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Dress Up! What will you do to your Lana Beniko?


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I want to dump her asap. Or just flat out refuse her as a companion. I don't like her. Never liked her.

So if I HAVE to take her, I'll dress her in the most ridiculous stuff I can find and piss her off to no end with my decisions.

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You can change how the companions look, don't be ridiculous.


They don't want people with identical Lanas running around.


Be ready for not only a new Lana face but you can deck her out as the stripper she knows she wants to be


Slave/Dancer Armor!!. i have it right on my Bank waiting for Lana.

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I want to dump her asap. Or just flat out refuse her as a companion. I don't like her. Never liked her.

So if I HAVE to take her, I'll dress her in the most ridiculous stuff I can find and piss her off to no end with my decisions.


Lol this is so me.... Are we related somehow? :D ill finally have a use for all that god awful cybernetic gear they kept throwing at us... hmm what is the ugliest 1h weapon in the game...


Although im sure all the guys and guys playing female characters will dress her as skanky as possible to get their jollies & lesbian fantasies on :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I'm going to wait and see how she handles....since my Sorc will be the one using her the most (most likely)...

If she's bad she'll get left out altogether. If she's good at killing my enemies and keeping me from taking too much damage then I'll give her something decent to wear..... I mean I use Ashara and she's AMAZING as my defensive wall....a bit too good sometimes...and she isn't a tank....Khem gets me killed even when geared...so uhhhh...yeah....we'll see...Oh and it depends how good/bad she looks too....if they make her ugly I'll cover up as much as I can...if she looks human (and not like SWTOR's own Mannekin Skywalker :D ) then I might not hide her face....Though I'm NOT a fan of her voice much....so a helmet might be in order ANYWAYS...

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You mean watching them do absolutely nothing, because abilities require the proper weapons.


On companions?


We'll seem, once 4.0 rolls around, if Bioware actually thought that through and put a "weapons check" on the dressup-doll companions.


Given the utter lack of thought and imagination that went into what we know they're going to do to companion gearing, why should we expect anything like a weapons-check to be in place "at launch"?

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On companions?


We'll seem, once 4.0 rolls around, if Bioware actually thought that through and put a "weapons check" on the dressup-doll companions.


Given the utter lack of thought and imagination that went into what we know they're going to do to companion gearing, why should we expect anything like a weapons-check to be in place "at launch"?



Thanx a bloody lot, if the Devs haven't already covered that, then they will now.:mad:

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She still poorly designed, once again. Not so sure why she is so hard to make look somewhat normal. (As in nothing wrong with her. She looks weird once again.)


And some of you people seriously need to turn off your pc & get out of the house for a bit. Go sit outside & enjoy the fresh air. Realize NPCs in games aren't REAL! lol

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She still poorly designed, once again. Not so sure why she is so hard to make look somewhat normal. (As in nothing wrong with her. She looks weird once again.)


And some of you people seriously need to turn off your pc & get out of the house for a bit. Go sit outside & enjoy the fresh air. Realize NPCs in games aren't REAL! lol

I'd step outside more often, but my wife, Elara, gets mad at me if I'm not saving the galaxy. :o

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  • 1 month later...
I just figured I would necro this post so we can all have a laugh at how you can't customize the new companions. Great move Bioware.


If that's how it's staying it is an oversight as large as not making a hood toggle (and making all jedi robes with their hood up).

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