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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dress Up! What will you do to your Lana Beniko?


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In KotFE she is a marauder esq equipment style. so how will you dress her up for your alts?



Guardian: Not sure on armor, but she will rock a Cyan and Purple Saber


Juggernaught: Have her rock a full set of sith eradicator with the one inq helm to make her not have a hood with a Red and Purple saber.


Sage: Brown and Black recolor of Bastila's robes with a Greencore and Purple crystal sabers.


Sorc: Not sure on armor, but double purple sabers.




How about you guys?

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Suppose most companions will be naked. Cause gear is not needed. Which is gonna be awesome watching them use all of their abilities without weapons. Lightsabers and blasterbolts shooting out of empty hands.


You mean watching them do absolutely nothing, because abilities require the proper weapons.

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Will we be even able to change the armor/clothes of newly-designed companions like Lana? It's quite possible she may have 100% fixed look.


I truly hope not.... As as I understand, they will be like normal companions, but gear doesnt determine stats. Which means you can slap on any piece of gear and it wont make an equipment difference.

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I truly hope not.... As as I understand, they will be like normal companions, but gear doesnt determine stats. Which means you can slap on any piece of gear and it wont make an equipment difference.
Khem has prety standard proportions and could be wearing anything if they let us, but instead they went for his "canon" look. Same could happen here. Lana/Koth's new outfits are much more detailed and uniqely designed compared to vanilla companion starter gear and given all the Mass Effect influence (Lana the new Miranda), I wouldn't be shocked if Bioware wanted the official looks to prevail, at least for new team. Edited by Pietrastor
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In KotFE she is a marauder esq equipment style. so how will you dress her up for your alts?


Juggernaught: Have her rock a full set of sith eradicator with the one inq helm to make her not have a hood with a Red and Purple saber.


Which helm is this? As someone who just got the eradicator set during a recent sale, my toons are dying to know :p

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After 5 year of chasing eachother, Clothes will be the last thing on my pc & lanas mind. :p


Yea, I was going to say... What is my Shadow going to do to her? Force push her onto the bed!


Which helm is this? As someone who just got the eradicator set during a recent sale, my toons are dying to know :p


Affirmative. Inquiring minds want to know.

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Yea, I was going to say... What is my Shadow going to do to her? Force wave her onto the bed!

Sorry... Shadow is an Advanced Class for the Consular. Who has Force Wave. Not Force Push.



Anyway, I've given this a decent amount of thought. And I decided, with much deliberation...


This set.

For my Assassin, anyway. I may have my Agent give her some Agenty clothes, since she is head of Sith Intelligence. My Guardian, on the other hand... Not very sure at all! Depending on her character development. If she's as Sithy as Scourge has been, definitely keeping her in some Imperial garb. If she has a chance for redemption, I'll give her Jedi robes- and maybe dual blue sabers.

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Khem has prety standard proportions and could be wearing anything if they let us, but instead they went for his "canon" look. Same could happen here. Lana/Koth's new outfits are much more detailed and uniqely designed compared to vanilla companion starter gear and given all the Mass Effect influence (Lana the new Miranda), I wouldn't be shocked if Bioware wanted the official looks to prevail, at least for new team.


Pretty sure Khem is larger than BT3 male, and there is the issue with his neck, which is triangular. So there would be some major clipping on a lot of things.

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Definitely letting her keep the armor she starts with in KOTFE. It looks really sweet. My Nadia will be keeping her Atris set as well, suits that pale skin tone of hers. Qyzen seems to wear the Orbalisk set pretty well, a lot better than the stupid trooper set they made him lazily wear.
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I'll simply recreate a variant of the outfit she wears on Rishi. Sadly the chestplate is not available, and the Zayne Carrick is the only thing close enough. http://tor-fashion.com/zayne-carrick/ With a black/deep red dye probably.

Maybe I'll try to recreate the outfit my sorc healer wears, which is an hybrid between the Dramatic Extrovert chestplate, gloves, pants and boots, a black/dark grey dye, but with a different belt which I forgot the name because it was a purple I dropped somewhere (Maybe it was an Oricon reward or something) http://tor-fashion.com/dramatic-extrovert/


Will probably keep her as tank spec on my sorc healer aswell, on other characters I may have her go healer/dps depending if I play tank or not.


What I'm really curious about, is if there will be customizations or not. New plastic surgery Lana looks nice, but a brunette or redhead variant or simply different hair styles would be nice to see.

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Suppose most companions will be naked. Cause gear is not needed. Which is gonna be awesome watching them use all of their abilities without weapons. Lightsabers and blasterbolts shooting out of empty hands.


Have they came out with an an option to hide other players companions when they are not on your team yet?

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It'll be a mix & match armor set....most likely something similar to what most of my female companions wear now.


(The first character I plan on playing with is my male Sith warrior btw...)


Ventilated Triumvirate chest armor (with a black/red dye) and belt

Security key vendor-dancers bottoms and gloves

Reavers boots


Helmet will be hidden, and the wrist don't really matter much imo.

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