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Allow us to romace Vaylin (or at least have a torrid affair with her), or else...


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Unless Bioware suddenly makes them not count in the story and thus not exist, never show up. Just because they were romanceable and thus better left ignored. .. . poof :rak_02:


But the logic. 5 years. and they vanished?? Oh come on.


It's more a comment on people's head canon's for their character. They're perfectly willing to come up with all these things, but the minute they're out of in game content, the relationship is suddenly gone. :p "Yeah, sure, I JUST married them, but since there's nothing left, they've ignored me!"


Where's the head canon that says you've been doing stuff and the game just hasn't supported it yet? Especially since, when they finally do show up in the story, they'll act like things were going on.


Now, with the 5 year gap and no wife/husband around, it'll be totally different, but then for the NPC five years have gone by and they think you're gone. Your character on the other hand will have felt like less time has gone by and just moved on. :p

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I want to know why all the male companions who are romanceable are complete sleezeballs.


What do you mean? What is the difference between romanceable male companions and the other companions? I don't see any difference, at least in "sleezeballness".

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What do you mean? What is the difference between romanceable male companions and the other companions? I don't see any difference, at least in "sleezeballness".


The ones I've noticed so far are Doc, Tharan Cedrax. First thing they say to me is a cheesy line and I'm a Jedi. It's already hard to consider having a relationship with anyone because I'm a Jedi but its especially hard when the first flirt they drop is horrendous.


I noticed a lot of the male player flirt options are pretty sleazy sometimes as well, some of the stuff I tried before cancelling on my BH with Mako was so awkward.

Edited by LordRaeth
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The ones I've noticed so far are Doc, Tharan Cedrax. First thing they say to me is a cheesy line and I'm a Jedi. It's already hard to consider having a relationship with anyone because I'm a Jedi but its especially hard when the first flirt they drop is horrendous.


I noticed a lot of the male player flirt options are pretty sleazy sometimes as well, some of the stuff I tried before cancelling on my BH with Mako was so awkward.


Look past the cheesy writing?

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The ones I've noticed so far are Doc, Tharan Cedrax. First thing they say to me is a cheesy line and I'm a Jedi. It's already hard to consider having a relationship with anyone because I'm a Jedi but its especially hard when the first flirt they drop is horrendous.


I noticed a lot of the male player flirt options are pretty sleazy sometimes as well, some of the stuff I tried before cancelling on my BH with Mako was so awkward.


There are some really good ones, when the man doesn't pose as a macho or trying too hard (I'm rating the writing of the romances, characters aside because they are mostly, sadly, not so good.)

Agent-Temple works well.

Warrior-Vette is not all that cringeworthy.

Inquisitor-Ashara is also good written.


Everything coming out of smugglers mouth is dirty and sleazy, same goes for most male companion romances - again, sadly - I just can't stand most of them.


Female companions and female characters also leave much to be desired because most of them hear a cheesy line and totally buy it: "ooohhh, stop it you tease!" :jawa_redface:


So if Vaylin ever hears a flirt option from us I hope she instantly pushes a lighsaber through our face.

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It's more a comment on people's head canon's for their character. They're perfectly willing to come up with all these things, but the minute they're out of in game content, the relationship is suddenly gone. :p "Yeah, sure, I JUST married them, but since there's nothing left, they've ignored me!"


Where's the head canon that says you've been doing stuff and the game just hasn't supported it yet? Especially since, when they finally do show up in the story, they'll act like things were going on.


Now, with the 5 year gap and no wife/husband around, it'll be totally different, but then for the NPC five years have gone by and they think you're gone. Your character on the other hand will have felt like less time has gone by and just moved on. :p


To be honest, devs could have coded a set of repeating conversations with romanceable companions, with options to Kiss, Fade to Black, etc, no new voicework required, or some repeated VO line. Or have more of the "LI gift mails" go out, again with some generic line of text, and randomized gift.


These things would have helped greatly to maintain the story of the romance still going on. Oh, and added check to Lana/Theron flirts, where current LI would "greatly disapprove" if present.

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  • 6 months later...
Why is it that any remotely attractive/strong female NPC "MUST BE A ROMANCE OR AT LEAST BEDDABLE!"


Why is it that any remotely interesting NPC in general has at least a few people demanding that said NPC be torn away from whatever actual important thing they're doing, and follow the player character around aimlessly, fetching ingots or artifacts, and working in the craft shop? "I know you have an Empire to save, Darth Marr, but I think you should come be be my bodyguard and errand-boy instead."


I'd have a better use for Marr than that :D If the boys get that thing...er..Vaylin...then I want a way to have Marr join me from the afterlife. I do adore me some Marr :D


Or have Scourge be a romance. I love him too. I think I need help, lol.


I just don't get the attraction to Vaylin...I like her clothes...but that's about it. I don't like her voice or face or anything. I have to agree with Damask_Rose about her appearance. Even 'coke' habit Lana is prettier. But then I guess to each their own, some might not 'get' my Scourge crush either lol.

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Its the presence and voice he has... makes you notice, pay attention, and wonder...


Still grumpy they let Vaylin have hair under her hood instead of giving her the hood=bald treatment they give PCs though...


Although i imagine there would be less "Let me boink Vaylin or else!" Demands from the guys if they gave her the V'ger treatment... :D



V'ger treatment lol. That's awesome. I always think that too, whenever I try on a hooded armor and my hair vanishes. It's awful, I wonder couldn't they find a way to let us have hair under it...Mind you Persis Khambatta was very pretty, even without hair.


But Darth Marr...aye, it's the voice and presence...and he wears his armour well. <3 <3 :o

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I think it's high time for some male force user romances :)


Agreed! Why is every romanceable Force user a woman??


I'd have a better use for Marr than that :D If the boys get that thing...er..Vaylin...then I want a way to have Marr join me from the afterlife. I do adore me some Marr :D


Or have Scourge be a romance. I love him too. I think I need help, lol.


You're not alone. ;)

Edited by Tamyn
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Agreed! Why is every romanceable Force user a woman??




You're not alone. ;)



Thank you, I feel better knowing that. ^^ And yes, us ladies do require an awesome force user for a romance, we don't have one. Someone with authority would be awesome :D

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i don't think it should really be allowed, but if it is, i'd certainly never take it.


it'd be ridiculously creepy, considering she's mentally a child. not just figuratively, she is literally mentally a child. she's locked into her childhood state mentally, it happened when valkorion locked her power away.

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Ummm...what? She's not mentally a child. She's unhinged after being released from the shackles that held back her power and she revels in taking out her rage over what was done to her on anyone that catches her attention. Children don't murder people because they dislike odd numbers. She's also playing a long game with Arcann, setting him up for the fall.


She is all kind of scaryhot, which is attractive, but I wouldn't expect to survive the encounter. Kind of like the game-ender romance you can opt into with the Asari sex vampire in ME. Fun until she sucks out your soul and snaps you in half. But hey, maybe the unstable murder-witch persona is just an act to protect herself and she's really a nice person.

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nothing has said that the lock on her mind is gone now. if it was, all that build up from senya about her moving things while in the womb and such, wouldn't really have played out. she's weaker than even senya... it's kinda pathetic.


also, more evidence she's still locked, she's childish thorough the whole story so far. she's behaved like a sociopathic child that kills animals. also "you've got a crush on me." more juvenile behavior.

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Given Senya beats her with such ease the idea that Vaylin is some powerful force user is a bit of a joke. Vaylin had the eternal fleet, drops ships, Knights and sky troopers so pretty much the best the Eternal Empire has against a crew from one of their ships who hate Senya backing her up. Yet some how Senya wins with ease all the while conflicted about killing her own daughter.


In a way it can be down to incredibly bad writing, where the scene is set and then because its no longer convenient for the story the established rules, established by the same writers are then ignored. Leading to the question why establish those rules in the first place if they were not going to be followed. Such writing almost always then turns to magic did it or the gods interviewed or the force did it when much like when children write a story they paint themselves into a corner and realize they screwed up and now have to get out of it.


Much of the story appears to be going down this route, no doubt the knights will remain loyal to a person that has just had them kill the other half. An eternal fleet that is over 1000 years old that the Sith Emperor found and didn't deploy in his war and no one knows anything about. Or why the emperor favoured Zakuul in the first place and how much this makes the Jedi Knight or Counselors stories just seem odd. Seriously everything they faced was a distraction while his true focus was on Zakuul. That needs to be explained.

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Senya is a better sword fighter and incredibly powerful in her own right. Vaylin is essentially untrained with regards to her Force abilities, since she hasn't had access to them for most of her life. She can use a saber, but she's not a master. Raw power doesn't just equal instant win in a sword duel. The first time Anakin, the vergence in the Force with more raw potential than Yoda, fought an experienced Force user and swordmaster, Dooku cut his arm off.


Then again, Vaylin has demonstrated massive tk abilities that Anakin never did. She blew apart the blast door that Lana struggled just holding open. She casually ripped a power reactor in half and threw it the length of a city block. For whatever reason (writer fiat), neither Sith nor Jedi npcs ever just try to outright TK kill each other during confrontations. No brain stirs. No heart squeezes. No snapping off someone's head like a marshmallow peep or tearing them limb from limb. If Vaylin was actually allowed to use her massive TK in combat, and had she truly wanted to kill her mother, she might have turned Senya into chunky salsa.


On the other hand, Lana, who struggles holding open a door in one scene, lifts an entire battlecruiser in another, but only if Senya helps her. The implication being Senya is doing the lion's share of the lifting. We can ignore the PC in that scene, since the ship rises whether the PC is a Force user and contributing or not. So, Senya should have crazy TK power too, but she never actually uses it to kill in combat. Similar tk power between mother and daughter might cancel out when fighting.

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