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Mercs getting a well-deserved nerf! ;(


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Commandos gone wow hunter


Anyone saying this new ability is worthless need to go watch a few wow hunter vids of them using disengage.


Rocket out or what ever it's called will be a welcomed addition to my commandos hotbar


Concussive blast > Electro net > disengage > dead melee

Edited by denpic
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It's like you don't even play this game. Certainly never a merc.


I think it looks like he's assuming mercs get all the possible heroic utilities. mercs will almost definitely need the stun DR. and smoke screen is huge. if you only get 2 heroics (that's what's been said but I don't know), then you cannot channel on the move.


of greater concern is that HO cannot be paired with rocket boost. so you can be pulled as well as incapacitated and snared.


I think the most obvious loss here with a longer HO is the snare and root break. that was really the one thing that mercs had over the other ranged: the ability to break and remain immune to roots and snares for a reasonably long time. again, iunno what else is changing with the class, but that looks like a HUGE hit to the AC if nothing else is inserted to compensate. smoke screen doesn't sound like it will fit the bill but...iunno. I'm hoping at least PTs will be more balanced in 4.0 so at least one of the classes I play will be competitive w/o feeling broken.

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HTL/Hydraulics is a badly designed cooldown anyway. Cooldowns that both cleanse and immunize against things for a considerable duration of time are bad for the meta. Switching some of merc's escape power to the new ability and utilities is a step in the right direction. I wonder if it's on the gcd.
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the dude who started this thread isn't a merc player. he may have one in a closet someplace.


Three actually, two Commandos and one Merc. One of each spec. All level 60.


(I have one of each spec at 60 on every class except Sniper/GS [one more to go there!] - almost all leveled extensively in PvP. I don't claim to be an expert in them, but I know most of the classes pretty well.)


I think you have to consider the fact that EVERY AC is getting some sort of mobility buff, and frankly, many classes with their current closing and anti-cc abils could still keep up with a mando doing things with this 4.0 talent. so yes. I do think it's a nerf relative to the power creep of level 65 abilities. but...w/e. at least the "jet pack" thing is a reasonable lore related abil that ppl have been clamoring for since launch on BHs.


Not complaining about the new ability. But the nerf isn't necessary for Mercs/Commandos. Their HtL is significantly weaker than VG/PTs who have Sonic mode.

Edited by Master-Nala
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4.0 needs an open beta at least just for the new moves block off the story stuff if they have to.


This is so true... And should be done with any major change to class abilities...


Remember only a few months ago when they were going to make those changes and we all said it wouldn't work in pvp... We got the Devs to actually listen for once and organise proper PTS testing before it went live... Once they realised what we're saying was correct... They reversed the ideas...

This should have been done prior to 3.0 changes... But 4.0 changes seem to be even more extreme... This should definitely be beta tested on the PTS and actually promoted by the Devs, encouraging the community to get involved... It's too late now... They've done most of the coding and are just trying to fix any bugs they notice...

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Right. Now think.


You jump back 20m, now what do you do? You're not going anywhere because you're slowed or rooted.


Think about it some more.


Edit: Also think about the placement in our utilities - not having damage reduction while stunned is pretty stupid in PvP.

At least you dont have movement immunities attached to your main defensive cooldowns, like sentinel/guardian xD ppl can just "oh he popped his DCD, we can't slow him but we can still outrun him!" xD Worst case is the juggernaut ofc, no one wants to stay and give them attention, poor felas, they are so damm slow and will have 2 movement immunity skills attached to defensive CDS in 4.0

Want to take less damage? pop a Cd! but you won't be able to follow your target, while he kills your mates/heal your enemies.

Want to follow your target? pop a Cd! but you won't be able to defend yourself if they focus you! LMAO

Also knight/warior new dash has a 45 SEC CD (can i has 20 secs too please? wanna trade?) that DOESN'T BREAK ROOT/SLOW UNLESS WE WASTE A HEROIC UTILITY. :D:D:D

Edited by James_Mcturney
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At least you dont have movement immunities attached to your main defensive cooldowns, like sentinel/guardian xD ppl can just "oh he popped his DCD, we can't slow him but we can still outrun him!" xD Worst case is the juggernaut ofc, no one wants to stay and give them attention, poor felas, they are so damm slow and will have 2 movement immunity skills attached to defensive CDS in 4.0

Want to take less damage? pop a Cd! but you won't be able to follow your target, while he kills your mates/heal your enemies.

Want to follow your target? pop a Cd! but you won't be able to defend yourself if they focus you! LMAO

Also knight/warior new dash has a 45 SEC CD (can i has 20 secs too please? wanna trade?) that DOESN'T BREAK ROOT/SLOW UNLESS WE WASTE A HEROIC UTILITY. :D:D:D


Meanwhile, PTs and Vanguards are getting a leap of their own. But hey, they're increasing the CD on HO by fifteen seconds so it balances out, right? Except they also buffed the utility that lowers the CD on it so they can still use it every 35 seconds -- actually, 25 seconds since their HO lasts 10 seconds.


Mad Dash had better hit like a truck. Of course, even if it did, why would you ever pick Juggernaut over Marauder? Better immunities, better mobility, and even their survivability isn't that much worse than a Jugg.

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These changes....

:rak_02: The level of stupidity is over 9000.... :rolleyes:


ok, what i am watching here is ridicolous, pt changes are too .... ehm, better than mercs one.


I mean, now they have troll the line, grapple 30/40meters + leap as baseline, clearly bioware wants you to bnot be able to escape a powertech from killing you :p

BTW dot on cell burst FTW !!!

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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HTL/Hydraulics is a badly designed cooldown anyway. Cooldowns that both cleanse and immunize against things for a considerable duration of time are bad for the meta. Switching some of merc's escape power to the new ability and utilities is a step in the right direction. I wonder if it's on the gcd.


it depends on what you're cleansing. frankly, cleansing a snare/root is minor. cleansing away a stun or purging dots is something else entirely (compare to sin deflection utility). I know that's not exactly the point that you were focusing on, but I think it supersedes the blanket issue of being both a break and an immunity.

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No, you think about it for a minute. You have as much range as a sorc. You get a twenty meter disengage, plus HO, plus Unload on the move. If that doesn't seem like an improvement to you, then you need to think about it some more.


Now I know you're talking trash, Sorc have 35m range..... now think about Merc range :rolleyes:

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Its a strictly PvE nerf that was needed, as HO was allowing to ignore various mechanics, and making bhs/troopsers tier above other classes.


I'm not familiar with PvE... But all these new mobility buffs (teleports, dashes, etc) and "good" old skills (predation, force speed with utility)... they do not work in PvE? :confused:

Edited by Glower
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I'm not familiar with PvE... But all these new mobility buffs (teleports, dashes, etc) and "good" old skills (predation, force speed with utility)... they do not work in PvE? :confused:


All work but HO/shroud/entrench is used to prevent being knocked/pulled and with short cooldowns bhs/troopers could use it very often, leading to more uptime compare to other classes.

Edited by Arunas
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All work but HO/shroud/entrench is used to prevent being knocked/pulled and with short cooldowns bhs/troopers could use it very often, leading to more uptime compare to other classes.


A PvE only self-debuff (similar to Static barrer but PvE only) could help... :(

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So, out of curiosity, what nerf are sorcs/sages getting for their new phasewalk?


Oh, wait, they're getting bubble on the move.


So a class with already more mobility than a merc/mando, and far better off heals, is getting two abilities that increase mobility while mercs/mandos are getting 1 and a nerf. Awesome.

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Are you drunk??? Did you not read about your new ablitiy "rocket out" which is only on a 20 second CD??? You think your nerfed??? This is why no body likes mercs, they complain about everything


THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ omg. This.




plus with the talent its a 5 sec change. nevermind the cannot be leapt to for 4 seconds ( SO LEGIT ) and the disengage. Yall mercs need to be grateful.

Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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