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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Listen to the hardcore players.


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Think about it, if the 1% leave then so does the 1% that looked up too and emulated them, then the 1% below that and so on.


If you do not see this then you are either a fanboy (these will stay if others leave) or a bioware drone.


I agree fanboys will stay, but they are not in number enough to float this game.


worst logic i have ever seen.


so the top 1% leave because the game was easy. the 1% below them now become the top 1%. and they leave because why?

the first 1% leaving somehow enabled them to beat content they previously could not? enabled them to get gear they previously could not?

enabled them to get mounts they previously could not?


the answer is clearly no. to all of those. so the only reason the NEW top 1% would quit would be because they STILL could not get those things, meaning the game is infact too hard, since only 1% of players where able to down the content, get the loot, and earn the mounts.


when ppl stop worrying about what others are doing with their playtime and start focusing on enjoying the game for themselves, things will be better.


when players stop pretending they are some kind of mmo genius who could revolutionize the genre with his amazing knowledge of how to run a successful mmo, things will get better.


the difficulty of this gime is 100% relative to YOUR OWN ABILITY. saying this game is easy because some pro's downed bosses fast is like saying golf is too easy for me cos tiger woods is good at it.

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Just no, Blizzard listens to its hardcore.


It creates content for its hardcore to beat. The content then trickles down the foodchain, mostly nerfed but availible to all.


It works.


Lol, Hayekian game design theory? Almost as much of a crock as its RL economic equivalent.


Unless your entire game is designed around them(see: EvE Online), catering to hardcore players is a death sentence - you're* like locusts, buzzing through content without actually experiencing any of it desperate to say "first!", and then you're* straight back to whining on the forums that there's nothing to do, threatening to quit and, when the devs ignore you*, drifting aimlessly on to the next game to repeat the cycle.


* - in all cases meant in a general, nonsepecific sense, not directed at any particular poster, etc etc etc ad nauseam ad infinitium.

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Think about it, if the 1% leave then so does the 1% that looked up too and emulated them, then the 1% below that and so on.


If you do not see this then you are either a fanboy (these will stay if others leave) or a bioware drone.


I agree fanboys will stay, but they are not in number enough to float this game.


This is Star Wars and a BioWare game. It has enough fans to conquer the world!


And the only ones who really care about the "1%" of "hardcore players" that are "achievers, because they are really good at it" are the hardcore wanna-be section of the population, mostly made up of 12-year olds who can't really pay for the game by themselves and will stick to it as long as their parents pay for it anyway, the rest of that group are the sad, sad people who need to feel like they are better than others because they managed to get carried and got gear.


So, yeah, without the "1%", we'll just have a smaller population of 12-year olds and older people who act like they are 12-year old. I'm in for that.

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Actually, if you cater to the 99% (which SW:TOR has so far, making everything stupidly simple) you alienate the 1%, who are the most vocal, and are the people the average MMO player tries to be. When I'm with some guildies in the Fleet and we whip out our Purple sabers in our epics right now, people start asking us how, where, how long did it take, etc. They want to be like us. If we aren't there... they won't know half these things, nor see it and want it. Someone has to get the carrot on the end of the stick to make the rest of the people keep running the treadmill in the attempt to get that carrot.


If you like being a sheep and follow people who is better and playing games than you, then so be it. But dont try to tell us that the 99% of the player will leave the game if hardcore gamers does.


That is just wrong in so many levels. Either you need to see a psycologist or stop playing games for a while, because you clearly are trying to acomplish some voids in your real life with your epeen.

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Just no, Blizzard listens to its hardcore.


It creates content for its hardcore to beat. The content then trickles down the foodchain, mostly nerfed but availible to all.


It works.


You clearly have not been plaing the same WoW as the rest of us, or are clearly not as hardcore as you think you are.


Blizzard listens to it's paying majority playerbase... the CASUAL gamer. Hence the additions of LFD tools, dual specs, transmogrification, insta teleport to dungeons, cross server dungeon tools, cross server battlegrounds, complete nerf to all content and soon to arrive LFR tools. All screams CASUAL player. Might I add PANDAS, so you the self-proclaimed HARDCORE player wanted that expac?:eek:

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Lol, you couldn't be more wrong. The reason WOW is the most successful MMO to date is because they copied then dumbed down a hardcore game like EQ so it would appeal to the much larger casual audience.


I know hardcore players think they're L33t but the reality is it's much more financially beneficial for a company not to cater to a small minority of players. And make no mistake you ARE a small minority.


And seriously dude, no one beyond their teen years cares about your mounts or titles. I can't even believe you wrote that.


It is you that is wrong.


WoW caters to the hardcore, if you think casual players down the top end bosses first you are delusional.


WoW at the very top is HARD, I downed C'thun in Vanilla, server first for my zone, it was possibly the hardest thing I have ever done in a computer game, not only was it a 40 man raid but took weeks of practice.


I know endgame in WoW is STILL hard, sure they nerf the content so players further down the chain can do it but this is my point.


KEEP the highest achievers challenged and interested. Or watch them leave and slowly but surely all the others until you are just left with the diehard fans of starwars the franchise.

Edited by Scan
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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


the problem with your logic is that the hardcore are a minority of players and not who this game was designed for at all.

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I'd like to suggest that there's a possibility MMO's in general would improve if developers NEVER listened to "hardcore" players and they all left.


There, now you have another opinion to add to the mix. I could make up some numbers to support it but I just don't have time right now.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


Silly, but you're correct.


People will come in droves if a famous gamer like "Swifty" or "Athene" plays it. Look at their server, it's full and they aren't really well known yet.

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It is you that is wrong.


WoW caters to the hardcore, if you think casual players down the top end bosses first you are delusional.


WoW at the very top is HARD, I downed C'thun in Vanilla, server first for my zone, it was possibly the hardest thing I have ever done in a computer game, not only was it a 40 man raid but took weeks of practice.


I know endgame in WoW is STILL hard, sure they nerf the content so players further down the chain can do it but this is my point.


KEEP the highest achievers challenged and interested. Or watch them leave and slowly but surely all the others until you are just left with the diehard fans of starwars the franchise.


C'thun was vanilla WoW, 7 years ago.. You cant possibly say that WoW as it is now caters to hardcore players because even the Pandas are laughing at you right now.


p.d. man, stop dreaming of videgame achievements from 7 years ago.

Edited by luchiferchuga
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C'thun was vanilla WoW, 7 years ago.. You cant possibly say that WoW as it is now caters to hardcore players because even the Pandas are laughing at you right now.


p.d. man, stop dreaming of videgame achievements from 7 years ago.

Ney, commercial trick, keep Chinese player base. Blizz been hammered very hard due devs laziness. Swtor from right and GW2 from left.

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WoW used to cater to the hardcore, there used to be the small percentage of guilds that would down a raid you could only dream of even fighting never less actually beating.


But if you think that's still the way it is you are mistaken, my little sister has beaten the latest endgame raid and she's no hardcore raider.

Edited by Fyuria
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It is you that is wrong.


WoW caters to the hardcore, if you think casual players down the top end bosses first you are delusional.


WoW at the very top is HARD, I downed C'thun in Vanilla, server first for my zone, it was possibly the hardest thing I have ever done in a computer game, not only was it a 40 man raid but took weeks of practice.


I know endgame in WoW is STILL hard, sure they nerf the content so players further down the chain can do it but this is my point.


KEEP the highest achievers challenged and interested. Or watch them leave and slowly but surely all the others until you are just left with the diehard fans of starwars the franchise.


epeen alert. This thread is soo full of fail. I agree with the last guy that its the kids who look up with envy and wish to be like you. The majority of the subscriber base is the casual, work your butt off during the week with a job/family to relax in front of the computer crowd so if you soley cater to the hardcore then all that will be left is that 1% and you lose the rest; It is a balancing act for game developers to try to keep all levels/degrees of players happy and content. It must be nice to live in your grandmas basement with no job and get to play for 23 hours in the day with zero responsibilities. Get over yourself and your ego because its comments like yours that turn the deaf ear of devs your way. If you actually have something of substance to contribute to the betterment of the game besides your egotistical drabble then please go forth and make mention for the devs to see. If not, get over yourself and remember to ask grandma for more hotpockets.

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And what's even better is that if what the OP says is true to the degree that he believes, it's all the more reason to let it all burn to the ground. As it would all just be so sad that no one could bare to look at it. The fact that it isn't already proves it's not the case. I do concede that that element of the playerbase exists however, it's the people who apply to their guilds.
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You've still got your nostalgia goggles on from Vanilla I'm afraid, yes you are right that raids were hard back then (see post on previous page) But cata raids really are nothing since then and most people on the server will have seen the raid within weeks.
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It is you that is wrong.


WoW caters to the hardcore, if you think casual players down the top end bosses first you are delusional.


WoW at the very top is HARD, I downed C'thun in Vanilla, server first for my zone, it was possibly the hardest thing I have ever done in a computer game, not only was it a 40 man raid but took weeks of practice.


I know endgame in WoW is STILL hard, sure they nerf the content so players further down the chain can do it but this is my point.


KEEP the highest achievers challenged and interested. Or watch them leave and slowly but surely all the others until you are just left with the diehard fans of starwars the franchise.


The Sunwell pretty much ended the whole concept of hardcore raiding in wow, they figured out that thousands of hours of programing for 1% of your players is kind of a wasted effort. Hard modes were their solution which has been demonstrated to be easier than the Vanilla end raids or Sunwell. They now tune up for the minority and just through random repetitive mechanics at them to make it "Heroic" as this keeps the 1% quiet without needing much effort. I know I feel a sense of achievement when endbosses drop but I would rather share that with more people than be one of the elite few.

If its not Hard enough for the Elite well thats unfortunate but I feels its better for the game if we all can see the whole story. If you want real challenge PVP, play aginst real people not AI's (and just so you know I'm not one of the PVP guys but I do respect the good ones) I'm very pleased with the game so far and look forward to seeing the raids, probably in about another month.

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So, I guess thats why all the MMO makers listen so closely to them. Oh...wait...


all the mmo's have got it wrong since wow, wow gets away with it because it established a large player base, **** they could turn wow into a pong game now and it would still out sub most other games.

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The Sunwell pretty much ended the whole concept of hardcore raiding in wow, they figured out that thousands of hours of programing for 1% of your players is kind of a wasted effort. Hard modes were their solution which has been demonstrated to be easier than the Vanilla end raids or Sunwell. They now tune up for the minority and just through random repetitive mechanics at them to make it "Heroic" as this keeps the 1% quiet without needing much effort. I know I feel a sense of achievement when endbosses drop but I would rather share that with more people than be one of the elite few.

If its not Hard enough for the Elite well thats unfortunate but I feels its better for the game if we all can see the whole story. If you want real challenge PVP, play aginst real people not AI's (and just so you know I'm not one of the PVP guys but I do respect the good ones) I'm very pleased with the game so far and look forward to seeing the raids, probably in about another month.


Exactly, spending all that time and money on content that only a small percentage would see and possibly beat isn't their focus anymore, it's on the majority with just ramping up the difficulty to try and appease the people that say it's too easy.

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I agree with the OP. I've played several MMOs that went crap after the devs listened to too many casual gamers. They made everything easy and all the suposedly "Rare" stuff easy to get. Kind of kills the fun in an mmo when you dont have to work for anything!
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all the mmo's have got it wrong since wow, wow gets away with it because it established a large player base, **** they could turn wow into a pong game now and it would still out sub most other games.


Well they are turning it into pokemon so I guess we'll see how that works out, if the subs rise or fall.


Edit: If their subs bounce back when the pandas and pokemon come then that settles it, the wow fanbase will buy anything blizz tells them to. Brainwashing at it's finest.

Edited by Fyuria
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I don't know who they are catering to, but I DO know that this forum makes a pretty good run at boring them to death with basically the same discussion again and again and again and again and again.

Could we all agree that high level gear can be a powerfull motivator for 'hard cores' and 'casuals' alike and move on from this kind of thread?

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