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NPCs movement is not fluid


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Hi everyone,


I'm starting this topic to see if it's just on my computer or if more people is having the same issue.

The issue:

The way that the npc's are moving is not fluid, it is laggy and weird it is almost like the neon banners on Nar-Shaddaa's cantinas.

I've tryed even the lowest graphic settings but the issue continued.


Hope to see it fixed,

Thanks for the attention.

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Confirming. My framerate is fine (improved from how it was before the patch, as expected) and my toon and companions' movements are fluid, but other characters are jerky unless I am up very close to them. I have observed this with other players as well as NPCs. This seems to be more of an issue the more characters are in the frame.


Really hoping this is not an intentional "optimization", because it's very distracting.

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Tried turning off anti aliasing in the game?


I'm having FPs issues at my current resolution ( 1440P ) and with aliasing turned up above medium but when I turned it down to 1080p with anti aliasing I got better FPS but had this jittery/laggy npc's and just movement in general.


Turning off anti aliasing fixed all this.

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Turning anti-aliasing all the way off helps with the stiff movement issue for me (with very little actual change in framerate), but I was getting on just fine with no issues with Medium anti-aliasing before the patch. Would be a shame and also kind of pointless if the supposed improvements knocked people down to lower graphics settings than they'd been able to use previously. Edited by kmdanger
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This probably is'nt a bug, similar changes were part of earlier performance adjustments where they reduced the quality of animations on NPC's at greater distances.


One place it was particularly noticeable was when your entered Styraks room in SnV his actions while he was pacing were incredibly jerky unless you targeted him at which point they smoothed out.


It seems as part of this performance pass they decided to be a bit more liberal with how this NPC animation quality throttling is applied.


Perhaps a slider for those of us who prioritise quality over raw framerate is in order.

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If it is in fact "working as intended", they need to seriously reconsider it, or at least give us options for it. It looks awful on a computer that's had no trouble before. I'd rather have fluid movement from an character I'm standing within five meters of than that extra 5FPS; it's very distracting when everyone directly around me is doing the Robot.
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This probably is'nt a bug, similar changes were part of earlier performance adjustments where they reduced the quality of animations on NPC's at greater distances.


One place it was particularly noticeable was when your entered Styraks room in SnV his actions while he was pacing were incredibly jerky unless you targeted him at which point they smoothed out.


It seems as part of this performance pass they decided to be a bit more liberal with how this NPC animation quality throttling is applied.


Perhaps a slider for those of us who prioritise quality over raw framerate is in order.


Do they think we're all blind, that no one would notice how bad this and the LOS popping looks? I can't believe they're that foolish to think that the entire community would accept these reductions in quality for minor improvements in frame rate.


I'm sure removing the particle effects, animations, and complex meshes altogether would improve performance even more, why stop there?


The way they applied the animation downgrades before was fine because it only affected characters that were relatively far away from you, so while it was noticeable it was also excusable. Applying it to characters that are in my face is not.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Do they think we're all blind, that no one would notice how bad this and the LOS popping looks? I can't believe they're that foolish to think that the entire community would accept these reductions in quality for minor improvements in frame rate.


I'm sure removing the particle effects, animations, and complex meshes altogether would improve performance even more, why stop there?


Agree. I want an option to disable all these 3.3.2 optimizations. :(

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Actually, this is nothing I would call "optimization".


What happened?


- NPCs movement is no longer fluid

- decorations and even NPCs with animations are awkward to look at from more then 10 steps away


That all to bring us:


- higher FPS --> yeah, well, I could have increased my FPS by just playing on lowest settings, thanks!

- shorter load times --> as above. Thank you very much!


It now looks as if you tried to make SWTOR runable ob a singlecore WinXP Clients.

That would be ok, if the rest of us could just play the game as we were used to!

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the npc animations framerate being so low is uglyier then an ustable fps. 30 fps in HM fps yet all the monster/npc look like there doing 10 fps.


I mean really did they think drop the npc animation framerate was good idea on how to fix the engine ....

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I have seen a few mobs doing a sort of hilarious backward shuffle, now that you mention it. Like their movement has been so oversimplified that they can't even turn around. Let the poor things go, guys. Give them their movement back. They want to be free.
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I have seen a few mobs doing a sort of hilarious backward shuffle, now that you mention it. Like their movement has been so oversimplified that they can't even turn around. Let the poor things go, guys. Give them their movement back. They want to be free.


Was on Belsavis yesterday and noticed many of the roaming npc's doing the moonwalk: slow backwards walk barely lifting their feet of the ground. Was very funny and yet very sad.


Also, was running a Karagga's Palace nightmare mode earlier and couldn't believe it when fighting the Foreman Crusher. At several points during the fight a group of adds run out. Generally a group of 10 npc's come from the edge of the area and run towards the fight. Instead of 10 guys running at me, what I saw was 10 guys arranged in a perfect mathematical pattern that never changed, floating in the air towards us and every so often moving between two animation poses, one with the left arm up, one with the right arm up. Like they took all the frames of the running animation, picked 2, discarded everything else and just floated the characters towards us with those two animations.


It looked SO ugly. I've always run SWTOR on max graphical settings, and this is like they forced me to lower settings to low.

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Was gonna make a thread on this. But I see that others have had the same issue. My guild member as well as myself are having this same issue. We all made adjustments to see if we could fix it. To no avail did it change. Also when i travel between two taxis and the length of travel is longer than normal I start to experience same drop in FPS. I run this game at max before so it is not my PC. And I never had these issues before. And reducing or turning off things does not rectify said issues. ( Game is great not gonna leave or this just thought I would share as well)
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