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    Gothenburg, Sweden
  1. Being able to change, not only the color, but also the glossiness of my gear would mean the world to me, i.e. make parts of the outfit look like plastic, latex or chrome. The ability to sit down in a Cantina and play poker for credits (no-limit hold'em preferably) would also be a nice feat. I also like the idea of having a "home" of some sort that is decorable and where you can actually sleep on the bed, sit on the chairs etc. Finally, it would be great if one could change hairstyle and makeup at any time, for free or inexpensivly. Oh, and I'm finding it hard to live without high heels! :-P It would also be cool two players could agree to become partners, thereby activating options such as hug, kiss, hold etc. :-)
  2. Thanks for your help. No, the Imperial outfit is completely different from the Republic one and nowhere near as hot. At the Security Key vendors that is. Good to know that it is the same as the Republic one at the social vendor. I guess I just have to grind my way up to 750 social points. With a little luck I should be be able to reach it by lvl 50 *lol*. Vette can't use it even if I find someone willing to sell them to me, if I'm not Social 2?
  3. Social 2 is a problem. I almost always solo, so Social 2 would take forever. During my first 14 levels I haven't been on a team once. Does anyone know if there is another way? Some other vendor that sells it?
  4. So I created a new character today - a Sith Warrior - which I've leveled to lvl 14. Upon reaching lvl 14 I bought the Imperial Dancer Top & Bottom for Vette, which I'm not happy with. Is it possible to use the Republic Dancer Top & Bottom on Vette, and if so where can I purchase it?
  5. She clicked on everything on the ship but never got the "The Professor" mission.
  6. Thanks. She has the ship already but so far no mission called "The Professor". Does anyone know if it's a mission you get when finishing the "When Diplomacy Fails" mission?
  7. I have already done this mission, but a friend of mine wants a new companion and I can't remember where or how I got this mission. My friend is a Jedi Consular like myself. Can anyone help?
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