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is KOTFE the next NGE?


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I think people are over reacting tbh, but I was there when Star Wars Galaxies NGE (new game enhancement) was released. People left in droves, my whole guild quit literally overnight, and I soon followed. People's reactions to unofficial news has started to reminisce the times before NGE was about to launch. I'm worried some people want change, and other people just can't handle change. Will those people eventually leave and bring the end to swtor, or will they leave and bring a brighter future for swtor? People are stuck in their old ways, and I am somewhat optimistic and hopeful KOTFE will turn out great.


My thoughts on it.


#1 nobody likes to completely face roll content, at least I don't. I'm happy all the old content is being scaled up to appropriate difficulty.


#2 Gearing companions was always a pain, and once you got your 192 gear for your companion you couldn't really change the look of your companions.


#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


#4 I want new exciting story, and I want it updated more often like they plan on doing. I want new ops and fps but I know that will eventually come and I'm okay with replaying old content that is actually a challenge now.


#5 Regrinding for new gear is fine, lets face it, it gives us something to do, and some kind of reward for doing it. That is how mmo's work. Who would keep playing a mmo if they are no longer progressing in anything?


#6 Crafting will be fine, it will make it more accessible to casual players and other players alike.


#7 Companions being able to do any role is a good because that means you can use your favorite companion to be by your side, but then again it makes it so you don't want to use/have to use other companions for different roles and create some variety.


:To be continued.

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Will this be the end of SWTOR?


No, of course not... but it will change it into something else... Is that good or bad? I can't say, time will tell...


I will say that the inability to explore the existing planets as I wish means I likely won't ever return to them. I've helped many people with missions in the past, but that ends with 4.0, I'm not taking my lvl 65 toon to Taris to have her gimped into nothing. That isn't fun.


The SM FP being scaled to 10-65 is fine, more people will do them while leveling, or they won't. I suspect they will continue to be run end game more than while leveling, but we shall see.


What may happen is a lot of older players may leave and some newer players will come in to replace them. It helps that the game has a F2P option, so people can try it without cost, that will help keep new players coming in. That is one big change over SWG.

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#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


:To be continued.


Swtor gives great singleplayer experience which lasts for years. Experience continues thru the years, it doesnt stop like in true singleplayer games where you loose you character and need to go from scratch with every new game.

For that reason alone, MMO is better for solo players than any singleplayer game around.


So no, I wont be going anywhere else, this is better experience. All I need from MMO part is GTN, nothing else.

Dont need social part - my social needs are met in real life, not with internet strangers of which many taking advantage of anonimity.

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I will say that the inability to explore the existing planets as I wish means I likely won't ever return to them. I've helped many people with missions in the past, but that ends with 4.0, I'm not taking my lvl 65 toon to Taris to have her gimped into nothing. That isn't fun.


Why is that? I guess i've missed something.

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Will this be the end of SWTOR?


No, of course not... but it will change it into something else... Is that good or bad? I can't say, time will tell...


I think that's a very fair statement.


I will say that the inability to explore the existing planets as I wish means I likely won't ever return to them. I've helped many people with missions in the past, but that ends with 4.0, I'm not taking my lvl 65 toon to Taris to have her gimped into nothing. That isn't fun.


I'm not convinced. They have a similar system in GW2 and there, even scaled down, you are definitely more powerful still than people who are of that level. You see the bolster system does a multiplier and in this case would be a multiplier with a fraction to bolster you down...but higher level gear has more stats on it and at max level people have purple gear which also gives you a benefit over your friends who are lower level.


So if I had a level 65 Inquisitor in purple gear and I go play with a friend who is level 21 on Nar Shaddaa, I would be downscaled (as I understand it now) to a level 24 in purple gear with more stats. I would still be very much more powerful than my level 21 friend...even if he was level 24.


Also don't forget that even though leveling will be more streamlined, it won't be 12x XP anymore so overleveling will be less common. What I mean is that the chances of your friend being level 25 before getting to Nar Shaddaa will be greatly reduced.


People like to jump to conclusions and we are wired to suspect the worst, but having played games where this happens, it's really not such a bad thing. Also because with it, playing on lower level planets, which will still be easier for you, you will get rewards that fit your level rather than useless rewards.


All in all it will turn the entire game into endgame.

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So if I had a level 65 Inquisitor in purple gear and I go play with a friend who is level 21 on Nar Shaddaa, I would be downscaled (as I understand it now) to a level 24 in purple gear with more stats. I would still be very much more powerful than my level 21 friend...even if he was level 24..


And the Nar Shaddaa bonus series will be scaled down from 30 to 24? Alderaan from 40 to 30? Belsavis from 50 to 44?


Unless it's on the other site (you know, the one ran by the people who built that completely legal time machine that allows them to send 4.0 information back to our age) I think this is just people playing chinese whispers.


Of course Bioware is to blame for all this scaremongering, they rather spoil old and new story than tell us about elementary mechanical changes.

Edited by Mubrak
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And the Nar Shaddaa bonus series will be scaled down from 30 to 24? Alderaan from 40 to 30? Belsavis from 50 to 44?


Unless it's on the other site (you know, the one ran by the people who built that completely a legal time machine that allows them to send 4.0 information back to our age) I think this is just people playing chinese whispers.


Of course Bioware is to blame for all this scaremongering, they rather spoil and new story than tell us about elementary mechanical changes.


I have visited that other site that shall not be named and provided any of what one might see there is true, it would make sense yes that bonus series are redone level wise, if they are even still there, but how many people actually do the Alderaan bonus series for example? How many people know it's even there? So I wouldn't be surprised if some would disappear entirely, but for those that stay, if this down bolster happens, it would make sense to adjust them to the appropriate level of the planet.

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You took the time to lay down your opinion, I feel I should do the same.


1) I do. I like to faceroll content now and then. I never play for challenge but for fun. Sometimes, I switch screens to take some notes for my book, sometimes I'm speaking to someone via text message while playing... All these things I can't do anymore with downscaling since it means every enemy now has a fair chance of defeating me. It also means Daily areas will be a lot less interesting to play since place like Oricon will once again become rather hard.


2) Agreed on this, I never liked gearing my comps. And with the companion role switch coming, I can't even imagine how gearing would have worked.


3) MMO =/= Forced Group Content. MMO is having the choice whether you want to group or not, by playing content on level or waiting to overlevel it if you want to experience it alone. Downscaling takes away options instead of adding them and any well-thinking person knows that less options is inferior to more options. If you want to group up, please do so and don't tell me how I should be playing. It's not your right nor your role.


4) I too want new story, not recycled heroics and planetary sidequests as filler if it's not justified (Since most of these quests take place during the Cold War/Second Galactic Civil War, the suspension of disbelief is going to be stretched to the breaking point.)


5) Agreed here too. That's how expansions work.


6) Never cared much for crafting, won't comment.


7) Agreed, I'll finally be able use some companions who have been roting away in my ship ever since they joined up.

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I am somewhat optimistic and hopeful KOTFE will turn out great.


Yeah I think so too, I am sure the story in the expansion will be awesome :tran_smile:


I also look foward to do the old OPS and FPs with a new difficulty, even if it is old content it will be fun with a challenge.

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#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


Right, you the minority want us the majority to go elsewhere and do something else? Yet somewhere you think you'll still have a game to play in the future right?


Just so, luckily enough, you will have a plethora of group content to do at elder game now. 9 operations in fact plus all those flashpoints, kinda spoiled for group content really.


Oh you wanted NEW group content? Well you should have read the blog 2 months ago and participated in the topics back then ( funnily enough they keep going, you know that though because you're part of them posting the same tired point of view ) and realized this particular expansion is dedicated towards story and fixing the rather archaic way that operations/flashpoints are presented to the community as a whole.


So I see this thread as either blatant trolling or just the usual click bait we see from time to time when people want to repeat a topic that gets frequent debate ( even if it is just repeated from other topics ).

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How is 4.0 an NGE, they aren't redoing every aspect of the game like Swg did. It's just an expac tbh


Well, it's looking like there are far more changes in store for existing players than BioWare are mentioning. They're probably leaving it as late as possible to gobble up as much sub money as they can get, because they know the changes will not be well received in some areas of the game.

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#1 You may wanna change this to SOME people don't like to face roll content. Sure, I don't want things TOO easy, but if I have to bring all my friends and relatives to help me take out one silver cause 'oh we don't wanna face roll!' then yeah, no. That's TOO hard. I'm all for a challenge, but there's a big damn difference between challenging and impossible. It's why I stopped trying HM Rav and HM Tos. The 'challenge' wasn't worth my time and effort.


#2 I never ever had problems gearing my companions. In fact, I found it quite nice to have companions way WAY more powerful then the next goober's companions. But I do agree, this change won't really be too much of a bother.


#3 I'm sorry but there's a BIG *********** DIFFERENCE between GROUP content that is there if you want to take advantage of it, and FORCED GROUP content. I don't mind grouping with people for raids or some harder flashpoints, but I'll be damned if I'm going to wind up in another *********** game like Everquest 1 where just to get from level 10 to level 11 I had to have a group unless I played a kiting class. You want groups for everything cause you don't have a social life outside the game, that's fine, but not all of us have the time to sit there looking for groups, having to share everything with groups, or want to wait on other people. I leveled 22 characters to 60 all by myself. I just skipped things and went back to them either when I helped my husband who wanted to do those at level or I was bored. Please don't force your views and wants on others who neither like playing with other people 24/7 nor has time to wait on other people who more often than not either doesn't know the game's etiquette or they just SUCK.


#4 Agree.


#5 I play for a very large range of reasons.


#6 I only ever crafted for myself.


#7 I'm fine with the companion role changes. I'm keeping my companions as is, but it's an RP reason for that.

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NGE was a horribly built theme park so it wasn't a good new experience and it took away most everything the previous fans liked. That is the worst of both worlds.


Here, we're simply adding additional stuff and taking nothing away. We're going to convert operations that currently any 6 random people on the fleet can do in nightmare mode without any trouble and make them relevant again. Dozens of relevant flashpoints and a brand new solo storyline. This is a massive addition of content and a great boost of life into a 4 year old game.

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Do not f up with your old customers.... is not the #1 rule for Bioware MMO devs. :p


The only customer they are potentially messing with is the casual ops runner who got used to 6 manning 16 man nightmare modes. Now, they still have their content, but it will be story mode of the 9 on-level operations. That's a lot of relevant content.

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Oh, look, heres this subject again... Here, i will copy paste what i post every time it rears its ugly head....


For the everloving love of god this is in no way shape or form even close to the $^^/#/^^ NGE.


Until I log in and find out they removed 3/4 the classes and make me turn my characters into whatever remains so they can be more "Iconic" i will laugh with great derision at anyone who starts claiming NGE.


Or maybe i need to explain better. Here goes:


Until you log in and they tell you they got rid of troopers and agents, and you have to make your character a no advanced class knight or warrior so they can be " more iconic" please just shut up about being NGEd.

Your classes will still there. They wont change it from 16 advanced classes to 4 non advanced classes.


I was a Master Creature Handler/Master Swords in pre-NGE SWG, so I find all this "They are NGEing us waaaaaaaa" nothing but facepalm worthy.


JGDC, yes things are being tweaked, but not NGEd.

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I think people are over reacting tbh, but I was there when Star Wars Galaxies NGE (new game enhancement) was released. People left in droves, my whole guild quit literally overnight, and I soon followed. People's reactions to unofficial news has started to reminisce the times before NGE was about to launch. I'm worried some people want change, and other people just can't handle change. Will those people eventually leave and bring the end to swtor, or will they leave and bring a brighter future for swtor? People are stuck in their old ways, and I am somewhat optimistic and hopeful KOTFE will turn out great.


My thoughts on it.


#1 nobody likes to completely face roll content, at least I don't. I'm happy all the old content is being scaled up to appropriate difficulty.


#2 Gearing companions was always a pain, and once you got your 192 gear for your companion you couldn't really change the look of your companions.


#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


#4 I want new exciting story, and I want it updated more often like they plan on doing. I want new ops and fps but I know that will eventually come and I'm okay with replaying old content that is actually a challenge now.


#5 Regrinding for new gear is fine, lets face it, it gives us something to do, and some kind of reward for doing it. That is how mmo's work. Who would keep playing a mmo if they are no longer progressing in anything?


#6 Crafting will be fine, it will make it more accessible to casual players and other players alike.


#7 Companions being able to do any role is a good because that means you can use your favorite companion to be by your side, but then again it makes it so you don't want to use/have to use other companions for different roles and create some variety.


:To be continued.



#1 I do like to faceroll content. I would HATE it if old content was scaled up (or rather, we were scaled down to IT).


#2 Agreed


#3 First of all, I don't need to do anything, that's not up to you, thank you very much. People play games for different reasons. My main reason for this game: story. I don't want to group up because it's a hassle.


#4 I also want exciting new stories. Yay. I couldn't care less for new ops. I don't want to be challenged by old content. It would make me not do old content (including dailies). That in turn would not make it worth it to sub. Byebye income for Bioware.


#5 Sure, no problem with me, but if this would include me having to do dailies and such to grind for currency to buy that new gear, then no. Not happening. Earning it while you play the new content, sure, all fine.


#6 Don't care one bit about crafting, so sure, whatever.


#7 Agreed.

Edited by Tahra
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I think that's a very fair statement.




I'm not convinced. They have a similar system in GW2 and there, even scaled down, you are definitely more powerful still than people who are of that level. You see the bolster system does a multiplier and in this case would be a multiplier with a fraction to bolster you down...but higher level gear has more stats on it and at max level people have purple gear which also gives you a benefit over your friends who are lower level.


So if I had a level 65 Inquisitor in purple gear and I go play with a friend who is level 21 on Nar Shaddaa, I would be downscaled (as I understand it now) to a level 24 in purple gear with more stats. I would still be very much more powerful than my level 21 friend...even if he was level 24.


Also don't forget that even though leveling will be more streamlined, it won't be 12x XP anymore so overleveling will be less common. What I mean is that the chances of your friend being level 25 before getting to Nar Shaddaa will be greatly reduced.


People like to jump to conclusions and we are wired to suspect the worst, but having played games where this happens, it's really not such a bad thing. Also because with it, playing on lower level planets, which will still be easier for you, you will get rewards that fit your level rather than useless rewards.


All in all it will turn the entire game into endgame.


BTW if the leaks are true, your are only scaled down to 2 levels ABOVE the planet's max level.

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Here, we're simply adding additional stuff and taking nothing away. We're going to convert operations that currently any 6 random people on the fleet can do in nightmare mode without any trouble and make them relevant again. *snip* This is a massive addition of content and a great boost of life into a 4 year old game.


No, it's old content. I don't care if they change the rewards, it's still old content that I've run countless times - it's irrelevant.

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No, it's old content. I don't care if they change the rewards, it's still old content that I've run countless times - it's irrelevant.


Oh, this argument again. If you're not in a top 1% of the world guild, then no you haven't mastered the content. You may have mastered your level (SM, HM) but only a tiny handful ever got NiM while it was on the current gear level.


If you don't care about the challenge modes (HM, NiM) then you are still in a much better spot in 4.0 than you are today. The groupfinder will rotate SM through 9 different operations. We've never had that much variety at one time.


If you say this old content is irrelevant to you in 4.0, then it's also irrelevant to you today. If you're "done" with these 9 ops now, then you're in the same position today as you will be in October so even in the most pessimistic viewpoint this is a neutral date to you. But for some people like me, I'm excited for the variety. And yes, I've been doing operations since launch.

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