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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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hto key assigns for target markers, let us tanks, press keys to put up flames, or targets, or what ever we want, will help so much with saying hey stun gun, or sage/ inq you have the bolt... if you dont have to spend time clicking on your target, right clicking, then choosing assign target, then picking one.
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- Some kind of mentor/sidekick system where your buddy can become your level so you can play together even if your friend is higher or lower then yourself.


- Customisation slots where you can place old gear which can define the look of a slot while still getting the stats from the new item.


This is a great feature in EQ2 ..


You mentor your lower level friend becoming his/her level AND your friend gets a slight XP bonus. you still get a rising percentage xp dependent on the level difference.


It's a really good system

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Have the ability to deactivate and reactivate C2-N2 and 2V-R8.


Like how in ESB when Han has Leia shut-off C-3PO, be able to do the same here with your ship droids. Simply talk to them whilst on your ship, then the dialogue wheel will appear and you have the choice of turning him off. Then if you want to hear him everytime you pass him again, simply speak to him and select turning him on.


This wouldn't however affect using them for crew skills whilst off the ship or summoning him by your side.

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Alright i made two ideas. they were in a thread that died fast. I will try to make it short



1. Custom transferer. SO it makes you able to transfer armour like greenz and all that stuff into customable so you can upgrade it BUT due so you wont overuse the shop it will cost ALOT of money. SO you must think wisely if its is worth using the money for that gier piece.


2. Force illusion this is a bit like the first one just that this time its EXACTLY like wow transmog You talk to the jedi/sith mike and it will open a window that is exactly like when you open the character where you see your alignement and gear but this time only your gear is viewable! Then you put the gear you think looks is cool on the same slot (lets say helmet) Helmet on helmet et etc


I just don't want this turn into Star wars the Clone world where nearly everyone has the same armour ingame. Because there are so many cool armour pieces i just don't want to think ''Oh well these ARE cool but i have no use fo them anymore''

Hope you will like those ideas!

Edited by Totalchicken
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1.When you mail items to your alternative character, his name will not pop up as you're typing it. Also, there is no way to add your alt's name to friends, as your alt is not online.


~Suggestion: Add a possibility to suggest your alt's name when you are typing mail's address by default.



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  • MorePvP Warzone Game Types. I love what we have now but I would like to see more game types implemented as I really enjoy the PvP system in this game. Something maybe like capture the flag or the like.
  • I love teaming up with Imps on Ilum now and again to get things done. Maybe have a neutral planet where both sides are forced to work together to help each other out against some unified foe.
  • Dimishing Returns from CC skils in PvP would be greatly appreciated. The CC classes are usually in most games very powerful in pvp situations. For non CC classes its a pain to be Dazed/Mezzed/Rooted or the like 10+ in a row and very unfair for those classes. A DR system would keep the CC classes in the role they like but not hinder off the non CC classes as horribly. One game I played they had a DR system of 30s of the time to be hindered in any way was reduced in that time limit per additional attempt. Such as a Mezz would only put you down for 15s instead of 30 and if mezzed again in that timer it would reset the timer and lower it to 5s or the like.
  • I really enjoy Cosmetic Outfits in mmos to look different than the carbon copy class I may be playing at the time. Lord of the Rings Online by Turbine has a very nice Cosmetic System I think SW:TOR could utilize in some function. Obviouslly be unique to the game itself but still. You wear your armor as normal and then have a seperate panel to place on armor or straight cosmetic gear to look your own way. Lord only knows I hate looking like a Pumpkin in armor but my cosmetics show otherwise. As well it could be made that in PvP that Cosmetics cant be worn if you would want the enemy to know exactly the player they are fighting or something like that.
  • In game voice chat would be much loved. I really enjoyed this in other MMOs and find it much easyier to communicate with players if we have that. I do run Team Speak right now outside the game to talk to guildies but I hate having to minimize my game to load it up and what not. Having In Game Voice option would make PUGs alot less painful and communication alot faster for the case of myself in a Flashpoint or something.
  • Lowering the cost of the Speeder skills would be nice. They seem rather over priced for something we dont do alot. It doesnt seem to be in line with other skill costs as to why I say this. 330K for T3 Pilot skill while my other skills are maybe 10k a pop? If its intended to be this way then Ill obviouslly deal with it but still. Seems a bit excessive.
  • Im curiouse of the Legacy system mentioned right now so I will hold my comments for that later.
  • I would like to see a more User Interface customization settup for us. In LOTRO you can hit Cntrl + Back Slash to fully move your UI around as you choose. I really really hate having only 2 bars in the middle of my screen with 2 side bars. When I pvp the right bar gets covered by maps sometimes and I cant use some of my skills. I would more over rather have my hotbars in the center than to have them on the sides. Namely more bars instead of just 4.
  • I know this might be a longer shot on things and I know it would be alot for the company to pull off but to have a list of choices on voice over you can use when you make your character would be really nice and make your character a little more unique. I love the voice overs that we have now but its just a little creepy being grouped up with another Jedi Knight and we both have the exact same voice but look slightly different.


If I come up with some more ideas Ill post more.

Edited by Sonnak
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- Chat Bubbles! seriously this is an industry standard type thing.

- spacedocks right inside kass city and coruscant city, making citys social hubs.

- hero engine fixed, seriously looks flawed.

- servers seem extremely small even at high pop.

- 80% empire -> 20% Republic on each realm sucks, give republic something cool to promote play.

- Allow addons, for us end game raiders, we can't take this games end game seariously with data from number crunching or even attempt to theorycraft to minmax.

- cut scene where we push our starship droid out the airlock in space due to him being annoying.

- please fix the Galactic Market aka AH, its terrible.


I think in short the best policy imo is give us all the industry satandards and then create new things on top of that. There is no point re inventing the wheel Bioware. Why do you think that other company in Anahiem California has such a large fanbase. They gave them everything they know and love, and expanded on it. So far I love the game but would really like to see these things added, and or fixed.

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1) Companion Completed Task Notifcation "Request"

Whenever a companion returns from a task, you get a nice pop-up window displaying the fruits/rewards of their efforts. Unfortunately it currently closes every single window you have open when this happens. Crafting, trade, mail, bug reports to Devs, if it's open, it closes. Change that window so it just pops up without closing everything else.


2) Additional companion tasks suggestion

I absolutely LOVE the option to have the companion go and sell the trash/gray items. I would also like to see a command for the companion to take all resources to the ships locker and return.


3) Auto Stack for ships locker suggestion

If I'm at the storage locker, a right click currently shifts that item to the storage locker. It would be FANTASTIC if it also stacked in the locker or at least offered some means of stacking all items in the locker.

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Once a crafting schematic has been learned, identical crafting schematics should be unusable, and should read "already known" or something like that oin the item description. Otherwise you can waste massive amounts of money expending schematics for patterns you already know!
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To prevent exploiting of chests next to friendly NPCs (such lvl 12 bots farming chests on Ilum), chests need to be marked as "Republic Chest" or "Imperial Chest" so that only that one faction can use them.


For example, next to a Republic NPC is a chest. It should be marked as "Republic Chest" that only Imperials can loot. This will cut out a lot of the exploiting. It also makes sense that Imperials would be looting "Republic Chests" because Republic players shouldn't be stealing out of chests that belong to their side =P


Chests in areas where NPCs are hostile to both factions should still just be marked "chest".

Edited by uebermann
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Epic patterns need to be changed a little.


The patterns that drop in Hard Modes/Operations really ought to be BoE instead of BoP. This gives a bit more use to credits. To compensate and keep market saturation low, the drops should be random instead of guaranteed.


Its a bit harsh to have a BoP pattern that makes a BoP item. This also helps with giving credits more of a value than just for repairs and speeders.

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1.) Ship customization. For example, changing the red color of the Defender like you can change your T7-01 companion color/look.


2.) The ability to name your ship.


3.) Interactive multiplayer games aboard ships and in cantinas with remote play (think chess, checkers, dice, etc. UO had this years ago.) You can play aboard your ship and link up with an opponent sitting aboard another ship.


4.) Class-based space missions (cargo runs for smugglers, VIP escorts for troopers, etc.)


5.) Docking and taking off from guild capital ships (may already be in the pipeline.)


6.) Multiplayer space missions with free roam (with boundaries similar to Battlefield games where you have to turn around if getting too far away from the campaign or you'll exit the mission for example.)


7.) PvP dogfights (pretty much requires free roam.)


8.) Large-scale multiplayer fleet battles (disabling ships, docking/boarding, and taking over enemies' capital ships too on foot afterward.)


For the large-scale multiplayer battles and dogfights, think of features from X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Battlefront, and Battlefield 2142 (titan maps.) Imagine manning guns on your faction's capital ship to shoot down enemy players in incoming transports and their ships or boarding a transport to dock with the enemy's capital ship, getting out on foot, and hijacking it. Or getting into your ship to fight enemy players in space around the capital ships.




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Not sure if this has already been mentioned but have a system in which your companion has an inventory into which you can put items you want them to sell along with the "trash" items.


It's nice they can sell the trash items now, but I wish I could put other items into their inventory that they would sell off when I send them to sell the trash items.


I admit I am referencing how Torchlight allows you to put items into your "pets" inventory and send them back to town to sell those items. It spoiled me. it would be nice to see this feature in SWTOR.

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TL;DR version: Use Light/Dark side choices to effectively create 4 factions in Ilum and balance open world PvP.




The real solution would be to create a third faction (DAoC Style). But as we know, creating content for a third faction could take years to develop and is not a realistic fix to immediate problems. If BioWare was serious about this, start now, maybe we’ll see it in a few years.


An intermediate change could be to separate the players based on light/dark side choices. The game wouldn’t have to change until you hit Ilum. Of course the entrance would be neutral, but perhaps a separate taxi for light/dark side folks to travel to different areas.


This would in effect, create 4 factions for PvP in Ilum. Once in Ilum, there could be capture points for light/dark side folks, along with the Empire/Republic points. So, depending on which point you take, it’s possible you could be joining the other faction with the same dark/light choices in taking it down – OR - stay with your side and take down the regular faction points. Capture points should give bonuses (%5 zone damage, increased zone valor, etc…)


As a player, I obviously don’t have the numbers available to me to see how this would work out. For example, the Imperial/Republic light side vs. dark side folks. And certain mechanics would have to be introduced to allow the take of a capture point with the other faction. Perhaps, a little symbol next to the red name, displaying light/darkside… so you know you’ll get less valor (or no valor?) for killing him if he’s of the same light/dark choice. Just spitballing here…


I personally play Imperial – and if I saw a traitorous Imp player who has denounced the dark side, I would have no problem in striking him down (provided I get some valor out of it.)


Obviously this would have to be thought out a little more in the way of mechanics, who to kill, groups… But it opens up the area to less republic cowering in the corner, more battles, more objectives, more people to slay, more fun…



It would also help with the balance if you could change your light/dark side choices (perhaps through daily quests.) There would be no need to transfer or create a new character on the other faction...


Also, for players that are neutral light/dark - auto-balance based on current population.

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3.) Interactive multiplayer games aboard ships and in cantinas with remote play (think chess, checkers, dice, etc. UO had this years ago.) You can play aboard your ship and link up with an opponent sitting aboard another ship.


Just make sure you don't play against wookies.

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One thing I'd like to see: a "global friends list", like some other MMOs have.


Right now, all we have available to us is a "one-character-to-one-character" friend relationship. Your current character can be "friends" with another character.


Trouble is, this game lets us have multiple characters on any given server, and there are dozens of servers we can play on. So a given player could potentially have dozens of characters.


Now, suppose you became good friends with another player (either because you know him or her IRL or just hung out all the time in-game). Naturally, you'd want to know when that player is online. But in SWTOR, the only way to do this is to essentially ask him or her the names of ALL of that player's characters on your server, add each and every one of those characters as "friends", and do so for every one of your OWN characters. So, if a player has four characters on, say, Lord Adraas, and YOU have four of your own, you have to do the "add friend" process 4 x 4 = 16 times!!! All that for keeping in touch with ONE player on ONE server!


What if you or the other player create another new character or three? And after all that, this doesn't take into account the possibility of having friends who play on on more than one server.


A global friends list would solve this issue. Every player account would have a "global" user name or handle associated with it, completely separate from any character. (Another game I play prefaces all global names with "@" to distinguish them from character names.) Once you add someone as a "global friend", you'd be able to see when they are online and communicate with them no matter WHICH character they were playing, or WHAT server they were playing on.


Naturally, there would have to be a means to tell what global is associated with a particular character, and vice-versa, and it would be a good idea to have a way to disable this ability on your own global for the sake of privacy (along with a way to "hide" from other, specific globals).


Note that I don't think it would be a good idea to just make the existing friends list account-wide. "Global" friends are distinct from "regular" friends. "Regular" friends are simply other characters that YOUR character knows... "global" friends are PLAYERS, not characters. If your character "A" knows Joe Player's character "B", it wouldn't make sense that ALL of your characters happen to be friends with "B". Better that you have the ability to track Joe Player separately from any of his characters.

Edited by TargetOne
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