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Everything posted by uebermann

  1. I said fleet pass, not EMERGENCY fleet pass. Its 30 min cooldown on fleet pass.
  2. Its ONE minute. 60 seconds to travel from the airlock to the planet via shuttle. I think the OP should change it to include each footstep one has to take, if we are going to be so literal. ZOMG THERE'S 20,000 STEPS TO TRAVEL SOMEWHERE! edit: Oh and OP - its called Fleet Pass. Get a security key and instantly travel to the fleet or use the fleet shuttle on the planet. You're taking the long way and the complaining that its long. Dur.
  3. Have you ever paid attention to what Quick Travel is? You call in a transport ship to pick you up and take you to that location.
  4. I wish I could say you were right. Other than Goretex or whatever his name is, it seems the others really do think 60 seconds of travel time in an mmo is just too much to bear.
  5. There is no fix because there is no problem. You may be waiting a while...
  6. That horribly long 60 seconds is just too much to handle! What a horrible, tedious time sink those 60 seconds are. How do you people drive to work in the mornings? Is there a teleporter available on the market that I'm not aware of? I have a 25 min drive to and from work every day and I don't sit and whine about it constantly. And yet 1 minute travel time in an MMO is some horrible ordeal that causes people to cancel? Kids these days
  7. Would you rather stare at a black screen for 2 minutes while a planet loads? They have zone files like Everquest and WoW. Each planet is its own zone. There will be loading screens, sorry to say.
  8. Well since there isn't any issue...I guess that means you'll be leaving now?
  9. Hah you're delusional if you think that this is true by any stretch of the imagination. But hey, whatever floats your boat. If you want believe that you've "won" some kind of argument here (despite not being able to address a single point of mine in response to your questions), be my guest. No one can help your special little mind process information properly
  10. Since you asked a bunch of questions and I answered them all and you didn't disagree with what I said, it must mean that you agree. Thanks for agreeing that the system is fine the way it is. Have yourself a nice day.
  11. Its perfectly logical, you just don't get it. I can only lead you to water, I can't make you drink. I've done no such thing - this has turned into some game for you where you keep putting words in my mouth. Its trolling, essentially. I never said it would be flooded - I said it would be an issue. I see people complain about all types of things in the game. They complain about Orbital Strike being able to be used indoors by IAs, they complain that the speeders don't travel right. They complain that the shuttles used on Voss should actually be speeders or another type of transport. I've seen people complain about having paths at all. I've seen people complain about QT points. I've seen people complain about being able to use QT indoors. I can go on and on. Just because there isn't a 100 page thread on each of these doesn't mean people don't complain about them. However they understand there's something things that are going to be in the game and just live with it. Then there's those that complain about 60 seconds of their precious lives' wasted going from point A to point B. People don't complain about illogical things and don't complain about things that don't need changing? Sir, I welcome you to the interwebz. May your stay be a good one.
  12. That doesn't surprise me. No, I'm simply saying that no matter what is done, there will be complaints. Your argument is that people only complain when there is a problem. Take this issue, for example. There's two sides - those that think it sucks and those that don't have a problem with it. Lets say BW changes it so that you just appear instantly on your ship any time you feel like. Then those that don't want to travel won't complain any more and those that feel its not with the RP/story elements will complain that it is ruining the game. So now you have the same problem - people are complaning. So according to your logic here, if there are complaints, there's a problem. Maybe you understand now (though I doubt it). Actually it really is. People like to complain. People will complain about anything and everything. BW could give everyone 100,000,000 credits tomorrow and someone will complain about it not being 100,000,001 credits and someone will complain about how it will ruin the economy, and someone will complain that it should have only been 50,000,000 credits, etc etc.
  13. Except direct ground to ship transport doesn't exist in the SWTOR universe that I'm aware of so there's that. Then there's all of the missions (story and otherwise) that reside on those spaceports and in the airlock.
  14. In MMOs, people complain about every aspect of the game. There's always room for improvement but no matter how much something is improved or changed, there will always be some that don't like it. Occam's Razor doesn't apply here though. Occam's Razor says that the most simple explanation is the right one. The most simple explanation on why people complain is that people like to complain.
  15. I've already explained it and answered your questions in a previous post. You said you would await my answers. I gave them. Since you didn't have anything to say about it at all, I can only conclude that you agree with all of the points I made.
  16. Actually I think you agree with me in that it doesn't need to change at all as it is now. Because you couldn't refute anything I said in answer to your questions. Thanks for understanding and not wishing any absurd changes!
  17. Firstly, its "uebermann". It was a nickname I've used since '96 when a swiss exchange student gave it to me as a partial joke, saying I was "super manly". I don't want anyone to be mad, but the unfortunately truth is, people are always going to find something to complain about. And 60 seconds of travel time isn't worth complaining about unless its really causing a problem. So far the worst problem I've heard is "its boring". Thats not a huge problem. MMOs do typically have some boring elements and it almost always involves travel. However, the travel in this game is better than most and people are focusing on things they don't understand (aka whining). Its not. I'm talking about from airlock to planet. Its the same for pretty much everyone. The black transition screens are 5 seconds long. That is what the majority of the complaints here are about. Some people are complaining about planet load times and hey, who doesn't want shorter load times? But it was probably twice as long in beta as opposed to what it is now so I'm certainly not going to complain about the 2 minutes or so it takes to load a planet. That gives me a good opportunity to get up, grab a drink, bio, change out the laundry, whatever, and its not so long that its totally unreasonable. But I certainly wouldn't complain if they lowered the planet load times or were able to make them load instantly.
  18. Says the person that asked me to answer his questions then he refuses to acknowledge anything I've said in response. You said speeder to space ship. Not speeder, cutscene, inside space ship. Maybe you should do a better job explaining.
  19. I'm fine with people expressing their opinions. But at this point, he's called everyone that doesn't agree with him a troll. On top of that, he asked me to answer his ridiculous questions (which I did) and then ignored them all and went on about something different. Here's what I'm seeing is the problems. People hit the spacebar when doing quests and have no idea why certain things are in the game. Not my fault, no BWs fault. Then they feel like these things exist in the game for no reason whatsoever. Which isn't the case at all. Then they ask for absurd changes to the game that 100% unnecessary. And not only that but the proposed changes would take hundreds of hours for BW to address in a proper (and in an RP) manner. Again. Its 60 seconds here, people. 60 seconds to travel to the planet from the airlock. 60 seconds really shouldn't be raising this much of an issue. If it was 5, 10, 15+ minutes then yes, that would be a problem. But when I do my dailies, it takes me a total of 3 minutes a day to travel through airlocks and space docks. Considering it usually takes me about 1.5 hours (90 minutes) to do all of the dailies, its 1.67% of my time spent on this part of the game. Hardly an inconvenience worth the amount of attention its getting from people.
  20. 60 seconds of travel in game is an inconvenience? If thats the biggest inconvenience you experience in game, you should be thankful imo.
  21. You didn't say that. You've obviously not worked in the gaming industry nor are you very understanding of what kind of undertaking you are asking for here. You do realize that when you first go to these locations, there are quests in the space stations, right? You do realize that there are quests in the airlocks right? So by taking these things out, BW would have to re-work all of these quests to make them fit. After all, it would be a bit weird to hear someone on the planet talk about how you are on a space station and you have to take a shuttle down when you are already standing on the planet with no space station in site. So that means moving NPCs, completely redoing the voice-overs, and completely re-doing some quests (that take place on space stations and airlocks). The amount of time and money involved in that is ridiculous, especially when its fine the way it is. Its 60 seconds. Get over it. Hey if they want to do that for stuff going forward and have ships landing outside, thats fine. But I don't think they should take out RP elements of the game as it exists now just to make quell your crying about having to move your character through 60 seconds of space station. If they had no reason for the space stations and they existed for no reason at all, then I'd be inclined to agree changes probably need to be made. But since there are reasons for it and its already said in-game why, I think its fine. And if 60 seconds of running through a space station bother you, again, MMOs may not be for you. I think what you are really trying to say here is "if you don't agree with me, you are trolling." Sorry, not all of us have the same opinion and I have to say its pretty childish to call someone a "troll" because you don't agree with them. I don't want BW changing the RP parts of this game because you feel that 60 seconds is too much of your valuable playing time lost. If you want a game with instant transport to places using magic, there are plenty of other MMOs out there.
  22. I totally rip apart your post and this is the best you can do? Put words into my mouth? No, I wouldn't be ok with the speeder going straight to the ship unless the ship was outdoors. Again, as I asked previously, when was the last time you saw a motorcycle going through an airport terminal? If the best you can do is put words in my mouth, then it shows you have no argument other than "but I want it nooooowwwww!!!" Maybe MMOs aren't your thing.
  23. What loading screen are you talking about? Oh, wait, you aren't. You are complaining about a 5 second black transition screen. Instead of clicking on a shuttle door and instantly arriving like magic on the planet surface, they added a 5 second transition screen to "explain" the travel time. Those 5 seconds are the transition from you reaching the planet surface from the shuttle (and vice versa). So instead of having magical transporter beams like on Star Trek, they use a transition screen to explain the travel and how you got there. You've seen this in movies too. Where something happens and the screen fades and then you start at another point later on in the timeline in the movie. Like when they go to bed, the screen fades, and then you see them eating breakfast. Wouldn't it be a tad more confusing if you see them go to bed and then suddenly they are sitting at the breakfast table? You'd be like "hey wait, how did they get there...?" Which is why they use transition screens in movies so you know what happened (them sleeping) instead of watching a movie where every sleep scene lasted 8 hours as you watched them sleep and do nothing all night long in bed. The real problem here is that you are wanting everything now instead of being patient. You are complaining about a total of SIXTY SECONDS of travel in a game. 1 minute! Its one freaking minute of travel! And you're trying to convince me that its some huge inconvenience that I have to travel through an RP element of a game for 1 minute? Sorry, I'm not buying into it. At all. This pretty much proves you spacebar through everything. Speeder points are areas in which your character is going out to progress the story and/or help NPCs in the areas with problems they are having. Its a camp. How are speeder points RP elements? Well lets look at our own military in the real world. Do you think they just travel aimlessly in the desert or woods and don't go to bases or camps for assignments? Or do you think when they are going from point A to point B, they travel to the bases in between? Its not exactly a mystery why there are camps that we travel to. Firstly, you didn't see them using toilets in the movies either. But again, its transitions. You don't see people using bathrooms in the movies usually either. Or sleeping. Or even eating. Or doing any of the normal boring daily activities (driving to work, filing reports, etc). Same in TV shows, books, etc But we know people are doing these things - its just not part of the story to see/do it. When was the last time you saw someone riding a motorcycle through an airport? Now, I'd be all for being able to be dropped down into an outdoors camp from your ship (As opposed to having to land at the space dock) and having one of your companions flying it back up into space and then using something to call it back down and have them pick you up when outside. And if BW wants to go that route, I'd be fine with it. But I'm not ok with just removing parts of the game because people feel that they are seriously losing out on life by "wasting" a whole 60 seconds traveling in an MMO.
  24. You are the one wanting to ignore RP elements and the atmosphere of the game and you are calling US trolls? Oh I see, because you can't understand something and you want something different, that makes US the trolls. Riiiiiight.
  25. If you want to AFK for a minute or two for something, you can do it when you load the zone OR when you take a speeder somewhere. Its not like you have to be in front of your computer for the entire process of going from ship to mission hub.
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