dcd's after the first stun wore of, it's all but your fault.

Average ops are a non issue for almost all classes. It's the really good ones that are a pain in the ***.

And as has been said by the post above yours, ops are not OP. Look at the leaderboards. Try playing an operative yourself. They're good at one thing only, which is 1vs1. Hardly makes them OP. It only makes them king of 1vs1.


And btw, my mains a guardian, just saying ;)


If your class dont have self heals, kiting around plays on operatives hand, because they heal up during that time. After half a minute your resolve will be at 0, actually it will be at 0 10-12 seconds after first white bar - which is the opener. Meaning they can root you (twice with proper utility). And opener does around 15-30 k damage depending on crits which happen quite frequently. So assuming you broke hard stun on the opener, you won't have your break by then and won't be able to break a flashbang.

Operative with support, i.e. tank and heals, meaning they don't have to roll away can do insane amounts of damage.

I don't know what you mean by average, but I assume average player knows where their key binds are and can react to situation appropriately. But just the tool set of the operative makes them very effective at shutting down their opponent and bursting them down before they can do much of anything.


And guardians are the easiest to kill on operative.

Edited by power-alex
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