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August Livestream Wrap-up


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Wow. No gear scaling with companions, it's just automatic? They each can be any role? Talk about dumbing down the game... ffs


It's funny how people associate QoL changes as dumbing down. I see it as an improvement. Now I can play with a companion I like having around rather than being stuck with one who is in a role I need but don't primarily like.

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It's funny how people associate QoL changes as dumbing down. I see it as an improvement. Now I can play with a companion I like having around rather than being stuck with one who is in a role I need but don't primarily like.


been running dps the last 4 planets...get to a point where need a healing companion? well TOO BAD your healing companion still in original gear and heals about as much as your self heal.


oh need a tank instead, well your tank either isn't available yet, or is in starter gear and is one shot by just about everything hows THEM apples.


yeah, its a good thing. Spend coms on ME not on my companions.

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you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look

I want Scourge to be wearing sith gear. It has, up until now, been all but impossible to get sith gear that looks sithy on Scourge. Are we finally going to be able to make our companions look how we want them to look, rather than restricted to the way you want them to look?

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I had a question of companions and it's a bit silly. I put my Vectorkins in a Covert top for some yummy man-chest aesthetic appeal for my weary battle-worn eyes... Yet when i enter Cut-scenes my eyes are assaulted with some random, (probably his starter?), top assaulting my eyes. I was wondering if there will ever be a fix so luscious man-chest will visit my stories with me , instead of the chaos that is that rag that shows? (HE's shirtless in some cutscenes and while running around, but in like say, romance cutscenes, theres a shirt...this is all ... for science)




(IN LESS RIDICULOUS SENSE) Will covert armor be able to be viewable in cutscenes on companions ever? :) thank you for your time! :)

Edited by GamerPanda
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Sorry but if you are going to say "we are all about the story" that is the guiding light. This is little more than a cop out imo. basically "omg people complained they won't be able to play with their fovorite companion" lets break the 4th wall. I get that from deadpool, I thought better of BW.


You're just being contrarian simply because you are looking for something to complain about. You do not need to take the companions out if you want to immerse yourself in the story and the narrative as it has been written. The option to use old companions is there for those who can't live without companion <x> on their team, so just deal with it.


Sheesh, are you some special snowflake to whom BW is supposed to cater to at the cost of punishing those players who might miss specific companions? You get your immersion by simply ignoring the option to summon old companions, while people who desperately want companion <x> back can enjoy their company.


It's really win-win for everyone (unless you're just one of those people who likes complaining about everything in general).

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Question: will the new KotFE companions (such as Lana) get customization kits, like our current companions have?


We already have a bunch of Mako/Kira/Quinn/etc running around with identical appearances, even with companions being class specific and having customization kits available. With every class having access to the same new KotFE companions, I'd hate to not have any ability to change their physical appearances, even if only to tweak minor things such as hairstyle and skin color.

Edited by Gwena
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Hk-51 barely speaks less than 10 lines as it is throughout the game man. He's just a skin they threw in there mostly. I doubt it. We will need to get our hands on HK-55 to get some of that good old HK-47 banter we desperately wanted.


You obviously have never leveled with HK. He comments often on all but the starter worlds, when entering new areas.

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Wow. No gear scaling with companions, it's just automatic? They each can be any role? Talk about dumbing down the game... ffs


It was always a needless complexity, given you have 5 or more companions to deal with.


This change is good IMO. It is a QoL change.

Edited by Andryah
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See, this whole "spoiler" thing I don't really get. Because Dragon Age released information about their companions, advisors, and new LIs for Inquisition without getting into spoilers. One of those companions being part of a MASSIVE spoiler in the game. So, yeah, not understanding that part. Some do not want to know about the story, a certain companion/NPC is involved in for KotFE, they just want to know if they are coming back.


Now as for my question....


1. Can I recruit any of the non-story companions for my character? For example, can my smuggler recruit Vette?


2. The "one night stand" companions such as

Lt Pierce

will those characters remember that "almost" romance?


3. Excluding HK, Ship Droid, and Treek, we can have five companions currently. In KotFE, will be able to have more than five?

Edited by Amadahy
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It's funny how people associate QoL changes as dumbing down. I see it as an improvement. Now I can play with a companion I like having around rather than being stuck with one who is in a role I need but don't primarily like.


So many game mechanics are dumbed down in the name of QoL though. Oh was that too hard or time consuming for you? No worries, we'll just do it for you so you don't have to worry about these pesky stats and builds stuff, just play the story. Companions in RPGs have always been like that, particularly BW rpgs.

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I had a question of companions and it's a bit silly. I put my Vectorkins in a Covert top for some yummy man-chest aesthetic appeal for my weary battle-worn eyes... Yet when i enter Cut-scenes my eyes are assaulted with some random, (probably his starter?), top assaulting my eyes. I was wondering if there will ever be a fix so luscious man-chest will visit my stories with me , instead of the chaos that is that rag that shows?



(IN LESS RIDICULOUS SENSE) Will covert armor be able to be viewable in cutscenes on companions ever? :) thank you for your time! :)


I think he's considered female for outfits. I tried a relaxed jumpsuit on him and got the the same breast covering as one of my female characters.

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been running dps the last 4 planets...get to a point where need a healing companion? well TOO BAD your healing companion still in original gear and heals about as much as your self heal.


oh need a tank instead, well your tank either isn't available yet, or is in starter gear and is one shot by just about everything hows THEM apples.


yeah, its a good thing. Spend coms on ME not on my companions.


Crafting will take a big hit from this though with less need for crafted mods etc. but that's possibly another topic which I might go raise in the appropriate section. :D

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It was always a needless complexity, given you have 5 or more companions to deal with.


This change is good IMO. It is a QoL change.


if i remember at one time in beta or alpha companion had no role. so i like noow they put kill or send away option back in be good to go.

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I agree to be honest. If some companions do not actually rejoin our team within the STORY, then the gameplay option is just bizarre. They should've just blocked those who don't trully return to our squad.


They should have taken the effort to put some of them back in right away.

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Crafting will take a big hit from this though with less need for crafted mods etc. but that's possibly another topic which I might go raise in the appropriate section. :D

Relax MeNa, you'll just whale on more Cartel stuff on GTN and regain your trillions :rak_01:

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What does "outside of the story chapters" mean - are they unavailable for use in any KotFE areas? Will they have dialogue and/or react to choices if they are available in some areas?


Edit (for clarification): I'm asking what "remaining accessible to you outside of the story chapters" actually means in practical terms. Do they react to choices you make in areas they are allowed in? Do they have location-based commentary like on Makeb or Rishi/Yavin? Or are they mute and gameplay-only?




Will we get actual dialogue with romanced companions that reflects the relationship?


I think they mean as in they act as if they are not there, they are only there gameplay wise.

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Hey folks!


As mentioned before, he is a quick wrap-up of what was discussed on the livestream earlier this evening. First off, you can watch the archived version of the stream yourself, right here (part 1) (part 2).


We opened by showing the intro to Chapter 3, along with playing through portions of it to highlight some key choices that can be made, new environments, etc. After that we took on some of the more commonly asked questions around Companions in Knights of the Fallen Empire. Here they are:


What happens to my existing Companions in KotFE?

When Fallen Empire launches, all of your existing Companions remain accessible to you outside of the story Chapters. In the KotFE story there is a specific cast of characters that is a part of that ongoing storyline.


Is there more combat customization for Companions?

Absolutely, in fact every Companion can now choose any role you choose at any time; healer, tank, or DPS.


How does gear come into play here?

Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)


What about all of that Affection I farmed for my Companions?

We haven't forgotten the relationships you've built; the affection you earned will not be lost and the relationships you built will continue to be relevant.


If you have more Companion questions, feel free to ask them in this thread. We will work to answer them throughout the rest of the week. Keep in mind of course that we will not answer spoilery questions. Finally, we ended the stream with a video clip from Chapter 1 of Fallen Empire which shows an important decision made around one of the character's Companions. Sparing any spoilers, check out the archive for the clip.




Does this mean we can't gear our companions in PvP gear anymore for open world PvP?

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  1. Will gift mechanics for companions be altered in KOTFE?
    With the transition from affection to influence, will gifts for companions work the same in KotFE as they do now? If not could we get brief rundown on what role, if any, gifts will have?
  2. At what point in Game Update 4.0 will influence system start?
    Will influence system replace current affection system for all characters in game update 4.0, regardless of level? Or will current affection system be used until the player character starts KotFE story?

Edited by Char_Ell
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For Lana, it says permanent companion, but they also said something about that companions may leave you if you do actions they don't approve of or whatnot. Does that mean as a light side Sith that Lana may often not agree with my actions and leave?
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