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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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What you guys need to keep in mind is that they are hardly going to add new game systems like player housing, pod racing, pazaak or whatever this early in the game and will rather fix whatever needs fixing and implement what they already set the grounds to, like for instance the Legacy system.


What I would really like to see is a revamp on the Costumer Sevice, that protocol droid thing isnt working. You never get a straight answer to your issue ("Your issue will be forwarded to the relevant department") and you always get the feel youre dealing with an automated message, even though there are people answering you. Add something more human to it

Edited by Furfle
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As you are aware...people are complaining. I personally think your game is amazing, but there are several people who do not like the way things are. They are not things that have to be done right away..just...polish stuff like:


Loop Music / have it come on more frequently MUST


Sitting in chairs


Mailboxes on ship


Bindpoints on ship


Being able to go to taxi places even though you havent discovered them yet


Sprint being maybe 2 levels lower at 12 or maybe when you get your Advanced Class in the fleet!


In game social events


Customizable ships. If ships are our player housing, there should be a "interior ship" vendor on all fleet stations that we can get things from and make our ship how WE want it..so it's not just Sith Warrior ship 1115584383832 lol


Space PvP


Hide cursor while dialogue cutscenes are happening


Less sharded/instances...we should all be on same planet at same time. That gives it that epic massive feel


Addon use


Macro use


Dual Speccing


High Resolution Textures. Come on..this should be number 1.


I know the customizable UI is coming..but you need to add more bars, a color palette for custom colors WE want to make it, and and "import" option for our characters


More Rewarding endgame crafting scenarios


More bug fixes on PvP


More raids



Simply do those things and keep up the work you are doing and this game will FLOURISH more than it is now. I guarantee you! Please, listen to me again like you have about many other things before. I know what I am talking about and you KNOW I do. Cmon guys, it's Sarfux here!


I know the content and raids, and warzones are coming and I know it takes time to do these things and I am not saying to do them right away. But ...this is just a list for long term so you can incorporate them asap! thanks guys



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in regards to legacy

1. let us have 16 slots per server so we can have 1 true legacy and no worries.

8 republic AC's + male/female voices.

8 sith AC's + male/female voices.

1 legacy.

1 server.

simple math.


2. if new races are coming with legacy unlocks we better not be expected to delete and reroll to get access to these unlocks. that means this can't be restricted to new character creations. we're way past that time period. the game's been out too long. we've already begone playing our alts. this means you need to add a complimentary race change for all alts that we have already spent "significant" time, levels, money, crafting already invested.


my alts are above level 25 of every AC with 400 crafting. i can't create any more characters on my server and i've only covered 1/2 of what the game offers.


i refuse to delete alts to make room on my server. and i refuse to delete and reroll to gain access to new (late) legacy features).


and to make me play on 2 servers and create 2 legacies. well that just makes a mockery of the whole concept of legacy now doesn't it.

Edited by shhfiftyfive
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clearly... clearly.... CLEARLY


i suggest bioware needs to HIRE MORE CODERS and delegate the workload, because that logically seems to be the glaringly obvious problem.


either they can't keep up with all the code that needs to be written because they're spread too thin and lack manpower... obvious because of all the simple bugs that everyone gets to experience daily. bugs that exist that were present in beta and reported months ago... bugs that are simple code errors with SIMPLE FIXES, if only the coders would take a look at them.


or they're completely incompetent.

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What you guys need to keep in mind is that they are hardly going to add new game systems like player housing, pod racing, pazaak or whatever this early in the game and will rather fix whatever needs fixing and implement what they already set the grounds to, like for instance the Legacy system.


What I would really like to see is a revamp on the Costumer Sevice, that protocol droid thing isnt working. You never get a straight answer to your issue ("Your issue will be forwarded to the relevant department") and you always get the feel youre dealing with an automated message, even though there are people answering you. Add something more human to it


I hear what your saying but i dont think many people are expecting the suggestions of pod racing, pazaak or housing to be implemented ASAP. This is after all a suggestions thread so it is suggestions of things we would like to see in the future and also things that we ned to see ASAP like fixes to existing content. :)

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Forgive my skipping most of the posts in this thread, as I'm pressed for time at the moment. If I started my own thread instead it would be titled "Lightning Brings Balance". In MY opintion (IMO), PvP faction numbers balance and Customer Satisfaction could be helped greatly by allowing Force Lightning visuals to Consulars. This could be as easy as an option in the settings alongside displaying Dark Side Corruption and whether to display your helmet or not. Just click the button and you use Force Lightning visuals instead, with possibly a small change in tooltip text necessary.


Force Lightning has been an issue for quite some time. Many people hate the object throwing and pebble shooting of the Jedi Consular. Many people LOVE the force lightning effects in the movies. Yoda himself had Force Lightning duels with both Duku and Palpatine. Now I fully understand the idea that Jedi are more in tune with their surroundings etc etc, but many people are naturally drawn to the Inquisitor just for the "cool spell effects".


If you want more people to be attracted to the Republic side for the sake of PvP balance, letting Consulars have Force Lightning as an option could help caster types not immediately be drawn to the Inquisitor. As for bugs, I've noticed that the Inquisitor Force powers seldom seem to persist or have odd effects as far as Lightning goes, as compared to running around with a stream of pebbles still shooting from empty space, but that's on MY system and I can't speak for others. Naturally, for the sake of entitlement rants, Inquisitors could be given the option to have the Consular visuals, but if the Consular visuals are just trashed, some will be offended by that as well.


Again, Yoda used it, and I wouldn't consider him to be neutral on the Light / Dark sides, so I wouldn't really want to lump it in with any upcoming middle-of-the-road / Balance Jedi / Sith features. Rather, just throw it in now, with no need for explanations. The code is already there for the Force effects for Consulars and Inquisitors. Again, the EASIEST WAY to impliment it that I can think of at the moment is to just set it as an option, just like displaying your Dark Side Corruption or even displaying your helmet.

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I see lots of good ideas... and if i wasn't so totally blown away with this game i wouldnt be wasting my time reading this.


I would like to see


a full range of IN SHIP game play


mailbox --- maybe shipping to auction house

access to all MAPS at local level with

Quests outstanding and completed for each planet

Need to change and modify fitted gear for both


One needs to have a central location for planning their activity. The Ship is the best place. You should be able to view all needed information from there. Have your companions doing there jobs of gathering and manufacturing. Then be able to mail your items to where they are needed, other players, guild members and auction house.


One should be able to plan their questing from the bridge of your ship. Isnt that how its normally done? Outstanding quest information should be readily available.


I personally have never been so consumed by the story line of a game. I actually want to go back and revisit the other guys like EVE and WOW for a better understanding of their story line.


Anyway u guys have done a great job and i know it's new but you are under the gun to catch up fast to the rest. I have played the other guys every day since their introduction, yes thats many years. But i have to admit since Dec 20, 2012 i have only logged on to check in with the other guys and spend the other 16 hrs a day right here..

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Being able to change, not only the color, but also the glossiness of my gear would mean the world to me, i.e. make parts of the outfit look like plastic, latex or chrome. The ability to sit down in a Cantina and play poker for credits (no-limit hold'em preferably) would also be a nice feat. I also like the idea of having a "home" of some sort that is decorable and where you can actually sleep on the bed, sit on the chairs etc. Finally, it would be great if one could change hairstyle and makeup at any time, for free or inexpensivly. Oh, and I'm finding it hard to live without high heels! :-P It would also be cool two players could agree to become partners, thereby activating options such as hug, kiss, hold etc. :-)
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So, I've read in a few places that the devs are planning on implementing public quests. If that's true, I think it would be awesome if we could have an SWG-style Fort Tusken area on Tattooine with corresponding public quest. One of my fondest MMO memories was of the absolute chaos that was Fort Tusken in the early days of Galaxies, and I think adding something similar to SWTOR would be an excellent homage and also a lot of fun if you could achieve something as frantic. I'd love this idea extra hard if you added some desert-themed orange gear that dropped from the bosses in said public quest.
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1. Sprint should be passive. Not a big deal. But that is kinda what I mean. A nebulous button to push. And nobody ever wants to run slower.


2. Speeder travel inside buildings. I already dislike the tedious process of Speeder path, hanger bay, ship, hanger bay, dropship, destination. I know this is in part due to reallocation of server resources. But I don't think speeder travel will affect that too much.


- Subpoint speeds should vary more for the large cost. I hate adding 10% for twice the price. I am thinking 90,120 and 150% speeds.


3. Commendations need a trade in value. Either credits (on a scale) or a trade up. I don't need Korriban Commendations anymore and it bugs me to see them in menu.


4. I am pretty sure that it is still in development, but guilds are a glorified friends list.

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Have cancelled my sub. I still have a month left, so hopefully the game improves and I can resub again.


My wishlist:


1. Customizable UI - I want Dominos for this game. I want an Auctioneer addon. The WoW UI is not perfect, but the fact that the community can mod it made it that much better.


2. Combat Log - I have no idea if what I'm doing is the best way to kill something. At all. This feature would help greatly, and along with number 1, would allow for meters.


3. Endgame PvP - Warzones are fine and all, but I can only play Huttball so many times in a row (which, by the way, is an awesome idea for a PvP battleground). Arenas, or rated battlegrounds, or anything of that ilk would offer a different way to gear up for PvP.


4. Expertise overhaul - I think the rating is a good idea, however, when you first reach level 50, if you do not have a bunch of this stat, you get steamrolled in battlegrounds. I went from having fun in Battlegrounds to feeling worthless as I died in a couple seconds to fully geared level 50s who had gotten there before me. Not really that much fun at all.


5. Combat improvements - Hitting a button and not having it do something is awful. Also, when I look at the monster I am attacking, it is very hard to tell if i have all of my debuffs up or not. The icons are all the same. The animations for special abilities are all the same. Distinctive animations allows you to keep track of what your character is doing while not being glued to the enemy health bar.


That's just a short list. I'm sure all of these things have been mentioned, but I thought I would mention them again.

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I'd say start over and make the game I thought you were going to make 3 years ago but I understand that is impossible.

At this point there is little to nothing you could possibly do to make this a great MMO. It's a stellar SPRPG but it's bottom of the barrel in the massive market IMO.


1. There is almost no community interaction.

Chat channels are dead 99% of the time aside from a few lfg for (X) heroic spam.

The very nature of your game isolates the player because they're too caught up in cut scenes all the time to bother with anyone else. Not to mention that it isn't necessary at all to group or interact with others to play the game.

Even in Heroics and FP's there's very little interaction because the difficulty is so stunted that you could do them while texting your friends and chowing a whopper and reading the newspaper simultaneously. (No I didn't actually do that before you ask)

The only community in this game is right here on the boards and that is by design not accident.


2. Dialogue *choices* aren't really choices.

It doesn't seem to matter if I'm good, bad or neutral 75% of all conversations end up playing out exactly the same. Any change I make is largely aesthetic giving me the illusion that I'm makeing a decision when in fact the outcome is identicle.(There are a few times in the main story where there is a tangible change in how the story plays out but those are few and far between.)


3. Where's the reward at the end?

Aside from a completion of the class story what are we getting for grinding our way to 50? The opportunity to reroll? PVP seems to be repetative and very broken, there's little to no player interactivity and flashpoints are fun but after doing the same few a dozen times those lose their allure.

What good is getting the best gear from raids anyway? You've got nothing to do with all that flashy swag after getting it.


All in all Bioware you made a really good iteration of KoTOR but it would have been better if you had just called this game KoTOR Infinite and stuck to the SPRPG genre because this is not a MMO by any stretch of the imagination.

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+1 for the OP for keeping this thread going , a lot of good work is being done here.


1) Experience on/off toogle


2) Heroic quests, basically an option that resets a zones quests and allows you to complete them with tiers of difficulty

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(NOTE: The following posts are consolidated from other threads in hopes they might receive more visibility here.)




One way to rapidly increase available content would be to let Guilds or Individuals use a Developer's Kit to individually construct worlds.


Worlds could start from canned templates that players could then alter in a persistant yet limited access instance available to the selected builders, essentially moving BIOWARE modeled components to create structures, NPCs and quest items inworld.


When finalized, the worlds would be submitted to Bioware for final vetting, modification or rejection. This concept would allow Guilds and other entities to:


- Bring their own vision to the world

- Offer an entirely new activity in game (building/construction)

- Facilitate social cohesion in the way city building did in SWG, except on a larger scale

- Take future "player cities" or housing off of themepark worlds to dedicated worlds

- Bring in the "sandbox" aspect to the game



If this sounds a bit like Second Life, it is. It is simply user created content. The key to allowing this to work would be that BIOWARE would pick and choose the best efforts for incorporation, much like the X-PRIZEs currently invigorating industry. This way only the best projects would get brought into world. The best part is that Bioware would get to significantly increase content at only editing costs, reusing current in world content without retasking developers working on other projects.


Personally I spent hundreds of hours simply building in SL, and would do the same here. These things tend to become labors of love and are a huge time (retention) sink.

Edited by Bonedriver
Annotate that the following Posts are repostings of 1 month of posts from other threads.
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I am enjoying the game, particularly the cut scenes. Kudo's to Ben and his animation team. There is, however, slew of things I believe would bring the characters better to life:



The ability to turn our heads and look at things goes a long way toward breaking the 'totem pole' look all the characters have at the moment. Let the heads steer to what we click on!



As we wander through the world acknowledge other players and interesting items with a brief head steer to look at them. (unless overriden by above.) Make this toggleable so those people who enjoy looking like zombies may continue their undead life. Notice the blink rate and eye movement. Much different than the current zombielike stupor the characters exhibit currently in SWTOR.




As mentioned, characters are quite dead looking and wooden. Is there any possibily to have a graphical animation control panel such as are available in Second Life ? (Animation Overriders)


AO's allow the player to add and control stances, walks, sits and generally customize their character's visual style. They bring a lot of life to the world. Otherwise known as animation control panels, AO's grant control of all animations, customizable by dropping animations into the slots for stances, sits, walks and various gestures. Afterward the player can command them instantly at will through a graphical interface.


MALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=animation+overrider&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7GGLA_en&biw=1137&bih=1109&tbm=isch&tbnid=xsmttdwvJJWSxM:&imgrefurl=https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Male-Animation-Overrider-Set-6-from-Abranimations-revised/53309&docid=_virGyWT9aGE0M&imgurl=https://d3qcduphvv2yxi.cloudfront.net/assets/3586947/lightbox/male%252520ao%252520set%2525206.jpg%253F1305837089&w=700&h=498&ei=cCokT6aGBcPVtgeb5tCZDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=358&sig=115513535771517771927&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=191&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=63&ty=74

FEMALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=animation+overrider&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7GGLA_en&biw=1137&bih=1109&tbm=isch&tbnid=txpvUYEnuvbimM:&imgrefurl=https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Female-Animation-Overrider-6-from-Abranimations-revised/53310&docid=_KiyjhQVYN077M&imgurl=https://d27fcql9yjk2c0.cloudfront.net/assets/3586934/lightbox/female%252520ao%252520set%2525206%252520extended.jpg%253F1305836940&w=700&h=498&ei=xCokT4bkB5CutwfK7_GjCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=92&vpy=453&dur=1377&hovh=189&hovw=266&tx=138&ty=119&sig=115513535771517771927&page=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=173&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0

Please give us the capability to more fully control our characters!


The avatar creation window has an excellent 'idle time' stance animation running, realistically protraying a person at standing rest. Why can't this be implemented in the game right now as opposed to the 'gorilla stance' everyone ends up in when not being moved?



Also, I'd like to see some decent facial expressions tied into this Animation controller. Right now SMILE and other facial expressions elicit only a text message which is very unsatisfying. The character models are obviously rigged for animations, including some facial expressions visible during fights and 'death.' Considering the high quality of the models shouldn't they have equally high expressiveness? There are also "AOs" for facial animations:




I realize a lot of players could care less about this, but as a roleplayer these capabilities and the ability to customize with decorative clothing and such are essential to long-term enjoyment.



LOTRO has them and they look good.



(And no...I'm not a LOTRO player but I'd love this feature.)

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