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Everything posted by Bonedriver

  1. How about have the emotes actually do something, like make an expression actually happen.
  2. One option that could customize companion and player voices would be a pitch alteration using commercially available software. This would alter the voice without necessitating new voice acting. Vivox has many voice fonts that could be applied here.
  3. To answer the first poster...yes. As a pilot the rail shooter is pretty but unfulfilling. Let's fly!
  4. I find myself not able to wait to log in. Two subs in the family and no intentions of leaving anytime soon. Great job BioWare! Can't wait to see what's coming next.
  5. I love Siza's concept for Cantina minigames two posts up. Couple's dances and other interactive animations. Group vehicles on worlds.
  6. Roleplayers...the bunch that make their own game and pay BIOWARE $15 a month to do it. RPers are a CORE CONSTITUENCY.
  7. How hard is it to give a Cyrillic option anyway? If it isn't hard it should be done.
  8. ANIMATION CONTROL PANEL (Animation Overrider) Allow selection and actuation of desired stances, sits, gestures, facial animations from a minimizable graphical interface.
  9. Note... In the Second Life game an object simply has to have a 'sit' script dropped into it and tweaked to have the avatar sit on an object when 'sit on' is selected. Sitting on objects is also organic to the game if there is space to do so. This is achievable here too.
  10. (THis is a Repost from the SUGGESTION BOX thread.) I am enjoying the game, particularly the cut scenes. Kudo's to Ben and his animation team. There is, however, slew of things I believe would bring the characters better to life: HEAD STEERING The ability to turn our heads and look at things goes a long way toward breaking the 'totem pole' look all the characters have at the moment. Let the heads steer to what we click on! AVATAR ATTENTION MODEL As we wander through the world acknowledge other players and interesting items with a brief head steer to look at them. (unless overriden by above.) Make this toggleable so those people who enjoy looking like zombies may continue their undead life. Notice the blink rate and eye movement. Much different than the current zombielike stupor the characters exhibit currently in SWTOR. ANIMATION OVERRIDERs As mentioned, characters are quite dead looking and wooden. Is there any possibily to have a graphical animation control panel such as are available in Second Life ? (Animation Overriders) AO's allow the player to add and control stances, walks, sits and generally customize their character's visual style. They bring a lot of life to the world. Otherwise known as animation control panels, AO's grant control of all animations, customizable by dropping animations into the slots for stances, sits, walks and various gestures. Afterward the player can command them instantly at will through a graphical interface. MALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=anima...:0&tx=63&ty=74 FEMALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=anima...t:429,r:12,s:0 Please give us the capability to more fully control our characters! The avatar creation window has an excellent 'idle time' stance animation running, realistically protraying a person at standing rest. Why can't this be implemented in the game right now as opposed to the 'gorilla stance' everyone ends up in when not being moved? ENABLE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS Also, I'd like to see some decent facial expressions tied into this Animation controller. Right now SMILE and other facial expressions elicit only a text message which is very unsatisfying. The character models are obviously rigged for animations, including some facial expressions visible during fights and 'death.' Considering the high quality of the models shouldn't they have equally high expressiveness? There are also "AOs" for facial animations: http://www.second-man.com/new-this-w...6-12-2007.html I realize a lot of players could care less about this, but as a roleplayer these capabilities and the ability to customize with decorative clothing and such are essential to long-term enjoyment. MOODS LOTRO has them and they look good. http://lotrovault.ign.com/View.php?v...o.Detail&id=19 (And no...I'm not a LOTRO player but I'd love this feature.)
  11. I was unaware of that thread...forwarding some of this info to there.
  12. Spend a reasonable proportion of dev time developing tools and scenarios for roleplayers. Not everything in life is about combat. Roleplayers create their own world/game using the environment you as developers provide. They don't complain about endgame because there never is an endgame for them, and if the tools are there to immerse they'll stay as long as the platform is running. Don't dismiss RP because it is a 'niche'...it is a core constituency of the Star Wars IP!
  13. Functional Seating is important for Roleplay. Please see Animation Overrider above.
  14. For Roleplay its hard to understand in scene who is talking to whom. Chat bubbles fix that, but since a lot of people don't care make them toggleable.
  15. BEING IGNORED HURTS, EVEN BY A STRANGER http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-01-stranger.html January 25, 2012 (Medical Xpress) -- Feeling like you’re part of the gang is crucial to the human experience. All people get stressed out when we’re left out. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that a feeling of inclusion can come from something as simple as eye contact from a stranger. Psychologists already know that humans have to feel connected to each other to be happy. A knitting circle, a church choir, or a friendly neighbor can all feed that need for connection. Eric D. Wesselmann of Purdue University wanted to know just how small a cue could help someone feel connected. He cowrote the study with Florencia D. Cardoso of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata in Argentina, Samantha Slater of Ohio University, and Kipling D. Williams of Purdue. “Some of my coauthors have found, for example, that people have reported that they felt bothered sometimes even when a stranger hasn’t acknowledged them,” Wesselmann says. He and his authors came up with an experiment to test that. The study was carried out with the cooperation of people on campus at Purdue University. A research assistant walked along a well-populated path, picked a subject, and either met that person’s eyes, met their eyes and smiled, or looked in the direction of the person’s eyes, but past them—past an ear, for example, “looking at them as if they were air,” Wesselmann says. When the assistant had passed the person, he or she gave a thumbs-up behind the back to indicate that another experimenter should stop that person. The second experimenter asked, “Within the last minute, how disconnected do you feel from others?” People who had gotten eye contact from the research assistant, with or without a smile, felt less disconnected than people who had been looked at as if they weren’t there. “These are people that you don’t know, just walking by you, but them looking at you or giving you the air gaze—looking through you—seemed to have at least momentary effect,” Wesselmann says. Other research has found that even being ostracized by a group you want nothing to do with, like the Ku Klux Klan, can make people feel left out, so it’s not surprising that being pointedly ignored can have the same effect. “What we find so interesting about this is that now we can further speak to the power of human social connection,” Wesselmann says. “It seems to be a very strong phenomenon.” Point being if we can't even address or look at one another in our haste to get done with the quest, of course we won't be social. Give us the tools to actually let our characters behave in an animated, life-like way and WE will make the game social!
  16. Decorative and casual clothing with low armor value Non combat items
  17. I am enjoying the game, particularly the cut scenes. Kudo's to Ben and his animation team. There is, however, slew of things I believe would bring the characters better to life: HEAD STEERING The ability to turn our heads and look at things goes a long way toward breaking the 'totem pole' look all the characters have at the moment. Let the heads steer to what we click on! AVATAR ATTENTION MODEL As we wander through the world acknowledge other players and interesting items with a brief head steer to look at them. (unless overriden by above.) Make this toggleable so those people who enjoy looking like zombies may continue their undead life. Notice the blink rate and eye movement. Much different than the current zombielike stupor the characters exhibit currently in SWTOR. ANIMATION OVERRIDERs As mentioned, characters are quite dead looking and wooden. Is there any possibily to have a graphical animation control panel such as are available in Second Life ? (Animation Overriders) AO's allow the player to add and control stances, walks, sits and generally customize their character's visual style. They bring a lot of life to the world. Otherwise known as animation control panels, AO's grant control of all animations, customizable by dropping animations into the slots for stances, sits, walks and various gestures. Afterward the player can command them instantly at will through a graphical interface. MALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=animation+overrider&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7GGLA_en&biw=1137&bih=1109&tbm=isch&tbnid=xsmttdwvJJWSxM:&imgrefurl=https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Male-Animation-Overrider-Set-6-from-Abranimations-revised/53309&docid=_virGyWT9aGE0M&imgurl=https://d3qcduphvv2yxi.cloudfront.net/assets/3586947/lightbox/male%252520ao%252520set%2525206.jpg%253F1305837089&w=700&h=498&ei=cCokT6aGBcPVtgeb5tCZDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=358&sig=115513535771517771927&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=191&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=63&ty=74 FEMALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=animation+overrider&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7GGLA_en&biw=1137&bih=1109&tbm=isch&tbnid=txpvUYEnuvbimM:&imgrefurl=https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Female-Animation-Overrider-6-from-Abranimations-revised/53310&docid=_KiyjhQVYN077M&imgurl=https://d27fcql9yjk2c0.cloudfront.net/assets/3586934/lightbox/female%252520ao%252520set%2525206%252520extended.jpg%253F1305836940&w=700&h=498&ei=xCokT4bkB5CutwfK7_GjCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=92&vpy=453&dur=1377&hovh=189&hovw=266&tx=138&ty=119&sig=115513535771517771927&page=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=173&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0 Please give us the capability to more fully control our characters! The avatar creation window has an excellent 'idle time' stance animation running, realistically protraying a person at standing rest. Why can't this be implemented in the game right now as opposed to the 'gorilla stance' everyone ends up in when not being moved? ENABLE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS Also, I'd like to see some decent facial expressions tied into this Animation controller. Right now SMILE and other facial expressions elicit only a text message which is very unsatisfying. The character models are obviously rigged for animations, including some facial expressions visible during fights and 'death.' Considering the high quality of the models shouldn't they have equally high expressiveness? There are also "AOs" for facial animations: http://www.second-man.com/new-this-week-in-men%E2%80%99s-fashion-may-6-12-2007.html I realize a lot of players could care less about this, but as a roleplayer these capabilities and the ability to customize with decorative clothing and such are essential to long-term enjoyment. MOODS LOTRO has them and they look good. http://lotrovault.ign.com/View.php?view=GameInfo.Detail&id=19 (And no...I'm not a LOTRO player but I'd love this feature.)
  18. (NOTE: The following posts are consolidated from other threads in hopes they might receive more visibility here.) LET PLAYERS BUILD AND DEVELOP WORLDS through a Mod Design Kit. One way to rapidly increase available content would be to let Guilds or Individuals use a Developer's Kit to individually construct worlds. Worlds could start from canned templates that players could then alter in a persistant yet limited access instance available to the selected builders, essentially moving BIOWARE modeled components to create structures, NPCs and quest items inworld. When finalized, the worlds would be submitted to Bioware for final vetting, modification or rejection. This concept would allow Guilds and other entities to: - Bring their own vision to the world - Offer an entirely new activity in game (building/construction) - Facilitate social cohesion in the way city building did in SWG, except on a larger scale - Take future "player cities" or housing off of themepark worlds to dedicated worlds - Bring in the "sandbox" aspect to the game If this sounds a bit like Second Life, it is. It is simply user created content. The key to allowing this to work would be that BIOWARE would pick and choose the best efforts for incorporation, much like the X-PRIZEs currently invigorating industry. This way only the best projects would get brought into world. The best part is that Bioware would get to significantly increase content at only editing costs, reusing current in world content without retasking developers working on other projects. Personally I spent hundreds of hours simply building in SL, and would do the same here. These things tend to become labors of love and are a huge time (retention) sink.
  19. I agree about the fluff. I do believe that is coming in the future but obviously Bioware had to launch to start recouping some of the massive investment costs, so it's a bit like Southwest Airlines or EasyJet...basic service at first. That being said I can't see there being a complacent attitude behind this game. It will improve in big ways. Frankly I've taken my time leveling and am enjoying it.
  20. A thought on content creation... A way to increase rapidly available content would be to let Guilds or Individuals use a Developer's Kit to individually construct worlds. Worlds could start from canned templates that players could then alter in a persistant yet limited access instance, essentially moving components to create structures, NPCs and quest items inworld. When finalized, the worlds would be submitted to Bioware for final vetting, modification and or rejection. This concept would allow Guilds and other entities to: - Bring their own vision to the world - Offer an entirely new activity in game - Facilitate social cohesion in the way city building did in SWG, except on a larger scale - Take "player cities" off of themepark worlds and move them to dedicated areas - Bring in the "sandbox" aspect to the game If this sounds a bit like Second Life, it is. It is called user created content. The key to this is that only the best projects would get brought into the world. The best part is that Bioware would get to significantly increase content at only editing costs, reusing current in world content without retasking developers working on other projects. Personally I spent hundreds of hours simply building in SL, and would do the same here. These things tend to become labors of love and are a huge retention sink.
  21. Just want to say I agree, particularly for the Europeans and other distant time zones. I also have to say the game must be maintained and part of that involves downtime. People play 24/7 so when is the perfect time to shut down? The perfect time is when you're going to annoy the least amount of customers. So, what is the solution? Delayed maintenance on dedicated Europeean, Japanese, Australian servers? I don't know...that's up to Bioware. What I do know is that some poor guys are up at 2am Texas time doing this work over Red Bull and copius amounts of coffee. Thanks for the game guys. Without you SWTOR wouldn't even be a loading screen :-)
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