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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior


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Surprise, surprise. Look at all of the whining on the JK changes. Lol. Hey, don't get offended guys, but this is exactly what was going to happen no matter what the changes or additions are.


Nobody here has seen, much less played with the new changes, but many already know it's bad, right? They know that the new abilities suck. That the lack of more skill points is detrimental. Love how someone made the assertion that JIKs are 8 percent less powerful LOL! Right....


What do you think? Will it happen with other classes as well? You know the answer to that question.


If you are up in arms chillax. Let's play with these changes and see what it really means.

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Surprise, surprise. Look at all of the whining on the JK changes. Lol. Hey, don't get offended guys, but this is exactly what was going to happen no matter what the changes or additions are.


Please read this thread at least briefly... Almost no one offended exactly by warrior changes. Even more... Almost nobody talks about them. :rolleyes:

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Hope it is not a lung but a teleport like ability. Shadow/assassin teleports to the target and does X damage to the primary target and X/2 total damage to 5 more enemies in 5 meter radius of the primary target. In a defensive stance it will generate threat, in offensive stance it will do more damage.


Would be really cool!!!


Would rather they changed the teleport power we have now, so you can place it so many meters in front of you (like how we use Sweeping Gunfire).


Then give us a lunge :) Also, would be nice if they made Project equal to Psychokinesis, so one could pick which to use based on animation.

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I was actually hoping for a new active skill for every skill tree.


But no, Bioware Devs are lazy or underpaid (or both) as always. :mad:

1 new active for each superclass (warrior, inqui, agent, merc) and 1 new passive and pushing all the skills higher up in level. I could have done that in 5 minutes, really.


My expectations of KOTFE sunk drastically after reading those so-called "class changes". :(

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Surprise, surprise. Look at all of the whining on the JK changes. Lol. Hey, don't get offended guys, but this is exactly what was going to happen no matter what the changes or additions are.


Nobody here has seen, much less played with the new changes, but many already know it's bad, right? They know that the new abilities suck. That the lack of more skill points is detrimental. Love how someone made the assertion that JIKs are 8 percent less powerful LOL! Right....


What do you think? Will it happen with other classes as well? You know the answer to that question.


If you are up in arms chillax. Let's play with these changes and see what it really means.


+10 to this guy. So much QQ and nobody has even played it. Mad Dash is going to be hella fun.

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Surprise, surprise. Look at all of the whining on the JK changes. Lol. Hey, don't get offended guys, but this is exactly what was going to happen no matter what the changes or additions are.


Nobody here has seen, much less played with the new changes, but many already know it's bad, right? They know that the new abilities suck. That the lack of more skill points is detrimental. Love how someone made the assertion that JIKs are 8 percent less powerful LOL! Right....


What do you think? Will it happen with other classes as well? You know the answer to that question.


If you are up in arms chillax. Let's play with these changes and see what it really means.




On the plus side.. all the preemptive forum melt downs over changes nobody has yet played... IS.... predictable.


It brings the arm chair designers out of the woodwork.


Just wait until they post the other class changes. :p


All that said.. people have been melting down over class changes in MMO gaming forums ... forever. Nothing special about them wailing on SWTOR.

Edited by Andryah
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Surprise, surprise. Look at all of the whining on the JK changes. Lol. Hey, don't get offended guys, but this is exactly what was going to happen no matter what the changes or additions are.


Nobody here has seen, much less played with the new changes, but many already know it's bad, right? They know that the new abilities suck. That the lack of more skill points is detrimental. Love how someone made the assertion that JIKs are 8 percent less powerful LOL! Right....


What do you think? Will it happen with other classes as well? You know the answer to that question.


If you are up in arms chillax. Let's play with these changes and see what it really means.


What a surprise someone whining about people being unhappy with the changes.


While there is almost no chance that the devs will read this post and even less they will act on it waiting till its in game, as that will be the first chance people get to try it out will be too late for anything to be done. When even if it is discovered that its failed to meet the objectives will take months or a year to fix given their previous timetable.


It doesn't take playing the change to know that a mad 20 meter run forward will not fix the issue that its been designed to fix, that of time on target and being kited. Unless someone is between 16 and 24 meters away and standing still, an uncontrollable 20 meter run forward is not going to have the desired effect nearly as much as a force speed, teleport or even a CC break/immunity which doesn't cost a utility.


Anyone that thinks you need to play a 20 meter run forward to know what use a 20 meter run forward is going to, probably isn't going to play much end game cause they are going to keep dying cause they can't work out they need to move to avoid damage until they have taken it cause they could not work out standing in fire/explostion/purple circles of death is going ti hurt until they had played it to see what the result was of standing in it was. And if you are only going to play the 1-65 experience it probably makes no difference what happens as the leveling experience is so easy and for the majority npcs that you can stand next to and pound on like the training dummy.

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Biggest slap in the face about all this is 3 new utility and yet no EXTRA utility to play with. Does the combat team even play this game? or are the try to make things harded on specs that completely depended on ultilty tree to get back some shorta mobilty? and sacrifice everything else?


MY favorite class got brutalized marauder carnage in particular in 3.0 cause the utility tree mess and now it gonna be even worse with 3 new ulilites and no extra points to play with


Brooding ( build 30 stack fury)

Unbound (30% to predataion speed )

Expunging Camouflage ( cleanse)

Phantoms 15% movement speed that was part of defensive forms ( screw we had to drop utility yet again to get what we had)

Inescapable 3 sec root for crippling slash


Where all part carnage pre 3.0. what exactly was taken from the other specs and turned to utility s that where actual usfull?


1.Give us back Deadly Throw which had 10m range and slowed targets

2.Drop crippling slash ( rather have CD on ranged slow then waste point to get range back when we had ranged slow to being with prior to 3.0)

3.Drop Mamming reach utility

4.Drop Brazen

5.Reinstate Defensive Forms make it passive and make ALL effect available to ALL marauders.


Or would like to maybe take gore away and make the utility too? every thing that made carnage unique was torn form us and you and if that wasnt enough you reduce the gore window too.


Every class should be getting EXTRA utility point to play with which would make what did to marauders at lest bearable.


Oh and while you at it can rework old ops to be melee unfriendly like the new ops are?

Edited by Kyuuu
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If you are up in arms chillax. Let's play with these changes and see what it really means.

You don't have to play with the changes to understand that the loss of a utility point upon login is likely to impact your combat performance in a negative way.


I'm pretty "wait and see" about everything else, but having skills and utilities pushed back just to fill the space between the old level cap and the new one doesn't sit right with me.

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On the plus side.. all the preemptive forum melt downs over changes nobody has yet played... IS.... predictable.


It brings the arm chair designers out of the woodwork.


Just wait until they post the other class changes. :p


All that said.. people have been melting down over class changes in MMO gaming forums ... forever. Nothing special about them wailing on SWTOR.

Why so condescending? People have all the right to express their opinions, even :eek: unfavorable ones. If you don't like the "wailing" then don't read those silly MMO forums... and more importantly, please don't troll the customers.

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Next is Imperial Agent/Smuggler, then Bounty Hunter/Trooper, then Inquisitor/Consular!


Of course consular will be the last, the most ****ed classes always last, so we'll have less time to think on it and complain.

Blizzard did same with paladin healer.


I alrady regreat paid 3 months in advance, this pvp is crap and i do not see any change for the future. These stupid devs giving even more mobility and charge to knights. This is the work of *******.

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Biggest slap in the face about all this is 3 new utility and yet no EXTRA utility to play with. Does the combat team even play this game? or are the try to make things harded on specs that completely depended on ultilty tree to get back some shorta mobilty? and sacrifice everything else?


MY favorite class got brutalized marauder carnage in particular in 3.0 cause the utility tree mess and now it gonna be even worse with 3 new ulilites and no extra points to play with


Brooding ( build 30 stack fury)

Unbound (30% to predataion speed )

Expunging Camouflage ( cleanse)

Phantoms 15% movement speed that was part of defensive forms ( screw we had to drop utility yet again to get what we had)

Inescapable 3 sec root for crippling slash


Where all part carnage pre 3.0. what exactly was taken from the other specs and turned to utility s that where actual usfull?


1.Give us back Deadly Throw which had 10m range and slowed targets

2.Drop crippling slash ( rather have CD on ranged slow then waste point to get range back when we had ranged slow to being with prior to 3.0)

3.Drop Mamming reach utility

4.Drop Brazen

5.Reinstate Defensive Forms make it passive and make ALL effect available to ALL marauders.


Or would like to maybe take gore away and make the utility too? every thing that made carnage unique was torn form us and you and if that wasnt enough you reduce the gore window too.


Every class should be getting EXTRA utility point to play with which would make what did to marauders at lest bearable.


Oh and while you at it can rework old ops to be melee unfriendly like the new ops are?


Choice matters.

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Carnage/combat is dead since 3.0 worst spec. Just remove it. Fury is a best and will be best spec. total uncompetent by combat team. Thx for i waste 3 years of my subscribtion that never was stopped by me.


Lol wut. Carnage is one of the most viable Mara specs for Progression. Quite the opposite of Dead as most Mara/Sents I know play it as it's less clunky than Anni atm despite a slightly lower DPS.


Top Carnage Parse is #3 among Mara/Sents

Fury doesn't even come close


Fury in an DPS check situation to play is arguable the worst numbers wise.

Edited by FerkWork
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Lol wut. Carnage is one of the most viable Mara specs for Progression. Quite the opposite of Dead as most Mara/Sents I know play it as it's less clunky than Anni atm despite a slightly lower DPS.


Top Carnage Parse is #3 among Mara/Sents

Fury doesn't even come close


Fury in an DPS check situation to play is arguable the worst numbers wise.


DPS for carnage where never an issue even before 3.0, I never really like annilation, even before they messed around with it now, i like even less even if it numbers are better.



Choice matters.


It great to have choice sure not but at expense of one specific specs. and give nothing back, Almost all the utility marauders:) have where all ripped from carnage what exactly was ripped from other specs? that is actual useful or for that mater really picked? never mind the amount utility marauder have that should be baseline, no extra utility points make much worse. choose getting mobility back or new skill..

Edited by Kyuuu
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So Annihilation is still really boring to play and Blade Dance.. why? Just why? Bring back Master Strike and 2.10 Annihilation playstyle.


if by boring you mean awful? then yes.

and by boring you mean horrible disgrace in pvp, then double yes.

only viable spec is concentration and it still is worst than pretty much anything else in the game.

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Pick at least two of the following, bioware: 2 stacks of merciless slash should instantly reset force melt duration, or/and force sweep should reset the duration of cauterize, or even better, remove cauterize and apply its dot effect to force sweep; don't forget to increase its range by 2~3 meters (for anihilation only; it's the worst dot spread in the game). Maybe rework that passive that grants critical chance bonus for each juyo stack, make it grant a critical damage bonus, since it doesn't stack with zen, pretty stupid.

That would fix the specs rotation, although it still is too squishy for pvp, so more changes in the defense area please, see as follow.


Sentinel/marauder really requires an extra passive skill: remove guarded by the force or the force camouflage (tier 2) utility and make it a passive (i.e. the skill gets it automatically without needing to spend an utility point)... substitute it with another utility no one will ever use... there are so many of those that we don't even care. The root breaking hability of mad dash should be imbued in the skill, not a freaking utility that we will never use, heroic tier? HAHA.


Another thing, remove cripling slash and implement it's effect (healing penalty) on dual saber throw. Sentinel already is one of the classes with the highest number of hotkeys (skills) that need to be used in pvp, like 28, and even so it's underperforming so much when compared to classes that use only +- 20 hotkeys.

Edited by James_Mcturney
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Isn't it kinda clear that people preferred they way most of the specs played before 3.0? Why not stir the pot a little rather than stick with what people dislike? I know its nitpicky but I liked the 2.4+ zen strike much more than the 3.0 one, and combat and watchman are both so gutted its not even funny. I'm not saying go back to the way it was, but don't just keep it all the same either.
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If someone came to me and said we need something to help the warrior/knights with closing in on enemies and prevent them from kiting you all day, the first thing that would come to my mind would be, give them something like hydraulic override. Give it a more suitable name and another animation and you're done :)



Out of 20 pages of comments I have only seen 2-3 positive comments, the rest of them are negative. Even though I know not everyone is expressing their opinions here it gives you some indications on how well these new changes have met the expectations of the player base.


I personally would rather have seen the developers had spent their time on balancing the classes, listening to what the players really want, explain more clearly why some decisions are made or not made ( like why the old annihilation gameplay that everyone want won't be coming back) and make some new endgame content with well thought out mechanics rather then to focus their time on new story content.

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Blade Dance is a really stupid name, tbh.


Seriously, there is no confusion about Master Strike not being one of the "strike" moves in question. But if you really must change it, change it to something that still uses the word "Master" in it. Preferably "Master S..."


Master... Slice, Slash, Saber, Score, Scythe, Storm, etc.

Or, if not "S"...

Master... Rend, Clash, Crash, Flurry, Rush, etc

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